Meet your Posher, Naomi
Not for sale
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Hi! I'm Naomi. Some of my favorite brands are J. Crew, Michael Kors, Coach, Miss Me, and Banana Republic. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

167 others
like this

Thanks for your offer but it's a little too low. I'd settle for $100
Feb 03Reply

@dovecote sorry but 75 is the most i can do!
Feb 03Reply

@girlofthemarsh Hi, and welcome,
Feb 04Reply

Thanks Naomi for the offer. How about we settle at $80. It's a beautiful bag.
Feb 06Reply

I'm sorry, but the Brahmin bag sold within minutes of listing. For the condition it is in, I am totally surprised. Thanks for shipping my closet.
Feb 12Reply

Shopping not shipping.
Feb 12Reply

@readeadams yes it was a great deal :). Thank you
Feb 12Reply

@girlofthemarsh Hi Naomi, thank you so much for your purchase! I will ship your items out first thing. I think Monday is a holiday, if so Tuesday am ♡
Feb 14Reply

Hi, welcome to Posh!! Come visit me at my closet sometime 😀
Feb 16Reply

Hello welcome to posh happy poshing.
Feb 18Reply

Hi there, welcome to PM, hope you are scoring amazing finds, happy poshing💕👠👜👗
Feb 20Reply

Thanks for the share.
Feb 23Reply

@girlofthemarsh thank u so much for the ❤ and welcome is in order as I see ur new. Well if ever in need of a tag or message away. Cannot wait to see how u start ur new closet and always share share and keep on sharing until u feel like ur fingers are going to fall off. But at the end it's great and lots of new customer ur way. Remember also that we woman here ROAR!!
Feb 25Reply

Welcome to posh thanks for the like!
Feb 27Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! In order to increase your amount of followers, simply like or share items from a members' closet. They will appreciate the advertisement and return the favor! 🎊🎉
Mar 08Reply

@mattietee Welcome to Poshmark! Hi I'm Mattie from MO. I've been on Poshmark for about 2 years now and have sold and bought many things. If you have any questions
please ask me. Please visit my closet and see some of my treasures. Glad to have you!
Mar 08Reply

Hey ! Thanks for the like on the Brahmin bag ! Please let me know if you have any questions !
Mar 11Reply

Hi lam having a one day sale 🎉 today only check it out
Mar 12Reply

Thanks for the like Naomi💕😊💕hope you have a chance to shop my closet❣Happy poshing💚💙💜💛
Mar 28Reply

Happy poshing Naomi! Feel free to make an offer on those boots k ❤️😊
Apr 05Reply

Hi Naomi! I hope you're loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 😀 Have a great evening ✨
Apr 09Reply

Thanks for your like
May 09Reply

🎀💟Welcome to Poshmark💟🎀I'm Laura(SU/Posh Mentor/2X Co-Host)! The @official_forum is a great resource, and I have posts in my closet to help💜New Girl💜Following game💜Join My Tag Lists!💜 I'm here to mentor & help so stay in touch! Love and hugs, Laura😘
🎀PFF's please meet this lovely posher!💕1fashionista15💕@aflattery💕@bamagirl017💕@bella_xox💕@blu3935💕@chicagdl💕@chloejoy15💕@cmc514💕@daisyd0102💕@dierks24💕@dotgallo💕@elevenroses💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
May 16Reply

🎀💟PFF's Please Welcome This Lovely New Posher💟🎀💕@heatherschoice💕@holdon3💕@hotpantsrhoads💕@hsohailk💕@jenniann5246💕@jill555💕@kookc💕@kcford24💕@kden_wallace💕@lnation818💕@lucidemotion💕@mandapanda83💕@marlanap💕@matadora1978💕@mimsmenagerie💕@mrsmadariaga💕@muneewoo💕@nami001💕@nancy41060💕@newyork222💕@poshgarden💕@proverbs_31💕@rbarney96💕@rposen💕@smchop💕@thegoodchic💕@treasuresbytrac💕@twinkletoestoni💕@valerieann💕@wendimb💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY
May 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 💖😜🤗 let me know if you have any questions! Thanks @lauras_boutique Laura for the introduction.
May 16Reply

Hi Naomi! I'm Carolyn! It's so nice to meet you. Welcome! Hey, follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. I do recommend you checkout @official_forum for lots of good information at your fingertips. Consider also subscribing to PM's blog at One other helpful tip: Great pictures sell. 📸@lauras_boutique 🍐
May 16Reply

@girlofthemarsh hey, welcome to posh! Best advice I can give us be honest, ship quickly and have fun! Reach out if you have questions! Thank you
May 16Reply

@girlofthemarsh Please help welcome Naomi to Poshmark!🎉@kewpiedoll @sunnietrish @savannah_slim @joyamarino @magvoo @rnicu00 @deanabean6 @goldielocks1960 @mmadonna40 @pindaokane @teamaddison 🙏🏻 @lauras_boutique Ty for the tag!💐
May 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🌷🌻🌹
May 16Reply

@girlofthemarsh Welcome to the fun posh community 👏🏻 👏🏻 feel free to ask any questions 👍🏻 thank you @rposen 🌹
May 17Reply

Welcome to Poshmark ☺ Happy poshing 😍❤
May 22Reply

Hi Naomi, welcome to Posh. Bet you love it already. Thanks for visiting my closet and liking that great Reba sweater. I also have some Miss Me jeans listed. Please stop by again sometime.
Jun 11Reply

Thank you for checking 👀 out my closet. 😊 💕
Jun 12Reply

Hey! Saw you were looking at maternity stuff. I have a bunch in my closet and I will bundle for large discounts.
Jun 23Reply

Hi nice meet you! 😍💓💖💕💘
Jun 23Reply

Hey girlie! Thanks for the like :) if you bundle both items, you get an extra 15% off! :)
Sep 08Reply

Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of SOME HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items, you can use the apps cool feature to make an offer on a bundle❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Jan 06Reply

Thanks for liking my listing 😊💕
Jan 17Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I'm sandra...nice to meet you! Hope you like shopping & selling!! To get started ask lots of questions, make offers, bundle things, share & like things you're interested in... you'll remember them that way as well as give that person a boost, follow & fill up your closet. Clear photos wearing your clothes if possible. Come check me out I add new things almost everyday & I take offers unless they're just too low. Can't wait to see more in your closet! Have fun poshing!! 💟🎉🍭🎈
Jan 26Reply

@girlofthemarsh hi thx for the like on the MK tote :) lmk if interested
Feb 01Reply

Thank you for stopping by my closest and showing some love. 💕
Feb 02Reply

Thank you for your like! ❤️
Feb 07Reply

Thanks for the follow! 😃
Feb 08Reply

I see u love my Dooney and Bourke make an offer
Feb 13Reply

Hi Naomi! Very nice to meet you! Thank you for the like and stopping by my closet! Please let me know if you have any questions or feel free to make an offer if you're interested. Best regards, Natalia
Feb 22Reply

@girlofthemarsh hi thx for the like :) can ship today if interested ❤️
Feb 22Reply

Hi, Naomi. It looks like you've gotten quite the warm welcome already. Wow! How goes the Poshing? You've added one item, will you be adding more? Let me know if you need any help. Take care and happy Poshing.
Feb 23Reply

Hi Naomi 🤗 Welcome To Poshmark and Thank You For Visiting My Closet and Sharing the Love 💕 Have a Great Week 🏡
Feb 27Reply

Hey, sorry, my kid let her friend wear the boots in the mud yesterday. They are not really worth selling at this point. 😬
Feb 27Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 😊 Happy poshing 😍 💕
Mar 06Reply

Hey, I hope that you check out my closet and if you see something you like please let me know 💙💙
Mar 08Reply

Hi Naomi nice to meet you 🌻🌻
Mar 12Reply

Make me an offer on the miss me jeans!!
Mar 13Reply

Hi Naomi, thanks for checking out my closet and liking ☺ any questions please feel free to ask.😃 happy poshing 💗
Mar 14Reply

Mar 15Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet I love offers :)
Mar 16Reply

Thank you so much!! that dude was trying to rip people off! he wanted me to by it and then i looked through what people were saying and he was trying to scam people! i mean how rude.
Mar 16Reply

@nicole_forever your welcome 😀 I reported him
Mar 16Reply

Hi Naomi! I left you a message on one of the items you purchased from me (shirts and shorts) but I'm not sure if you had seen it. I can not find these shirts anywhere. I am terribly embarrassed! I keep my things pretty organized so I am confused. I am so sorry! I feel awful!
Mar 18Reply

Hello again! I contacted Poshmark to let them know I have tried a couple of times to contact you about the shirts. I let them know you have been active a few times since the first message but that you may not check your notifications. The rest of your order is ready to ship but I am waiting to hear back from them with their suggestion on how to handle this situation. I don't want to send you a listing that is not as described. I feel awful and want to do my best to fix this for you. 💗🏹
Mar 19Reply

@archer1210 hi sorry I'm out of town!! Just now able to get on here!! I'm not aware of what your talking about???
Mar 19Reply

@girlofthemarsh Hi! The message before it and under the bundle of shirts and shorts you purchased explains. I cannot find those two shirts anywhere. I am terribly embarrassed and I feel awful. I wasn't sure how to handle this because it has never happened to me. 😬
Mar 19Reply

@archer1210 oh ok lol sorry!! Ok it's no problem you can cancel and I can reorder the other things tomorrow I will be home!!
Mar 19Reply

