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Updated Nov 19
Updated Nov 19

Meet your Posher, Rashel

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Hi! I'm Rashel. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Nike, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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magsgirl Hey doll did you get your purse? If so can you rate me know here please 😘😘
Apr 05Reply
rashel10168 @magsgirl hi sweetie! No I haven't received it as of yet I will check the office to see if they have it that happens sometimes when it's a bigger package. Please follow up and track the Order for me okay? I'm anxiously waiting to receive it!!! I'm stressing it says it was delivered yesterday April 5th today is the April 6th so I'm hoping it will be there in the morning. But I still want you to track this for me ok? Thank you.
Apr 06Reply
magsgirl @rashel10168 hi! Just checked and it does say delivered. Let me know 😘😘
Apr 06Reply
rashel10168 @magsgirl Alright I certainly will as soon as I find out! Thank you!
Apr 06Reply
rashel10168 @magsgirl what's the order number?
Apr 06Reply
rashel10168 Nevermind I found a he order number gonna check with postal service. Thanks doll keep you posted as soon as I find out something...
Apr 06Reply
rashel10168 @magsgirl Hi doll! I got it today just now just opened it!!! Woohoo!!! So happy!! Where is the serial number I can't find the serial number can you direct me to it? Lol
Apr 07Reply
magsgirl @rashel10168 it's hard to find. Look near one of the leather looking creme flaps. It's hard to see unless your looking for it. You flip it up I believe
Apr 07Reply
magsgirl @rashel10168 actually it's on the interior I was thinking of a different crossbody one. Let me know if you can't find it. I love that purse but needed money for my baby due this fall 😍😙
Apr 07Reply
rashel10168 @magsgirl ah congratulations on the baby doll !! I'm so happy for you is it going to be a boy or a girl cus I have baby clothes from my grandaughter who is now 4 months the baby girl clothes is 0-3 months they grow so fast. Again congrats sweetie. I'm still looking for the serial number either way I love this purse!
Apr 07Reply
rashel10168 I forgot to say I would give you the baby clothes.
Apr 07Reply
magsgirl @rashel10168 I'm having a boy!! Thank you doll😙😙💕💕
Apr 08Reply
amfair56 Hello! I just wanted to get in touch with you and let you know I have shipped the shoes, I put them in one of the usps mail bins Saturday morning and it's still saying pending scan so I think something's going on on the usps end! Just wanted to let you know they're on their way!
Apr 24Reply
amfair56 Update: I put the tracking info in and it says they picked it up from the box about 30 minutes ago and the expected delivery is Wednesday April 26! Sorry for that delay, I guess I won't try using one of those convenient boxes again, especially on weekends... anyways your shoes should reach you soon! I apologize for the delay!
Apr 24Reply
triciabean94 Hi there, I accepted your offer for the dollhouse just looks like you have to update your credit card info and it should go through!😊 let me know if you have any questions. Happy to help!💕
Jun 22Reply
denises1982 I'm sorry. $144 is my lowest. Especially with how much I've already lowered to begin with, and a 10% added Bc you bundled. It is a lot of nice things. I'll also have to add shipping costs as well, Bc of the weight/ big order.
Jul 05Reply
rashel10168 @denises1982 you already accepted my offer though isn't that right
Jul 05Reply
rashel10168 @denises1982 take out the black fisher heels and leave it at was it $110?
Jul 05Reply
rashel10168 That's actually $109 after deleting the fisher black suede heels so I'm good with that if you are let me know ok?
Jul 05Reply
denises1982 @rashel10168 I did not accept. You'll have to put in another offer/ without the heels for it to come up as a different amount.
Jul 05Reply
denises1982 @rashel10168 hey there. You have to make an put another offer without the shoes. I wish I could have just accepted everything and not the shoes, but unfortunately can't do that. I'll be happy to package everything up tonight and send tomorrow should you offer. Let me know what I can do for you.
