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Updated Apr 05
Updated Apr 05

Meet your Posher, Molly

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Molly. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, adidas, Almost Famous, and Alternative Apparel. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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shopmylaurdrobe Hi Molly! Thank u so much for your purchase!:-) I'd like to give you a free gift, so let me know if you'd rather have a makeup item or a jewelry item to go along with your dress☺️ 💕 Have a great Saturday night💃🏼
Apr 07Reply
dominiquel_ @mytherapy45 sorry I had to decline but my last counter is the best I could do.
Apr 08Reply
mytherapy45 @shopmylaurdrobe thank you so much. Jewelry would be amazing.
Apr 08Reply
dominiquel_ @mytherapy45 I’m sorry but my last counter is the absolute lowest I can go.
Apr 08Reply
mytherapy45 68 will work for me
Apr 08Reply
dominiquel_ @mytherapy45 Thank you for your purchase 😊Will ship tomorrow 🙂Have a great day🙂💕
Apr 08Reply
dominiquel_ @mytherapy45 Thank you for the great rating and the note😘
Apr 12Reply
mjbp @mjbp💕💕💕💕welcome to Poshmark 💕💕💕I invite you to visit my closet 💕💕💕happy poshing 💋💋💋
Apr 15Reply
mjbp @mjbp💕💕💕💕welcome to Poshmark 💕💕💕I invite you to visit my closet 💕💕💕happy poshing 💋💋💋
Apr 15Reply
mjbp @mjbp🎈🎈welcome to Poshmark 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈I invite u to stop by my closet fashion for all 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈happy poshing 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
Apr 29Reply
blissfulspace Hey! I'm having a closet clear out sale, and I am accepting all reasonable offers and sending private discounts. I have brands such as Garage, Hollister, and Forever 21 in my closet. Feel free to check it out if you are interested :)
Jul 25Reply
harlowwifey I’m sorry but 15 is the lowest I can go on those shoes due to the posh fee and the condition they are in!
Oct 06Reply
nykk Hi Molly and thanks for your purchase! I will ship it tonight after work. Cute kitty btw. I hope you will return and shop, just mention that you're returning and I'll give you 20 percent .💓🐱
Oct 08Reply
harlowwifey I see that the shoes are going to b delivered today! YAY! Super excited for you to get them! Please consider leaving me a rating after you have opened them and LOVE THEM! 😁
Oct 09Reply
melngeeh Hi! Check out my closet when you get a chance.
Oct 27Reply
thekillercloset hi love!! glad you found some things in my closet you like! jus letting you know i am doing 50% off of bundles today! add anything to like to a bundle and i will send you an offer💕🤗
Jun 28Reply
chelle5454 Hi there! I will ship out your Betsey Bag in the morning! Thank you so much 😊
Jul 12Reply
poshsellerxo Thank you for the like ❤️I accept most offers and give great deals on bundles💖 Free gift with every purchase🎁‼️
Aug 14Reply
tochelandback Hi there! Thank you for your offer on my salt shakers. Your offer considering shipping is totally fair for you but would not work with just one item for me. I would only make a dollar. I can throw them in if you do a bundle. I'm going to edit the listing but I just wanted to give a heads up as to why i declined.If you'd like to do a bundle let me know.
Sep 03Reply
hippiegirl222 Thank you for stopping by and liking an item in my closet. I sent you a discount just incase you decide to make a purchase. Please stop by again soon 😀🛍❤
Sep 24Reply
jodi198613 Sorry it only gives me $7 if I sell you the boots for 10. And these are NEW. So no
Sep 26Reply
jodi198613 Can u by chance be so kind and do at least $15 for the leopard boots, they r brand new. If I accept 12 posh only gives me 9 dollars. please
Oct 07Reply
jodi198613 I message you about the leopard boots and asking you if you could offer me 15 for them instead of the little amount of $10 I only get $7 from posh mark then you don't message me back and send me another offer for Knox $15 like I asked you to but 12 and you didn't even message me back after I messaged you the 1st message about offering me 15 for them you just offer me 12 that is so rude I don't need people like you in my shop so please stay out
Oct 08Reply
mckenna788 Happy Poshing!! 💖🤍 Feel free to check out my closet!!! 🤍💖
Jan 01Reply
serenityforhome Thank you for stopping by my small business boutique. Reasonable offers are always welcomed. Have a blessed day! - Serenity for Home
Sep 20Reply
serenityforhome SOLD OUT! An item you liked in my closet has sold. I hope you will check out the other Home Décor items in my small business boutique. Reasonable offers are welcome! Godspeed! ~ Serenity for Home 🤎💖
Sep 25Reply
pinkbutterfly27 Thank you so much for support my small business & be a part of my journey.😊Please feel free to stop by anytime at my closet whenever you feel want to shop! 🤗🛍️♥️
Jul 08Reply
pursenalfinds Hi Molly, Thank you for your purchase, I will deliver it to the post office on Monday. Have a great evening! Sara 😊
Aug 27Reply
pursenalfinds Hi Molly, Your package is now at the post office. Thanks again for your order and enjoy the rest of your week! Sara 🙂
Aug 28Reply
hdda Welcome to poshmark
Aug 29Reply
audrinafla Hi Molly I sent you a message. Re BETSEY J. Did you get it?!
May 14Reply
winstondunbar Thank 😊 You For Your Business!!!
Jul 11Reply

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Last Active: Feb 20

Cumberland, MD
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Last Active: Feb 20

Cumberland, MD
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