@girlofthemarsh Thank you for being so understanding! I was literally in a panic. I think I scared my kids. Lol I know two shirts are not the end of the world but I hate disappointing people. I will cancel the order, remove that listing and send the shorts with the order at no charge. Thanks again! 💗🏹
Mar 19Reply

I created a bundle for you and took off the $6 for the shorts/shirts. 💗🏹
Mar 19Reply

Hey girl! It's nice to meet you! I hope you are enjoying poshmark! If you need anything, feel free to reach out! Also, I just uploaded a bunch of fun new listings if you're interested! Happy Poshing!
Mar 19Reply

@girlofthemarsh were you still interested in the bag on my page? Willing to drop $2 so the shipping gets discounted if you let me know soon 😉
Mar 19Reply

Thanks for the likes ☺ ☺ any questions please feel free to ask.😃
Mar 23Reply

@girlofthemarsh feel free to make offers❤❤❤🌹
Mar 25Reply

Hey!! Not sure what just happened I think i accidentally cancelled the order. I'm just going to list the bag again does that work for you?
Mar 25Reply

@rileygrace it says you accepted it on my end!!
Mar 25Reply

@rileygrace no need to relish it's says you accepted my offer 😀
Mar 25Reply

@girlofthemarsh it says it cancelled and do not ship
Mar 25Reply

@rileygrace really!! I got a notification that's sold to me? If you go to your listing it says sold??
Mar 25Reply

@girlofthemarsh yes I know I'm confused too!! I'll screenshot it and post it in the new listing so you can see
Mar 25Reply

@rileygrace I see it now lol ok I will buy now
Mar 25Reply

@rileygrace thank you lol I think it's worked out now 😍
Mar 25Reply

Thank you for the likes
Mar 26Reply

Hey there! Thanks for the like on my watch! I am offering a bundle deal of 15% off 2+ items with a free gift! or just one item with a free gift regardless! offers welcome!
Mar 30Reply

Thank you for listing my items in a bundle. Please continue to look around. Your items will ship out tomorrow if purchased today.
Mar 30Reply

Hi Naomi! Nice to meet you and happy poshing !☺
Mar 30Reply

Thanks for sharing!
Mar 31Reply

Hi dear Naomi 🤗 welcome to poshmark 💝 I can't wait to see your beautiful closet and I can help you to have the best sale😊 just add my name to your comment and I will share everything in your closet⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️❌we all help each other
Apr 04Reply

Hi there thank you for your purchase! Did you see the other Miss Me's we had?
Apr 05Reply

@girlofthemarsh Welcome to Poshmark! This is a great community of buyers and sellers! If you ever need advice or helpful suggestions let me know ! Happy to help! I can offer more than my stated bundle discount depending on the items! I'm also negotiable! Happy Poshing ❤❤❤
Apr 07Reply

Hi Naomi I'm Serina. Thanks for the like! Feel free to make an offer. I hope you have a great night.
Apr 07Reply

Hi. ☺️ feel free to check out my closet ✨✨
Apr 07Reply

Thanks for liking 💜💜💜
Apr 09Reply

Hi I know your status says waiting for usps scan idk why but all my incoming and outgoing orders have said that for 2 or 3 weeks now. I did ship just like I said I would no worries! Thanks Serina
Apr 09Reply

@mcguire111 I'm confused?? I have not bought anything from you? Or if I did it's not shows in my purchases
Apr 10Reply

My apologies Naomi. I messaged the wrong person.
Apr 10Reply

@girlofthemarsh hi thanks for great rating!!! Are you interested in the Miss Me's?
Apr 10Reply

@girlofthemarsh thank you so much!
Apr 10Reply

@syrena_1234 your welcome ☺️
Apr 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 😊
Apr 11Reply

Hi. Come check out my closet ☺️✨
Apr 14Reply

Hello! If your here to buy, I'm here to sell...I have a lot of sizes. Please check out my closet.
Apr 18Reply

Thanks for the likes 🌷💜🌷
Apr 18Reply

Hello thanks for peaking and liking my item. Enter into my closet and see what the shelves have on them. Enjoy
Apr 19Reply

Welcome to posh 🌹😊💝
Apr 20Reply

@girlofthemarsh haha you win ! I'll ship this morning Thank you !!
Apr 21Reply

@jtblack1601 lol ☺️ thank you!! Love your closet will be checking back for more good things 😍
Apr 21Reply

@girlofthemarsh aww thank you ! I tend to list all at once haha just cleaning out my closets
Apr 21Reply

@jtblack1601 ok I'll keep my eye out, Miss Me jeans are all I wear, and Brighton is my favorite 😁 and you have really great prices!!
Apr 21Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet. I consider all offers, even bundles. Let me know if have any questions. Happy Poshing.
Apr 22Reply

Hi! Hope you're having a great time on Poshmark!! 😂
Apr 22Reply

@bagpipe hi 👋 would love to bundle but I can't buy from you 😔
Apr 22Reply

@girlofthemarsh Hey. I'm traveling for work so my vacation thing is on. I'll be open again on Friday the 28th. Thanks for visiting my closet. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Apr 22Reply

@bagpipe oh ok 😊 I'll be back to purchase for you 😍
Apr 23Reply

@girlofthemarsh Thx
Apr 23Reply

@girlofthemarsh Hey. I re-opened my closet today, if you are still interested. Thanks for your patience.
Apr 29Reply

Hello! Thank you for purchasing my miss me jeans! Just to let you know my post office is closed till Monday! I will ship the jeans Monday morning! Have a great rest of the week!
Apr 29Reply

Just to let you know. My post office was open and I shipped your jeans!!
Apr 30Reply

Hi Naomi. Thank you for all the likes! Happy Poshing!☺
May 01Reply

Thank you for the likes!
May 01Reply

Hi. If you're interested in the 2 dust bags I will drop them both by $1 and you would get the 15% discount. :)
May 01Reply

Welcome to POSHMARK!!!
May 01Reply

Hi there! My shoes still have not arrived. Do you have a tracking number, possibly?
May 02Reply

@lovingmylife2 sorry but you have the wrong person!
May 02Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and like the jeans if you want you can have 20% off now🌷😊🌷
May 03Reply

Thank you for visit my closet and like the stuff you can give offer 😉🌷😉
May 03Reply

Hi Naomi I noticed you liked my MK wallet I just listed it by an hour ago hoping to reasonable offers these things sell quickly on this site 😄😄
May 03Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. I offer same day shipping and offers are always welcome 😊
May 04Reply

Hi Naomi, thanks for checking out my closet. If you have any questions on my Miss Me jeans, let me know😊
May 04Reply

Greetings Naomi ! Come explore your Praline Queens closet filled with rare and unique treasures 👸👑🌹
May 06Reply

Thanks so much for visiting my closet & for the like💞💞. Please let me know if you have any questions💞💞.
May 06Reply

Thank you for the likes! ❤️ feel free to bundle and make an offer ❤️
May 06Reply

Thanks for liking my item! Looking forward to seeing your closet. Feel free to make an offer!
May 08Reply

@girlofthemarsh thanks Naomi for checking out my closet. I post new things every week. Welcome to Posh and have big fun 😎
May 08Reply

@girlofthemarsh Hi there! Thanks for the ❤love! I'm happy to entertain offers or check out my bundle discount of 20% of 3 or more items!
May 11Reply

Hi Naomi! Thanks for liking my jeans! 😀 If you have any questions, just let me know. Have a great day,😀
May 12Reply

Thanks for liking Naomi :)
May 12Reply

lovely color, thanks for liking :)
May 16Reply

@girlofthemarsh stop by, new closet
May 18Reply

Hi Naomi! A belated welcome to Poshmark!
May 20Reply

May 22Reply

Hi. I would like to invite you to visit my closet some time. Have a blessed evening. 🌻
May 23Reply

Hi! Thanks for the like I'm running a 30% off sale and always open to offers
May 25Reply

Hi thanks for visiting stop again
May 25Reply

Hello!(: I just wanted to say hi!(: and also to tell you that I'd be more than willing to work with you and negotiate a deal for your likes!!❤️❤️
May 28Reply

Hi! I'm selling a Michael Kors bag. If you're interested check out my closet!
Jun 01Reply

Hope you fined some great deals on Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet and ask any questions you might have 😊
Jun 02Reply

Hello, I noticed you liked a pair of heart earrings. I recently listed a Brighton floral heart shaped pair of earrings. Very classy with beautiful workmanship. Have a look sometime. If interested I'm always willing to take a few dollars less. Thanks :-)
Jun 05Reply

Your bundle will be in the mail soon! Thanks for shopping! (:
Jun 07Reply

Thanks for the like on the two items! Will take $8 for both!!
Jun 09Reply

Hey I'm going in vacation could I send the wallet when I get back
Jun 09Reply

@kelliehusser sure can when will you be back, just so I know when to expect it 🙂
Jun 09Reply

Welcome to posh! Feel free to reach out if you have any Qs about buying or selling...I always love supporting my fellow poshers!
Jun 11Reply

Yay! I'm glad that you liked the pants!
Jun 12Reply

Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet. Happy Poshing 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Jun 14Reply

Please consider purchasing my shoes. I will bargain with you.
Jun 16Reply

Thank you for stopping by my closet and sharing 💋
Jun 18Reply

Hi! I see that you liked my listing for my Pink Beats. If you're interested I can definitely lower the price :)
Jun 24Reply

