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Updated Feb 26
Updated Feb 26

Meet your Posher, Meg

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Meg. Some of my favorite things are anything goddess! Looking for a little of everything. Thanks
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posh_with_angie Hi meg. I see you liked a necklace. I have a promotion right now. 3 pieces of jewelry for $25. If interested browse my closet. It’s a great deal. Thank you and hope you have a great day.
Feb 28Reply
hunted_gathered Hi Meg! I think you can cancel your order for the first two items (I haven’t shipped yet, outta town!) and then remake the bundle including the amber earrings! Hopefully that works!
Mar 02Reply
megholmes19 @hunted_gathered hey, so I contacted customer support to cancel transaction - I’m going to send you an offer ( please do not accept ) to add to my 1st order- once the cancellation has gone thur, you can ship all together, thanks so much
Mar 02Reply
megholmes19 If you disagree with the 2 order offer we can figure it out once 1 st order is cancelled? Thanks again :)
Mar 02Reply
megholmes19 @hunted_gathered please see next 2 reply’s- forgot to tag you
Mar 02Reply
hunted_gathered @megholmes19 I’m sorry! I was confused, I declined the offer on the earrings and Buddha! Let’s wait til the 1rst order is cancelled and go from there!
Mar 02Reply
megholmes19 @hunted_gathered that’s ok, so am I. I’ll let you know ASAP when I hear from customer support, take care and thanks again
Mar 02Reply
hunted_gathered @megholmes19 Hello! Noticed you’ve made an offer, does that mean the other order was cancelled? Or are you going ahead with a separate purchase? No worries either way :)
Mar 04Reply
megholmes19 @hunted_gathered I haven’t heard anything yet- I guess I’ll have to pay twice for shipping- if can can wait until tomorrow to see if anything’s comes thur, that would be wonderful! I can message you in the morning :)
Mar 04Reply
mandy496 Hi. ! Welcome. I noticed you liked a few of my items. Bundle and make me an offer!🤗
Mar 07Reply
gemify Thank you for visiting my closet! Saw you made a bundle. I sent an offer if you are still interested! Happy poshing!
Mar 08Reply
accentricity Hi - thanks for visiting my closet; I see you put one item in a bundle - if you add 2 more items, I'll offer you a great discount. Elaina
Mar 09Reply
pascalesimard Hi I’m Pascale; Welcome to Poshmark🛍 I hope you enjoy the app,grab some great bargains, make a lot of sales & have fun! I encourage you to read all Poshmark Guidelines & Etiquettes, so much good information to get your Closet moving. 😊Thanks for the Follow. 🎉Happy Poshing & Sharing🎉 Pascale Simard 👑 Poshmark Ambassador
Mar 12Reply
issaimports Hi which item are you interested in? Sorry I just saw you created a bundle in my closet. Let me know thank you :)
Mar 18Reply
slavoie911 Hi Meg, You just bought my 2 Desigual sweaters, Sorry about that, but ai can’t go to the post office, du is in a drug store. The delay it’s so long. You understand with the covid19 virus, it’s hard to get out the house. I you want to cancel you are free or wait 2-3 weeks. Thanks and sorry again Sonia
Mar 29Reply
megholmes19 @slavoie911 thanks for letting me know
Mar 29Reply
megholmes19 @slavoie911 ok so I just sent a message to them to cancel- sorry about that and thank you for letting me know
Mar 29Reply
megholmes19 @slavoie911 and if they can not do it that way- we just have to wait 10 days for me to cancel on my end
Mar 29Reply
slavoie911 @megholmes19 as you wish!!! We check with the développement of the virus.
Mar 29Reply
megholmes19 @slavoie911 I mean if you are ok waiting until this all passes to ship out, that’s fine by me. I’d like to shirts and I can wait- what do you think about that?
Mar 29Reply
slavoie911 @megholmes19 ok don’t worry, I keep you in touch!
