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Updated May 29
Updated May 29

Meet your Posher Ready for Fun!

Meet the Posher

$1,000,000 $1,000,000

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Hi! I'm Stephanie. I like finding unique and fun items that aren't ordinary. I really enjoy vintage and antique pieces. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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cheryl1da Hi, Welcome! Whether you are here to buy, sell, or both, you may want to check out my closet, leave comments, & FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS! Whatever you do, the important thing is to ENJOY! Cheryl @cheryl1da PS - Be sure to make your listing a million $ value -- you're worth it! Cheryl PPS- Thanks for the likes!😊🌹
May 27Reply
cheryl1da Thanks for the share! 😊✨
May 27Reply
cheryl1da Stephanie, You appear to have the same great taste as your Mom. If you want, you can create a "bundle" (check FAQ's), or ask me to create one for you. Either way, depending upon items you choose, you will get a bigger discount AND only one shipping charge. NO PRESSURE EVER! just window-shopping my closet is welcome anytime. If you have questions about anything to do with Poshmark always feel free to ask me. If I don't answer immediately I am working w/ patients. Big hug, Cheryl 😘💖
May 29Reply
cheryl1da PLEASE, Stephanie, change the value of your "Meet-the-Posher" to show a value of a million $ -- you're worth it! Let that be known! Take care, C ✨
May 29Reply
cheryl1da PS, Stephanie, I just noticed you have "Meet the Posher" along with your name at the very top -- Wonderful! But underneath you do not need to type the words, "Meet the Posher" another time. Instead, please let other poshers know a little about YOU. Use a word that says (maybe), "FUN!", "FIERCE!", "READY!", or any short phrase that describes you and how special you are. Even saying, "I'M HERE!", tells a lot. My word is, "AMBASSADOR." It is meant to say, "I'm here to help if I can." Big hug, C 😊
May 29Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da Thank you so much for your help. I would love to see your suggested bundles!
May 29Reply
cheryl1da Welllll, First, let me know what kinds of things you tend to do AND if you tend toward silver, gold, or both. Also, your Mom heads towards items that offer healing properties as well as special meaning (to her). I like to suggest pieces when I have some knowledge of what a person likes to "say" with their jewelry. I LOVE being able to offer items that are going to become signature pieces for THEM. I AM willing to bundle anyone's Likes, but truly enjoy knowing when a good "fit" results! C 😊👍
May 29Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da I tend to gravitate towards silver pieces. Of late I have really liked vintage looking pieces and pieces with color. I work for a non profit engineering society and go into the office about twice a week. I am usually wearing business casual unless meeting with people outside the office. A lot of what I own looks delicate (if that makes sense). I look at things and if they spark joy or remind me of loved ones I usually will get those .
May 29Reply
cheryl1da GREAT! My husband, Dennis, works for an international engineering firm! I am receiving a TON of items from My Aunt's Jewelry ROOM (yep, a ROOM). If you haven't read that listing please do. I am currently "adjusting" my closet. Knowing what you like (& your profession) definitely helps me keep you in mind when I see certain things, either IN the closet or in my growing "stash." LOL That way I can alert you to things you MAY like. What size(s) of rings do you wear? Oh, I have a BUNCH of ?'s !
May 29Reply
cheryl1da cont. Wear earrings? What kind? Honestly, it matters to ME. Engineering often involves visits to sites OR lunches! "Delicate" can mean, NO long pieces," OR, "Length doesn't matter, just no 'heavy-looking' items." See what I mean? Color can mean, "Oh, I enjoy 'cool' tones' (blues, greens, purples, etc.) ." OR it can mean, "Actually I lean toward more earthy tones (brown quartz, citrine, burgundy rather than red, mustard not yellow)." OR, depending on the item, you may not care. I KNOW- ...LOL
May 29Reply
cheryl1da cont. SO much to think about! LOL Yet, when you DO realize what you ARE drawn to it helps ME provide options that will be WORN, not just purchased then stuck away. As a doc, deeply involved w/patients suffering from COVID-19, I try very hard to help them symbolize their recovery by providing a piece of jewelry that always reminds them of both what they have been through as well as what THEIR attitude intends to be going forward. It's such a privilege being a part of "assisting." It may ...