@ashlaay_a yes but will have to be Friday 😍
Jun 25Reply

@girlofthemarsh that's okay! Would you like me to put them on hold for you?
Jun 25Reply

Hi! Were you still interested in the Beats?
Jul 03Reply

thanks for all the likes :)
Jul 10Reply

Miss Me sale! Hurry and check it out before they are gone!
Jul 13Reply

Hi Naomi!Thank you for the like and stopping by my Posh closet. Please let me know if you have any questions or feel free to make an offer if you're interested. Happy Poshing!
Jul 14Reply

THANKS FOR LIKING MY ITEM!!!💎🤑💕 are you interested in it
Jul 17Reply

Those are brand new and beautiful I think $30 is more important than fair
Jul 20Reply

@ipor4u I didn't see that tag on them if they are new?? And I always go with a low price for used stuff. That is why the offer button is there! They are beautiful 😍
Jul 20Reply

Hi welcome to the Poshmark family! I hope you're having a good time checking out a huge variety of closets! Please feel free to visit me anytime. Have a great day and as always happy poshing !
Jul 20Reply

@girlofthemarsh Welcome to Poshmark! This is a great community of buyers & sellers. I do both. I hope you enjoy it here & wish you much success. I can offer more than my stated bundle discount...depending on the items & am negotiable! Feel free to reach out to me if you ever have any questions and/or need advice! Happy Poshing❤👜🛍👙👗👖👡💄👔👕❤
Jul 20Reply

I have VS pink, Nike, simply southern tees, Vera Bradley, hats, sperries, and pumps I'm looking to sell so feel free to look if you are interested in any of these brands!! I hope you have a wonderful day 🤠
Jul 23Reply

Hello, welcome to Poshmark 😃 Please check out my closet and follow me for some amazing deals 💥
-Fashionga1 💕
Jul 25Reply

sorry but the lowest i can do on the simply southern tshirt is $12. its brand new and still has tags
Jul 28Reply

thanks for the like! if you want to purchase i can ship it out today
Jul 29Reply

Hey there! Thanks for the like on the lot of beauty products! Feel free to shoot me an offer if you're interested! ☺️💖
Aug 06Reply

Naomi, thanks for taking time to like an item from my closet. Let me know if you have any questions. :)
Aug 08Reply

Saw you liked two of my shirts! If you put them in a bundle I'd love to offer you less for both together!
Aug 15Reply

Hi Naomi, I hope you are enjoying Poshing I invite you to check out my closet Bundle and save more and i accept most reasonable offers Happy Poshing and have a great day Thanks
Aug 15Reply

Hi Naomi. Thanks for the like on the little boys George strait wranglers! If you have any questions please feel free to ask!! Be sure to check out my closet!! Happy Poshing!!! 💜💙💚
Aug 16Reply

I saw that you had like for the two pair of miss me jeans that I listed today I want to make a private offer to you that I would take $75 on a bundle for both there again that's a silent personal offer on making to you today for $75
Aug 17Reply

I'm offering to take on the purchase on those two pair jeans today if you're interested I hope my offer works out for you thank you so much
Aug 17Reply

I'll tell you what I am today only till midnight I'll except for $65 if you were able to purchase those two pair of miss me jeans it's a person of silent offer to you only and I really am trying to move them out of there I need the money I apologize for bothering you sending a personal message
Aug 17Reply

But again my offer may be a price that works for you and willing and able to do and it would also help me out so that's today only till midnight I will accept $65 if you want both pair my offer to u only expires 8/18 hope if u really wanted them the offer helps u thanks so much
Aug 17Reply

Greetings and welcome to posh! I've got a ton of great styles and brands I'd love for you to check out when you have a moment, including free people, j crew, Kate spade, asos and more. Welcome again and good luck in your future poshing!
Aug 23Reply

Open offer on the Brahmin Anna bag. Buy it now before it's gone!! Matching wallet available too.
Sep 06Reply

Hi Naomi, I'm Rachel. Just wanted to say thank you for the share. Also, my first 15 buyers will receive a 🎁 gift priced between 10-20.00
Sep 06Reply

Hey there! We just wanted to let you know, when you bundle with us you'll get an additional 20% off! Thanks and hope you have a blessed day!
Sep 08Reply

Hi thank you for your 💕. Make me an offer 💞
Sep 17Reply

Hi thanks for the like! If you're interested and would like to make an offer of $22 I'll gladly accept! 💕
Sep 17Reply

I'll offer the miss mes at 25 if you want them just bid
Sep 19Reply

@girlofthemarsh hello! The Item you like will be DONATED by the end of the day today! So please make an offer on it if you want it!! I have to make room in my closet! Things will be deleted by midnight tonight! HURRY!🚴🏼🕛🛒
Sep 28Reply

Thanks for liking my closet! Many listings are marked as "donating soon." I'm accepting all reasonable offers! Check it out!! Bundle and save, I ship the same day🌸
Sep 29Reply

Thanks for liking ☺ ☺
Oct 02Reply

Hello I saw you recently liked my listing of Miss Me jeans! I’m always down to negotiate if you’d like 😊
Oct 03Reply

Hi Naomi, if you want the Sperry shoes, I'll drop the price by 10% to get cheaper shipping. Just let me know😊
Oct 04Reply

Hello miss those two items you liked in my closet ill accept $35.00 for both of them.
Oct 06Reply

Thank you for the like! Feel free to bundle your likes for a private offer or submit an offer request. Have a great week! Happy Poshing! 💞
Oct 10Reply

@girlofthemarsh Hi, thanks for visiting my closet and the likes 😍Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm always open to offers 🤗
Oct 15Reply

Naiomi, I saw you liked a Cinch shirt I have listed. If you are still interested I would sell it to you for $9
Oct 15Reply

Haven’t seen what your looking for so I shared it. Hope they will be found.
Oct 25Reply

Let me know if you see anything you like, I will give you a special discount.😘
Nov 03Reply

Naomi W, thanks for the like. Enjoy your shopping experience!
Nov 03Reply

@girlofthemarsh Hi Naomi,I will let you get all 3 pair for $100,that’s a $40 savings 🙂 Let me know if your interested!
Nov 16Reply

Welcome Posher, from the puppylove8@angela vintage/contemporary closet! ;-)
Nov 19Reply

Hi Naomi! Not sure if you're still interested in the hockey skates but I need them out of my way ☺️ not not the easiest thing to keep stashed in my Posh closet. I'll pay your shipping if you're still interested 🛍️
Nov 22Reply

Hi there!! Hope you're enjoying your time on this addicting app and being apart of this community :) Feel free to make offers on anything you may like (The Limited, Gap, Loft, Banana Republic, Guess, Old Navy, and more!) and bundles of 3 or more are 15% off. I look forward to shopping with you! :)
Nov 28Reply

thanks for the like on the Brighton Earrings! send an offer and i’ll ship tomorrow! :)
Dec 01Reply

Hello this is Romy thanks very much for the like.
Dec 06Reply

Closet clear out happening now! Buy 1, Get 1 FREE SALE🎉 PLUS 20% off 2 or more items▫️No exclusions on 20% off discount▫️Or make an offer...accepting ALL reasonable offers...even some low ball ones
Dec 15Reply

Hey girl I can give u a god deal on the haba play tent it’s gorgeous
Jan 08Reply

Feel free to make an offer on your listing like. Bundle for discounts
Jan 25Reply

Hi there! Welcome!🤗Those Sperry's are in excellent shape. I like them much more than the canvas ones! Make an offer!😘😗🙂😉
Jan 25Reply

Hi! I saw you liked a long necklace with a locket and charms and I’m selling a beautiful one! Please feel free to check out my closet and have a great day💕
Jan 26Reply

Hi! For some reason I thought you had chosen more things to my bundle so that’s why I countered at $30 but we can do $25!!
Jan 28Reply

🔴Buy one get one free in my closet!!
Jan 28Reply

Hi Naomi! Thanks for the like on the D&B purse. If you have any questions let me know and I'm always open to offers😁 Happy Poshing💚💙❤
Jan 29Reply

hey I was wondering if you would like to check out my closet. I recently posted some stuff that I think you might like. Also i am always open to offers and if you bundle you not only get that discount but also i will make you a private offer.
Feb 03Reply

Hi Hunn
Feb 07Reply

Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals!
Feb 09Reply

Midnight tonight is the last day of my 3 DAY NO OFFER SALE. Prices will go back up to comparable Poshmark prices midnight tonight.
Feb 12Reply

Good morning! Thanks for the likes in my closet ❤️ I offer discounts on bundling and right now, if 3 or more items are purchased I will pay for your shipping 😊 hope you have a nice day 😘
Feb 12Reply

Hi I can do 18 for all 3 items you liked in my closet
Mar 08Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet and for the like! I appreciate it very much! Have a great day!❤️
Mar 09Reply

Hello Naomi, Thanks for the like on my very cool Roper boots! I accept ALL reasonable offers and these awesome boots could be on their way to your house as soon as tomorrow! Thanks for browsing my closet and Happy Poshing! 😊🎁🌻
Mar 10Reply

Thanks for liking!!
Mar 12Reply

Thanks for the like on the Columbia pullover! If 10$ isn’t what you want to pay, I can come down:)
Mar 12Reply

Go Gators!
Mar 12Reply

Thanks for liking ☺
Mar 17Reply

Hey doll! 🤗THANK YOU for the likes! 💖
Feel free to add all your LIKES to a bundle & I'll send you an awesome private discount!! 😉
Mar 20Reply