Jul 06Reply
goodthings4u @rashel10168 Thank you for your purchase I'm packing it up for you now.It will be on it's way to you today.Have a great night 😊🌹💞
Jul 06Reply
rashel10168 @goodthings4u thank you sweetie
Jul 06Reply
goodthings4u @rashel10168 my pleasure 😊
Jul 06Reply
goodthings4u @rashel10168 Hello there the handbag was delivered to you on Saturday it is now Monday I see that you have not been logged in lately and I was wondering when you do log in please accept and rate the handbag so my money can be released from the sale.I have been waiting patiently but honestly my patience is running low here.Thanks
Jul 10Reply
rashel10168 @goodthings4u hi I was at my fathers funeral I'm in Arizona he was from cali Judy got back this morning will do that though.
Jul 10Reply
rashel10168 I haven't picked it up at the office
Jul 10Reply
goodthings4u @rashel10168 omg I'm so sorry to hear that.😢My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this hard time.Please accept my apology.Take care of yourself love🌹
Jul 10Reply
angelred7997 Sweetheart I paid $400 for the bag I'm really sorry but I can't go any lower than the offer that are already made to you I hope that you will except it
Aug 21Reply
rashel10168 @emma3878 oh thank you doll !!! Great closet more to purchase soon...
Sep 01Reply
rashel10168 @emma3878 oh ok let me check it out! Thanks for letting me know I appreciate it doll !!
Sep 01Reply
rashel10168 @emma3878 no not yet I'm waiting though.
Sep 06Reply
sbaker44 I just wanted to say hi and wish you a safe and happy holiday.🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
Nov 18Reply
ejeveryday hi Rashel, NicE to meeT yoU! :)
May 14Reply
lvhooks Hi I did not have a box. I just bought one so I am an hour away from my home because we have problems with traffic here. There is always construction and a detour that lead to another detour. It won’t go out until tomorrow and I’m so sorry I always ship the next day
May 14Reply
lvhooks You’re gonna like the person you got it for a great price I left the price tag in it because I thought I would carry it but then my husband bought me a Louis Vuitton never full and I never take my stuff out of it. I want a small bag and I’m just gonna wait till a good deal come back
May 14Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks oh thank you!!
May 14Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks I want the coach perfume if u haven’t sent it let me know
May 14Reply
lvhooks @rashel10168 no i have not made it home. How do we do that once you purchase I don’t think you can bundle. It’s Really awesome perfect but I have 40 bottles ofPerfume and I am picking out the one that I have two. I have the le fluer from coach so I’m selling the New York one Have you ever smelled it? It is awesome
May 14Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks No I haven’t but I can buy one or something message me when ur home and ready to ship.
May 14Reply
lvhooks @rashel10168 I just got leclat
May 14Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks Hi sweetie if you have anymore “W” pandora charms I’d like that my last name starts with a W. I already did an offer for $15 on the perfume but if there’s a better one let me know. Thank you so much doll!! :)
May 14Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks Okay well tell me which one is the best bottle of perfume and price ok? Thank you doll :) !!
May 14Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks Hi sweetie if you ever sell your Louie Vuitton never full I want to be the first to consider buying it Kay? Just in case you find a new one. Thank you!! Love your closet by the way!!
May 14Reply
lvhooks @rashel10168 I think I just have the coach right now I’m getting ready to put 2 more but I can’t go lower than what’s listed they are $120 bottles and more full than empty.
May 14Reply
lvhooks @rashel10168 modern muse and a full bottke of Michael Kohrs . It has a strong smell of tuberose which is beautiful and exotic and sexy . It retails today for 112. This is your best bet it will be 25 and is his best one ever made by him
May 14Reply
lvhooks @rashel10168 I will put those on in 30 minutes. I have temp custody of my granddaughter and its coming up in two days as anniversary of my sons death. He modeled for Ford snd modeling involves a lot of something that can kill you. I can’t really talk about it it was a horrible thing
May 14Reply
lvhooks @rashel10168 thanks I traded my w for an h. I think my husband would be mad on louis at least til September. He bought brand new. I recommend not buying new. It’s 100 in tax alone. They wear out fast
May 15Reply
lvhooks @rashel10168 I will post perfumes in s few I’m tired. The purse is ready to go
May 15Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks Hi doll I understand “rest” I’ll wait to hear from you no worries.