Mar 29Reply
scruffy1310 Hi Meg. Thank you for checking out and shopping my closet. Unfortunately I am firm on prices on my items as they are already priced very competitively. If you check other listings on Poshmark, you will see this. They are all in excellent condition as I used them mostly as display items. Hope you understand. Thanks again for shopping my closet. :)
Mar 29Reply
megholmes19 @scruffy1310 thanks for the meaaage
Mar 29Reply
megholmes19 Message
Mar 29Reply
lizblackwell3 Hey there, thanks for your order (fly boots and 2 tops)! There’s still some room in the box, if there’s anything more of my $7 items you like just let me know and I will throw them in for FREE. Probably can do 2 more items without going over weight limit. Liz :)
Apr 03Reply
megholmes19 @lizblackwell3 WOW! Thank you so much!! I do have my eye on the Jones Blue Merino Sweater and the Catherine Malandrino linen top! :) If that’s ok?? Again thank you!!!!
Apr 03Reply
lizblackwell3 @megholmes19 they fit! No problem, I have too much stuff, lol. Not sure if you saw but am only shipping Wednesdays now to cut back on COVID19 exposure. Hope that works. Liz
Apr 03Reply
megholmes19 @lizblackwell3 wonderful!! Thanks again, and no worries on delivering on Wednesday, totally understand! Take care and much appreciated:)
Apr 03Reply
22margaret @megholmes19 hi Meg...thanks for purchasing from my closet...I will get it packaged up and mailed early next week. I'm limiting the amount I'm mailing packages these days due to exposure issues. Thanks for being patient and keep well...enjoy the rest of ur weekend🌼🛍️
Apr 05Reply
22margaret @megholmes19 I also noticed u liked the blush and bronzer listing, if ur still interested, I'd be happy to come up with a better deal to include those in ur packages, we'd just cancel this order and make a new bundle before I send ur package out. Let me know, no pressure of course hun 🌼
Apr 05Reply
thelustreluxe Hi Meg, I’m Katie @lootbeauty. I see you have great style and favourited 2 items from my closet. I would love to offer you an incredible opportunity. If you bundle the 2 Himalayan Gems items - moonstone necklace & Aquamarine Ring I would gladly offer both for a total of 175.00 plus free shipping. They are new and never been worn and in need of a good home. Thank you kindly for considering this offer. Regards, Katie
Apr 05Reply
colicad Hi Meg, I thank you very much for your purchase! I have sent your products this morning. You will love them! :) Thank you for your purchase! As a small business I support my customers and I can reduce my prices a bit but not over a certain amount because I cannot go under my cost. I am always there for my customers and my friends. I wish you the best during this hard period of time for all of us. Nathalie, from Colicad.
Apr 06Reply
megholmes19 @slavoie911 hello- so the time frame to mail out is over tomorrow, I think. Should I wait for you to mail ( do you think you’ll be able too )?? Or should I cancel? I’m ok to wait a little while longer, but thought I’d touch base with you :)
Apr 08Reply
slavoie911 @megholmes19 hello, don’t worry, the sweater are near my door. When it’s time I write you an e-mail, and at this time let me know. Thanks and sorry about the inconvenience .
Apr 08Reply
megholmes19 @slavoie911 thanks and no worries :)
Apr 09Reply
lizblackwell3 @megholmes19 hey just shipped your items, but the blue Jones sweater did end up just tipping it over the max weight so I replaced with the green tunic that I saw you Liked. Sorry about that! 🤪
Apr 09Reply
megholmes19 @lizblackwell3 that’s totally fine! Thank you
Apr 09Reply
merlekb Hi Meg', Welcome ho Poshmark and thank you for liking my closet. I am now following you too. What ever your reason for being here(buying or selling) I hope you have fun and much success. Happy Poshing!