May 29Reply
cheryl1da cont. sound silly, but, for ME, whether it's a grand piece that literally "announces," "Hey, I'm BACK!", or a small pin that says, " I know where I've been, how I healed, & where I'm headed," personal decor adds meaning (I hear about it from past patients every day....I hear about it from my residents...I hear about it from people who have purchased from me here!). AND every piece I sell helps others pay their medical bills! I'm so lucky! Bring it on, Stephanie. Let me know. 😊🌹
May 29Reply
cheryl1da Oh, Stephanie, I am SO glad you like this piece! More packages (2) were sent out today. We are having Postal problems so I HOPE they arrive in the next few days. I added a "few little items" to help you as you develop your "collection." LOL Thanks for the rating AND "Love Notes" are always welcomed! Big Hug, Cheryl😊✨
Jun 01Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da I can't wait! :)
Jun 02Reply
cheryl1da Hi, Stephanie! According to MY notices you have received the two new packages. I am so hoping you will find them to your liking, along with the "extras" included in one of the boxes. Please let me know if you have ANY questions, comments, concerns, or are unhappy with anything. I know what it's like to purchase online. I always want people to know they DO have an opportunity to return something if it seems not to be what was advertised. Again, thanks so much for your purchases. Cheryl😊🌹
Jun 03Reply
cheryl1da SO glad you liked both packages, BUT, Stephanie, other Poshers view the Love Notes, so PLEASE (if you really liked the second package) go back and leave a note in that one, too. Please? Even Dennis, my husband (who mainly handles the packing & shipping only) now checks to see Love Notes! LOL ! The way Poshmark "works" is if someone leaves LESS than 5-stars they WILL be asked WHY (by pop-ups). It's like leaving 5-stars on Amazon...what I care about is WHAT a buyer says,; that's why I read the
Jun 03Reply
cheryl1da reviews (on Amazon)...does this make sense? BTW, WE make the Thank-you notes! Some buyers like them so much they are even posted in their closets! LOL Shocked us to pieces the first time it happened. Then they just kept doing it, not realizing any other Posher had already done so. Each one IS made differently. SOME Poshers we have sold AND purchased from say they are "collecting" them, OR are framing them! One buyer spent ALL of her Love Note talking about the card & we had to ask her to
Jun 03Reply
cheryl1da cont. please tell us if she actually liked the item she BOUGHT! LOL These are just a few of the things you learn in this place. I can't name it as a syte ...misspelled on purpose, because Poshmark does NOT allow other "places" to be named! LOL Yet, another piece of info you quickly learn! I am SO busy already, so teaching others (families & friends) this app even makes THEM wonder, "Why did ___leave a Love Note here but not on their next order? Are they unhappy?" So, another? Thanks! C😘
Jun 03Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da Done! :) I was actually writing in the car after going to the mailbox.
Jun 03Reply
cheryl1da WOW! You ARE a fast learner! Thank you SO much! Dennis was VERY impressed! LOL He's a sucker for great Love Notes! Thank you, honestly, for supporting the cause AND for actually buying. Feel free to "window-shop" anytime- NEVER feel a pressure to buy. Also, I will be adding those care instructions to the listing, "My Aunt's Jewelry Room," & continuing to explain various topics pertaining to jewelry & how much it affects all of us. Travels with my Aunt made this former Tom-boy a jewelry-lover
Jun 04Reply
cheryl1da BIG HUG & THANK YOU! Me & D 😘💖
Jun 04Reply
cheryl1da Not bad, huh? LOL Can't always do that, but I tell you, bundling 3 or more items really helps to get you a discount at most places here, especially at MY closet! Now, I have to out up more listings. Have some spare days you'd like to send me? I could sure use them! G'night & thanks SO much, Stephanie! Your items will go out Monday. Big Hug, Me & D 😘🌹🌹🌹🌹
Jun 06Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da Definitely not bad! I wish I knew how to give more time. I could definitely use that right now! I can't wait for the pieces to arrive!
Jun 06Reply
cheryl1da Stephanie, This is Dennis. Cheryl has been at the hospital and won't be home until late tonight. I am the one who usually packs and ships the items C sells. Usually items are shipped the next day (except Sun. & holidays). Unfortunately, my current project has a deadline. This means your items won't be mailed until Tuesday. I hope this doesn't inconvenience you too much. Thank you for your patience & I KNOW Cheryl appreciates your purchases. So glad you joined Poshmark. Dennis 🎉
Jun 07Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da Hi Dennis. That is no problem! I'm out of town helping my Dad and Stepmom (she's been home for about a month after being in the hospital for almost 5 months) till Thursday so that means it will get there when I arrive home. I really appreciate all the extras you include in the purchases! Stephanie
Jun 07Reply
cheryl1da I can hardly wait to hear how you like these pieces! I made notes about each one! I have a ton to load. Just know how much YOU help others by your purchases! I so hope your Stepmom is doing well! God Bless, Cheryl🙌✨✨✨✨✨✨✨🎉💖 PS- D says, "BIG HI!" Thanks, again!😘
Jun 10Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da I love them! 😍 She is getting better which is great. Tell Dennis hello from me too!