May 15Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks I’m so sorry for your loss sweetheart really. I get it though the modeling world can eat you up I also model on occasion but I stopped doing it full time cus of that fact. No worries I will wait to hear from you just rest.
May 15Reply
lvhooks I can’t put the perfumes on. I’ve had to chase after her. It’s too late to bundle And I will get them together for tomorrow night . I’m just beat now and going to bed with her
May 15Reply
lvhooks Purse will be out tomorrow
May 15Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks I understand I have a 2 year old grandaughter I watch during the week and I’m exhausted after having her all day. Lol! But I wouldn’t change a thing I love her so much! Yea ok rest and let me know what perfumes you have but let me know when you ship the purse. Thank you doll!!
May 15Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks okey dokey! Thank you love....
May 15Reply
lvhooks I will get your perfume mailed tomorrow. I would not push it on you if I did not think that it was the best deal
May 15Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks I gotcha! Appreciate it. ;)
May 15Reply
twinluxegr8find @rashel10168 make an offer for 465 on my keepall 45 and I will accept
May 16Reply
lvhooks I am overloaded will you call the idiots at the post office why they are in possession of your handbag? I thought crap did I drop something in the box by mistake? I take klonopin for seizures but it’s clean very clean
May 17Reply
rashel10168 @classyfashion81 Hi make it $400 and it’s a deal! :)
May 17Reply
rashel10168 @classyfashion81 Make it $400 and it’s a deal already sent you the offer!! Only because there is a water stain not a problem though love the bag.
May 17Reply
lvhooks It’s out for delivery
May 17Reply
lvhooks Please no one take offense to my calling people idiots at the post office how rude
May 17Reply
lvhooks I have been waiting for you to get your purse. Everyone wants so much for the Mario Valentino that it is crazy . I wanted to get a black one but I’m going to be paying three or $400 for it and I found a Louis Vuitton with egg deer on it and I want it. I honestly don’t think anybody else will want it and I will save
May 17Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks No worries they can be a bit rude sumtimes but it’s okay we can’t go without them either but I understand!!
May 17Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks I got it love it! I thank you for the note I understand your loss and it looks like your a very special person to deal with such trauma in your life as a parent that is the most painful pain to go thru. It looks like I made a friend in you!!
May 17Reply
lvhooks You are a great person
May 18Reply
lvhooks I really hope that you love this perfume. It is something I think that everyone would by. It was hard for me to give it up but I have so many other I just thought I will just grab one and whichever one I’m gonna start going. Remember there is no lid. It did not come with it .You turn it counterclockwise
May 18Reply
lvhooks My friend are you not liking the perfume? Are u ok?
May 19Reply
lvhooks How have you been? I hope you like the perfume. I was at Ulta yesterday and they had big display and I realized how many people are not privy to it. Anyway I bought a fake Burberry so I am in the middle of a dispute. Seller says that she never implicated that the straps were not vinyl. That it doesn’t have to have leather strap to be often. I said well there are some with a nylon like strap I will be so mad if I lose it is the most fake looking purse.
May 22Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks ask her for a refund and disputed it that’s ridiculous!! How unfair!! That makes me mad!!
May 23Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks I’m so sorry! I know you can email the person in charge of Poshmark to help you with the refund if she doesn’t cooperate.