Thank you for the like.!
Mar 20Reply

Hi dear, thanks for the likes, feel free to bundle and save, I always accept reasonable offers and will send a private offer on a bundle. Thank you
Mar 21Reply

Thanks for the like 😊 Let me know if you are ever interested in purchasing the item ❤ If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)
Mar 21Reply

Hi! I hope you’re enjoying your Poshmark adventure! Feel free to come on over and check out my closet if you’d like! 😊🛍📦
Mar 24Reply

Greetings from the @puppylove8 closet!
Mar 31Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!
I see you like Miss Me Jeans! They are one of my favorites too! Come check out my closet I might have something you might like! ♥️
Happy Shopping!🛍
Apr 03Reply

Hello! Thanks for checking out my closet! Let me know if you have any questions and have a wonderful evening!
Apr 11Reply

Hi there!! Feel free to create a bundle or an offer on those items!! I am moving so I’ll be taking everything off soon anyways☺️ have a good day!!
Apr 11Reply

Thanks for your interest in the Under Armour shirt. I can't go any lower than I have it already because of Poshmark's fees and its brand new so it's already a good deal, hope you can understand.
Apr 16Reply

Naomi, thanks for your purchase, shipping today!
Apr 16Reply

@girlofthemarsh Hi Naomi, thanks for all the likes in my closet! Bundle them all up and I would be happy to offer you a discount! Moving soon and everything has to go! 💗
Apr 19Reply

Hi!! I’ll be taking the born sandals & more items off tonight, so if you’d like them, feel free to offer!!
Apr 22Reply

Add your likes to a bundle and we will see what kind of deal I can make you!
Apr 23Reply

Hello and welcome. Thank you for stopping by. Happy poshing! Happy shopping! May you have an wonderful and peaceful night. God bless.❤️
Apr 25Reply

Hi Naomi!! Add my listings to a bundle and I’ll send you a private discount!!😋
Apr 27Reply

@girlofthemarsh thanks for the likes feel free to send offer thanks
May 10Reply

Hello Naomi 😊 I hope you are doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-growing closet. I sell some of the brands that you like as well as an array of Menswear, Ladieswear, and other cool unique goodies too. I offer a Bundle discount and I ship the next day. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend. ✌️❣️
May 10Reply

Thank you for the likes! I have a ton of Brighton and Fossil in my closet if you’re ever interested. Enjoy!
May 11Reply

If you want both of the Simply Southern tshirts Ill let you have them both for $15
May 12Reply

Hey:) I just wanted to let you know I just added some Miss Me jeans size 28 for sale in my closet! Let me know if you’re interested:)
May 13Reply

Hello Naomi! Thanks for the like on my Columbia PFG. Let me know if you have any questions. Just so you know I offer next day shipping :)
May 15Reply

Thanks for the likes. If you'd like to add your LIKES to a bundle, I'd love to work out a price that works for both of us! ❤️
May 20Reply

Thank you Naomi😍🌺🌹
May 28Reply

Hi and WELCOME😀🌹
May 29Reply

@girlofthemarsh hi! If your still interested in the Miss Me and Columbia I can do a bundle deal for you
Jun 01Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉 I noticed you have a thing for Converse! I just listed navy blue shoreline chuck Taylor slip ons in a Women’s size 6.5 if interested! Hope you are having a beautiful day today 🦋💗 Check out my closet in your free time hopefully you will find something you like as I always negotiate reasonably!😊
Jun 03Reply

Hi Naomi, Thanks for the like on my beautiful white ceramic MK watch! I accept ALL reasonable offers and this gorgeous watch could be on its way to your house as soon as tomorrow! Thanks for browsing my closet and Happy Poshing! 😊🎁🌵
Jun 13Reply

Jun 16Reply

Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision.
Jun 17Reply

Thanks for the like on the Simply Southern Shirt!! Feel free to make me an offer!! 🤗💓🎉☀️
Jun 22Reply

I see you liked one or more of my items. I just wanted to make sure you know of the special I am running. If you bundle 3 or more of my items from my closet, I will send you a 50% discount off the bundle. Or, if you only want the one item, send me an offer and I will be happy to accept or counter it. No pressure, I just wanted to give you the best deal!!!💵 Happy Poshing!😊
Jun 23Reply

Hello, thank you so much for your likes! Feel free to make an offer, or when you get a chance check out the rest of our listings! We have a lot of NEW SURF and SKATE brands, and SKY brand too! If you see anything you like please put it in a BUNDLE, for 1 shipping cost. If it happens to be one of our older items, we might throw it in for FREE! Have an awesome day thanks🤙🏼
Jun 25Reply

Hey:) I have some Miss Me jeans in sizes 27, 28, 29 if your interested:) I’m moving soon so I’m trying to get rid of everything ASAP, send me ANY priced offer ! ☺️💕
Jun 26Reply

Love Poshmark! Visit my closet and others. Everyone has something different. Happy Poshing!
Jun 27Reply

Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision.
Jun 28Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Posting!
Jun 28Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. Please check out my closet and thanks for following me....
Jun 29Reply

Thanks for liking
Jul 01Reply

🌹Welcome to Postmark
Jul 02Reply

Hey! Bundle and save 15% on your likes plus discounted shipping 😀
Jul 02Reply

@Naomi, Thank you for liking Palm Beach Sandal Shoes. I offered you10% off. Please check it out :)
Jul 02Reply

I saw you liked simply southern. Please check out my closet thank you and have a great day!!
Jul 02Reply

I just wanted to stop by to say HI! and let you know that I offer big discounts on bundles and ship very quickly! Happy Poshing =)
Jul 04Reply

Thanks for the ♥️ on my Lucky Brand Button Down! I do accept reasonable offers if you’re still interested! It’s a really cute top for summer, so lightweight! xo Katy
Jul 05Reply

Thanks for the likes on the Simply Southern! Make a bundle for the best offer! 🖤
Jul 07Reply

Do u have Ⓜ️ercari.... if so check them out there
Jul 12Reply

Thank you for the like
My daughter purchased them and changed her mind
Jul 13Reply

Hi you should definitely check out my closet I have brands like PINK, FASHION NOVA, JUICY COUTURE, and SEPHORA. I also have a ton of other brands. Hopefully you can come and check out my closet. And feel free to make any offer
Jul 14Reply

Welcome to my closet and Poshmark
Jul 15Reply

Hey there, I appreciate you stopping by! Feel free to make a bundle on one or multiple items (the larger the bundle the bigger the discount). huge summer sale going on right now and willing to give discounts on most everything in my closet. Thank again and enjoy the Posh journey!!! 😃 Cheers, Stephanie
Jul 18Reply

Thanks for liking the jean skirt in my closet.Make me an offer and it could be yours
Jul 20Reply

Hi you should definitely check out my closet I have brands like PINK, FASHION NOVA, JUICY COUTURE, and SEPHORA. I also have a ton of other brands. Hopefully you can come and check out my closet. And feel free to make any offers with me on anything you like!💕
Jul 21Reply

Hi just purchased a pair of Columbia shorts from me. When I was getting them ready to be shipped I realized they may be men's shorts and not women's as I stated in the listing. Please let me know if you still want them and I will ship them tomorrow. If not, I will cancel the order. Sorry about this!
Thanks, Evelyn
Jul 25Reply

Thanks for the bundle! I’m ready to make a deal ❣️
Jul 25Reply

Hello! 😊 thanks for the like!! You should really check out my closet, I️ think I️ will have things you would like! 💓 I️ am open to offers & have some great deals going on right now!
Jul 27Reply

Thanks for the love on the To y Burch dress!! Let me know if you have any questions
Jul 29Reply

Hi Naomi. I’m Carolyn. Thanks for stopping by. Yes! I do custom bundles for a different discount. Add your items to bundle to work out pricing. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.
Jul 30Reply

Thanks for the likes on the Jack’s. I could do both for $30 if you are interested. Thanks again and have a great night!!
Jul 31Reply

Thanks for the like on the Brighton earrings.
Aug 01Reply

Would you be interested in purchasing my Jack Rogers? I can negotiate pricing and you would get a free gift with your purchase since it's over 25 dollars. Thank girly!
Aug 03Reply

Thanks for the offer on the shoes☺️ I was hoping we could meet in the middle
Aug 03Reply

Hey girly I was just wondering if you were interested in purchasing my Jacks if they aren't your size you could also resell them. Thanks!
Aug 03Reply

I can do $75 on the Columbia boots if you really like them... shoot mean offer on the offER Button
Aug 08Reply

hey girl! ❤️ feel free to check out my closet and make an offer on anything that catches your eye, as I will be closing my closet next week because I am leaving for college out of state ❤️
Aug 08Reply

Hi Naomi. Thanks for the like on my shorts. If you are interested you can bundle as a single item so I can send you a private discount. Have a good night
Aug 10Reply

Hi there! I noticed you liked the Miss Me Capri Jeans I have for sale. If you are interested I would love to work out a deal with you!
Have a wonderful day!!!!🌸💐🌷
Aug 14Reply

Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
Aug 17Reply

hi thanks for the like. i offer private discounts if you are interested in the columbia shirt
Aug 23Reply

Good Morning and welcome to the wonderful world of Poshing where we affordabaly can purchase a whole new wardrobe..what great fun..I love it and hope you will too..let me know if I can help u in any way and ck out my 30% OFF bundles before I move Sept 17th....taking lowball offers! Happy Poshing, Leslie 💕🛍💸📦
Aug 28Reply