Jun 11Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda... Buying or Selling New to Poshmark or Been Here Awhile.. Best of Luck to you Jewelry Makes the Outfit...Stop by💋 🇺🇸Buy Made in America 🕊🕊
Jun 11Reply
shopamorejewels Greetings! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 😊🌸
Jun 15Reply
bellanova14 @sreiniche35 🌺Hope you are having a nice day , please come and visit  my closet and I will give you free gift 🎁if you buy $50 or more & if you bundle more than one peice I will give you a discount  &the more you add to your bundle the more discount I can offer you 🤗 🌺💐
Jun 16Reply
cheryl1da Hi Stephanie! Yes, that is a pretty set of TWO necklaces I just thought they looked great together (but can certainly be worn alone). I have another piece, so pretty....dainty, silver toned AND with small blue glass stones I think you will like, too. Haven't had enough time to list it. Will share it with you when I do so I can be sure you get a look-see. Even Dennis saw it and said, "Hey, that seems like something Stephanie would like!" (Boy, does he like you & your Mom!) Big Hug, Cheryl💖
Jun 16Reply
cheryl1da BIG MISTAKE I MADE! Never tell someone about ANYTHING unless you KNOW it's right where you can see it! Yep. I spent 2 HOURS after coming home, searching for that one necklace I think you will like.😒 I feel so stupid! LOL It's exactly what I teach my PM "students!" Meanwhile, though, I DID come in actual contact with some OTHER pieces you may find of interest. But, first, another couple of questions, please? Would you please measure your wrist, where you actually place a bracelet,; it will
Jun 16Reply
cheryl1da cont. help me a lot to know. Also, do you like BLACK? As in items with black cords that are still on the more "delicate" side? It's just good to know these things when I check through my buyers notes. I really DO care about WHAT people say they like as well as what they don't. I know. Most Poshers just sell. Like you already know, I'm not here for just that. I'm the sort of doc that will even ask patients what kind of pillows they prefer! LOL Drives some nurses up-a-wall unless they are part
Jun 16Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da I am excited to see the piece you are talking about. :) I like things delicate it doesn't matter to me if it's on a cord or chain or combination. Those are always the easiest things to coordinate with my outfits. I do some bold things and I've been known to buy it then find the right outfit to go with it. Who doesn't need new clothes.
Jun 16Reply
cheryl1da cont. of my "team." THOSE angels have learned that it IS the little things that can make a HUGE difference in how a patient's hospital experience helps OR hurts the healing process. So, am asking YOU questions as I think of things- specially when I see some things that make me think of YOU, but am not certain whether it would even be worth your time to look at. Also, just for my info, what do you DO at your non-profit? You can ask your Mom- it really does make a difference when I understand
Jun 16Reply
cheryl1da cont. a person's daily life. I know- weird. It's just part of who I am- passionate about whatever I do! LOL Keeps life FUN! Have a great day (or, for you, afternoon!). Cheryl😘💖✨✨✨✨
Jun 16Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da I totally understand that because I use that when working with my staff team. If I understand them it makes it easier to work as a team and motivate them. I work for a non profit that writes the standards for the built environment. That covers hvac, energy, computer grids for energy, indoor air quality for homes, multi family homes, Healthcare facilities, commercial buildings, etc.
Jun 16Reply
sreiniche35 This year has been busy as our group has been heavily involved in providing guidance on indoor air quality during the pandemic. We work with other standards developers, non profits, organizations and government bodies.
Jun 16Reply
cheryl1da I FOUND IT! Now, I just have to get some time to upload a photo- I use PM on a PC except when teaching "students" (families & friends of patients). I also found two other pieces you would probably like...gees, there are probably lots of things you would like! LOL One is a true Antique bracelet designed and created by Swarovski! OMG, but it's so pretty! Anyway, THAT one will be costly, so I won't mind if it never sells. I was so floored that my Aunt had included it I called her. LOL Cheryl😊🌹
Jun 17Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da Ooh now I can't wait to see the bracelet.:)
Jun 18Reply
cheryl1da Stephanie, It really IS pretty! Poshmark is having trouble with my listing items right now. I tried listing the Art Deco bracelet 3 times & the app just wouldn't complete "listing." Ugh! However, I WAS able to list that Pandora bracelet with the Fire-worked blue floral pattern. It goes great w/the necklace & it's being offered at a bargain because my Aunt bought it in Europe, so it doesn't have the word "Pandora" on the clasp! LOL I also have another "delicate" necklace to list that actually
Jun 20Reply
cheryl1da goes better w/the Art Deco bracelet. Now, if PM would just "fix" itself! LOL Later, Cheryl PS- IF you decide you DO want that pretty floral mesh necklace, just put it in a bundle and I will place a Not-for-Sale on it so no one can buy it before you decide when you want to pay for it! I am HOPING PM will let me list a lot of items this week. IF you find more pieces, just add those (IF you do I will also put a NFS sign on those, too). No biggie. I do it for your Mom & other buyers I trust. And,
Jun 20Reply
cheryl1da absolutely, a bundle garners great discounts, even on really super pieces like the necklace, when included. Just remember NO PRESSURE! I like to let people know what they have indicated they like, but we all have our budgets. I held one item for a woman for 3 MONTHS! She didn't want a discount had just been so long since she had given herself anything the very idea of buying something "special" for "no reason" required time for HER. I was just glad she actually asked! Big Hug, C😘💖🎉
Jun 20Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da I definitely putting the necklace in a bundle. I'd love to have you hold it for me. I can't wait to see the other items you mentioned
Jun 20Reply
cheryl1da Hi Stephanie! Well, FINALLY! I was able to list both the Art Deco bracelet AND the goes-with Transitional Period necklace! Hopefully, I can add more. FYI- Comments WILL be forthcoming next o the listings of the two listings above. The prices are SO different because my Aunt wanted BOTH pieces and bargained a lot on the necklace. To the uneducated eye they might not seem so "special," but my Aunt (along w/phone calls & photos sent to jewelry historians) confirmed what she was told about these
Jun 20Reply
cheryl1da pieces. Hope you take a look at everything! Truly, I really don't care if they sell unless the buyer appreciates their beauty & historical meaning. BUT, that's ME. LOL Big Hug, C✨🎉🎉✨✨✨✨
Jun 20Reply
cheryl1da Hi, again, was finally able to list the awesome VTG necklace & stretch bracelets set. Hope you check it out. ME? LOVE! C😊✨
Jun 20Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da oh I love both those? Could I have you hold them for me? Then I can save up so I can get them?
