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Updated Mar 09
Updated Mar 09

Meet your Posher, Rebecca

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Hi! I'm Rebecca. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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poshlady69 @ beccahun Hi in most areas due to this pandemic there are curfews in many towns and you can only be outdoors during working hours with this being said package may be delayed, so I'm giving you option to decide what to do.
Apr 01Reply
beccahun @poshlady69 Hi. Thank you for reaching out. It depends on when you think you can ship it. How long would you need? Could it be on its way to me by Saturday?
Apr 01Reply
poshlady69 @beccahun Yes that would be enough time and thanks for understanding😃
Apr 01Reply
beccahun @poshlady69 Of course!! Thank you and stay safe!! 😉
Apr 01Reply
poshlady69 @beccahun. Apologies for inconvenience library was closed due to pandemic couldn't print label , but my daughter offered to help since you been so patient. by printing it at her job. it may delay package one day. However Im gonna make it right if you cancel and offer $10 instead of original $15 . I will accept of course .
Apr 04Reply
beccahun @poshlady69. Hi!! That's fine! 1 more day is not a big deal at all. These are difficult days. Thank your daughter for me and thank you for letting me know. If you need the money, I will still pay it. If you are just trying to make a few dollars while getting rid of things, I'll be grateful for the additional discount. You let me know and I will pay the amount you decide.
Apr 04Reply
poshlady69 @beccahun Hi shipped already you can order something else will give discounted price if it is $20 will let it go for $13 just hit offer button once again apologies for inconvenience.
Apr 06Reply
beccahun @poshlady69 No apologies! I'm excited to get them. Hope they fit ok. I will look at your selection again and let you know! Thank you! Stay healthy!
Apr 06Reply
poshlady69 @beccahun Hi see you found something you like now use offer we discussed😃
Apr 07Reply
beccahun @poshlady69 I did! I love Torrid!! Most of what you have left that I liked wouldn't fit me, but I saw this!! 😊
Apr 07Reply
beccahun @poshlady69. 2X is a little big for me, but I love the top!! I'm smaller up top, larger on the bottom.
Apr 07Reply
beccahun @poshlady69 I did make the offer, but can you hold it until Friday when I can process the payment?
Apr 07Reply
poshlady69 @beccahun No problem😃
Apr 07Reply
beccahun @poshlady69 YOU'RE THE BEST!! 🤗
Apr 08Reply
lmhoward66 Thanks for adding to a bundle from my closet. I offered you a deal on the top or if you would like to add more items I would sell them 3 for 15.00. Hope you are interested, have a great day!
Apr 09Reply
beccahun @lmhoward66 I have chosen 2 more items!!
Apr 09Reply
lmhoward66 Thanks for making a bundle. You have to decline the offer I originally gave you on the first top so it can be added to the bundle! Then I will send you the offer. Thanks
Apr 10Reply
lmhoward66 Hello! I got your bundle in because the previous offer expired! Hope you accept and I will get it out ASAP. Thanks
Apr 10Reply
mybagobsession @beccahun Hi! Welcome to Poshmark. My name is Samantha. I am a Posh Ambassador so if you ever have any questions feel free to reach out. Happy Poshing!
Apr 17Reply
spb85 Thank you for the rating💕
Apr 18Reply
beccahun @spb85 Thank you for everything!! They are awesome!! 😍😍
Apr 18Reply
spb85 @beccahun 🥰🎉
Apr 18Reply
beccahun @shelsley92 Thank you!! 😍😍
Apr 18Reply
lmhoward66 Thanks for looking the 3 items again. Put them in a bundle if interested and I will give you all 3 for $15!
Apr 19Reply
bella1362 Believe me I fully understand I will put it as not for sale and when your ready you contact me and I’ll sell it to you .. stay safe ❤️
May 12Reply