Good morning Naomi...My name is Leslie Naomi...used to hate mother and grandmother r Naomi...I love it so much I named my daughter and she named hers Maycee Naomi! Hadn’t seen any Naomi’s here, so felt compelled to share my story and tell you I love your beautiful name! Leslie Naomi
Sep 02Reply

Hello Naomi 😊 I hope you are doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my eclectic ever-growing closet. I sell an array of unique goodies. I offer a Bundle discount, discount shipping, and I always ship the next day. If you have any questions about Poshmark or anything in my closet, I'll be happy to help you out. ✌💛
Sep 05Reply

Thank you for the like on the iPhone case. Any questions let me know
Happy poshing
Sep 07Reply

Thank you for your likes I am open to offers and bundles. If you bundle 2+ items you will receive a 5% discount plus a private discount from me with $4.99 shipping! Happy Poshing!! ❤️🎉
Jeans are 2 for $35 or 3 for $45 with $4.99 shipping!
Sep 13Reply

Thank you for the heart on the Columbia Snow Pants! Let me know, if you have any questions and have a great day!!
Sep 13Reply

You should make an offer on your like. 🌹
Sep 13Reply

👋 Thank you for liking my Grace jeans! Please let me know if you have any questions! 🌹
Sep 15Reply

Hey there! Seems like we have similar styles and like the same brands!! I have a variety of different items in your closet and think you should definitely check it out! I’m negotiable with prices but don’t forget about the 20% posh fee :( if you don’t see anything you want to buy now, follow, share, like, and keep an eye on new posts to my closet!
Sep 18Reply

@fabulousstylen Hi, I saw you like my Brighton earrings. I just lowered the price Wink wink
Sep 28Reply

@fabulousstylen oh ok. Thanks
Sep 28Reply

@girlofthemarsh Thanks for the likes! You'll never offend me with an offer, and please let me know if you have any questions!
Sep 29Reply

Hi Naiomi! If you create a bundle of your likes, I’ll make you a great deal. Thanks
Oct 03Reply

If you’re interested about the Rae Dunn items I can ship them tomorrow morning!! Bundle to save on shipping too!!
Oct 03Reply

Hello and welcome! Just wanted to stop by and let you know that my closet has many new items available and I am currently accepting offers. I think you may be interested in viewing my closet when you have a moment. Thank you and have a blessed day 💕💕💕
Oct 03Reply

Thanks for the lime On the mud pie wants to set
It’s so cute would make a great gift for yourself or for the holidays. I’m open to reasonable offers
Oct 09Reply

Hey there 💕 whenever you get a chance would you mind taking a look at my closet? I have a few items that would be perfect for you! Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you, happy poshing ☺️😘💋
Oct 13Reply

Good afternoon
Happy Poshing 😊! Please check out my closet. I sell really fun baseball caps, beanies, and jewelry. 😍
Oct 13Reply

Huge sale in my closet I slashed prices today on many items so everything that is listed between $8 $15 Is by 4 for $25 make your bundle now sale ends at 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night
Oct 14Reply

Make an offer I’m flexible
Oct 16Reply

Happy Poshing 🎉🎉 and if you happen to be looking for designer jeans / premium denim brands - please consider taking a peek at my closet 👖💕
Oct 21Reply

Hello and welcome to Poshmark! We have a great community here. Feel free to check out my closet, add items to a bundle or just send me an offer. Happy Poshing 💗
Oct 26Reply

Hello! I’d love to have you check out our closet! My sister and I have been adding new styles recently - many size 11 and 12 and most have never been worn! We have Stuart Weitzman, Balenciaga, UGG, Frye, Coach, Ralph Lauren, etc! 💝 Cheers! - Hanna
Oct 27Reply

Hey! I noticed you liked a few of my listings :) if you are interested in a special bundle offer, just combine your likes and name your price 😊 we can negotiate. 💕
Oct 28Reply

Thank you for visiting and sharing my closet. Happy Poshing 😇
Nov 01Reply

Thank you for the Like on the Justice Shorts. I love reasonable offers and bundles. Just let me know what I can do!!
Nov 02Reply

@girlofthemarsh Hi. Your package is in the mail today. Thanks for shopping my closet!😊🌸
Nov 02Reply

Hello Naomi and thanks for the like. I sent you an offer on the big red bag. It is fabulous.
Nov 03Reply

Plus i will throw in my two matching Remember the Alamo tee shirts. Next best thing to Simply Southern?
Nov 03Reply

Hi, I just noticed that you liked the Michael Kors Dress Pants in my closet. I just sent you a private discounted offer of 20% off PLUS $1.50 discount in shipping if you are interested in purchasing the item. I'm pricing items to sell in my closet, as I need to clear out inventory in order to list new items. I'd love for this item to go to a good home. Please let me know if you're interested. ☺☺☺☺☺
Nov 05Reply

Thank You for your purchase. Your item has shipped! :-)
Nov 10Reply

Hey Naomi! Thanks for liking one of my items, the light blue long sleeve tee from Simply Southern! I would love to sell it to you; feel free to contact me with any questions or offers that you may have anytime :)
Nov 12Reply

Hey! Check out the Banana Republic long sleeve on my page. Recently reposted them and trying to get rid of everything on my page before the holidays! Shoot me an offer.
Nov 16Reply

Hi Naomi, Thx for liking my Brahmin purse. I also have a Cowgirl purse available. I’m always glad to consider offers if you like. Happy Poshing!!! 😀🌺
Nov 23Reply

@missjoellyn hey Naomi thanks for the like are you interested in the Columbia pull over?
Nov 25Reply

Hey there Welcome to the wonderful world of Poshing where we all work together sharing our closets, buying what we love, selling what we don’t. I have created a whole new personal wardrobe which guessing u too are doing! Such fun...let me know if I can assist in any way...happen to have great pair of Vintage Sorel’s in a 6 and have some 5’s & 5.5 //lmk if u r interested..thank you, Leslie
Nov 27Reply

Thanks for liking 🙂
Dec 11Reply

Thanks for like a both dresses new and gorgeous buy one get second half off and free shipping just bundle and save early CHMX gift for yourself 😶
Dec 13Reply

Hi, thank you for your like if you have any questions please feel free to ask and happy poshing 🌼 🌺
Dec 14Reply

That’s my wife page same Tory make a offer
Dec 27Reply

Hello there!!! Happy New Year's!So glad you happened upon my closet! Thank you for taking time to check it out!I have lost a lot of weight from a plus 24 to now an 8 :0) in case you wondered & live with a houseful of fashionista's male & female! We like to shop! Please do not hesitate to send offers we accept 9 out 10 & simply counter the other! You could be wearing it! Do not Panic! Buy it!!!
Jan 08Reply

Hello! Hope your posh experience has been going great 😊 If you'd like to check out my closet, I have brands like PINK, LOFT, Calvin Klein, Betsey Johnson and more! Happy poshing 🛍️🤗
Jan 11Reply

Hello! Hope your posh experience has been going great 😊 If you'd like to check out my closet, I have brands like PINK, LOFT, Calvin Klein, Betsey Johnson, FRYE and more! Happy poshing 🛍️🤗
Jan 12Reply

Hi! Welcome to poshmark ! Make sure to check out my closet, all prices are negotiable 😊 happy Poshing
Jan 14Reply

Hi there!! I have some great items in my closet I think you will love! I would love if you would stop by and take a look around!! Happy shopping! 🤗💕
Jan 15Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing!
Jan 16Reply

Jan 27Reply

Thank u for the like.
Jan 29Reply

Hi, nice to meet you! I hope you have had and continue to have a great experience on Poshmark! 😊
Jan 30Reply

Thanks for the like. Let me know if you have any questions and remember I am open to offers and offer discounts on bundle deals.
Jan 31Reply

Thank for the like on the Miss Me shorts. I'm open to reasonable offers. If you are interested.
Feb 07Reply

Thanks for liking
Feb 07Reply

Hey!❤️ come checkout my closet! I have alot of great brands you love with great prices. If you see something you like make an offer or like and I will send an additional discount 💕❤️😊👍🏻i offer great deals and discounts!!! 👌🏻👌🏻
Feb 15Reply

@girlofthemarsh Hi Naomi, I see you liked an item in my closet, I have a deal going on today :add 3 items to a bundle and get 50% off.
Feb 27Reply

Come checkout my closet💕 I am open to reasonable offers have great bundle deals👍🏻🤗
Mar 18Reply

Hello there! It’s a great day to shop Poshmark. Thanks for visiting my closet. Make an offer today on the item you liked. I do accept offers. Happy poshing! 💕💕💕💕
Mar 20Reply

Hello! Thank you for liking both of my miss me jeans. If you make a bundle of 2 or more you can receive 15% off the purchase. Let me know if you have any questions.😊
Mar 27Reply

Thanks for the like! Let me know if you have any questions about the camelbak.
Mar 29Reply

Hi , thank you for liking my listing. Feel free to make an offer. Happy Poshing!
Mar 31Reply

🙋🏻Welcome to a fun fashion festivity filled with friendly folks. From 🏋🏼♀️ fitness fare 👯 to party flare 💃🏻 it's fabulous to buy, sell and share without a care! 💐 Enjoy🤗
Apr 16Reply

Hi Naomi 🤗
Check out my closet. If you need any help, let me know. Happy Poshing! 🛍
Apr 18Reply

Thanks for the like on the Michael kors wide leg pant.
May 02Reply

Hey there - just inviting you to check out my closet. I have a variety of mainly Kate Spade items. Have a great day!
May 02Reply

