Meet your Posher, Regan
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Hi! I'm Regan. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, Nike, and J. Crew. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

33 others
like this

@savagesiren38 Hi! Let me be the 1st to Welcome you to Poshmark. 😊 I'm Cie. Thanks for checking my closet... @myclosetstylist. I ❤️ that RARE fp festival top! Any questions, let me know. I'm a seller, buyer & a trusted Suggester User (SU). In conversations- Don't forget to tag users with @ so they receive ur message. Stop back soon- I'm adding more great items you won't want to miss. 😘
Apr 03Reply

Hi @myclosetstylist , I appreciate the shout out!
Apr 03Reply

@savagesiren38 Sure thing! 😉 Don't hesitate to contact me should you have any Q's. Have a Terrific A+ day!
Apr 03Reply

Apr 04Reply

Apr 04Reply

Thank you for sharing! ❤️
Apr 07Reply

Hi Regan. Thank you for your offer. I met it halfway. Elle♥
Apr 17Reply

Thank you for liking my necklace! Have a great night!
Apr 19Reply

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!
Apr 23Reply

@mariabessem I tried to get your attention when I got back, I followed you and commented on a dead listing, but I'm sure your feed is just- insane! Hope all is well with you, your girls and the hubs!
Apr 23Reply

Regan we are having a party tonight for Katrina's 22 nd bday. Oh my I have missed chatting so much. Posh is not as fun without you. I am definitely trying to hit 100k followers.
Apr 23Reply

@mariabessem I am sure the party was a great time and you will all need Sunday to rest 🎈🎉😜🍸🍷🍾🎂
Apr 23Reply

@savagesiren38 goodnight🙏
Apr 23Reply

@savagesiren38 Thank you so very much for all the likes and shares💕
Apr 23Reply

@sharicee absolutely Lucy ! It's tha least I can do 😘
Apr 23Reply

Thanks for visiting 🍭
Apr 24Reply

Thanks for stopping by again &I the likes 💕
Apr 24Reply

@serenakwok 🙂
Apr 24Reply

Apr 24Reply

Hi Regan! Thank you very much for your like of my handcrafted necklace. I made this one myself and its my first necklace design, so it's extra special to me. ♥ Elle♥
Apr 25Reply

@ellejayz you did a spectacular job! Very professional quality!
Apr 25Reply

Btw...How do you like your necklace set? Have you worn it yet? I hope you're enjoying it! :-) Elle♥
Apr 25Reply

@savagesiren38 Thank you, Regan! That means a lot to me! :-)
Apr 25Reply

Regan. I appreciate your shares. My account was hacked yesterday. And 9 days ago a anaphylaxis to a bee sting. I have been in an allergic response, on tons on meds. Throat closed. Epinephrine. Steroids, inhaler antihistamines. So exhausted but won't take PTI because I want a vacation this year!! How are the girls? Hubby? Married life? Did you sell your stock?
Apr 25Reply

@mariabessem answers= yes, good, good, good and no but o just need to redo completely- haven't spring cleaned the closet yet so that will be time to choose what ta sell. I'm not believing you and bugs , you just smell like sweet flowers, scorpions, now bees, Lord ha mercy!!! I can't believe people hack others , so private and personal- why is it people feel entitled to other people's things, life, I cannot understand it!
Apr 25Reply

Maria you are a trooper!! Your life is forever moving, never a dull moment. I hope you feel better each day and have bug friendly summer!!! @mariabessem
Apr 25Reply

@savagesiren38 it is literally unbelievable right. Well I am glad things are pretty good with you. Hope to chat with you on those late nights😘
Apr 25Reply

@mariabessem yu know I'll be there 😘💐🎈🌡💊💉
Apr 25Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Please feel free to visit my closet! I like to offer 10% off any one item to new Poshers, no need to bundle! If you have any questions about buying or selling let me know. Have a great day! 😀🌼😀
Apr 26Reply

Hi Regan. Hope you Sunday is going great!
Apr 30Reply

@mariabessem thank you! You also!! Hope your feelin better !!!
Apr 30Reply

@savagesiren38 hey😊🌈. I am a bit better!! Need to take a nap. We went to San Diego to watch my elder daughter present at a geography conference. She won $100. Did a good job. Take care
Apr 30Reply

@mariabessem that's good to hear and Congratulations on your daughters Geography Win!!! That's awesome!!! Feel better 😘💐💘
May 01Reply

@savagesiren38 have a great week Regan 🌻🌸🌈
May 01Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Please feel free to visit my closet! I like to offer 10% off any one item to new Poshers, no need to bundle! If you have any questions about buying or selling let me know. Have a great day! 😀🌼😀
May 01Reply