Apr 09Reply
thelustreluxe Hey Megan I accept your offer. Poshmark indicated your payment info needs to be updated. Got your message No problem to pay for it later today. As long as you don’t cancel as I have it listed on another site for much more and a buyer. I will take the listing down and reserve the ring for you Katie
Apr 09Reply
megholmes19 @lootbeauty thank you for the massage and for holding the ring until this afternoon! I’ll update and send payment ASAP :)
Apr 09Reply
katiekatbc Thank you 🤗 for your purchases Meg😊 Katie
Apr 11Reply
beautystore2020 Hi Beauty lover 💟 I am Simona, Posh Ambassador. Please come to visit my closet! You'll find a lot of hair/skincare/makeup products on sale!Save at least 15%off when you bundle! Happy poshing 💕
Apr 13Reply
katiekatbc Hi there. Hope your Easter weekend was great. I'll be shipping today now that they are open lol. It's super sunny and nice here in Vancouver. Wishing you health and wellness. Katie 🤗
Apr 13Reply
colicad Hi Meg, tks a lot for your 5*, it is really appreciated! 🙂⚘
Apr 15Reply
scruffy1310 Hi Meg! Hope you’re doing well. Just wanted to give you an update regarding your order. I dropped it off in one of the red mailbox on April 7th and it’s still not showing any tracking information. I’m hoping it hasn’t been lost. I’m very sorry for the delay and greatly appreciate your patience. I’ve reported it to PM support as shipped but not tracking sometime last week. Hope it will be on its way to you soon. Let me know if you have any concerns or questions. Take care and stay well.
Apr 17Reply
megholmes19 @scruffy1310 thank you so much for the update- o hope it’s not lost. Take care
Apr 17Reply
scruffy1310 @megholmes19 hi Meg! It looks like the package has finally been processed and started tracking. Hopefully it will reach you soon enough. I’m very sorry for the delay. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and stay well!
Apr 19Reply
mglogan11 Hi just wanted to let you know that I will be putting your package in the mail tomorrow. With everything going on I need to be a bit strategic getting to the post office.
Apr 19Reply
megholmes19 @mglogan11 no problem at all! No rush
Apr 19Reply
acookie96 Hey Meg! Feel free to check out my closet! If you find an item that you like please don’t hesitate to make an offer or purchase as well as show some love by hitting the like button! Happy shopping and stay safe :)
Apr 21Reply
slavoie911 @megholmes19 hello, I’m ready to ship if you still interested !!
May 04Reply
acookie96 Hi Meg, I know I made you an offer on the evening purse, however, I just lowered the price of the purse as well. Please feel free to purchase the purse while disregarding the offer as the listed price has been reduced ☺️
May 05Reply
sweetashani Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I accepted your final offer for the makeup case however it said there was a payment issue :( most likely I think you have to update your payment information? If you are still interested please feel free to send me the offer again!
May 11Reply
dcalquisada Hi Meg welcome to Poshmark, Enjoy the journey of buying ,selling and browsing other unique closets. Wish u speedy sales. Be happy, healthy, kind and be safe.
May 26Reply
opal_d Hi! Thank you for liking my items. You can bundle them together to save. All the best!
May 27Reply
ave_mc Thanks for visiting my closet. Happy Poshing!! :)
Jun 08Reply
moonsilkk Hi @megholmes19 You liked my intuitive bundle o 2 new decks (1 tarot deck from Salem and an oracle deck with a Goddess Nyx theme.) I believe you are interested in astrology/the goddess archetypes maybe based on your avatar? I also have a Goddess Astrology Report (15 to 20 pages) right now that analyzes 4 of the goddess archetypes as they fall in your chart & also Chiron, the legendary healer. I have a special on right now where you can get any item up to $10 for free with a $50 (see next msg)
Jun 25Reply
moonsilkk (2nd msg) at-listed-price purchase (before shipping) but if you'd like, I'd be willing to take $10 off the price of the report and include it at the discounted price with the order if you preferred that. If you order by eary tomorrow, I can have it in the mail to you tomorrow afternoon. Have a great day! :)
Jun 25Reply
sunitagupta @moonsilkk Hey welcome to poshmark are you interested in makeup than check out my closet maybe you might find something you like and feel free to make any offer on any item in my closet and have a wonderful day 😊😊😊
Sep 04Reply
heybigspender99 Hey girl! I wanted to invite you to come and check out my closet! I have big boot sales, fall jacket sales and lots more like Aritzia, Lululemon, Calvin Klein, Steve Madden, The North Face and more. Bundle 3 items and save 10% plus a shipping discount! Take care😊
Sep 15Reply
meghomie Hi! Another Meg Holmes🙂 Nice to meet you!
