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Updated May 01
Updated May 01

Meet your Posher, Mhyn

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mhyn. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, MAC Cosmetics, and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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la_palma_blu Welcome to Poshmark!
May 01Reply
adysegundo Welcome to Poshmark!
May 01Reply
ajcook50 Welcome to Poshmark! I'm so happy you decided to join this amazing community. I'm a posh mentor so feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need anything anytime! @ajcook50
May 01Reply
garbello Hi! Welcome to Poshmark, I am a Poshmark mentor and top rated seller. Let me know if have any questions! In the meantime, make sure to follow me and check out my closet. Happy Poshing! :)
May 01Reply
ady67 Welcome to Poshmark! wish you the best!
May 01Reply
smccain2 Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to ask any questions and I'll be happy to help! :)
May 01Reply
meg1793 Welcome to Poshmark! Let's make some money together!
May 01Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are so many closets on Posh, but I would love for you to check out mine! Thank you, have a great day! :-)
May 01Reply
bbunny420 Hey girlfriend thanks for checking out my closet ❣️ bundle 2+ items save 15%!! I also accept reasonable offers, my prices aren't firm just suggestions, trying to downsize to move across the country. I'd love to hook you up w a amazing deal. Lemme know if you have any questions ❣️ happy shopping 😽😽 🖤 •B
May 16Reply
nydiastewart66 Hi, thank you for visiting my closet and making a purchase. I will have your items out today for you. 😊🌸🌺
May 27Reply
nydiastewart66 Hi @Tanmhyn20 thank you for your purchase on your second bundle purses . I'm going to pack a pair of your shoes from the first bundle in with the purses, I think the shoe bundle is over weight, so you will be saving me money from upgrading the label. Thank you so much for your purchase. Will get them out to you asap
May 27Reply
nydiastewart66 @Tanmhyn20 your boxes are packed up and ready to go. I put the red shoes from your shoe bundle in the box with your 3 purses. You'll be receiving 2 boxes. Thank you again for visiting my closet
May 27Reply
sebq Isn't the brass steeple cute. So different. If I can answer any questions please just ask. Thank you 😊
Jun 11Reply
allin420 Pick something one of your likes of course not the Coach purse lol ! but other than that and I will send it with private discount I sent you .plus I make earrings so let me know what you like and I will send you three pair because you'll end up having three different orders.
Jun 13Reply
allin420 Also if there's anything you're looking for, interested in let me know because I literally have 5 million things I haven't put up yet🙃
Jun 13Reply
tanmhyn20 The gap purse.the one that i like
Jun 13Reply
allin420 Hey just want to make sure everything was OK with your purchase let me know if you like everything thanks
Jun 17Reply
tanmhyn20 @allin420 evetything was ok.sis .the rest i pay that when i come back coz im going to san francisco for a week.thanks
Jun 17Reply
allin420 @tanmhyn20 I was wondering because you didn't accept your order? if you want me to put something on hold let me know I will . I was trying to tell you last time that you could have just got one shipping label you wouldn't have had to pay for shipping twice. I'm sorry about that .so next time pick something out on me because I feel bad.
Jun 17Reply
totsie28 Thank u ;-)
Jun 29Reply
nosadda_m Hi hun i just accepted your offer but i just wanted 2 make sure you knew the watch needed a battery. If you want 2 change your mind & cancel & purchase the shirt ill b glad 2 do so but if your fine with it ill ship out tuesday. thanks for stopping by my closet & purchasing.
Oct 09Reply
tailored_taste Thank you for the likes :) have a great weekend!
Oct 19Reply
wifeoftj Thank you for purchasing my jeans and jacket. I am out of town for the holiday, but will ship as soon as I get back. Thank you!
