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Updated Mar 05
Updated Mar 05

Meet your Posher, Rebecca

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Rebecca. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, MAC Cosmetics, Catherines, Cato, and Lane Bryant. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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thirstygirls Welcome to Poshmark
Mar 06Reply
rebdilla Thank you! I'll do my best to experience the "other" side of Poshmark. In only a week. I've successfully moved away from FB (Bad habit). Daughter thankfully in a good way got me hooked on here. Hoping soon I will enjoy placing my many many items on here as well. Instead of making my actual home closet a full on wardrobe with my purchases. Lol. No one warned me this was addictive. Any support groups? 🤣 Love to all members. Enjoy each day, because we are not promised another tomorrow. 😊☺🤗
Mar 16Reply
Mar 16Reply
21centgigi Hello Rebecca I just sent you a picture of the same top but it is blue jean. Not sure if you are interested but since you loved the black and white check one. Have a great day!
Mar 20Reply
rebdilla @21centgigi oh thank you! My daughter actually liked it. Gave to her instead. I’ll ask if she would like this one too. Hoping she’ll share lol. Have a wonderful day.
Mar 20Reply
msdiva0218 Hi there and welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for liking and bundling my items. I sent a private offer I’d be happy to negotiate with you on any items 🤗
Mar 23Reply
myateslafon Hi. Unfortunately I had to cancel your order. When I was packing the romper I noticed it had been damaged. It’s not in sellable condition. I apologize. Poshmark has already approved the cancellation. Again I’m so sorry!
Mar 24Reply
thegoodiebox Hi Rebecca, don’t you love Posh?!!! So many unique people with so many unique styles! Please stop by and say hi sometime. Happy shopping! 😘
Apr 06Reply
donzi127 @rebdilla Hi Thank You for your purchase I'll get it mailed Monday ! 😊
Apr 07Reply
melllaaa_2011 🅗🅔🅨! 💗 welcome to poshmark! You will love this awesome community! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! Also, I sell your favorite brands in my closet and I also offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items! Enjoy! 🦄
Apr 11Reply
bloomingbrshpk Hi there and welcome to Poshmark! This is a great place to sell your unwanted clothes, shoes and jewelry. Deals are available as well if you keep your eyes open. If you have any questions, please feel free to tag me and I will be more than happy to try and help. When you have a moment pls check out my closet. Thanks so much. 💝
Apr 27Reply
brr_68 Hello thanks for liking 2 of my items. Please combine them and make me a reasonable offer for them, if you like them both. You will also save 10% on 3 or more of my items.Thanks for stopping by
May 05Reply
brr_68 Click on the bundle, on each of the items and make me a offer.
May 05Reply
rebdilla @brr_68 hi! I appreciate the guidance. Every little bit helps. In this situation. The shoes would be for daughter. As to why I didn’t want to bundle just yet. Unsure if she could wear these to work. As soon as tomorrow I’ll be ready to decide. Once I show them to her. Thanks very much! For allowing me into your closet. 👍😊👋
May 05Reply
brr_68 @rebdilla thanks for letting me know your situation. Once you decide if she can wear them, please feel free to bundle as much as you like and I will give you a great deal. The more you bundle the more you will save. Oh by the way, I have others liking those Ked shoes. I made a offer earlier to a liker on those.
May 05Reply
rebdilla @brr_68 yes will do. She works tomorrow. Normally visit on weekends. She doesn’t have this app. I have purchased various other comfy shoes on here for her. I’ll do my best to be prompt on bundling or buying separate. As the tote was for myself lol. So if I don’t get an answer by then for the shoes. I’ll go for the tote. I appreciate it. THANK YOU👍☺️
May 05Reply
brr_68 @rebdilla that would be great. Thanks again for liking my items. Have a blessed night and look forward to sale you something soon.
May 05Reply
brr_68 Your total of all of your items are $67.00 I have to have at least $55.00, this is how I make a leaving. You will save $12.00. those Dickie's cost me 49$ along and I wore them a hand full and I am asking 30 for them I have to pay POSHMARK a free and I want make anything. You are getting 10% off in the beginning.
May 05Reply
rebdilla @brr_68 👍 I truly understand. Sorry I made you feel like you had to give me an explanation. 😔 Well, most importantly are the 2 shoes for my daughter. How much much would they come out to? The tote was just a travel bag I’d use to have to bring along my insulin and other meds when I travel home. But that can wait. I’m going to drive again. Will answer asa soon as I can. Sirry😊
May 05Reply
brr_68 @rebdilla bundle them 2 items together
May 05Reply
brr_68 @rebdilla for all three can you pay $49.00 if so counter offer me for 49 and I will accept it
May 05Reply
brr_68 @rebdilla can you pay $49.00 for all 3 items if so, counter offer me 49.00
May 05Reply
rebdilla @brr_68 yes ma’am I can. So sorry I’m still with my son. He’s the one I’m spending time with today until daughters come to visit. Yes. Let me see if I know what I’m doing.
