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Updated Feb 24
Updated Feb 24

Meet your Posher, Michele

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Hi! I'm Michele. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) Please note my home is smoke free. I also try my best to ship out within 24 hours. I re-use shipping materials whenever possible. I love to shop and think Poshmark is a fantastic site😊 New to Poshmark? To join use code LILAC_DREAMZ when signing up and save $15 on your first purchase! Happy Poshing😊🛍️
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irishleprechaun 🏀Toys🔥🔥Fire🇨🇦Sale🔥🔥Sports🏈 Hi Michele My Names Jason I’ m new to Poshmark I’m having a MEGA SALE!! My Whole Closet Store 50% OFF the Prices Listed Rare Collectibles Autographs, Vintage Toys, Horror Sports, Celebrities & So much More!!
Feb 12Reply
luchrezzia Thank you for the shares 😊Have a wonderful day!!!
Feb 27Reply
jessi_nc Hey, I am Jessi - one of the top Cdn Poshmark sellers. Further, I have The Jessi_NC Show (& auction) every Mon (Sml to Plus sz clothes) & my huge Fri show (bags + wallets). Also, my broadcasts are hilarious and you dont want to miss out (or miss out on the giveaways lol). All shows start at 4pm/PST and today (our 100 item super sale!!)... the giveaways are 2 Tim's crds & Thierry Rabotin shoes NWT worth $415. Finally, please follow me here @jessi_nc
Mar 11Reply
jessi_nc Hey its Jessi, and I hope your week is going well. Further, my Clothing Show (sizes sml to 4x) is on right now! THE GIVEAWAYS ARE TED BAKER SUNGLASSES & MANTELS SHAWL. Hope to see you there. Your Posh friend, Jessi_nc
Mar 20Reply
jessi_nc Hey, its Jessi and I have my Bag & Wallet SUPERSALE today (starting at 4 PM/PDT). Further, MY GIVEAWAYS ARE $1075 Manolo Blahnik shoes (EUC) worth $1075 new & 2 Tim's cards. Finally, I really hope to see you there! THIS IS GOING TO BE ONE OF MY HUGE $$ VALUE GIVEAWAYS... your Posh friend, jessi_nc
Mar 31Reply
jessi_nc Hey, its Jessi and I have my Bag & Wallet SUPERSALE today (starting at 4 PM/PDT). Further, MY GIVEAWAYS ARE $1075 Manolo Blahnik shoes (EUC) worth $1075 new & 2 Tim's cards. Finally, I really hope to see you there! THIS IS GOING TO BE ONE OF MY HUGE $$ VALUE GIVEAWAYS... your Posh friend, jessi_nc
Mar 31Reply
jessi_nc Hey, its Jessi and I have my Bag & Wallet Show today (ON NOW). Further, MY GIVEAWAYS ARE CHRISTIAN DIOR, ALEXANDER MCQUEEN, and Tim's gift cards. Also, for sale... I have VALENTINO, LONGCHAMPS, KATE SPADE, MOSCHINO (& MORE)... all at amazing discount prices. I look forward to seeing you there and best wishes for your Easter Weekend. your Posh friend, jessi_nc
Apr 07Reply
jessi_nc Hey, its Jessi and I have my Bag & Wallet Show today (ON AT 4 PM/PDT). Further, MY GIVEAWAYS ARE MICHAEL KORS PUMPS, and A SPECIAL GIFT FOR EACH BUYER. Also, for sale... I have REBECCA MINKOFF NWT, DOONEY & BOURKE, KATE SPADE, LOTS OF COACH (& MORE)... all at amazing discount prices. I look forward to seeing you there and best wishes for your Friday night. Your Posh friend, jessi_nc
Apr 14Reply
jessi_nc Hey, its Jessi and today again...I have "MY LARGE TO PLUS SIZE CLOTHING SHOW" (ON AT 4 PM PDT). Further, I have lots of low starts and tons of new and unlisted inventory. ALSO, I HAVE A VERY SPECIAL GIVEAWAYS TODAY - BEAUTIFUL CRYSTAL STONE (LUCK) PENDANTS WITH 925 SILVER CHAINS FOR EACH BUYER!!!! I look forward to seeing you & I am very excited about tonight!!!!... your Posh Friend, jessi_nc
Apr 17Reply
christstyle Hi Michele Thanks for the follow and the share I will share your closet too If you see anything you like add it to a bundle or send me an offer All reasonable offers will be considered Thanks @christstyle
Apr 20Reply
jump98 Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Versace, Karl Lagerfeld and so much more.. Take an extra 50% off all snowman emoji items, Limit 5 LB box... Send offer or message me done... Thanks Brenda
Apr 20Reply
jessi_nc Hey, its Jessi and it's "MY LARGE TO PLUS SIZE CLOTHING SHOW" again (ON NOW). Further, I have lots of low starts and a bunch of new and unlisted inventory. ALSO, I HAVE VERY SPECIAL GIVEAWAYS TONIGHT - MARC JACONS CASE & DECOR BLANKET!! PS - I look forward to seeing you & I hope you have a great Monday night!!!... your Posh Friend, jessi_nc
Apr 25Reply