Nov 22Reply
tbarnes75 If you Bundle all Your likes, I’ll do free ship! Sale ends Friday night! Thanks for looking Hun! Much love! ❤️
Nov 24Reply
poshieeeseller Hi, sorry I had to cancel your purchase, I left it out for usps to pick up with another package in my apartment building, but as I was passing through the lobby I saw the package was missing. Not sure if someone mistakenly took it or if it was stolen, but it isn't in the mail drop section of the lobby anymore. 😅
Nov 27Reply
josiah85 Hi! Nice to meet you! Thanks for your likes, I gave you an offer on your bundle, if you like you can bundle all your likes to get upto40% off all the items when you bundle. Like that you save on shipping and the price I will give you will be WORTH IT! 😚😘
Dec 04Reply
valley_giirl24 Hi. Im sorry, Due to the fires I haven't been out much because the air quality is really bad. I will ship your items before the weekend.
Dec 07Reply
abcorder123 @tanmhyn20 hello Did u receive The bags order ? It says delivered
Dec 29Reply
tanmhyn20 Yes.yesterday thanks
Dec 29Reply
jazz72 @tanmhyn20 @jazz72@tanmhyn20 Hi there😊, I just countered your offer on the B & B & the Kate Spade ear plugs . Do you like Hello Kitty things? I have this really adorable mini back pack phone carrier brand new never used. If you’d like to see it I will post it .
Jan 07Reply
tanmhyn20 Ok let me see that
Jan 07Reply
spearmeg000 One of the items on your bundle was sold while I was sleeping, sorry! If you’re still interested in the other item, let me know! I’m trying to get rid of everything for a new inventory
Jan 11Reply
spearmeg000 There is only two items available in the bundle you just made an offer on. Do you still want them?
Jan 11Reply
amoc2001 hey Mynh! I just got two brand new better than sex large deluxe size mascaras from Too Faced. I saw you (and a million others!) were interested and maybe you'd like to add to bundle for a better discount? Just an FYI no pressure at all!
Jan 12Reply
shop_liascloset Hi!! Just wanted to let you know that I'll be sending the makeup kit on Tuesday since there won't be any mail services tomorrow due to the Martin Luther King holiday 😃
Jan 15Reply
sweetcarolinenp @tanmhyn20 Hey, if you’d like to bundle (more than one item),, I offer 25-30% discount. Let me know.
Jan 17Reply
blckpicktfnce THANK YOU!!! Thanks so much for the ❤ in my closet! Bundle all the items you ❤ & I'll send you an offer we both will ❤! My closet is known for FREE GIFTS w/ bundles & unique recycled ONE OF A KIND "Thank You" cards!
Jan 28Reply
sheneisha29 Welcome to poshmark
Jan 30Reply
mjbp ❤️❤️❤️welcome to Poshmark ❤️❤️❤️enjoy ur time ❤️❤️❤️I invite u to visit my closet great prices sales ❤️❤️❤️happy valentines ❤️❤️❤️@mjbp
Feb 11Reply
sheneisha29 Welcome to poshmark
Feb 19Reply
pampena Hello, I noticed that you liked this item, if you make a bundle of 3 or more, I can give you a 50% discount. I just wanted to make sure you know about this special. Happy Poshing.