Jun 20Reply
cheryl1da Hi, Just wanted you to know I finally had just enough free time to write about what-will-be YOUR antique Art Deco bracelet. Because of the number of people still not vaccinated we have had a horrible increase in hospitalized victims of COVID-19. I am practically living at the hospital right now. BUT, if you have any questions about what I wrote, feel free to ask. And, yes, there MAY be a "death" in my home! LOL This stupid keyboard has decided to malfunction, so another one is on its way! C
Jun 23Reply
cheryl1da Forgot to ask IF you visited the bundle and saw the offer I's in the comment section because I cannot make it official until the items are For Sale again. LOL But, it's there. Hope you like it! Big Hug, Cheryl💖
Jun 23Reply
sreiniche35 I love the offer and I will definitely be doing it. :) I have to get my daughter moved out into her first home purchase (signed on Monday and moves in 7/3)! That's awful on the increase in Covid-19 admissions. Technology is great until it's not working right. : ) I love the history on the bracelet. That is so cool! It's always fun learning the history about pieces. I have an antique chair in my bedroom and I met the previous owner of the chair and she shared the story of the chair. Hugs!
Jun 23Reply
cheryl1da I love that part, too! As for as history lesson, check the newest piece I added to the closet. Nope. NOT trying to sell you anything. It's just such a shock when my Aunt sends such great items! BTW- the technology IS working- it's people that aren't and I'm sure YOU understand what that's like. Just LOOK what happened to that building in FL! THAT was truly a disaster-in-the-making! Glad you like the offer! Just let me know when you are ready to buy. Meanwhile, hope your weather is NOT too hot! C
Jun 28Reply
cheryl1da Hi, Stephanie. Just wanted to let you know I am having a special 4th of July sale between today thru Monday. YOUR bundle is safe because the items are "Not for sale." Also, YOU are receiving a bigger discount than the sale is offering. However, IF you want to ADD anything be sure to tell me so I can then place a "Not for sale" sign on it. Hope everything is fine. WE are experiencing record-breaking heat. It's creating havoc here. Take care, Cheryl 😘💖
Jul 03Reply
cheryl1da Gees, Stephanie! What a time! I'm NOT worried about you paying! I know you will. I am going to need to take a break to handle things at the residents, etc., so my closet will have a "Vacation" sign on it. Everything will carry a NFS sign on it. Poshers may still share, like, ask questions, etc....they just can't BUY. So, why not wait to pay until, say, the 23rd? Works for me! Huge Hug, Cheryl😍🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Jul 06Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da That definitely works for me as well. You just let me know. Hope all goes well with your new residents
Jul 06Reply
cheryl1da Hi, this is Dennis. I was shutting down the computer for C and I saw your messages. Both of those items are really nice and C was saying this afternoon, "I bet Stephanie would like these," and she was right. If you would like to add to your existing bundle just let C know and she'll change it to "For Sale" and add it for you. BTW, I don't know if you've noticed that some items on PM automatically show the term "affirm." It indicates that an item and/or a bundle would qualify for no interest
Jul 17Reply
cheryl1da (cont'd) payment for 3, 6, or 12 months. C noticed people using it on bundles, but it wasn't until we decided it was time for a new mattress that she actually looked into it. It turns out this company deals with many retailers as well as websites. Our purchase was from a website and it took than one minute to get approval. We were given the option of 3, 6, or 12 months with NO interest. PM plays no real part in any of this (they don't make any money from it). Sellers don't make anything from it.