Oct 01Reply
megholmes19 @meghomie I love your name! Nice to meet you too :)
Oct 01Reply
ladysativa2 Thanks so much for your order! I will be shipping out tomorrow ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌛🌕🌜
Oct 04Reply
ladysativa2 Hi❤️❤️❤️thank you so much for the rating ! It means so much to me! I’m so glad you enjoy the items 💋
Oct 07Reply
stephxalex Hi Meg! I see that you put an offer on my boots. If you replace the offer for $95 (less than your original offer) I will accept and the boots are yours! I made a mistake on the app. Thank you!
Nov 09Reply
stephxalex Hey! Bump^^
Nov 16Reply
boua67 Hello Meg, this is Astrid from who you bought two bracelets and a ring, love your posher picture, i love everything Mother Nature creates and gives us....i knew i had bought the earrings and rings to go with the bracelets with little diamonds, found the rings but couldn’t find the earrings,i posted them not for sale, even if the rings are different sizes i
Nov 30Reply
boua67 Wore the one on the left a couple of times, without the bracelets, i am a lefty and wear bracelets on my left wrist, since i wrote so much, i didn’t wear any....depending on your finger size, mine was between 6 1/2-7....they are very comfy....i posted them not for sale waiting to find the earrings,so edited my post this morning, the price is for all four,if interested just give me a wink if not i will change my post,thank you so very much for shopping in my closet!
Nov 30Reply
amandamacrae34 @megholmes19 hey Meg have u received the item I see it stopped tracking. I messaged Poshmark about this.
Dec 02Reply
megholmes19 @amandamacrae34 hey! I have not. Still waiting. On my end it says it’s in Halifax.... I reached out to Poshmark last night but have not heard back yet
Dec 02Reply
megholmes19 And that message if from Nov 19th
Dec 02Reply
amandamacrae34 @megholmes19 yes still saying Halifax . I heard back and said if we don't see movement by the 5th for me to contact them errrr
Dec 03Reply
megholmes19 @amandamacrae34 thanks for the heads up. Let’s hope it’s not lost...
Dec 03Reply
megholmes19 @amandamacrae34 I see it’s in BC now! Woohoo!
Dec 04Reply
amandamacrae34 @megholmes19 I know right . yaaaaaa 😆
Dec 04Reply
amandamacrae34 @megholmes19 yaaa you should have it today 🤗
Dec 07Reply
pretty_and_cute Hiii! Please come take a peek at my closet when you have some time! 🤗🤗🤗 Hopefully you find some items you like! Please let me know if you have any questions! 🥰🥰🥰 Happy Poshmarking!
Dec 27Reply
makeup_lover79 For the books and other item, I can do a new offer at 50+ 9.99 shipping
Jan 23Reply
megholmes19 @makeup_lover79 thanks but I’m going to pass an the books at the moment-sending you a new offer
Jan 23Reply
stephxalex Hey Meg! You put on offer on my boots a while ago. I was wondering if you’d be open to resubmitting an offer, I’m prepared to go to as little as $70 (purchased for $250+ originally!! But really need the space). Let me know :) thanks!
Feb 05Reply
mika2565 Hi! I wanted to invite you to check out my closet. I will offer you at least 15% off on any item you like or more if you make a bundle. I also offer free add-on items. . I accept 99% of the offers that are sent to me. Thanks :). Be happy, be healthy happy poshings! All the best to you :)
Feb 24Reply
ldub95 hi meg, i make custom malas as well if you’re interested🤍 please reach out if you have any questions
Mar 27Reply
scak I revised the listing for the Senegence lipsense products. If still interested let me know. (One gloss) if you buy 6 in total. I have 2 Glosses available to sell. Many Eyeshadows as well.
Apr 22Reply
n_wilson39 Hello, You recently just bought 4 items from me. I wanted to let you know that the black jumper had a white mark on the back of the leg. I just washed it and just noted it did not come out. I wanted it to be fresh and just saw it. If you no longer want it let me know. Or you could just cover it up with a black sharpie! :). Thanks.