I’m starting a sale today on all kids items. They are buy 1 get 1 free. Must purchase item at full price🌻 happy poshing
May 13Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 14Reply

Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed tonight will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
May 22Reply

Buy 2 get one Free in Costume Jewelry and/or Cosmetics, bear in mind that you already get a 20% discount off 3 items which will still apply,
just add them to bundle and pay shipping only once plus I will send you an offer you can't refuse lol You may like Steve Madden, Badgley, Blush, Romeo & Juliet, XOXO, Vince Camuto, Givenchy, Ellen Tracy, BCBG, Swarovski, Rampage, Gloria Vanderbilt, Laundry, Anne Klein, Ann Taylor, Adrienne Vittadini, Laundry,
bebe, Catherine Malandrino, Nine West, Ivanka
May 23Reply

Good morning Naomi thank you for your purchase I will mail today 🙂
Jun 02Reply

I sent you a counter on the converse. They are brand new and I had just marked them down $5 This morning. Thanks for your interest
Jun 02Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and for the likes!
FYI: I ship same or next day , offer 15% off Bundles (2+), I’m 5 star rated and always open to reasonable offers!
Happy Poshing! 👖👢💕
Jun 04Reply

Hey there! I’m doing bundles of 3 for $12, or 5 for $18 right now, on new comfort colors tees. You can choose any color and size. Let me know if your interested, thanks!
Jun 07Reply

Hi Naomi, don’t you love Posh?!! So many unique people with so many unique styles! Please stop by and say hi sometime. Happy shopping! 😘.
Jun 18Reply

ThAnk you for the likes. I’ve lowered prices and if you make a bundle I’ll lower them again ANd it ships today !
Jun 19Reply

thank you for liking my mattress topper! I recently reduced the price and hope you’ll consider to purchase or make an offer.
Jul 06Reply

Thanks for the like! Open to offers. Have sold over 500 items with a 5 star rating
Jul 06Reply

Jul 06Reply

Hi! Hope you’re enjoying the Poshmark community! I would love for you to come by my closet 😁🎾🏌️♀️🧘♀️🏃♀️👖👕🌸
Jul 09Reply

Hey! I just listed a really cute pair of rare converse if your interested😊👟💜 thanks!
Jul 20Reply

Hi there! 👋🏼 I have a Tory Burch Miller Straw purse in my closet if you might be interested! 🙂
Jul 24Reply

Hi again! Thanks for stopping by my closet again and for the like!💕
Jul 24Reply

Hiii there!!! Thank you for visiting my closet!! If anything that you like- feel free to make an offer! ❤️
don’t forget to check out our special sale!
✨BUY 1 GET 1 FREE✨items (at the bottom- scroll down)
🌈2 for 25 on unique boutique 🌈items!
Thank you 🤗
Jul 24Reply

Hiii there!!! Thank you for visiting my closet!! If anything that you like- feel free to make an offer! ❤️
don’t forget to check out our special sale!
✨BUY 1 GET 1 FREE✨items (at the bottom- scroll down)
🌈2 for 25 on unique boutique 🌈items!
Thank you 🤗
Jul 24Reply

thanks for the like!! if your interested in purchasing feel free to make an offer and if you like anything feel free to bundle up:)
Aug 05Reply

Hi Naomi! Thanks for the likes; let me know if you’re interested in a bundle deal!
Aug 10Reply

Hey Naomi! Hope you’ve been enjoying your time on Posh!
Xoxo, Abby 💗
Aug 10Reply

Tips! 🎉
· Read descriptions
· View ALL photos, esp on resale
· Ask ?'s
· Manage expectations, esp on resale
· Check seller reviews
· Create bundles
· Make offers
· Create bright & clean cover photos
· Use key words in title
· Describe accurately & honestly
· Check comps for pricing
· Follow other closets
· Share your listings daily
· Share from other closets
***Strategies, Tips, Pricing, etc. filed under: WOMEN, OTHER in my closet 💛
Aug 15Reply

@girlofthemarsh hey! Are you interested in my jack Rodgers?
Aug 17Reply

Hello! I am having a sale on BKE and Miss Me Jeans! Buy one get one half off if you’re interested! Bundle and get the half off one pair! Happy Poshing :)
Aug 28Reply

Hello, thank you for visiting my closet!😊❤🙌
Bundle and save.
Make offers for great discount!
Sep 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Check out my closet. I have women’s and men’s clothing plus home goods. Happy Poshing 🌻👠👗👔👖🌻
Sep 19Reply

Thanks! I have a Vera Bradley laptop backpack I think you’ll like!
Sep 21Reply

@girlofthemarsh Hello Bundle 5 item's with the lightning bolt symbol⚡⚡ and send me a offer of $25 and I'll accept and have your package shipped out same day or next day. All item's come from a smoke free and clean home 🤗💜🤗
Sep 22Reply

Hi welcome to poshmark! 💖🎀🛍👚👙👗👠check out my closet! I have some items I think you might like and offer discounts for bundling!! Happy poshing ⭐️😀
Sep 30Reply

Hi there ✨ I wanted to share with you that I have a pair of Columbia snow pants in size large if you’re interested! Have a blessed day!
Oct 03Reply

@girlofthemarsh hi I noticed that you liked the Tory Burch Earrings Just wanted to let you know that I sent you an offer with a shipping discount and I’m open to all offers if interested 😊
Oct 07Reply

Dear Naomi,
Thank you for stopping by my closet and taking a good look at it. I see that you liked the cowhide bags. They are beautiful. They are 100% leather cowhide. Made with great care by humble artisans. Let me know if I can assist you. I will be happy to pack them up for you. Bundles are best for savings!!. Happy shopping, sharing, and poshing!♡
Oct 16Reply

Dear Naomi,
I have lowered the price on the cowhide purse.
Please feel free to contact me if you will like to purchase it or send me a reasonable offer.
Thank you and enjoy your day, happy shopping, sharing and poshing ♡!
Oct 18Reply

Hey girl! 🌵 I hope you’re enjoying Poshmark! My closet is having a big sale right now that I’m trying to let all know about! Hope you’re able to come check it out! 😻
Oct 22Reply

Hi Naomi, hope your poshing experience is going well. I would like to invite you to my close. Please feel free to ask any questions or make an offer on anything that interest you. I add new items often/ weekly. Have a good night. 😄🍁🍁🍁🍁
Nov 01Reply

Hey hun! Just wanted to stop by and invite you to check out my closet! I have 100% authentic- brand new with tags Michael Kors and Kate Spade handbags for sale. I am also accepting reasonable offers at this time. Stop by when you have a chance! Thanks!
Nov 04Reply

@girlofthemarsh hi sweetie thank you for stopping at my closet I sent you my lowest offer on the earrings I’m a 5 star seller and poshmark Ambassador any questions please ask ♥️
Nov 06Reply

@camachoport Hi, you can. I didn’t get any notification that it was shipped?
Nov 07Reply

@camachoport ok I totally understand, I sure will thanks so very much 😊
Nov 08Reply

Happy Poshing! Come and browse by my closet too sometime :)
Nov 08Reply

@girlofthemarsh Hi Naomi, I noticed you were not available to receive the item what was sent. Apparently I think there was a mistake with the labels, you were sent what was suppose to be for another customer and the customer got what was suppose to be yours. I'll be making sure that she sends it to you asap. When you receive the that, I'll send you a label to send it to her or return it back to me. I appreciate your patience in this matter.
Nov 08Reply

@girlofthemarsh When you receive the item*
Nov 08Reply

Hey, can you text or email me? I have your order from @poshunter and you have mine. She wants us to ship them to each other but I’d just like to talk to you personally to make sure you plan to ship me my order before I put your order in the mail to you. Thanks 770-876-4590
Nov 09Reply

Have you seen my message?
Nov 11Reply

@camachoport hi I don’t know why but I still have not yet got the yeti bag? Do you know why? My bank has been charged but no yeti bag?
Nov 19Reply

@camachoport yes I was out of town but I never have trouble with my packages as they leave them inside my gate. When I look up the package it says it’s not even shipped? Not sure if we have a fedex office only post office. Plz help me out with where it is thanks
Nov 19Reply

@girlofthemarsh I don't know what you told Poshmark but they also suspended the account I created just to resolve this issue. I've been trying to close my account here on Poshmark for 2 weeks now. Now you're telling them you don't have any package, can you just tell me if you want them to redeliver the item or hold it at their office so you can pick it up?
Nov 19Reply

@girlofthemarsh I honestly just think you're lying.
Nov 20Reply

@kostowiczz hold up one minute if I had the package I would NOT BE GOING Through ALL THIS!!!!! The lady you sent my yeti bag to has been in contact with me! She does not have it she sent it with the label she got from you and it was not paid for! All I want is you to send me what I have paid for you have my address
Nov 20Reply

@girlofthemarsh I'm not sure you're interested in getting this package. I have sent you a tracking number, I've asked if you want it redelivered or if you want it held at FedEx for you, no response to that but you're in communication with someone who has no control over the package. Please explain to me what you mean by it wasn't paid for.
Nov 20Reply

@girlofthemarsh Again, I ask you... do you want this item delivered to you? Confirm so I call FedEx to make another delivery. Ups tried delivering the first item, says you were not available, FedEx says you refused package, I've tried to communicate with you here to confirm your address and try to work things out but you're ignoring the questions and responding after a day, you don't seem to want your item. If I were you I will avoid talking to Hannah, she can't be trusted
Nov 20Reply

