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Updated Oct 20
Updated Oct 20

Meet your Posher, R

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm R. Some of my favorite brands are Nanette Lepore, Victor Costa, Morty Sussman, and a lot of other vintage designers and brands. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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lookslikeluxe Hi, welcome to Poshmark. A great place to buy and sell. Enjoy and Happy Poshing 🛍.
Aug 09Reply
kittenvillavint @lookslikeluxe Thank you so much! Already liking it here.
Aug 09Reply
kathysingz Hi R. 👋 I hope you've been enjoying Poshmark. Thank you for stopping by my closet. I see that you liked one of my artwork decor pieces. Thanks for the Posh love 🙏❤️. I am having a sale now on 3 for $15 items. Feel free to Bundle as you explore and message me if you would like to buy! With a 5 star rating, you can be comfortable shopping. 💖 Happy Poshing!
Sep 26Reply
alice_stella Thanks for sharing the Posh Love 😍 I’m still building my closet and have many more great items to post so I hope you’ll pop in again soon. In the meantime, take care and Happy Poshing! ~Jessica
Sep 27Reply
vanaish Hi! Thanks for visiting my closet and sharing my listing🙂 Have added your liked item to bundle if I wish you add something and ready to buy please hit offer 😉 Regards
Oct 10Reply
dani202010 Hi,R! Thank you for the share,I hope you have a great day!Stay healthy and be well!
Oct 13Reply
514lenab They are 2 cute, OMG! Thanx for Sharing, have a great day!🐾❤😉🤟
Oct 16Reply
mepetites hi! welcome to poshmark and thank you so much for sharing!💕 sincerely appreciate all the posh love and support! will keep sharing your beautiful closet.🥰 take care and happy poshing!😊
Oct 16Reply
del_leandro 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻Hello R.! I wanted to reach out and personally thank you for the “Posh Love” you’ve shown with your sharing of my closet, thank you so much, it’s so generous and it’s greatly appreciated! I will always do my best to send you my sincerest Posh Love as well! Wishing you every success, be safe, keep shining...✨Delia 😊🤗🤗💞💞💞🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Oct 16Reply
dani202010 Thank you for the share,I hope you have a great night!Stay healthy and be well!
Oct 16Reply
dani202010 Hi,R! Thank you for the share,I hope you have a great weekend!Stay healthy and be well!
Oct 17Reply
baibag What a great story about you finding your calling and rescuing kitties! Amazing!❤️
Oct 18Reply
montrealposher 👋🏼Welcome to Poshmark 🇨🇦 what an Exciting time for us Canadians. The key is to 🔁 your closet & others and then 🔁 & 🔁 so more. 💕 Wishing you Much Success.
Oct 18Reply
dani202010 Thank you so much ,I checked Your Etsy store,yesterday.
Oct 19Reply
miathebeast Love your closet, so many great vintage items! Just wanted to stop by and tell you that. 😘 Mia xx ps. Cute kitties as well 😍
Nov 09Reply
ciara_nolan hey im Ciara !!! thanks for sharing my stuff! i love your closet too!! 💞💓💞🖖
Nov 09Reply
boloe711 Hello! I’m Boloe a Posh Ambassador😊💐Please visit my closet and send me an offer if you found something you like.🌸I always generously give gift 🎁 for every purchased and give big discounts 💵so you will never regret on buying from my closet. 🌼🌻Thank you and have a blessed day. 🎁😊🥰happy shopping 🛍👗👚👠🧣👛🎒🧢👟🧥
Nov 16Reply
oceangirl19 You have THE COOLEST closet on here!!!
Dec 07Reply
peggybrucks Hello Posher, I made you a offer for the Viking ring for $57 and $9.99 shipping. Peggy🎄😊
Dec 09Reply
stefanyparent Good afternoon, my sincere apologies for late shipping. Someone passed away in our family. Your item is now shipped. Thank you kindly for your patience.
Dec 14Reply
aruba1313 Sweet babies 💕😊
Dec 15Reply
boloe711 Hello! I’m Boloe a Posh Ambassador😊💐Please visit my closet and send me an offer if you found something you like.🌸I always generously give gift 🎁 for every purchased and give big discounts 💵so you will never regret on buying from my closet. 🌼🌻Thank you and have a blessed day. 🎁😊🥰happy shopping 🛍👗👚👠🧣👛🎒🧢👟🧥
Dec 22Reply
gracefullilywpg I have to stop by and say I have a massive crush on your closet now oh my 🥰. I’d love to chat anytime about sourcing if you would be up to it. I’m in Winnipeg so no direct competition 😊. Merry Christmas 🎄
Dec 25Reply
kittenvillavint @gracefullilywpg Thanks! Happy Holidays to you too! I have gotten most of my items from Thrift shops over the years. Sometimes from resale lots online from Ebay, etc. And sometimes I buy vintage items for myself, and they just don't fit me, or aren't the right size, and then I list them here.