May 05Reply
brr_68 @rebdilla just counter offer me 49.00. don't remove anything just counter offer me
May 05Reply
yoti0718 Hi there! Thanks for the ❤ on the Olga undies! I also have 2 NWT Warner's Without a Stitch, same size & fabric, in leopard😲 and white. Happy Poshing!
May 06Reply
phk1121 I see you like some of my things. Add them to a bundle and I will make you an offer and save you on shipping!!! Thanks for visiting my closet! 💃🏻🛍💰
May 09Reply
brr_68 Thanks for liking your items. Feel free to order from me again. You save more when you bundle 2 or more items. If you see anything in my closet that you like, please let me no and I will work out a deal with you or you can make me a reasonable offer on that item. Again thanks for your purchase.
May 09Reply
chat3388 🌹Hi Welcome to Poshmark- I am Kat nice to meet you! Visit my closet anytime for great bargains and a special discount for new buyers plus discount shipping. Make a bundle for a private offer! Fast shipping and always a free gift. I am a Posh mentor and Ambassador and happy to answer your questions 🌹♥️💥
May 12Reply
chat3388 Hi Rebecca. Thanks for following me and the likes . Bundle your 3 items for a special discount- just 24 and Free Shipping 💋
May 13Reply
chat3388 Thanks for the bundle just made you a great offer and Free Shipping. Can mail in the morning 🌹🌟
May 21Reply
rebdilla @chat3388 hi!!! I’m currently at Albertsons buying groceries. Can I have a bit? As my daughter wants to look thru your closet too. 🤫
May 21Reply
chat3388 Take all the time you need, holler back if you have any questions! 😎
May 21Reply
rebdilla @chat3388 ok THANK YOU! I’ll be about 2 hrs. As I don’t live in this town. 😐 that’s including putting my items away when arriving home. 👍😊
May 21Reply
chat3388 Thanks for your purchase. You will receive 2 packages as the hair clips are stored at my sisters house . Kindly accept after receiving both packages! Hope you’re having a great evening. Sending you a surprise! How old is your daughter! 🌹❤️Kat
May 22Reply
rebdilla @chat3388 oh thank you very much!! Lol my daughter is the one who said you were very kind. She had asked about the swim suit. I love to buy stuff for others more than myself. Or if I love it too much we’ll share. But I have a specific taste in stuff. Which my daughter disapproves sometimes. But that’s the good thing. Most of the time I won’t need to share. Lol. Yes of course. I always try my best to release funds when my pkgs arrive. Have yourself a pleasant night.
May 22Reply
chat3388 @rebdilla Thanks for your note I like to let others know if there are 2 pkgs. As they may not arrive on the same day. I asked about your daughter as I was going to send her a “happy” also . I also buy things for others all the time! I have a large family. I love Poshing and love to buy and sell. Enjoy your week and new items!
May 22Reply
rebdilla @chat3388 I truly apologize. My previous msg was over 500 ch’. As I tend to msg long. We both appreciate you. I’m glad she did share your closet w/me. I hope I am home to receive. Thank you once again and will k.i.t. Good night. 🙂
May 22Reply
chat3388 Hi Rebecca both pkgs were mailed . Wanted to give you tracking # for the hair clips: 9400/1119/9956/0394/8732/87 ..some ppl like to keep up with their orders til arrival!❤️😁
May 24Reply
rebdilla @chat3388 good evening. Thank you so much! Your attention is noted and appreciated. Yes, I do as well. As I try my best to be home to receive. And like to release funds as soon as I open my pkgs to see the gifts I’ve sent myself. LOL. No n/r. Once again, THANK YOU. You are so kind. 👍💝😊🌼
May 24Reply
chat3388 Hi Rebecca! So happy I made you smile! You’re a great Posher yourself ! I enjoy doing business with wonderful people🌹🌺Visit me again soon! Enjoy your weekend and thanks for the great rating!!!🌹❤️😎🎶🌺
May 25Reply
chat3388 Just checked on the hair clips- you should have by today ! Mail really sucks! Sorry for the delay🌹⭐️enjoy the weekend😎🎶🇱🇷🇱🇷
May 26Reply
rebdilla @chat3388 hi there! 👋. Yes ma’am I sure did. They are more adorable than in pics. Thank you so much for this great sale once again. You have this poshers vote for a full 5 🌟 rating. I still can’t get out of your closet. Lol. Yes, of course you too enjoy your Memorial weekend. 👩‍✈️🇺🇸👨‍✈️👍🌸💝
May 26Reply
chat3388 You’re a doll- thanks- Visit anytime 💥🎉more new items next week🌹🇱🇷❤️😎⭐️great discounts for you too!!!🎶
May 26Reply
trinitiblue Your pkg is out for delivery today I hope your daughter is pleased I sent her a pretty set of silver and blue bangle bracelets to accent her outfit Thanks so much for shopping
May 29Reply
mamafox17 Hi! Thanks for liking items in my closet. The items qualify for a weekend sale I’m running. If you’re interested in the discounted price, please add the 3 items to a bundle and I will adjust the price. Sale runs until Sunday - or until the items sell. Thanks much! Have a great weekend! 🦊
Jun 02Reply
lunar_boutique Hi! Thank you for the posh love 😍 add your likes to a bundle for a special discount 💕 all purchases comes with a free gift 💕 happy poshing
Jun 03Reply
moogie4212 Thank you so much for wanting to buy items from my closet. You offered 23. That is fine with me but I will not be home until June 14th I can mail it out then.Thank you so much!