Jul 17Reply
cheryl1da (cont'd) Anyway, C told your Mom about it since she was starting a new bundle and your mother indicated it sounded good and she would look into it. C generally just pays for things, but decided to see what all the noise was about. The mattress is NOT inexpensive. So, it was kind of nice to have that option. We have no idea exactly when billing starts because we haven't received confirmation that the mattress has been shipped. (Also, just checking it out to see if you qualify does NOT affect
Jul 17Reply
cheryl1da (cont'd) your FICO in any way.) Speaking of earrings, did you notice the latest studs C listed? They are SP and/or Sterling with beautiful blue stones (glass rhinestones) and they made me think of you and the items you are going to purchase. One is a very sparkly "London Blue" with dichroism (it actually changes from the deep blue to a deep teal depending upon the light and what you're wearing). The other is known as a "Montana blue sapphire" created glass rhinestone. That one comes with
Jul 17Reply
cheryl1da (cont'd) a bangle - the bangle was given to her aunt because she correctly identified the exact color of that "stone." It's very delicate and would also go with the pieces you are purchasing. She is NOT currently listing things in particular sections so you might need to look for them. Again, just an FYI. Glad to "see" you. Talk later and big hug from both of us, Me & C.🌹🌹
Jul 17Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da Glad to see you too! Hope all is well. I do think I'd like to add the Montana SP earrings, the antique gold with pearls and the leaf ring to my bundle. Life has been crazy as my stepmom passed away last Sunday and I just got back from helping my Dad last night. Now his brother is staying with him a few days. We are headed back that way for the celebration of her life in a couple weeks. Hugs. S
Jul 18Reply
cheryl1da So sorry to hear about what you're going through right now. We'll do our best to get your bundle in order. Take care. Our prayers are with you. Me & D 💖🌹
Jul 18Reply
cheryl1da I am SO glad you made your purchases! Another Posher wanted BOTH the bracelet AND the necklace & was prepared to spend MORE than the listing prices! LOL Apparently she doesn't understand this place! LOL We will TRY to get these packaged and out today. Hope we can (actually, it will be D who does the work), & I always tell him people WILL wait a day or 2 in order to get their purchases, if necessary. But HE takes it so seriously! LOL "Stephanie will want these asap!" HUH? Men. Oh well, Cheryl😍🎉
Jul 23Reply
sreiniche35 I am so excited! You're right one more day won't hurt me either. It just gives me something to look forward to arriving.
Jul 23Reply
cheryl1da I took the package in last Saturday and the post office finally scanned them. You should be receiving it soon. So sorry for the delay. Cheryl 😊🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Jul 27Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da Not a problem! Gives me something to look forward to. :)
Jul 27Reply
cheryl1da Hiya, I see you have been doing some window-shopping! I love seeing you & your Mom! I am so thrilled you like everything! We were constantly calling the USPS about the 2 missing packages we had sent. I would have been just sick if anything had happened to your items. Even Aunt Marie got "involved" (calling everyday...I just don't get it...she SENT this "stuff" so she could buy MORE! LOL). Anyway, FYI, I have to return to the hospital- why won't people get vaccinated???? They don't realize they
Jul 28Reply
cheryl1da are making it dangerous for the rest of us! I had THREE YOUNG ADULTS (18,19,20) die this past weekend. Gotta go...Love you, Me & D PS-Let me know IF you want me to put anything in a bundle. Right now I put items I couldn't "finish" on NFS...just until I can complete the descriptions. C😊🌹
Jul 28Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da 😁 I am loving the new stuff I got and the new stuff you posted. I seriously need to ask my boss for a raise. I don't the vaccine reluctance either. I was finally able to get both doses of mine (had to wait because I had covid). Stay safe!
Jul 28Reply
cheryl1da I see you like a couple of things. Both D & I saw the bracelet AND the Givenchy necklace and said together, "Stephanie!" LOL Oh, hey, NO PRESSURE EVER! It was just cool to be "right" when we both thought of you when these items were "discovered" (my Aunt sends such full packages!) & I finally had some time to list them, AND you DO like them! Big Hug, Me & D 😘🌹
Aug 07Reply
cheryl1da Hi, I checked on delivery (we always follow a buyer's purchase) and USPS shows you will receive your items tomorrow. Rats !😒 I was so hoping it would have arrived by now. I included a couple of "extras." So hoping you enjoy everything! HUGE HUG, Cheryl😊✨
Aug 15Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da I am excited!! Gives me something to look forward to tomorrow. :)
Aug 15Reply
cheryl1da I'm so glad. D DID do his usual "present packing" method with YOUR purchases (as well as the couple of extras). I also wrote a special note- I had to type it because I write so much at the hospital my hands get really tired if I don't take-a-break. Keeping my fingers crossed you WILL like everything! Am attempting to list some more items. Not sure how far I will get. People now expect "the whole story" behind each piece my Aunt Marie provides. LOL Send FRE time, okay? HUG, C😘🤞💖
Aug 15Reply
cheryl1da OH! OH! Your items are out-for-delivery today! I am so looking forward to what you think when you get them! HUG, Cheryl😍✨
Aug 16Reply
cheryl1da I am amazed & delighted you were able to receive these items early enough to rate them! And, as always, I am thrilled you like everything! YEA! As for the newest pieces, wait until I can provide explanations that I have "promised." I am surprised you could even see them! LOL I screwed up my closet something awful yesterday & had to take time this morning to straighten it out. More to come....HUG-OF-LUV, Me & D😊🌹
Aug 16Reply
cheryl1da Hiya, According to MY messages your latest package has arrive! Can hardly wait to hear how you like the pieces! Cheryl🤞🤞🤞✨✨✨✨🤷‍♂️
Sep 02Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da OH yes! I meant to reply last night but I was taking my husband to the airport and then my two youngest and I went to a movie (us and only 2 others in the theater). I love all the pieces!!!