Dec 25Reply
styletunes Hi there, thanks again for your note on the ring in my closet:) I have to say that I absolutely love your closet full of unique and gorgeous jewelry and vintage gems!! So enjoyable to visit!! Happy New Year!!
Jan 04Reply
kittenvillavint @styletunes Aaaaw, thanks so much! Happy New Year from Matilde, Lindoro, and I.
Jan 04Reply
dharmaboutique Hi, just letting you know your art is out for delivery today 😊
Jan 15Reply
dharmaboutique Sorry about counter offer should have said $30 and now I can't resubmit it. If that seems fair to you please counter offer $30. I will accept.
Jan 15Reply
littlelulumoma Thanks so much for all the shares. Much appreciated. 👗👕🩱👖👚👙
Mar 11Reply
auntiemskeswick Hi there!! Just stopping by to say thank you for sharing my closet!!! 🥰 I wish you much success with your fab closet!! Happy Poshing!!!
Mar 12Reply
ontheeasel Wow! Such a stunning closet with beautiful pieces. 💖👏👏👏
Mar 14Reply
o_gemstone Hey, your closet model brings a smile to my face everytime I visit! Such a cute idea!🐱
Mar 19Reply
aleitalaird875 Hello, thank you, for sharing my closet❤️I see that you have hearted my beautiful Navaho Spider. Are you interested in an offer? Thanks, Aleita
Mar 23Reply
lunf_10 Thank you for sharing. STAY SAFE MADAM.
Mar 29Reply
kariclothes Hi. I popped your little dresses in the mailbox today. 😊 Unfortunately, with Good Friday and Easter, your shipment will be delayed a little bit. It still won't be too long before you get them. Have a great holiday weekend! 🤗
Apr 03Reply
effibabe Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈 Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate 🙏🙏🥺🥺
Apr 13Reply
maybellemabelle hey lovely, thank you for the gazillion shares, much appreciated. I love checking your closet just to see what your beautiful 'catssitant' is up to :>
Apr 13Reply
susanwilson828 Great closet in love with those cats
Apr 14Reply
sofiedabishire I am glad you finally got it sorted out what a pain for you. Fyi i am not bothered if you resell any or all the ties. I love your cats.
Apr 16Reply
kittenvillavint @sofiedabishire I was actually planning to use them to create fabric art... but then I saw the YSL label, and I can't bring myself to cut up those ones.🤣 Might resell those two, but the rest are for crafting purposes.
Apr 16Reply
bblissful7 Hey! ✨ I just wanted to say that I LOVE how you use your kitty to model some of your items! That is such an adorable and unique idea! 💜
May 12Reply
rivkascloset i LOVE your cats so much omg i’m gonna cry they’re adorable 🥺❣️😻
May 27Reply
kittenvillavint @rivkascloset I can't believe we are both Rivkas on Poshmark! Lindoro I found on the streets in Tel Aviv, and Matilde I found in a box in Jerusalem. We all flew back to Canada together.
May 27Reply
rivkascloset @kittenvillavint I know! How cool!!! And wow that’s incredible! Funny enough, I was supposed to live in Tel Aviv for a few months last year, but had to postpone my travel due to COVID. I wish there was a messaging feature on this app ahhhh omg I totally wanna make you a bundle just so we can talk about cats and Israel without crowding your post 🤣
May 27Reply
borealcloset you have the coolest poshmark i have ever seen with your baby as a model. wow!!!!!!!!!
May 28Reply
bumblybee19 I always have to scroll through your closet to check out the sunglass models!! 😻😻
Jun 01Reply
punkyinpink Amazing pieces in you closet and I’m absolutely in love with your gorgeous fur babies 💋 fellow cat lover ☝️
Jun 07Reply
yas2that HOW do you get your cats to be such cooperative models??? I'm both baffled and impressed!!! Lol.
Jun 07Reply
posh_bear your models are absolutely stunning 😻😻😻
Jun 18Reply
alphacollects I just realized that I don't have the RAINBOW Onesie in 0-3m onths, but I do have it in 3-6 months. The only difference is about 1/4 inch in length. Please accept my apologies and let me know if you would like me to cancel the order or send the 3-6 month instead. Sylvia
Jun 23Reply
kittenvillavint @alphacollects OK, sure. My baby..... cat... who was wearing the outfit.... ran around into the bushes and now the original one is lost. Even the 0-3 was too big for her, so I will just do some hand sewing on this one.
