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Updated May 03
Updated May 03

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Hi! I'm Posh. Some of my favorite brands are J. Crew, Tory Burch, Coach, and MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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sunshine_365 Welcome to Poshmark!!! Best of luck with sales! P.s I have a few Coach items in my closet if you want to check them out💜
May 03Reply
audy222 Thanks for your purchase of the FRYE tote. It’s a great bag, and just in time I am going on vaca 🏝🏖⛱ for a week
Jul 01Reply
audy222 Darling! You liked a lot of my listings. If you are serious make an offer or a bundle. Kindly lmk before vaca. Best. Audrey ☀️💐🌸
Jul 01Reply
audy222 Totally confused. Are you interested in the 2 sunglasses, necklace and Frye belt. All 4? Nothing shows up under bundle make an offer ?! Original price would be $260. I can lower it to $192 for all 4. ‼️✅🔥☀️
Jul 01Reply
vmpres @audy222 Hi sorry. I’m just not sure if the Ray bans would fit me and are they polarized?
Jul 01Reply
audy222 @vmpres No sorry not polarized but they are pretty standard Ray ban. And really good quality lenses. But up to you totally.
Jul 01Reply
vmpres @audy222 I’ll take a chance with them. I’m not good at this app. Can you add the ray bans back in and price the 4 item bundle at $192 total?
Jul 01Reply
audy222 @vmpres I think you have to like it again. Or click on it and add to bundle. I couldn’t add it from my end
Jul 01Reply
vmpres @audy222 I just liked them again.
Jul 01Reply
audy222 @vmpres thanks. I’m trying to get them in the bundle. Let me try and figure this out
Jul 01Reply
audy222 Think I figured it out. Hold on a second
Jul 01Reply
audy222 Oh my what a mess. Since I made an offer at $155 for the 3. It won’t let me add the Ray ban. This is what I suggest. Accept the offer for all 3. Then I’ll make you a special offer for $37 and reduced shipping on the Ray ban. Or just buy the 3
Jul 01Reply
vmpres @audy222 okay I just accepted the two offers and paid for them. Have a great vacation and thank you.
Jul 01Reply
audy222 WE DID IT! I’ll add some nice extras and bring to the post office tomorrow. bravo!!!. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Jul 01Reply
audy222 Hey it’s Audrey. If you are happy with your bundle, would you kindly add a comment. Thanks so much and take care. ✅✅‼️‼️👍
Jul 06Reply
audy222 Hey not sure why this happened but this is the note that USPS sent : Your item was forwarded to a different address at 9:12 am on July 6, 2021 in WASHINGTON, DC. This was because of forwarding instructions or because the address or ZIP Code on the label was incorrect. Hope this is accurate. Kindly lmk.
Jul 06Reply
audy222 Hi. It’s Audrey. Sorry your tote was delivered today as I hoped. 😢 Hopefully tomorrow. Best 🌺
Jul 07Reply
audy222 Sorry it was NOT delivered yesterday. As I hoped. Hopefully today 🤞
Jul 07Reply
vmpres @audy222 Hi. Hope you had a good vacation. I still haven’t received the package yet. I received the other two just fine. The polarized glasses are unfortunately too big for my face.
Jul 08Reply
audy222 Please read all my messages above. For some reason it says the tote was rerouted to Washington DC. Did you request that ?
Jul 08Reply
audy222 @vmpres July 7, 2021, 5:34 pm Forwarded WASHINGTON, DC Your item was forwarded to a different address at 5:34 pm on July 7, 2021 in WASHINGTON, DC. This was because of forwarding instructions or because the address or ZIP Code on the label was incorrect.
Jul 08Reply
vmpres @audy222 No I did not.
Jul 08Reply
audy222 @vmpres that’s a big problem. I just called USPS , and they said you need to call. So sorry. Tracking Number: 9405511202061946026173
Jul 08Reply
audy222 This is the number i called. 1-800-222-1811
Jul 08Reply
audy222 Ok I spoke to usps and this time they told Me that the package was forwarded to wrong district center. And it is being redirected but there is no update. But they know now to resend back to your address. Oh my. So much trouble. Sorry. Hope you get it soon 💖🌺💔
Jul 08Reply
vmpres @audy222 Thank you. I couldn’t reach a live person but opened a case. Hopefully it gets here soon as I wanted to use it next weekend.
Jul 08Reply
audy222 @vmpres I was able to speak to someone. They called me back. and they said it’s on its way now and we should get new tracking info by end of day. Not sure why this happened.
Jul 08Reply
vmpres @audy222 that is so weird especially since the other two packages made it here with no problem. At least it is not far from DC to Maryland and should get to me soon.
Jul 08Reply
audy222 @vmpres I know , I know. That’s why I’ve been tracking it. But think we are ok now 🍀🤞
Jul 08Reply
audy222 Vicki. I called the post office again today. We have both submitted claims. The package keeps getting redirected to DC. Had a very helpful person that said maybe they’ll have to do a manual over ride. Sorry about this. 🥺 I also contacted Poshmark and they couldn’t help 😩☹️. They said reach out to USPS, which we have both done !
Jul 09Reply
vmpres @audy222 okay I appreciate it. You’d think they would have decided that a live person needs to manually scan it.
Jul 09Reply
vmpres After the were contacted the first time. 😏 but thank you for reaching out to them again 😀
Jul 09Reply
audy222 Finally it says out for delivery 👏🏻👏🏻🎆🎇
Jul 10Reply
vmpres @audy222 I got it! Thank you and thank you for the extras in there.
Jul 10Reply
audy222 Finally !!! Great news. If you don’t mind also adding a comment as others get to see the comments only not the rating. Best !
Jul 10Reply

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