Sep 03Reply
cheryl1da Oh, great! I am always on pins & needles when I wait for responses to people's packages. I want them to be so thrilled. I just got in (spent all night at the hospital, again (that is NOT my shift). A nurse took me into a patient's room to show me a jewelry channel ( didn't recognize it) that was offering a created tanzanite for $500! 2 Carats. They tried every type of lighting and colors and the whole thing and that ring would NOT change colors! LOL Needless to say the phone calls just came to
Sep 03Reply
cheryl1da a sudden stop. I kindof felt for them, because even real tanzanites can with-hold their dichroic properties. But these people gave this thing such a HUGE build up. I know it took me several attempts to actually capture the change on the camera! I wore the ring I sent you around for 20 minutes just to make SURE it was actually changing...thank heaven it was. But, initially, I could NOT get it to change when shooting it! I will NOT use special effects on anything. Just LOVE that ring! Loved
Sep 03Reply
cheryl1da everything you bought! As for packaging, we did kindof get a bit OCD, trying to get each item to look like a present (I don't normally participate in the shipping end). We just wanted each piece to feel like a wonderful "surprise" even though you knew what you were getting. I am truly thrilled for you and expect pics of you wearing these so I can show Aunt Marie (you now have a "crowd" watching your new "wardrobe!"). LOL I am SO happy you are! HUG, Cheryl😊🌹🌹🌹🌹
Sep 03Reply
cheryl1da BTW- I reshot the SS CISS Heart bracelet! See if you like it. I just hated my 1st attempt. C🤞
Sep 03Reply
cheryl1da I also LOVE that new bracelet too! C🙌🌹🌹🌹🌹
Sep 18Reply
cheryl1da Glad you liked the "Tribute" pendant & chain. I hope you read the comments I entered. It clarifies the photos. C😘💖
Sep 30Reply
cheryl1da Hooray!!! I think you will be soooo happy with everything. It me, Dennis (Cheryl is on call). Will make sure these are packed and, hopefully, shipped by tomorrow. C will be so happy these items are going to someone she cares about, especially when they hold such meaning for her. Thank you SO much. D & C 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Oct 01Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da I am excited!!! I love the story behind the necklace. I may gift it to one of my sisters in memory of my stepmom. She is one that will appreciate it. I would never think to buy jewelry to sell. I pick it because I like it or know someone else who will
Oct 01Reply
bellanova14 @sreiniche35 ,Hope you are having a nice day , please come and visit  my closet and if you hit like , I will give you free gift 🎁 when you buy $50 or more & give you a discount & the more you add to your bundle the more discount I can offer you ,also all jewelry come in gift boxes ready for the holidays 🤗 🌺💐
Oct 09Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 Feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have an assortment of clothes, jewlery, and other items. Something for everyone!   I try to post new items weekly 😊 Stop by often and Happy poshing
Oct 22Reply
cheryl1da Because you LIKED this piece in my closet : I appreciate your LIKE of this piece. Because my Aunt discovered the amount paid for this bangle bracelet was much more the price will be increased shortly. Her CPA made note when he reviewed her receipts and saw the mistake. Just an FYI. Thank you! Cheryl
Nov 21Reply
cheryl1da Hi Stephanie! Hope you are enjoying the Holidays. ME? I have lost too many children flown here for treatment of COVID. Their parents can't be here, so we have all had to learn the things these kids like very quickly in order to help them feel "at home" in a foreign environment. I have met a younger Stephanie (12) who has decided she wants to be YOU when she grows up! LOL 😆
Dec 04Reply
cheryl1da I hope it was okay, but I showed her photos of you wearing jewelry from my closet and she now thinks of you as both a model AND a pro...SHE instantly decided that is what she wants to becomes, "A fashionable professional. " Who would have thought YOUR purchases (& wearing them) would end up inspiring an Alabama girl? She asked for printed copies...she now has a goal of working for a non-profit!