Regan. 12 hrs left on the 7 item Tarte sale $165 value. All full sized items go on and create an account. You can get the deal once you create an email. Amazing deal
May 04Reply

Thanks @mariabessem , Ive signed up with them some time ago. Thank you for letting me know :)
May 04Reply

It is a very good deal. I needed a mascara anyway which is like 25 and was getting low on foundation. I shouldn't spend it but did. Also free shipping💜
May 04Reply

yes.mascara always need!!! @mariabessem
May 04Reply

Hi I see you want to return the items. Can I ask why?
May 08Reply

Hi! Thanks for the ❤️s! Just letting you know that if you had your eyes on anything that my closet is 25% off bundles right now🤗
May 08Reply

@savagesiren38 , thanks for the shares!!:))
May 12Reply

@rmuzquiz Youre very welcome (:
May 12Reply

Hello & welcome! I am starfire8 also! Thank you for the shares! :)
May 14Reply

Welcome to posh! I hope you enjoy my closet 👗 if you like something but not the price feel free to make an offer. 👒 happy shopping 💙
May 15Reply

@mariabessem awe thanks so much, I'm glad your happy with them, enjoy and can't wait to have you back..:)))
May 15Reply

@rmuzquiz (: Very happy~Thank YOU again!!!
May 15Reply

@savagesiren38 What happened to redsugar? xoxo
May 16Reply

@nycelebstylist Still hot n sweet-just a little more "Savage" hows the fashion world??
May 16Reply

@savagesiren38 The fashion world is in a little turmoil. Too many stores closing :(
May 16Reply

@nycelebstylist oh no! That is sad ): it is terrible seeing a good business or shop close. ):
May 16Reply

@savagesiren38 Life is about change I guess. We'all have to adapt. Just heard "bebe" is closing all its stores.
May 16Reply

@savagesiren38 Thanks for all the SHARES. ;)
May 16Reply

@nycelebstylist I love BeBe-hot n trendy n affordable-all of my money gies to fashion- here we are deprived of any shops- people consider Aeroposyle High End- the stereotypes are true- why I'm wondering- are certain labels or designers monopolizing or is it lack of market profit?
May 16Reply

@savagesiren38 Its mostly because of stores like Forever 21 and H&M. A lot of millennials will buy a $20 shirt, wear it twice and throw it away and buy more. bebe sells better quality items which means they cost more to make so they have to sell their clothing for more. They can't use the same model as F21 and H&M. Same reason J CREW is struggling.
May 16Reply

@savagesiren38 I went in to Macy's to buy a dress and was disappointed that everything was polyester. Not one silk dress in sight. Macy's used to be known for carrying affordable, luxurious items. Oh well.... I guess change is inevitable.
May 16Reply

@nycelebstylist I got you! I dI'd nit realuze that was stull a problem- it is si wasteful and takes away from jobs- why people aren't more conscientious about where they invest as cinsumers is saddening- I refuse to it now adays if is not great fabric and craftsman ship- j crew though- I am not having it!!!
May 16Reply

@nycelebstylist yes- I'm astounded each time I see a tag for several hundred $$$ and see the fabric is 100% polyester ): why I never shop there and yes for Macy's to lose face will be a detriment
May 16Reply

@savagesiren38 Yes Macy's is in trouble. There were talks that they would be purchased by Neiman Marcus or Saks 5th Avenue. When I was in the store, there were like 15 customers in a store with 3 floors. It was like a ghost town. Sad...
May 16Reply

@nycelebstylist I'm fine with change if its for the better but that is an unfortunate direction- people will regret it- so sad. ):
May 16Reply

@savagesiren38 Well, I just wanted to say hi. I saw the SHARES and then I recognized the profile picture but not the name. Keep it touch. Let me know if you want anything. I offer great deals for repeat customers. Don't be a stranger!! ;)
May 16Reply

@nycelebstylist it was so nice to chat withvyou- I will certainly keep in touch- and you always have something!! Enjoy yor day (:
May 16Reply

@savagesiren38 If you start selling thru this username please let me know. I'd be happy to share your items.
May 16Reply

@nycelebstylist that is much appreciated- I begin listing Thursday so of course- (: Thank You!!!
May 16Reply

Hey new posh friend thanks for the follow my name is Justina I am currently in the process of spring cleaning I will love for u to check out my closet when u have a chance I have really low prices and I love bundle offers
May 16Reply