bella1362 Sorry since there are 2 other people it was sent to it won’t let me list as not for sale until the hours are up but when that happens I will list it as it for sale and wait to hear from you .. sorry that’s the best I can do
May 12Reply
bella1362 List as not for sale
May 12Reply
beccahun @bella1362 That's perfectly okay. Thank you so much! It's so cute! Stay safe and healthy. I will be in touch! :)
May 12Reply
bella1362 Funny I tried to offer it at 15$ it didn’t send .. so your offer me 15$ and I’ll accept it ❤️
May 23Reply
bella1362 I’ll get it out tues mon is a holiday ❤️❤️❤️
May 23Reply
capture1 Rebecca thank for stopping by. please feel to make me oa offer on anything you want.
May 27Reply
bella1362 Hi I sold you the blue off the shoulder shirt did you ever receive it ?
May 31Reply
beccahun @bella1362 Hi! I remember! I have not received it. We moved just recently and I had to do a change b of address at the list office so it may take longer for some things to get here if they have to be forwarded to us. If I don't get it by Wednesday, I'll let you know! Thank you for checking in! 😊
May 31Reply
beccahun * change of address at the post office (stupid auto
May 31Reply
bella1362 Hi yes it says vacant 2x so I’m not sure if it’s got to do with your new address please let me know it you get it thanks or if you don’t then I’ll check I on it ❤️
May 31Reply
beccahun @bella1362 Just an FYI, I did change my address on here since then so it's correct for Poshmark. Will keep you posted! You're the bestest!
May 31Reply
bella1362 ❤️❤️
May 31Reply
bella1362 Thank you so much sweetie for your kind words .. you made my day enjoy your purchase❤️❤️❤️
Jun 02Reply
beccahun @bella1362 Just keeping it real! Keep safe and healthy, sweetness!! 😍
Jun 02Reply
pinkunicorn11 Thank you so much for the awesome feedback! I'm delighted that your enjoying your new necklace :) stay save & healthy! :)
Jun 25Reply
beccahun @pinkunicorn11 I just got it today. It's beautiful! I can't wait to wear it! Thank you so much! Be well! 😉
Jun 25Reply
hdietrich74 thank you for a great review. hope you have a wonderful day
Jul 27Reply
beccahun @hdietrich74 Absolutely! You do the same. Stay safe! 😷😉
Jul 27Reply
poshlady69 @beccahun. Hi I remembered you were interested in torrid top just letting you know I lowered price😣
Aug 02Reply
donnabroome2 Thank you for your purchase, I hope you like the shoes.
Aug 04Reply
beccahun @donnabroome2 They are amazing! I love them!! Thank you so much!! Stay safe.
Aug 04Reply
mschick19 Thank you so much for your sweet❤️note! So happy you are enjoying your Posh purchase! 🥰🌺🌸💕
Aug 24Reply
mary_glory79 hi thanks for the like on the blouse, come stop in for the 3 for $9 on selected items marked with 🌸,the blouse you liked is part of the 3 for $9 , add 2 more items if you like . Also 2 lip products for $8 plus of you bundle 4 or more items you get 10% off. Hope all is well and safe. Thanks Mary
Aug 28Reply
beccahun @mytishy08 Unfortunately, I will have to miss out on the deal - it's the only top you have that might fit me. :(
Aug 28Reply
mary_glory79 @beccahun ok , if you like lip product I can make that part of the 3 for $9 just like what you want. If not no problem. I hope your doing well. mary😀
Aug 28Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jun 19Reply
atl14420 @beccahun 🎁🎄🎁Final Day of Clearance🎁🎄🎁 15% Off Bundles 2+ Items🎁🎄🎁 3 for $10 Sale 🎁🎄🎁Stop by and Save 🎁🎄🎁Offers Accepted
Dec 31Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jun 13Reply
avina1974 (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Hi 🖐 welcome to the closets of all Poshmark 🛍, if you see 👀 something flirtatious before your eyes let me know from my closet, happy day.
Aug 13Reply

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Last Active: Feb 28

Frederick, MD
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Last Active: Feb 28

Frederick, MD
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