Apr 03Reply
moonwind75 Hi Myhn! Thank you for all the "Likes"! If you "Bundle" them, I can give you 15% off plus save you on shipping because I can ship them all together and only charge you shipping once. Let me know if I can assist you. Thanks again for visiting my closet. HAPPY POSHING! - de
Apr 15Reply
ranya7 Hi beautiful. I saw that you liked few items from my closet. Bundle them and I will send you amazing offer 😉
Apr 22Reply
kayaev Feel free to make me an offer on the purse or create a bundle and I'll give you a better discount! :)
Apr 30Reply
gerib1952 Welcome to posh have fun shopping for amazing clothing and accessories
May 10Reply
pmangus Thank you for the like on the Beach Inc colorful blouse! Let me know if you have any questions and welcome to Poshmark! Wanted to let you know that I offer discounts of 10% off when 2 or more items are bundled together.👍Have a great night!🌸
Jun 04Reply
pmangus Thank you for the like on the colorful watch and blouse! Let me know if you have any questions and welcome to Poshmark! Wanted to let you know that I offer discounts of 10% off when 2 or more items are bundled together.👍Have a blessed day!🌸
Jun 04Reply
rockintherack Hello darlin ty for ur like 😍👍🏼make me an offer and I accept and can ship it out today👍🏼👁👁💕💕💕💕💕😘
Jun 15Reply
gerib1952 Thank you for the purchase I would get it out to you first thing Monday have a wonderful weekend
Jun 16Reply
javagirl0017 Did you receive your order? It’s says delivered and pending acceptance... If so Hope you liked them 😊
Jun 23Reply
bobbysixtythree If you bundle more than one item I will send you a private offer ✨
Jul 05Reply
bobbysixtythree Sorry but those items are already on sale —
Jul 05Reply
rockintherack Why not bundle ur likes for discounted shipping 😘🇺🇸😘🇺🇸👁👁💕💕
Jul 05Reply
niiesanisshop Thank you! ❤️
Jul 15Reply
kellyjean59 Hello thanks for the likes! I am closing my shop if you'd like to make a bundle I can give you a really good deal :-) happy poshing
Jul 15Reply
kellyjean59 Thanks for the offer I will be throwing in the pink Crystal earrings you like as well :-)
Jul 15Reply
kellyjean59 If you cancel your offer and put the pink earrings in it I will take it all for $13
Jul 15Reply
kellyjean59 I am throwing in an extra pair of sterling silver earrings. As well as the pink Crystal ones. I hope you enjoy. I am closing my shop and need to get rid of everything. I would appreciate it if you could tell your friends. Thank you so much
Jul 15Reply
sball001 I saw where you liked a bunch of items from my closet. I do offer a 10% off discount on all bundles of three or more items. I do accept some offers as well. Thanks for liking my closet!
Jul 29Reply
pelicansperch Thank you for your like. Just letting you know I’m having a buy one get one free sale! Thanks for looking
Jul 30Reply
hamasters50 Here r the steps to change where thw orders sent: I will ship out tomo on my lunch break FYI- Since the order is unshipped u may change the address directly from the order page Step 1: Go to your Account Tab Step 2: Select My Purchases Step 3: Select the unshipped order to update your shipping address on Step 4: press the Edit button by ur Shipping Address info Step 5: Enter ur new shipping address & Submit Once u have updated ur address on the order page the seller will receive the new label
Aug 21Reply
hamasters50 I will be dropping these off on my lunch in about one hour- just an FYI I have not yet received the updated shipping label.
Aug 21Reply
hamasters50 I waited for you to message me back- I have not yet been received the new shipping label so I will have to mail it tomorrow with the one originally provided....
Aug 22Reply
pampena Hi, I see you just liked one or more of my items, I just wanted to make sure you know of the special I am running, if you bundle 3 or more items from my closet, I will send you a 50% discount off the bundle, or if you just want the item, send me a offer and I will be happy to accept or counter it....No pressure just wanted to give you the best deal....Happy Poshing 😊
Aug 24Reply
ugodan Hi make a bundle on your likes i will give you a deal
Aug 27Reply
sizzlecat Hi Mhyn! So sorry but another posher purchased the skirted leggings! Happy to sell you the shampoo bar though for a great price :)
Sep 25Reply
adry_love Thank you for your purchase 😊 it will be shipped out tomorrow 👍
Sep 30Reply
boutique_mars Thanks so much for your bundle purchase! I will ship it tomorrow. 💕
Oct 02Reply
bargain0101 @tanmhyn20 Hi Mhyn! Thanks for the like. You can create a bundle and I will give you a good deal.