Hi & Welcome to Posh!
It's a very supportive & social community and if U have questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or...
...visit my closet & I'd be happy to help U !
More questions?
On anything specific Us like to know?
Just ask me...
May 16Reply

@katzkoz thank you for the nice shout out and genuine support! This is the ideal greeting and is much appreciated (:
May 17Reply

@savagesiren38 My pleasure & anytime!👍
May 17Reply

Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed night!
May 17Reply

🌹WELCOME TO POSHMARK🌹 Hello 🙋🏻, I'm Carolyn, at 🦋@MysticalBlue🦋Closet. If I can ever help, please let me know. Happy Poshing and have fun, I know you will‼️ 💄💋👠👛👗🌂
May 17Reply

@mysticalblue Thank You! It has been enjoyable and I will be listing soon-may lead to questions, so I will gladly take you up on that generous offer. (:
May 17Reply

Thanks for the follow! If you decide to visit my closet, please feel free to bundle, make offers, and ask questions! Happy Poshing! xo
May 17Reply

Welcome to posh!!! Thanks for the follow. Happy poshing and spending!
May 18Reply

Hi Regan! I'm Dee Dee! Thanks for following me!
May 18Reply

@savagesiren38 welcome to posh and thanks so much for the follow 😊💕❤
May 18Reply

Hi Regan!!! 🙋🏽I'm Ray. If you have a minute check out my Closet. I send out gifts & offer bundles. Thank you🦋
May 18Reply

@classygirl41 thank you! (:
May 18Reply

@deedee_barr (:
May 18Reply

@msray0823 (:
May 18Reply

@aknhorse (:
May 18Reply

@savagesiren38 you're welcome 😊💕❤
May 18Reply

@savagesiren38 Hi and Welcome to Poshmark!!
May 19Reply

@wlew thank you ! (:
May 19Reply

Appreciate the shares🌸 Thank you 😊🌸
May 19Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and spreading love ❤️ from it, it is truly appreciated 😘. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask, make an offer, etc. God Bless you 😇💝🌹🙏, and Happy Poshing.
May 19Reply

Welcome to posh
I have a lot merchandise for very cheap prices
I ship very soon 🎁
May 19Reply

Hello Regan and welcome to Posh! Thank you for stopping by my closet! Thanks for the love on the Judith Ripka necklace! It really is a gorgeous piece and the details are spectacular! Wishing you a beautiful day! Sondra
May 19Reply

@karen1177 yw (:
May 19Reply

@fabloot It is beautiful_ Hope that youre enjoying your day also (:
May 19Reply

Hello, hellos there fellow POSHER! I sell JEWELRY in my closet!! I would really appreciate it if you came and stopped by. Maybe you'll find something that you love! ❤️❤️🎀🎀🌸🌸🌸💘😘💍
May 20Reply

@savagesiren38 🌺🌺🌺😄😄
May 21Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 😊☺❤
May 21Reply

@lo_73suber thank you (:
May 21Reply

May 21Reply

Hey love sorry I didn't accept just got out of work xx
May 22Reply

Hi Regan, Thank you for inviting me to your closet. I'll be looking. Good luck and welcome. CATHY
May 22Reply

Welcome to the Posh community :)
May 22Reply

Thank you for your kind words! As are you two! 💕
May 22Reply

@julialauren1 awe- thanks (:
May 22Reply

Thanks for another purchase ♥️💕😘 will be shipping this baby out tomorrow x will throw ina little something extra I had for you xo
May 22Reply

@ibgypsy you are an amazing seller- it is akways a pleasure shopping your beautiful fashion- you know that I adore you!! Thank you for such an awesome price!! Xoxo
May 22Reply

@savagesiren38 your going to fall in love with this bag ✨✨✨🙈❤️💋thank you for always being so magical
May 22Reply

@ibgypsy you're so full of awesome- I can feel tha vibes al the way over here in Florida
May 22Reply

savagesiren38 are my posh friend and there are so many things wrong with how she handled were perfect about it taking all the blame..totally nice..she never once even budged on her own responsibility..shes basically doesnt look on me how it did on the model...i mean come on..its mannequin..theyre small and have no so bogus..
May 26Reply

@sharicee itjust really bothers me that a person would be like;;hi im so nice and thats why i blame you for everything and made sure to post it on your sold..non removable listing for everyone to see so that my a$$ is just do not like inconsiderate people...hahah
May 26Reply

@sharicee,,not to mention its policy to return all items so i think thats fair..i wouldnt go out of my way to let someone pic and choose when they didnt even come to you first..that whole claim is just a huge no for me
May 26Reply