May 23Reply
lvhooks It is in dispute and I have to wait for decision. I was just putting a full bottle of Michael by Michael Kors perfume And push submit and I get a message immediately that says if I want to continue putting a prohibited it item on they will suspend me. It’s like are you watching me that cloud and why because I’m the one that got a purse that look like it came from dollar general and you are punishing me
May 23Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks Oh my goodness! It’ll be cleared up soon hopefully but no worries that just them being cautious doesn’t make it alright though. I’m so sorry! I’m going to send you a card okay? Hang in there it’s going to be alright I promise they will fix this real soon I’m sure if it.
May 23Reply
lvhooks @rashel10168 thank you tomorrow is a bad day for me But one good thing happened my husband just took my 23-year-old daughter took a psychiatric hospital it sounds terrible but she’s been MIA for six weeks and she has a three-year-old
May 23Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks Oh goodness! Great news for sure! Thank god she’s getting the help she needs right?! Especially for her child’s well being !! Hang in the sweetheart it will be a better day tomorrow!!
May 23Reply
lvhooks I’m worn out. She’s been great mom til now
May 23Reply
rashel10168 @lvhooks I’m sorry honey...
May 23Reply
pmangus Thanks for your purchase! I will send out this morning. Have a great day!🌸
May 31Reply
rashel10168 @pmangus Thank you sweetie appreciate it. :)
May 31Reply
pmangus Thank you for the great rating! Have a wonderful day!🌸
Jun 04Reply
vaidalane Hi there, I accepted your offer for the bag it looks like it just needs an update for the payment to go through. Have a wonderful day 😊
Jun 06Reply
butterflylvr Thank you! I will be getting this order to the mailbox tonight soon as I get it packed! 🙂
Jun 26Reply
dazzlingdeals Congratulations 🎉🍾🎊 on your Beautiful Purchase 🛍🛍🛍🎁😁 I have packed and taken to Post office 🎉🎉🎉🌸 Your wallets and Amazing Kate Spade bag is on its way to you🥂🍾👍🌸😁 Thank you And Have a Great Day 😁🙏
Jun 28Reply
rashel10168 @dazzlingdeals Hi thank you so much! Ur amazing!! Love your closet and I will be a retuning purchaser! :) It’s been so nice purchasing from your beautiful closet! I shall definitely return! 😁
Jun 28Reply
rashel10168 @dazzlingdeals Hi sweetie is it too late to add the coach wristlet the one that’s listed for $38?
Jun 28Reply
rashel10168 The cranberry colored one? That’s a wristlet. Let me know sorry for the last minute request but I’m hoping I caught you in time to add it I’ll put the offer in now if you can get it in this shipment that would be great!!
Jun 28Reply
justperfect4me Hello. So hapoy that purchased this bag from me. You need to update your payment method.
Jun 29Reply
dazzlingdeals Hello beautiful 😁 I’m so excited for you to get your pretty bags and wallets. I noticed that the coach wristlet is not showing on Poshmark as tracking however it is in transit the tracking # 420852249405510899359488928202 Check it out . I’m a same day shipper and it is very important to me You are Happy 😃 It should be here Today or Monday 😍😘😎
Jun 30Reply
dazzlingdeals I figured it out🧐🤔🤗 I used the same label for both packages by accident 😞😔 so I downloaded the right label and just shipped you a little gift 🎁 so it would track. You will receive both packages today or Monday and A gift package Tuesday or Thursday. I’m so sorry for the mixup 😞🤓😱😰 please let me know when you receive 😍😇
Jun 30Reply
rashel10168 @dazzlingdeals hi sweetie okay I will let you know. Thank you sweetheart!