Oct 22Reply
allyrio Hi there and thank you for your likes😀🌺🌸I sent some discounts your way for each item, but if you bundle I will do 2 for $15 for you!!!🌸🌺🌸
Nov 24Reply
jcptrades Thank you for likes
Nov 26Reply
jcptrades Thank you so much for buying from my closet . Wishing you a merry Christmas and happy new year. Judy
Dec 24Reply
msmonroe612662 Thank you for all of the likes 🌸🌸
Jan 11Reply
feda2424 Hi there, thank you for checking out my closet and liking ❤️ please let me know if you have any questions 🌹
Jan 28Reply
brit_caceres Hi Mhyn 🤗 Thanks for checking out my closet! Let me know if you have any questions, offers are welcome 🌸 See something else you like? Bundle 2+ for 10% off, 3+ for 15%!!
Feb 04Reply
inspire_style Hello! Hope your posh experience has been going great 😊 If you'd like to check out my closet, I have brands like PINK, LOFT, Tommy Hilfiger, Lucky Brand, Lilly Pulitzer, Converse, Kate Spade and more! Happy poshing 🛍️🤗
Feb 16Reply
soelca Hi Mhyn, Thank you for visiting my closet. I appreciate your like on the beautiful embroidered shoes. Here to answer any questions soelca
Feb 16Reply
sarahsgrace Thank you so much for your like! Always open to offers!💕💕
Mar 31Reply
island_sos 💐 Hi Mhyn, 👋 I'm here to Sprinkle you with Posh confetti. Open up my Closet, and take a peek. It's got a wide range of items, styles and sizes. 👠👗🧥👕 I offer previously owned and new w/ tags🏷️ Select 5️⃣ items listed at $10< or less it'll be $2️⃣5️⃣ with discounted $hipping cost. ⚡ Lightening Fast Shipping 📫📦 ❇️please share my items please ❇️
Apr 16Reply
simply__sammy Hi @tanmhyn20 - Just in case you didn't see my other comments from the original posting of the Nordstrom make-up bag you purchased from me, I wanted to reach out to you about your experience/satisfaction with your item, due to receiving 4 out of 5 stars. Since this is the first non-5 star order I've received, I just wanted to see if there was anything else I could've done to make your purchase better? Thank you in advance for letting me know, and I look forward to hearing back from you! : )
Apr 19Reply
tanmhyn20 @sammyj103013 I Love it its My mistake when I Hit the 4 stars instead OF 5 sorry but i Love the one that I purchase to u
Apr 19Reply
simply__sammy @tanmhyn20 Hi! Aww, okay - good. I am glad and relieved to hear it, I was worried! If you don't mind, if you could update your rating then - I would greatly appreciate it so much. All you have to do is go to your purchases - and click on the item, and update the ratings to 5 stars. Thank you so much again!
Apr 19Reply
simply__sammy @tanmhyn20 Hi again. Thank you so much for doing that. I really appreciate it. I hope that you enjoy your new purchase! ❣️
Apr 20Reply
tanmhyn20 @courtofcommons How I return it ?
Apr 21Reply
tanmhyn20 @courtofcommons IM so stupid until now its hard for me to see the
Apr 22Reply
tanmhyn20 IM so stupid I dont know How to cancel it . Coz its My First time doing it
Apr 22Reply
piperlane2019 Hi Love! Happy Poshing! I Think you’ll love my closet! I have a super cute Michael Kors flats you’ll adore. I’m running lots of sales through this week because I’m moving soon. Woohoo! When you use the bundle button, I am sending additional private discounts! 🥰 Plus, you automatically receive 15% off when you bundle 3 items!