May 06Reply
megholmes19 @n_wilson39 it’s all good! Yes please send. Thank you for letting me know
May 07Reply
cmayrand @megholmes19 Thanks for the 5 stars review. I hope everything made it in good condition to you.
Jun 10Reply
tseringpalmo Hi Meg Thank you for liking my items. if you are still interested please bundle them and I will be happy to send you a offer. thanks again.
Jun 20Reply
pamarcher80 not sure where to leave a message but I've left 3 plz let me know if u got any of them .. ty
Jul 07Reply
megholmes19 @pamarcher80 hello I’m trying to message you but I think you’ve blocked me?
Jul 07Reply
megholmes19 @pamarcher80 I bought these and then accidentally cancelled so then I purchased again immediately. Hope that helps?
Jul 07Reply
megholmes19 I can cancel tho if you’d like to sell to someone else, just let me know, take care and thank you
Jul 07Reply
megholmes19 And sorry for late reply, I haven’t been near my phone all day 😁
Jul 07Reply
megholmes19 @pamarcher80 I can not seen to comment on bundle or tag you properly so I’m hoping this helps? I understand you have others that are interested and I am sorry for the confusion. Please let me know the out come of this purchase, thank you
Jul 07Reply
pamela_coco hi Meg:) I notice you like some items from my closet ☺I created a bit of a bundle for you but feel free to decline and mix and match whichever items you choose and make an offer. thanks for checking out my page 🙌🌻
Jul 11Reply
bittersweetsoul Hey Meg, thanks for your purchase I will get these out to you either tomorrow or next day. Enjoy the rest of your day!
Aug 16Reply
tseringpalmo Hi Meg i noticed that you liked couple of rings from my closet if you are still interested add to bundle and i will send you a special offer. thanks have a wonderful evening.
Sep 06Reply
jessietucker22 Thanks for checking out my closet Meg! Feel free to bundle your likes I’ll send you a great offer 😉😉
Sep 13Reply
justlindapgbc just dropped your ring off at the local post office
Sep 19Reply
sharcra hey just wanted to welcome you to Poshmark! I'm sure you have alot of people stopping by to say 👋. just wanted to let you know I have over 570 active listings wide variety of brand Names. Patricia Nash Leather tooled bag Coach Cole Haan Calvin Klein Ugg Lululemon Gymshark Converse anthropologie well-made ect.... come and check out whenever
Nov 15Reply
modaboutique170 Hi Meg, I’m inviting you to drop by and check out my closet browse around for yourself and or for someone on your gifting list. Bundle and save on pricing and shipping fees, accepting reasonable offers. Feel free to contact me with any questions, accepting reasonable offers 🙂🛍
Jan 04Reply
trioletn Thanks Meg for your purchase. Your package will be in the mail tomorrow.
Mar 15Reply
sunbearbaby Hi Meg! Thank you so much for your Likes and visiting my closet! Poshmark is offering cheaper shipping today!! Yay!! If your interested in Bundling your Likes, today is a good day with cheaper shipping! Thx! 💕💕
Apr 02Reply
sunbearbaby ….and, I forgot to mention that I will give you a discount as well. 💕💕
Apr 02Reply
sunbearbaby Hi Meg! Thank you for your offer! I’d like to change my offer to $32, is that ok? 💕
Apr 02Reply
sunbearbaby Hi - Thank you so much for your purchase! I will deliver it to the post office ASAP ! Thx! 💕💕
Apr 02Reply
sunbearbaby Hi Meg! Thought I’d let you know that Poshmark is offering cheaper shipping today! In case you want to take advantage of that for any of your Likes. Take care! 💕💕
Apr 08Reply
wyldechylde00 hey girl, tks for your purchase...will make sure it goes out first thing with Monday's mail:)
Apr 09Reply
vsanaa Hey there 😊 I see you like few items from my closet please feel free to add it in the bundle Ill send you an offer 😊
Apr 10Reply
vsanaa Just sent you an awesome offer! Check it out 😀
Apr 11Reply