@girlofthemarsh She tried to keep that item instead of sending it to you. again just a simple answer, do you want FedEx to make another delivery attempt? Or I can call them to hold the item at the locations o you pick it up, what do you want?
Nov 20Reply

@girlofthemarsh I just spent over an hour with FedEx and they insisted that you refused the package and wanted to return it but now they've updated the package to complete delivery and they said they will call me back for confirmation and will make another delivery, please be available to receive package so I can get paid and delete my account. Thank you!
Nov 20Reply

@girlofthemarsh This order has been cancelled, I'll try to stop FedEx from delivering that bag, if they eventually do please do not accept the delivery. I see why Poshmark insists on using their labels, it's because of people like you.
Nov 21Reply

@girlofthemarsh 🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋
Thank you for stopping in I am thrilled your found some items you liked!
We accept all fair offer & offer a 3+ 20% discount only pay 1 ship fee
Nov 22Reply

@girlofthemarsh hello 👋 and thank you for the love 💕 I sent you an offer I hope you see it
Dec 02Reply

Hi!! Thank you for the like and visit!! All offers are mostly acceptable! If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask! Have a great day!
Dec 05Reply

Hi 👋 I hope you are well and enjoying the poshmark experience!!😍😘🥰❤️🌸just wanted to invite you check out my closet ! I believe I have some items you might be interested in !!! Have a great day 😻💃🥳
Dec 24Reply

Hi 👋🏽 Take look at my closet, lots of Adidas, Nike, Polo, FILA, Kappa, Umbro, Puma, Champion, Band Tee’s & Licensed Tees for Men, Women & Kids. 📌 NEW ITEMS POSTED DAILY!! 📌 We’re currently running a 3 for $25 sale! Look for the 🏁 in the items title for participating items to complete your bundle. 🏁
Dec 25Reply

Hi Naomi!🙋 I would like to invite you to check out my closet. I have some stylish items from J. CREW, BANANA REPUBLIC, LOFT and more at GREAT PRICES. Feel free to send me an offer if anything catches your eye or you can ‘like’ some items and I will send you a sweet deal :)👗🎂. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day. ~ Patti (Check out my Insta (mygirlbosslife) where I post tips, inspirational quotes an highlight girl bosses)💐
Jan 03Reply

Hi! Check out our closet! We have tons of cute boutique clothes with brands like Umgee, kancan, Cello etc. Great new winter arrivals too! Also offer discounts for bundling. 🥰
Jan 04Reply

Naomi beautiful picture,Happy New Year !!! thanks for your supportPlease enjoy a 50% off allowance on your next purchase of $50 or more ($10 off $25). expires 1/31/20
Jan 08Reply

Thanks for the Like ❤️
Sending an offer your way!
Jan 14Reply

Hello 🌸 just stopping by to share the love! Be sure to check out my closet for 2 for $30 deals on NWT Nike Adidas and Under Armour items. Wishing you speedy sales and best of luck! Happy poshing ☺️💕
Jan 16Reply

👋 Heyy! Enjoy poshmark! I have a closet with cool stuff if you want to come take a look! Feel free to ask any questions! 😃
See pictures for details and measurements!
Smoke free and pet free home.
Don't be afraid to make me an offer!
Bundle and save!
Jan 19Reply

offers welcome
Jan 20Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jan 26Reply

ood Afternoon....Thanks for visiting my closet & liking the Le Rouge bracelet. It is certainly lovely.
I have so many more Brighton pieces to list so if your a Brighton lover, stop by from time to time. Enjoy your weekend....TGIF!
Jan 30Reply

Hi! 🙋♀️ I hope you are enjoying your poshmark experience. Please come check out my closet if you get the chance for some great deals on brand new with tag items from Nike, Under Armour, North Face, Spyder, Columbia, Fabletics, Calia, and Adidas! Have a great day!
Feb 04Reply

hi there. Most items in my closet have been reduced to $6 due to me needed them gone within the next couple days. if you have any time please check my closet out. prices will also go even lower for bundles. will ship within 24 hours of purchase 🙂 if you can help a girl out
Feb 27Reply

Thanks for liking my Brighton necklace my closet has been closed because my mother passed away I’m just starting to list things again that is available for sale and I’m open to reasonable offers😊🛍❤️
May 30Reply

Please check out my closet!
Jun 05Reply

@girlofthemarsh we just lowered the price of the Bke to alot you discount shipping just wanted to make sure you knew!!!
Jul 02Reply

hey beautiful! Feel free to check around my closet! I sell brands like PINK, MICHAEL KORS, COACH, HOLLISTER, ADIDAS, VANS, VERSACE, & More! All for a affordable price! 😍🤩❤️😘
Jul 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark ❤️
My name is Selma and I am a Poshmark Ambassador! ❤️❤️❤️
If you have a questions please let me know!
♦️Please check out my closet!♦️
I list new merchandise daily ❤️❤️❤️
♦️ When making offers, please consider what your offering as Poshmark takes out high commissions♦️
Jul 09Reply

hello! check out my closet! i might have items you’d be interested in like leggings, children clothes, and a variety of other things!!💕
Jul 19Reply

Hi Naomi, I'm Judy, I just wanted to Thank you for visiting my closet yesterday and liking the Michael Kors Winter White corduroys. They are nice. Let me know if you have any questions about them or anything else in my closet.🌹🌹🌹
Jul 27Reply

Hey there, I appreciate you stopping by! There’s a huge sale going on right now, the larger the bundle the bigger the discount. Open to offers as well. Everything needs a new loving home. ☺️
Thanks again for peeking in my closet, enjoy the Posh journey!!! 😃 Cheers, Stephanie
Aug 07Reply

Hi Naomi - Thank you so much for stopping by my closet + sharing likes on our Brighton items. I truly appreciate it. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with or if you have any questions.
Thanks - Sheri
Aug 08Reply

Hi Naomi, thank you for your Like on the tan Tory Burch slacks in my Closet. I noticed a spot after I started listing them, so I decided to List them as Not For Sale while I try to get to a dry cleaner. 😕 Thanks again, though.
Aug 10Reply

Hi, Thank you so much for you purchase! I will be available to ship today, sorry about that, Have a Great Day.
Aug 13Reply

Hi! I sent an offer to you for this top. If you are still interested I can ship it tomorrow!!!😁
Aug 17Reply

Thanks for liking my Tory Burch bundle it’s a great deal for the shoes and the bracelet I’m selling the bracelet alone in my closet for 80 I would do 70 for both if interested with one shipping charge❤️🛍😊👡
Aug 17Reply

Hello) How are you?
I would like to invite you to visit my wardrobe)
May be you will find there something interesting)
Thank you!
Hope to hear you soon 😉
Aug 17Reply

Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet - I have some super cute American Eagle shorts I think you would love! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! 😊💕🌺
Aug 21Reply

Hey Naomi 👋 wanted to invite you to check out my closet, I think you might dig the style of my collection!! Let me know if anything catches your eye💕Happy Poshing & Cheers friend 🥂
Aug 23Reply

Hey! Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to check out my closet! Happy poshing
Aug 24Reply

Hi Naomi! Thank you for the like! I sent a discounted private offer should you be interested in purchasing. :)
Aug 25Reply

Hey! Thanks for liking the sperry boots! Feel free to make any offer on them or ask questions 💗
Aug 26Reply

Hey! Feel free to check out my closet and send me an offer If you have your eye on something! Happy Poshing 🥳
Sep 01Reply

Hi Naomi!
The soonest ill be able to ship your wallet is next Tuesday. I am currently travelling for work and Monday is a holiday!!
Please let me know if that works for you!! 🥰
Sep 02Reply

Hey, Naomi...I was wondering if you were interested in the Brighton necklace/earring set still. I'm offering it at a 20% discount with $4.99 shipping. Let me know if you are interested.
Sep 03Reply

@girlofthemarsh hi there 🙋 im Kay (high rated Posh Ambassador) i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet anytime. i carry brands like Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, WHBM, Ralph Lauren, and Banana Republic. if u see sumthin u like... plz feel free 2 Make me an OFFER 😀 happy poshing!
Sep 09Reply

🌼Hey girl, wanted to say hi, I'm Bella and my daughter Maya and I run our closet.
We've been working really hard on trying to set up our closet to look cute and organized for shoppers when they browse.
We are still new here, and would love and feedback you can give on our design, setup, and overall look of our closet.
Can you take a quick look, and drop me a comment with any feedback that comes to mind when you look around, I would be so thankful.
❤Bella @shopyellowdaisy 🌼
Sep 11Reply

Hi Naomi! Thanks for visiting and liking my closet as I truly appreciate it very much! Have a wonderful evening!❤️Patricia
Sep 13Reply

I found this tshirt for you in a small on Poshmark , seller is beebird , the one with the feathers
Sep 14Reply

Thank you for kindly letting me know, I had no idea. Received them as a gift and were too big for me😊 I deleted my listing and will repost
Sep 14Reply

hi! you just bid on a pair of Tory Burch gold Miller's. due to poshmark fees I can't go that low but I can on merc@ri. there fees are half.
Sep 20Reply

Hi Naomi! Thank you for visiting my closet! The wall hanging you liked is so cute! Feel free to make me an offer if you’re interested! 🤗
Sep 24Reply

Hey there! Just dropping in to invite to view my closet. Happy Poshing🌺
Sep 25Reply