jessi_nc Hey, its Jessi and I'm having my "DENIM SHOW" tonight (ON NOW). Further, I have lots of low starts and a bunch of new and unlisted inventory. ALSO, I HAVE VERY SPECIAL GIVEAWAYS TONIGHT FOR 'ALL' MY BUYERS!! PS - I look forward to seeing you & I hope you have had a great day!!!... Your Posh Friend, jessi_nc
May 04Reply
djack2755 Welcome to Poshmark! A great site for finding fabulous deals on anything! Please check out my closet and if you place two items in a bundle, I will offer you 20% off and only one shipping charge as they mail in same box. If you are only interested in one item send me an offer.
May 11Reply
marisaseabrook Hey!! Hope you’re loving your Poshmark experience 😍 I’d love it if you’d have time to checkout my closet! I’m always open to offers with reason and I ship everyday or next business day! ❤️
Jun 02Reply
poshme_poshyou Thank you for the share. Much appreciated, thanks again.
Jun 21Reply
lilac_dreamz @jaiat My pleasure, have a great evening.
Jun 22Reply
jessi_nc Hey, its Jessi and I hope you are having a TGIF Friday! Tonight is my MEGA BAG SALE (SHOW) at 4 pm PDT and I have TONS OF DESIGNER BAGS GOING AT AMAZING PRICES. ALSO, AS A THANK YOU TO MY BUYERS...I HAVE 2 x $5 STARTS TONIGHT (ONE IS A JACQUES LEMANS WATCH NWOT AND A BEAUTIFUL SWAROVSKI NECKLACE). PS - I look forward to seeing you, Your Posh Friend, jessi_nc
Aug 18Reply
jessi_nc Hey, its Jessi and I hope you are having an amazing Friday! Tonight is my HUGE BAG SALE (SHOW) at 4 pm PDT and I have TONS OF DESIGNER BAGS GOING AT BELOW MARKET PRICES. ALSO, TONIGHT...I HAVE 4 x $5 STARTS (ONE IS A GORGEOUS PANDORA RING; A STUNNING PA DORA BRACELET; A SWAROVSKI BRACLET; AND A 925 SILVER NECKLACE). PS - I look forward to seeing you, Your Posh Friend, jessi_nc
Sep 09Reply
mitchvamp thnx for the follow :) it's cool we have the same name haha 😄
Oct 08Reply
lilac_dreamz @mitchvamp. Yes!! The "one L" club.🤣🤣Nice to meet you. Happy Poshing🙋‍♀️
Oct 08Reply
mitchvamp @lilac_dreamz hahaha I also have an accent on my e but that's French for u
Oct 08Reply
nicoledaluz Thanks Michele for selecting my Rieker men's formal shoe and woman's Lily Ara fusion 4 sneakers in your Posh show. Just started a month ago with Poshmark and was delighted to be selected Here's wishing to a successful show!
Oct 17Reply
bouette31 thank you for sharing my page! 🙂
Jan 16Reply
lilac_dreamz @bouette31 my pleasure! Have a great day.🙂
Jan 16Reply
bouette31 @lilac_dreamz you too 🤗😊
Jan 16Reply
cleopatra_vault Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿👑 Best of luck with sales 🥂 Nice to meet you. Your support is truly appreciated 💁🏻‍♀️ 💙✨️ Happy 🌹 Poshing!!! ✨️💙
Mar 24Reply
lilac_dreamz @cleopatra_vault Hi! Thank you for your kind words. I wish you many sales. Have a great evening.🙂
Mar 24Reply
cleopatra_vault @lilac_dreamz Likewise 🥰 Thank you for returning the message! Wishing you all the best 🏆🙇🏻‍♀️🏆
Mar 24Reply
bewtefulthreads Thanks for swinging by my closet. I try to source unique, exceptional condition clothing that I sell for affordable prices.
Jul 23Reply
lilac_dreamz @bewtefulthreads My pleasure. You have some beautiful items. Hope you make lots of sales😊
Jul 23Reply
barbhawk902 Hi there I think you are a host currently doing the athletic wear party. Could you add Lole to the list? Thanks, Barb
Aug 02Reply
lilac_dreamz @yhzposh Hi Barb. I am just a guest host. Lole is not included in the party parameters. You could always message poshmark customer service to see if they could add lole to future activewear parties. wishing you lots of sales.😊
Aug 02Reply
barbhawk902 @lilac_dreamz ok thanks I thought the people listed created the party. Thanks for the info.
Aug 02Reply
veronicalind353 Thank you! All the best with your show
Aug 03Reply
willowbayfg Hi, Thanks so much for picking my Prada candle for the Posh Party. I couldn't find where to thank you so I'm writing here.
Aug 04Reply
lilac_dreamz @willowbayfg Hi! You are very welcome. You have some lovely items in your closet. Have a great day.😊
Aug 04Reply
as_thriftz Hi Michele, thank you very much for selecting the Boot and Jacket for your Posh Party!! Wishing you lots of sales!
Sep 16Reply
halichar22 Thanks Michelle for sharing my vest to your party! It is much appreciated! I hope you have lots of fun sharing and shopping! Best, Char
Nov 01Reply

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