May 09Reply
emilyjann Hi Mhyn ☺️... Happy poshing 🌟🌟🌟
May 18Reply
latashavaughn08 Welcome to PM. Hope you will explore my closet. I have some great deals. Any shares or likes are appreciated. Wishing you much success. ❤️
May 20Reply
gigi11155 Just wanted to stop by and say hi!! How’s Poshing going?? Hope you’re having fun!! I’ve added some more things since you were last there with good prices so stop by!! Happy Poshing!!❤️👍😊🌹🌹🌹🌹
May 23Reply
mardianne Thanks Mhyn so much for your purchase i will mail it on tomorrow. Mardianne
Jun 24Reply
amiet90 Thanks for all the likes💙 I offer 10% off in a bundle! Or and to bundle and send me an offer 💙 happy poshing 💙
Jul 08Reply
gigi11155 Just dropping by to let you know I’m running a BOGO FREE SALE on $12.00 or below items. Great items going fast!! Come check it out!! Happy Poshing!!❤️👍😊🌹🌹🌹🌹
Aug 20Reply
theposhfinds Hi @tanmhyn20 💕 I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself - my name is Katelyn 🤗 It’s always nice to meet a fellow Posher ❤️ I’m a Posh Ambassador with a 5 ⭐️ Rating - so if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask! I hope you have fun on Poshmark! If you have some spare time - I would really appreciate it if you could check out my closet! I have some great deals and I add new listings daily 🙏🏻🥳 Thanks so much for supporting my small business!
Sep 23Reply
alexpolkadot Dear Mhyn, happy seasonal greetings to you! ❤ Thank you for shopping my closet this past year and taking time to leave a stellar review/rating. I appreciate this very much🤗 I hope you are enjoying your purchase, and I warmly invite you to visit my closet again in 2020. Just mention you are a returning customer in the comments, and you ll get a special gift with your next purchase. Sending you wishes of joy and blessings for the New year ahead, sincerely yours, Alex⚘
Dec 08Reply
stacyana818 Hi Mhyn, Thank you for checking out my closet and liking the mustard quilted crossbody bag. I just sent you a private offer with discounted shipping for it 😁. Happy New Year 🎉
Dec 31Reply
coachtbb thank you for the purchase of the New Balance shoes. they are in very good condition and I am sure you will like them. i will ship them out tomorrow morning. again thanks for the purchase.
Jan 09Reply
coachtbb I am very happy you are satisfied with the shoe and the nice words😊
Jan 14Reply
ladykrc @tanmhyn20 Hello fellow Posher! Stopping by to say hello👋🏼☺️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕I would like to invite you to visit my closet store🌈OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Mar 27Reply
emmaelady Hi, thank you for visiting my Closet and liking the candle rocking chair, the ladies wallet and watch set and the Crystal Glass Collectible Car. If you're interested in purchasing all, make you a bundle and I can ship all together and off you discount on items and shipping. If you decide to purchase, please ask Poshmark to up your pre label to cover more than 5 lbs. Maybe up to 7lbs. Thank You.
May 29Reply
aldent89 @tanmhyn20 Welcome to my closet! Let me know if I can help you with anything. Have a great day and happy shopping 😀
Jul 19Reply
sassystylestxsh 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋Welcome to Poshmark 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 have fun shopping and selling 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 I wish you luck 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Jul 24Reply
txgratitude 🙋🏻‍♀️ HI & WELCOME to the Poshmark (Posh) Community. I’ve been here since 2016 and am an Ambassador. I’m trying to build my network. Feel free to ask questions, I'd be happy to help navigate. I am sharing your listings with my 100k+ followers. If you want to stop by my Closet, I carry: - Exquisite REAL GEM Rings - Huge selection of Men & Women’s Plus Sizes - Purses - Shoes - Skin Care & Make Up - Electronics - Home Goods - Pet Items Happy Poshing!🙏🏻💐🌻🇺🇸
Nov 10Reply
shebasplace 🧡Welcome To Shebasplace🧡 Hello Mhyn thank you so much for visiting my closet and for your like✅️ for the Sunglasses. They've been reduced to the final sale price. Unfortunately Poshmark takes a 💲FEE💲which makes it hard for me to lower the price further. Plus I really try to price my items cheaper than other closets and at a fair price according to its condition and brand. I hope you understand and will continue to visit and perhaps do business.🙂🧡🙏
Feb 06Reply
hdlady7120 Hello Darling❣️ While you’re browsing, stop on by my closet too! You’ll probably find some awesome things you gotta have, want, need or to give as a gift! Offers are encouraged and Bundle deals always! Hope you are enjoying your Posh journey😁
Dec 30Reply

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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Manvel, TX
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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Manvel, TX
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