rachel_finds Hey!! I noticed you liked some listings and I wanted to let you know that I have some similar things:) Feel free to check out my closet, and I’d love to give you a great deal☺️☺️
Apr 15Reply
smoston Hi Meg! Thanks so much for your purchase. I will ship out your items tomorrow afternoon:) Have a wonderful night 🌙 💕✌️
Apr 22Reply
wyldechylde00 hi there could you please accept your order from me..thanks
Apr 23Reply
megholmes19 @wyldechylde00 good morning- just check my mail box and accepted your package😁 thanks again
Apr 23Reply
wyldechylde00 @megholmes19 oh thank you SO much you're a doll! I jus wanted to make sure it had gotten there safe and sound! hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and that you love your new makeup!🥰
Apr 23Reply
carlyjacobson1 Hi Meg! Come check out my closet! If you find something you’re interested in, I’m always open to offers! Happy poshing! 🛍
May 09Reply
vwmorincanada Hi Meg, would you like me to create a Bundle offer for 3 things you liked in my closet? Please let me know. Thanks and have a happy long weekend, Vicki
May 22Reply
vwmorincanada Hi again, I sent you an offer on the bundle you created - I hope the price suits you, please let me know if you had a different price in mind? Thanks, Vicki
May 22Reply
sunitagupta Hey. Are you a fan of makeup? Than check out my closet!!
Sep 02Reply
jmazeppa Thankyou for your purchase I’ll get it mailed out first thing Thursday morning ❤️
Oct 05Reply
justgold123 Hi, thanks for your likes. If you create a bundle I will send you an offer. Thanks!
Oct 09Reply
katherinecchu @megholmes19 Dear thanks for your interest in my gold hoop earrings. Would you like to check if you like another jewelry from my page to take advantage of 💛2 for $45 ? FYI you can also place the order on my site(link in bio) for 💰15% off + FREE letter mail shipping. Cheers!💗
Oct 25Reply
moonlighting23 Thanks for following and checking out my closet. I noticed that you liked a few items. If ever you're interested in a purchase, please feel free to make an offer anytime. I'll either accept or counter with my best offer. 🙂 Have a nice night!
Nov 16Reply
posh_sm hi there! i mistook your offer for someone else. I have accepted the offer/sent you your original one! I'm headed to the post office today to mail another sale. Please let me know if you want the products. thank you!
Nov 25Reply
torontoboutique Hi Meg I made you an Offer however if you are seriously interested in purchasing then I can add your other likes and make you an offer but you need to decline the current offer in order for me to bd able to make a new offer. Thank you for your interest.
Dec 04Reply
bellachic2 @megholmes19 Sent you an offer on your bundle! Let me know if you have any questions
Dec 22Reply
vitaminy Hi, I accept another offer by mistake. If you still want to buy it. Do you mind make a new offer again? I can offer you better price.
Jan 12Reply
effibabe Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈 Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate 🙏🙏🥺🥺
Jan 17Reply
iouliasokolova Thank you very much for visiting my closet 😀 If you would like to consider purchasing those items please send me an offer I can't refuse 😉. ❤ 😊 Have a great day and happy Poshing 😊
Feb 03Reply
dorysship Hii Love check out my closet if you’re interested in Brand new skincare or makeup products! 😆 Have a great weekend💗
Apr 15Reply
boujeebeautyy Friday June 2nd at 6pm I'm having my first posh auction!! Hope to see you there
Jun 01Reply
janetbratberg Hi. My name is Janet and I am a Poshmark ambassador. Please take a peek at my small closet. I carry a variety of preloved items such as Cleo,  Talbots, J. Crew, Nine West, American Eagle...Old Navy, vintage Puma sneakers and various styles of ladies shoes and sandals. Stunning sleeveless ruffled neck Italian top⚘ Vintage leather jewelery display boxes. Vintage velvet boxes . 😊 Just added vintage/retro necklaces Monk & Lou dress too. If you have any questions about my closet, please, just ask.