Hi Naomi.i noticed you liked quite a few of my American Eagle items. Let me know if you would like to work out a bundle price.
Oct 02Reply

Hey! Thanks for your like on the Miss Me jeans! I am open to any reasonable offers so feel free to make me an offer at anytime. Happy Poshing😊
Oct 08Reply

Hi 👋 Naomi Thanks for following my closet. If you are interested bundle the two pairs and I will send you a offer .
Oct 09Reply

Check out my closet and let me know if anything catches your eye ✨💕✨
Oct 12Reply

@girlofthemarsh thanks for cheking my closet and for your like on UA bagpack NWT! I will take $40 for it. Have a great day and happy poshing!
Oct 14Reply

hello I want to invite you to check out my closet I think I have some things that you may be interested in
Oct 18Reply

Hey Naomi! 👋🏼 Thanks for your like on my item 💕 Feel free to reach out with any questions 😊 I am always open to offers so just reach out and let me know what you were looking to spend 🛍
Oct 20Reply

Thanks for the like! 🌺🌸😀🌸🌺
Oct 25Reply

Hello 😊 I hope you're doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-growing closet. I sell an array of truly cool and unique goodies, including Menswear & Homegoods. I offer a 10% Bundle discount and discount too! I ship next day. ✌💛
Oct 27Reply

Hello, my name is Sara I wanted to invite you to check out my closet I have many items at great prices.Dont like a price shoot me an offer I'm very flexible. Sending you Good Vibes 😊 Stay safe.
Oct 30Reply

I noticed you liked some items from my closet, I offer a discount with a bundle of 3 items and also accept offers.
Nov 10Reply

Naomi Beautiful picture,hope you are well and in good spirits.Please enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more (free shipping on $25 purchase).expires 11/31/20.l also wholesale ,purchase any item in my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $100. Start your closet or replenish your inventory.
Nov 16Reply

Hi saw you liked my Tory Burch jeans if you would like make an offer
Nov 19Reply

SAVE $$ ... 20% off Brighton Bracelet you liked from “My Closet” today through Monday take 20% off listed price and I will accept offer!
Nov 29Reply

Hi thank you for stopping by my closet I just want to let you know about the sale I’m having everything must go everything is half off and over and also taking reasonable best offers. Bundle and you’ll save even more I ship same day or next day there’s a lot of Coach Michael Kors Buckle brand Victoria’s Secret Nike Tory Burch and so much more for the whole family. thanks.
Nov 29Reply

Make me an offer with 20% off any listed item over $15.00 in “My Closet” and I will accept. Ends today!
Dec 01Reply

Hey I noticed you liked my Michael Kors mini coral backpack let me know if you are interested in buying it :)
Dec 10Reply

hello nice to meet you please feel free to stop by my closet I think I have some things that you may be interested in and I am always willing to negotiate
Dec 16Reply

Hi! Just letting you know I won’t be able to ship the vest until Monday due to the holidays! Hope that’s ok!
Dec 24Reply

Hi Naomi, thank you for visiting my closet and liking the Ariat Real Denim Bootcut Jeans. please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you.
Dec 31Reply

hey! so do you want the fan for $6?Go check out that listing at lavender _ease. Sorry don't mean to chase you like this. I'm just getting out of the hospital and I'm on my phone. I saw that you liked the fan so I'm just letting you know the latest.
Dec 31Reply

Hi Naomi! I noticed you like UGGs and I have some gorgeous styles in your size- check out my closet if you get a chance! Happy poshing and Happy New Year!
Jan 02Reply

Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Jan 19Reply

Hello.🙂 Welcome to Poshmark. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to help. I hope you're doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-growing closet. I sell an array of truly cool and unique goodies, including Menswear and Homegoods. I offer a 10% bundle discount, discount shipping, and I ship next day. . ✌️❤️
Feb 21Reply

Hi! Almost everything in my closet is $5.. if not bought it will be donated soon. I would love it if you could come check it out. Have an awesome day 💗
Mar 07Reply

Hi! Feel free to check out my closet :) I have tons of jeans from brands such as Miss Me, True Religion, American Eagle, Bebe, Big Star, Levi’s, Lucky Brand, Vigoss, BKE Stella, Rock and Republic, Hollister,and more! I also have tons of teenage girls and little girls clothing, womens clothing, men’s clothing, little boys clothing, and toys! I can negotiate. Have a great day!
Mar 18Reply

Hey there, Saw you liked a few things from our closet... if you bundle these items together we can offer you a special deal. Thanks for looking and happy shopping!!!
Apr 11Reply

Hello 😊 I hope you're doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-growing closet. I sell an array of eclectic goodies, including Menswear. I offer a 10% Bundle discount, discount shipping, and I ship next day. ✌️❤️
Apr 18Reply

I apologize, I was out of town for the weekend, but will be shipping the boots at the latest tomorrow.
Apr 26Reply

Welcome to Poshmark
Please let me know if I can help you in anyway! Please also check out my closet for great deals!
I also keep my prices very affordable!
Poshmark Ambassador ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💗💗💗💗💗💗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😄😄😄😄😄
Apr 29Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
May 09Reply

Hi my name is Selma , a Poshmark Ambassador!
Please check out my closet for name brand clothing! ❤️❤️Because I have so much listed & I list new items everyday, things get out of order so you will have fun playing in my closet! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Please follow my closet @Missmoly. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I sell Torrid, Lane Bryant in plus sizes, men, women’s & children’s all all sizes! 😊😊😊😊😊 I also have many other items! 😊❤️🥰😊❤️🥰😊❤️🥰
May 12Reply

Hi Lovely!! Thank you SO much for visiting my closet! I would LOVE to make that ❤️yours!! My sales help me accomplish my life’s mission of spreading love to our hurting communities and helping kids feel loved and know they matter! Plus I get to give great clothes and accessories new life🥰
May 14Reply

Hi! Hope you’re doing well. Please feel free to check out my closet- I have multiple Women’s pieces from different brands in various sizes😊Let me know if you have any questions- Happy Poshing!
May 19Reply

Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, I’ve got a variety of styles in clothing, shoes and beauty products so maybe you’ll find something you like! Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Sep 06Reply

Hi there, I wanted to invite you to come and take a look through my Closet!!! I have Amazing Brands at Amazing prices. You can find brands such as Lily Pulitzer, Nike, J.Crew, Lululemon, Athleta, Fabletics, Kate Spade ,Coach, Micheal Kors, GAIAM, Lancôme, Forever21, TheNorthFace, Vineyard Vines Patagonia, Oasis, Puma, Adidas, Gymshark, Tory Burch and many more !! If you see something you like please reach out I’m price Flexible.Happy Poshing !!!!
Sep 12Reply

Hi Naomi. Thanks for all the likes! I'm available if you need any help or have any questions! Thanks and have a great day!
Oct 22Reply

thank you for your purchase of the Vera Bradley tote I will pop it in the mail today thank you so much enjoy the day
Oct 22Reply

Hi Hon!! Thank you and please make an offer as having an after CHRISTMAS closet CLEAROUT!!!
Dec 27Reply

Welcome to PoshMark!🌷
Jan 05Reply

hello i'm Kaelyn! i have a new deal out!! bundle or order $30 or more, get $10 off!! come check out my closet!! P.S. i have other sales going on as well & they are included in the bundle or order $30 or more, get $10 off!
Jan 31Reply

Check my closet for tory burch gold miller sandals!
Feb 05Reply

Hi Naomi, thank you for visiting my closet and liking the Tin Haul Between Two Thieves Women's Boots. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. I also accept reasonable offers. Thank you.
Feb 25Reply

Hi there! Thanks for the like on my Tory Burch shorts. Let me know if you see anything else in my closet you’re interested. I’m adding more this weekend. 🙂🛍
Mar 18Reply

Hi, If you love Betsey Johnson please check out my closet. I just marked down my prices for a Spring Sale. Happy Poshing.
May 01Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jun 02Reply

Hey there, I appreciate you
stopping by! There's a huge sale going on right now, the larger the bundle the bigger the discount. Open to offers as well. Everything needs a new loving home.
Thanks again for peeking in my closet, enjoy the Posh journey!!!
Cheers, Stephanie
Aug 19Reply

Hi! I saw you liked one of my items! If you are interested you can send me an offer :)
Aug 29Reply

Naomi amazing beautiful picture Nice closet, Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more from this closet.(Free shipping on $25 purchase). l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet or replenish your inventory. Check out Poshmark videos on YouTube:Great ideas to increase sales!!
Sep 02Reply

Hi Naomi, Beautiful picture! Thanks for the like on the Tory Burch dress! I just listed that item but you are welcome to make me an offer!!! Hope you have a great weekend!!! Happy Poshing!!!🐳🙏🦋😇🐸🌹
Oct 01Reply

Hi, thank you for liking the Tommy Hilfiger Open Jacket!😊 Reasonable offers are welcome.
Oct 13Reply

@girlofthemarsh Naomi, Thank you for visiting my closet...I sent you a private offer with the shipping discount on the item that you liked... if you're interested I can get that out in the mail for you tomorrow... have a wonderful evening. Looking forward to doing business with you.
May 16Reply

Hi there
I have a Brahmin handbag listed with the same color as another handbag I saw you liked but has sold. It is the Cascade Majestic.
Check out my closet, it is the first item I have listed.
Thank you💐
Jun 02Reply

Hi! Feel free to check out my closet and make an offer!😊
Jun 03Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Sep 12Reply
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