Jun 11Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jun 14Reply
lunar_boutique Congrats on your bundle purchase 🎉 your bundle will be shipped out within the next 24 hours. While you wait please browse through my closet as new items and discounts are posted daily 💕 happy poshing
Jun 16Reply
go4gina Welcome to POSHMARK!
Jun 16Reply
barbandjerry Just stopping by to give you a little posh love 💃‼️‼️💕
Jun 17Reply
patou05fr @rebdilla Hello Rebecca! Looking for wonderful items at a great price? Please visit my closet for 10% discount on 2 bundles or more and discount shipping! I also offer discount on all likes!!! Have a great evening!!!🌹🌹🌹😍
Jul 17Reply
theposhunic0rn Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet & liking an item 💖 all orders placed before 2PM Alaska time will ship today 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Jul 18Reply
foreverfortyone Greetings to you from South Carolina
Aug 26Reply
dodger13 Hi my name is Gina. When you get a chance check out my closet and let me know what you think. The clothes right now are all at the bottom of the closet
Aug 28Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Sep 12Reply
mzkim0216 Hi! So glad you’re enjoying your pin striped shell dress! Thanks again for shopping my closet! Come back again soon!👛🎀🌺🌸🌷🌷👠🌷🌸🌸
Oct 06Reply
domiro Hi darling! My entire closet is 50%off! I see you like something from it:) Just make me an offer with 50%!!!! Thanks;)
Oct 08Reply
chanterai1 Welcome to Poshmark 😎 All items are negotiable! Buy the perfect gift for yourself or someone else. Have questions about buying or selling let us know. Thank you Perfect Your Style Boutique
Nov 20Reply
newandvintage65 @rebdilla I have added the items you liked from my other account on here. Thank you ❤️
Jan 24Reply
newandvintage65 @rebdilla hi! Your items are waiting for purchase! ❤️💕
Feb 09Reply
hstackus Please bundle the book with another item in my closet and I’ll give it to you for Free! My gift! 🎉😊💕😁🎀🌺 everything must go!
Mar 18Reply
sellin_queen Hi, welcome to Posh‼️ I’d love for you to check out my closet & see if I‘m selling anything you’re interested in owning🛍 I offer bundle discounts along with shipping discounts! offers are always welcome😊 have a great day‼️
Mar 20Reply
mydearhusband Love the quote!!
Apr 04Reply
bntnewlife28 🛍👝Welcome to Poshmark!!!! 💥🌹Any questions or just want to drop by my closet @bntnewlife28 feel free to explore!!!!💋💋 #poshmarkambassador#
Jul 01Reply
nildin7 Hi, check out my closet I have pieces to fit any style. You can find both NWT and preowned.Like or bundle to save money. Get a 10% automatic discount on bundles of 3 or more items . I also ad a deeply discount to these bundles. I respond quickly and ship quicker. I can’t wait to hear from you.
Jul 21Reply
ruthietoons Good morning and thank you for checking out my closet. Please feel free to make me a offer on my item if you are intrested. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Jul 29Reply
ruthietoons Good morning and thank you for checking out my closet, if you are intrested in my item please feel free to check out the offer I made you. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Jul 29Reply
bestalpacaever Hi do you want to bundle your likes? If you do let me know and i can make you a happy bundle smile offer. Lol. 🤓
Aug 14Reply
bestalpacaever Hi i was trying to get a hold of you about the order. If i don't hear back from you tonight i wont send till friday. ( with out the missing item and add a replacement.) I do hope i hear from you soon so we can work something out.
Aug 15Reply
bestalpacaever How was the book?
Oct 03Reply
luvmee40 30% OFF the already low prices for the next week. Its my 1 Year Anniversary on Poshmark. My Closet is truly something incredible. Over 1000 items with everything thing from Giorgio Armani to Michael Kors. Lots of very unique Vintage Glamour. Stop in asap and take a good look. YOU will find lots of things you love. Just like the item and I will send you a 30% discount. You can also bundle. Just take off 30% and I will accept.  This sale is one week only. Thanks!