Jul 26Reply
sandradenkt Hey! Bundle up and save big time! 😃 An offer is always welcome! Happy poshing!💫
Jul 26Reply
abgirl68 Hi, Thanks for your recent visit and your interest in a couple items in my closet. If you are still interested in these items, send me a reasonable offer and I will accept. Enjoy your day. 😊
Aug 02Reply
janetbratberg Hi again. My small closet has lots of just added items. LISETTE L pants,Cleo,  Talbots American Eagle, Gap, Monk & Lou and Old Navy.  Various styles of ladies shoes and sandals. Nine West...COACH⚘ 💕Barbie PINK  vintage leather Liz Claiborne small shoulder bag💕 Vintage jewelery display boxes. S925 stacking ring. Handmade totes and bags If you have any questions about my small closet, please, just ask.
Oct 09Reply
janetbratberg Bueno just added for winter vacation🏖
Oct 12Reply
teresa55poshmar Been to your town in the 70s! Love the murals. Enjoy Poshmark. I do!
Nov 29Reply
janetbratberg Merry Christmas. Just added a great NWT KNIX bandeau swim top to my listings in XL+. Please take a peak at my closet.
Dec 25Reply
alexandranew873 I’m so happy I found you ! I wanted to thank you so much for your kindness and generosity you showed this evening and for giving me your prize that you won and such a beautiful welcome to crystals with a crystal that came straight from the heart! ❤️ I really appreciate you doing this I think it’s one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me!! You definitely brought me a lot of light today in a pretty dark time in my life ♥️♥️
Jan 10Reply
alexandranew873 ♥️thank you ! Can’t wait to join the show next week ! Happy new year and may this year bring you health and happiness!! Xoxox
Jan 10Reply
miss_dahliamoon Hi Meg! Thank you for visiting my closet. I saw you liked an item & I do offer 15% off 3 or more items bundled if you happen to have your eye on anything else. I always do my very best to make every buying experience an amazing one 🖤
Jan 28Reply
janetbratberg Hi. 🛍I just listed a NWT Knix LUXE LIFT PULLOVER bra Size L. So please come have a look at my closet. Lots of items just added from my personal closet. It's CLOSET CLEAROUT DAY so perhaps you can benefit on shipping. Thanks and enjoy your day.🌻
Feb 25Reply
poshchiccloset Welcome! Nice to Meet You Fellow Posher, Meg. Wonderful photos! Thanks for the ❤️ in my closet. Lovely choice! I have sent you an offer for your consideration. Feel free to ask me or any Posher questions. You will find a friendly community and a learning curve! Happy Poshing!
Apr 11Reply
rfrans 🌟I wanted to let my followers know today I am having a Blowout Sale of ALL items listed in the House category- 50% off! YES 50% off!! Put your bundles together and message me. I will create a special listing so you can take advantage of Closet Clear out Day and discounted shipping from Poshmark 🛍️📚😊 Free shipping on orders over $100
Apr 21Reply
enonam Hey- check out my Poshmark store front for all things shoes, tops, accessories and dresses. Also open to reasonable offers. Happy shopping!
May 07Reply
noreen_racine Hello Meg, I see you like the cardigan in my closet I can offer it to you for $20. If you would like
May 13Reply
posherstyles Hi Just letting all 14 Likers of this Awesome Ring I am willing today only to drop price to 85 (ya I know it's insane...) but wanting to clear out my jewelry. and since it's closet clear out you will get major shipping discount as well. Let me know if that is if interest for me to do this for you. cheers!!!!
Jul 14Reply
posherstyles Hi Just letting all 17 Likers of this Awesome Diamond Ring I am willing today only to drop price to 125 (ya I know it's insane...) but wanting to clear out my jewelry. and since it's closet clear out you will get major shipping discount as well. Let me know if that is if interest for me to do this for you. cheers!!!!
Jul 14Reply
curated_by_ray Good evening Meg, thank you for your interest in the lovely Rebecca Minkoff tote. Please feel free to make an offer at your leisure on this beauty. All offers are welcomed and appreciated, perfect and just in time for the Fall season ahead. Thank you and have a fabulous rest of the night!
Sep 22Reply

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Last Active: Mar 06

Chemainus, BC
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Last Active: Mar 06

Chemainus, BC
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