Dec 04Reply
cheryl1da Nope, she doesn't have personal info except you are a friend & believe jewelry should have a "history. " I gave small cuff that has the inscription, "warrior" in side the rim. AMAZING ! I hope it's okay that showed her photos. And, then today, you are visiting ! I so appreciate the likes & showed them to her while she was being tested. SHE thought I had called you! I said nope, you sometimes like to just stop by & visit. BTW, anything I can do for you? Cheryl 😄 YOU already made our day!
Dec 04Reply
sreiniche35 Oh it is always okay to share photos! :) She is so cute. :) Its fun to inspire others even from a picture. We've been busy with family over Thanksgiving (my Dad and one of my sisters and her family were in town). I shared the angel wing pendant with my sister (that was a gift to honor my stepmom for her) and she loved it. I've sent her the story.
Dec 08Reply
sreiniche35 I've also been preparing for Christmas (my favorite holiday). I have a huge outdoor light display and put up 10 trees inside. Something about Christmas is magical. I love hearing the kids come down and see the lights. I usually do some giving trees so that kids can have Christmas.
Dec 08Reply
sreiniche35 This is the link to my lights:
Dec 08Reply
cheryl1da Hiya, Your jewelry should arrive on the 11th. I hope you will be thrilled 😊. I included a little something I was going to list but felt YOU should have it. I am like a kid as I wait to see how you react. Just hope these arrive on time. Later, Huge Hug 🤗❤💙Cheryl
Dec 09Reply
cheryl1da Hi! I am always glad when you like everything ❤...but I included an extra piece as a gift...did you like it? OR...??? 🤔Cheryl
Dec 11Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da Oh yes! I loved it! I was going to write a longer note but work got in the way and family got home then it wa 11 0m!
Dec 11Reply
cheryl1da @sreiniche35 Just wanted to make sure you're happy. Cheryl 😉
Dec 11Reply
cheryl1da I saw that symbolic necklace and just couldn't list it for some reason. Then YOU placed your order and I knew where it needed to go! It made me think of you and your early answer to my question about what kind of jewelry you wanted, "I like pieces that look both delicate, but also make a statement." No, not the exact words but pretty close. I knew you meant what you said. While I waited for you to receive this order
Dec 12Reply
cheryl1da I was so hoping I had chosen something that would fulfill those words. Stephanie, as someone I consider a friend I am super picky about remembering what is important to you. It's not just a "sale" when you or your mom's a partnering. I asked D if he thought this was a great addition to YOUR collection & HE also said, "That's HER!" LOL 😆🤣
Dec 12Reply
cheryl1da I am like a kid with these pieces. I know My Aunt's donations are not just to be used to raise $. She could easily sell through auctions, dealers OR to museums. But she has a huge ❤...she knew I would not only provide a way for others to "donate" to a "cause" but give pieces to patients and staff that carried meaning to them as well. And I try to meet that expectation. Thank you SO much for the support! ENJOY! Cheryl 😚
Dec 12Reply
bellanova14 @sreiniche35 Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗 💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchase is $50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and send you a special discounted offer of 25% off on your total plus discounted shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁 All jewelry comes in gift boxes Ready for the holidays 🎁
Dec 18Reply
savinavalentine Hello!! 🌹🌺 Just popping by to say Happy Holidays! Have a most wonderful weekend! ❌⭕️❌⭕️ Savina
Dec 18Reply
martinez_margie Hello - I'm selling beautiful Jewelry. Stop by when you have a chance. Reasonable offers accepted. 🎄🍷☃️ HAPPY POSHING ☃️🍷🎄
Dec 25Reply
cheryl1da Stephanie, Happy New Year, from both of us & hope the bundle you received &/or gave to others brought a lot of joy. We hope 2022 will bring new health to all Americans & the world. With a huge of love, Me & D
Jan 03Reply
cheryl1da Stephanie, This is Dennis. You know I handle packing & shipping. I apologize but I was unable to ship out your items today. They WILL go out tomorrow (Thursday). I sincerely hope that is OK w/ you. Thank you so much, Dennis PS, Hey, Vegas girl, how much did you win? LOL Hope you are taking care of yourself. It's going to be another Christmas for YOU. I always enjoy your choices. Stay safe, D
Feb 03Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da Hi Dennis! Of course that is fine. I wish I did gamble! I’m not good at it and it would be throwing money away (money that could be spent on jewelry!) Can’t wait for the pieces. Tomorrow I head home!
Feb 03Reply
cheryl1da You are SO welcome! I love offering you great pieces and D loves packaging them specially for YOU! Thank you for your support! Cheryl 😊🌹
Feb 07Reply
melllaaa_2011 Hey there! 👋🏼 Welcome to Poshmark! it’s great to have you here! If you don’t already love it, you will soon! Feel free to check out my closet, I offer great deals and most likely have your favorite brands and styles in my closet! Happy poshing!