Jun 30Reply
butterflylvr Hi! Hope you’re having a nice day! If you could, would you take a moment to accept the items that were delivered hun? Thanks so much! Hope you enjoy them 🦋
Jul 02Reply
dazzlingdeals Hello I see your packages have been delivered 🙏😁👏👏👏 I hope your gift fits right. It is New!not sure if you like It is trendy good emergency suit for guest 🤣😍 or you can add to your closet 😍 Thank you for shopping with me dazzlingdeals You are going to look amazing with your Kate Spade bag and wallets. Please remember to accept and rate. I appreciate your business and wish you well Happy 4th of July 🎉💋
Jul 03Reply
dazzlingdeals Hello sweet Posh girl hope all is well 😍 Nice to see you 😁👀🎉
Aug 14Reply
dazzlingdeals You are going to Love Love Love your Bag . Congratulations 🍾🎈 Thank you 😁 I will ship out in morning. Thank you 😁🎉🎉🎉🎉🙏
Aug 14Reply
rashel10168 @dazzlingdeals I already do love it!!! Thank you so much!!! I absolutely love returning to your closet your stuff is definitely my number one posh closet with impeccable items that are as beautiful as their owner!! So thank you you are amazing!!! :)
Aug 14Reply
dazzlingdeals 🙏😍😁👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉🎉💘❤️👍
Aug 14Reply
blsc Hey Rashel- I accepted your offer, just need you to update your purchase information for funds. As soon as you do I can get these in the mail ☺️ thanks!
Aug 21Reply
sjwilliams2015 @rashel10168 hi rashel did you get your package? I hope you like it?💕
Sep 05Reply
dazzlingdeals Happy Holidays 🥰🎄🎉🎉🎉🥂🥰 Sending Christmas cheer 🎄🎄🎄💋
Dec 23Reply
rashel10168 @dazzlingdeals Thank you beautiful!! Sorry just got this!! Happy New a year gorgeous!!
Dec 31Reply
dazzlingdeals 🥰🥂🥰💋💋💋🎉🎉🎉🎉🥂🥂🥂
Dec 31Reply
dblodanish Hi there! I have some great items in my closet that I think you will love! I would love if you would stop by and take a look around!! Happy shopping! 🤗💕
Feb 09Reply
amirarrahim Thanks so much for all of the shares and likes.
May 29Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Dec 08Reply
lesmarques Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Prada Baguette liquidation sale, as well our Gucci limited edition collection, and other deals like Burberry Jackets and Versace and Gucci scarfs that just came in. Check us out, and sharing is caring. We always share back 10 x :)
Mar 05Reply
vintage_luxe Hi, I'm reaching out because the package finally says it is out for delivery. I've contacted the post office a few times to ask what the delay was and they couldn't really give much information. I'm so sorry this took so long. It should have been 3 days shipping with priority mail, max. Have a great weekend!
May 09Reply
rashel10168 @vintage_luxe I got it!! Thank you it’s okay it was worth the wait. Looking at more in your closet maybe apply a bit of a discount for future purchase. I thank you sweetheart it is very beautiful love this necklace! A Mother’s Day gift to myself!
May 10Reply
vintage_luxe @rashel10168 I'm so happy you like it! Thanks again and stay safe!
May 10Reply
wallyvand Hi This is to inform you that the 4 metal bangles you purchase from my closet have been shipped yesterday. Thank you for your purchase.
Jul 16Reply
jbarbeau Hi there! 😊 Thanks for all of the likes! If you are interested in more than one item feel free to bundle for a better deal. I hope you have a great day! 😊
Jul 18Reply
wallyvand hi, The reason I write is to know if by any chance you have received the 4 metal bangles I have shipped on July 13. It should have been scanned on the 14th and start tracking but it never did and I have no way to know if it has been delivered already or if it is still on its way.
Jul 23Reply
goldgatecloset Hi there! I would like to invite you to check out my closet when you have a chance. I think I have some of the brands and pieces that you enjoy. Thank you.
Sep 21Reply
katie3912 Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Jan 23Reply
widewing Hi there, thank you for the like on the 2 piece black velvet jogging set. If you are interested I can offer it to you for 8. Just make the offer for 8 if interested & I will accept it. It is in excellent condition. I just need to clean out my closet. Thanks
Mar 07Reply
ravenleigh524 Thanks again for your purchase! Just letting you know that it's out for delivery today. Enjoy and have a beautiful day!
Aug 07Reply

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