Nov 08Reply
rebdilla @sue_sells 🤦🏻‍♀️ winter weather is here. My toes could Definitely use these cuties. I just haven’t had time to scroll thru ur wardrobe. 💆🏻‍♀️. I’ll do my best Monday if not Tuesday. Sorry. I hope I don’t lose out.
Nov 10Reply
presley523 Veteran’s Day Sale; 50% Off Everything; Today Inly; Send offer for half the listed price and it’s yours. Have a wonderful day.
Nov 11Reply
5catmommy Good afternoon. Thanks for the like please feel free to make me an offer on this swimsuit cover-up. I consider all offers!! Best Poshing to you.
Nov 30Reply
msgd welcome to Poshmark and thanks for stopping by my closet ❤️
Jan 05Reply
ababa123 Greetings ! I will accept your $30.00 offer on the black Gentle Souls wedge if you are still interested. Hope to hear from you ! Have a wonderful day !
Jan 08Reply
ababa123 Good evening. I accept your offer for the wedge shoe if you are still interested. Thanks in advance and have a wonderful evening!
Jan 08Reply
bnaposhgirl Hey there!🤗 I noticed you liked an item in my closet!🛍 I just wanted you to know that I give a 10%-15% discount on most offers!🛍 &a 20% discount on all bundles of 3 items or more!🛍 Happy Shopping! 🤗
Apr 16Reply
stacyana818 Hi Rebecca, thank you for checking out my closet and liking the Pinup real heels. They are so fun & comfy! I just sent you a private offer with discounted shipping for them 😁
Jun 03Reply
old_is_new Hi Rebecca! Thank you for following me. I hope you had a chance to check through my closet. I just cleaned out a bunch of old stuff & am going to bring in a lot of new items. I know you have many choices available so I appreciate your support❣
Jun 13Reply
bereniceacos02 Hey hope you’re having a great week and I hope you enjoy shopping!
Jul 09Reply
clothesbykathy Hi Rebecca! Thank you for the like on the dress in my closet. I sent you an offer in case you are interested in buying it at this time. No pressure! I just want to make the offer. Have a great afternoon! Kathy
Jul 18Reply
nburch89 Hi!! Please come check out my closet to see my available items !! If you like anything please feel free to ask any questions ! Offers are of course accepted . Like and follow if you’d like and shares are certainly appreciated !!! Happy poshing 🌹🌹🌹
Aug 07Reply
309star Thank you for the kind comment on the items from my wardrobe. Enjoy and all the best!!!🌷
Sep 12Reply
mariezclothes Thank you for your wonderful comments!!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I hope you are feeling better!!!
Sep 28Reply
preppy22 @rebdilla hi I noticed that you liked the Kenneth Cole black boots just wanted to let you know that I sent you an offer with a shipping discount and I’m open to all offers if interested 😊
Mar 16Reply
shakeela2 Hi Rebecca🌻 I noticed you liked two items from my closet, I've bundled it up and send you a private discount. Hope you like it or you can counter offer. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Poshing 💞
May 02Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🌞🌞
Jun 12Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jul 13Reply
vintagebitchaz Hi there babe! Thank you so much for the likes and checking out my closet! I am having a buy one get one free sale on jewelry just say BOGO22 in the BUNDLE comments and I’ll send you an offer!
Sep 24Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🌸. ☘️. 🌸. Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Happy Spring 🌷
Apr 13Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jun 01Reply
julieradloff Hello and WELCOME!! 🤗❤️
Jul 07Reply
mariaspiz Hi !!! Come take a visit and follow my closet!!! Hope to see you!!!!
Jul 12Reply
montanastyle Hi! Rebecca thanks for checking out my closet and all your likes. Please feel free to bundle up and send me a offer. Please be fair and honest and you never know what will happen. Happy Poshing and have a great summer 😀
Jul 16Reply
rosell15 Thank you for liking my listings for the wall hanging , please Bundle & make a Reasonable Offer & they are yours, Ciao!
Mar 13Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 🤗 thank you so much for visiting my closet and for the like
Aug 09Reply
hjcuellar1 I noticed you liked several items in my closet. Feel free to bundle and I will send you a great offer. thank you again.
Aug 12Reply
hjcuellar1 Hi thank you for all the likes, please feel free to make a bundle and I will give you a great discount:)
Aug 12Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary I noticed you like something from my closet so I just wanted to let you know I was running a special on the items that are $5 and under if you bundle five or more I will give it to you at $2 each
Nov 19Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary Thank you so much for visiting my closet again in for the like 🦋
Nov 19Reply

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Last Active: Feb 27

Kermit, TX
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Last Active: Feb 27

Kermit, TX
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