Feb 16Reply
cheryl1da Hiya, Guess you survived Vegas! Can't remember if I told you but now when I try to share a new listing to you directly it goes to a bundle that was deleted. Boy, has the PM team been receiving a ton of complaints about the program problem! Hey, how are you doing? Is your non-profit going to receive any benefit from the passage of the infrastructure bill? Also, your Mom has been out of touch...real busy? Have surgery...later...Hug, Cheryl 😊💕
Feb 16Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da life has been crazy! We might benefit from the infrastructure bill but not sure yet. I think my Mom has been busy selling her bookstore.
Feb 17Reply
cheryl1da I'll keep my fingers crossed! Dennis's firm had already garnered a huge government contract before the bill past... very cool 😎, but I know they have a lot more areas that the firm deals with. As for your Mom, I wrote, wondering if there was anything she needed. Will wait before contacting her again. Hope you are well ❤️‍🩹 and hoping your State attempts to keep voting rights for everyone. Huge Hug, Cheryl 😊💕🥳
Feb 17Reply
cheryl1da Hi Stephanie, Due to certain situations I will be closing my closet. Right now I have it on Vacation Hold. If there is anything you may want please let me know soon. I will be removing items, so I can just remove what you may want and deal with pay later. Family emergency and PM's policies are the reasons I am leaving. May open elsewhere. Huge Hug, C💕
Feb 25Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da I hope all is okay. I’m sorry to hear you are closing your shop. I was still interested in the first two items in my bundle and the green cross. I hope you open shop elsewhere and you let me know.
Feb 25Reply
cheryl1da The blue & green stoned necklace and the stretch bracelet+ the green cross? C
Feb 25Reply
cheryl1da See bundle, okay? C🎉
Feb 25Reply
martinez_margie Hello, I'm selling beautiful Jewelry. Stop by when you have a chance. Reasonable offers accepted. 🇺🇲🍷🇨🇱 HAPPY POSHING 🇺🇲🍷🇨🇱
Feb 27Reply
cheryl1da Hi Stephanie, Sorry this situation with my family has resulted in my staying in NY longer than expected. I had Dennis pull the pieces, so, as long as it's okay with you they will be sent when I return. I assure you the price will be the best! Also, word got around that I might be leaving. I have been very surprised at the response. Poshers I have never met have sent messages asking me to stay. Kind of a shock.
Mar 11Reply
cheryl1da Hope you are doing well and I will keep you posted as to what I will be doing. This situation resulted in an arrest and court hearings. I have tried reaching your Mom. She must be very busy. Usually I would get at least a "Hi," back. Really hope SHE is okay. Gotta go...later...Big Hug from me & D, 😊💕🎉⭐🌎
Mar 11Reply
sreiniche35 @cheryl1da I'm doing well. Hope things work out best for everyone there. I think she has been busy. I know they're trying to sell the bookstore so she can retire again.
Mar 14Reply
cheryl1da Your Mother retire!? She's a force of nature no matter what is happening around her! I adore BOTH of you so much! Hoping to be home soon... meanwhile reopened the closet (with awesome help from others). Glad to hear you are fine. Hope your week is great! Cheryl 😊💕
Mar 14Reply
cheryl1da Hiya, Sent your items (rather Dennis did). Had to use standard mail. Just wondering if they arrived yet. Am heading home in a couple of days. Still not certain whether I will move or not. It has been a hard time. I will be glad to get back home 🏠. Hope you are doing okay. Big Hug, Cheryl 😊💕🎉
Mar 23Reply
cheryl1da Hi Kiddo, Have the pieces arrived yet? Thanks, Cheryl 😊💕
Mar 25Reply
bellanova14 @sreiniche35 Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗 💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchases $50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and I send you a special discounted offer of 20% off on your total plus discounter shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁 Can add extension free of charge if requested 🛍 All jewelry comes in gift boxes 🎁🛍
Mar 26Reply
cheryl1da Hi, again. Still trying to find out if you received the jewelry. The Post office notes it was delivered close to the start of March...??? Am home and beginning to close out the closet. May go elsewhere, sell through auction houses OR may write ✍️ a book. Yeah, I have a standing offer from a big publisher, a former patient from there, says I have a good way of explaining medical "things" that offer others a way to find decent assistance when needed. ???
Mar 31Reply
cheryl1da Tried reaching you through a answer. Anyway, would love to here from you. Big Hug, Cheryl 😊💕🥳🎉
Mar 31Reply
sreiniche35 I'm so sorry life through a big curveball our way. My Administrative Assistant died from a stroke. Then after I got back from that funeral my brother in law died and we had to go to Michigan for his funeral (47 y.o.) and while there my mother in law died. We go back to Michigan next week for her funeral.
Apr 14Reply

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