Jun 23Reply
alphacollects @kittenvillavint 😳🤣 omg that is Hilarious. If I even Tried to get my cat Dexter into anything I’m sure I’d lose an arm!! I will package that out and send it first thing tomorrow. Thank you so much for your understanding🥰 and Please share the photo. I’d love to see it 😻
Jun 23Reply
onemoretime333 thanks for sharing the posh love! I just wanted to pop on and say that your cat pics truly brightened my day lol. So cute!
Jun 24Reply
oswald88 Thanks for the shares! Love the way you post your items ☺️
Jun 29Reply
jagrandfriends Love your closet, gorgeous items and your model is the cutest!
Jun 29Reply
fashionmusefind Hi there! I made you an offer on the vintage dress you liked in my closet. 😊 Let me know if you’d like to add anything else from my closet for one price reduced rate shipping. Follow my closet as I post vintage and high quality fashion regularly as I work in wardrobe for 🎥 film and tv :) follow my shop on Instagram @fashionmusefinds
Jul 24Reply
champagne_cat Love your models 😻😻😻
Jul 28Reply
kittenvillavint @omyeg Awww, thanks! Please do.
Jul 31Reply
changeroo Kitty model is fantastic!
Aug 16Reply
mimi22266 Lol!!! Adorable!!! 💕
Sep 12Reply
lauraaudette I love your models! there purrfect!
Sep 14Reply
goldenkali thanks for your rating....sorry you were disappointed with the doll clothes but there were clear pictures of the items. usually if I am unsure about brand/condition I leave a comment with the seller to ask specific questions and most, including myself, are very forthcoming. Hope you get some good use or you could reposh?
Oct 10Reply
kittenvillavint @rlyuenster You're right, there were clear photos, but I didn't have enough knowledge to determine the make of the clothes. Anyway, I will do what I can to sell the Barbie clothes that were in there. No hard feelings, I hope.
Oct 10Reply
goldenkali @kittenvillavint not at all! again thanks for your rating and I'm sorry for the confusion!!
Oct 11Reply
cherylpg I adore your kitty modelling. 😻😻
Oct 17Reply
michie83lee Omg! I just wanted to let you know I love your little models 🐱🐱 I thought you were selling cat headbands 😂 but then read they were earrings. So cute!
Nov 28Reply
j_aitkenhead hi! sorry I missed your offer yesterday somehow! I counter offered but poshmark made me go up 1 dollar as it could not be same I guess, please have a look and let me know if that works for you. It is a very lovely vintage peice! I love your closet and cats they are such beautiful models!
Feb 09Reply
lemongrassgoth TRAVELLING CATS!! I love that they flew with you from Israel. Mine flew with me from Singapore. I'm jealous you've included them in your pm lol! 🐱
Feb 09Reply
mary_garoutte Your cat is the BEST Model!! 😻😽😺 So adorable!
Feb 25Reply
saamaanthaa939 Thanks for the shares - I also wanted to share that I have some incredible deals right now like 😉2 for $20 on many items, 🤑2 for $100 on many name brand items worth much more, and a 🤗FREE w purchase gift on some purchases!! Hope you get to enjoy ❤
Mar 14Reply
redlipgloss Well, hi there! Thank you so much for sharing one of my listings. I really appreciate it ❤️
Dec 23Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2900 items. Bundle a few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jan 08Reply
monicagcloset Thanks for your offer on my Guess Jeans. The best price I can offer is $35. They are great jeans (rare and unique) and to be honest, I keep going back and forth about whether I want to sell or keep them.
Feb 08Reply
irishleprechaun Hi Please Follow and Share ❤️ I’ll do the Same 🧡Promoting MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS 🎾HIGH END 🎾 🎾COLLECTOR STORE🎾 Autographs - Toys - Cards Hot Wheels - Sports Plus More !! 🏀SUMMER SALE 🏀 Make A Bundle Please and I’ll Adjust Total 💜SUPER MEGA DEAL #1 💜 $6 BLOWOUT SALE 💜Or 8/$20 ❤️MEGA DEAL #2 ❤️ $6 BLOWOUT SALE ❤️5/$20 With $9.99 Shipping 🩷MEGA DEAL #3 🩷Bundle 3 or More Items 🩷Save 30% OFF 🩷Plus $9.99 Shipping FREE SHIPPING OVER $100 Please Check Out My Store Thanks Jason 🧡❤️✌️👍
Jul 17Reply
sandradenkt Hello! Bundle up and save big time!😊 Open for an offer and happy poshing!🤩
Feb 09Reply
mapledrops Awee, do your cats have an instagram page? 😭
Mar 15Reply

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Last Active: Jul 10 2024

Coquitlam, BC
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