@savagesiren38 Lol I love your summation of the event! It didn't look like it did on model!! I looked on JPB website and it says the model in the stock photo is 5'9, it doesn't say what size she is wearing😜 I bet the model is wearing a M/L. I am still waiting for Posh to determine the claim, honestly I just want the Kimono back!! Thank you so much for your support, I feel like we are good Posh friends. The whole thing with that buyer really bummed me out.
May 26Reply

@savagesiren38 From now on, I am going to research buyers when I get offers from people I haven't dealt w before. Today a lady wanted to buy 2 skirts, I researched her and I noticed that it seems like she complains a lot, so I didn't sell them and I blocked her!
May 26Reply

@sharicee giggles..ya..i found it very unsettling..your a cool chick babe...everything posh is so good most of the time..nut when its bad it stings a bit..and yes i do that to..research first yourself tha trouble!!
May 26Reply

May 28Reply

Hi welcome, check out my closet you may find something you like, I offer 15%off on bundles. Have a super day 😉
May 28Reply

@savagesiren38 You the Best babe 😍❤️💕
Jun 02Reply

@hermosarose (; xo
Jun 02Reply

Jun 02Reply

@savagesiren38 Hi 👋 welcome to Poshmark feel free to check out my closet any time sweetie 😊 lots of cute things in it. Any questions feel free to ask
Jun 03Reply

Thanks for the follow🤗😉
Jun 03Reply

Thank for the follow... Enjoy the fun of Poshmark 🤗
Jun 03Reply

Thank you so much for the awesome review and all the love!!!!! ☺️☺️ so happy you stumbled upon my closet and found what you were looking for ❤️❤️
Jun 03Reply

@jazzberry760 Thank you! I did...Im so happy today (:
Jun 03Reply

Hey there! Just wanted to say Thanks for all the pish posh luving u bestow. Upon my closet! It hasn't gone unnoticed and is greatly appreciated! I look forward to the day when I click on yer "closet" & can reciprocate in like rather 10 fold ! Luv & lite 🌈⚡🌠🦄🕊🖖✌🤘👅😎🌝
Jun 04Reply

Omg I heart You ❤️
Jun 04Reply

@fashionfauxpas That is an awesome thank you but I totally owe you and others for sharing such an amazing things...different things cool prices!
Jun 04Reply

@hermosarose xxo your closet is bella bella! i cannot resist!
Jun 04Reply

@savagesiren38 awww aren't u the sweetest lil thang!!😘😚😎❤💘🌈😉👅👄 seriously tho I look forward to seeing what u post..I love to check out..lust..cover (& sometimes shop!) Others stuff ALOT more than I like posting my own..there are sum ahhmayzing closets on here @spiritofariel @firsthandshake @vintage_rocks @thirteensporks @tchouseofstyle @londonerus @bicycle_belle @holdrelf @gollysue @lollipopkissies just 2 name a
Jun 04Reply

@savagesiren38 cont...
few of my personal faves..u might have already perused the aforementioned in ur pish posh intergalactic journeys on this app...they are all proverbial rabbit hole closets I can get lost in for many hrs...all ahhsome people too. Xoxoxo much luv 🌈🌠⚡🦄🦄🖖✌🤘👅👄 and lite 🌅🌞 shine on! 😎😘😚
Jun 04Reply

Thanks for the Follow beautiful! If you see any you like... my bundle is set at 3+ items with a 20% discount or you are more than welcome to submit a reasonable Offer on anything! Stay Blessed! 🌻💚🌻
Jun 05Reply

Regan, Thank you for following my lowly and humble closet 😊😊😊❗️❗️❗️
Jun 05Reply

Thank you for following me and welcome to Poshmark!😊💕
Jun 05Reply

Thank you for the 5 star rating :-)
Jun 05Reply

@christinakim0 My gratitude as well and I added a note. Thank you and enjoy your day ~Regan
Jun 05Reply

Hope you're having a good week babe! :)
Jun 09Reply

Hey! Glad we connected! Hope you check out my closet and find things you love (I do really good pricing for bundles). 👀my handmade jewelry✌🏻💎 Happy poshing 😀
Jun 12Reply

Hey! Feel free to bundle the items you love! I will give you an awesome discount 😘
Jun 12Reply

Thank you for purchasing the YFB dress. I will be home later this evening, so the dress will be shipped tomorrow. Again, thank you!
Jun 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark
Jun 15Reply

hello 🌹
Jun 16Reply

Thank you so much for the nice rating. I'm so glad you like it. I will be listing another dress similar to that one but its in an eggplant/purple that you might like. Check back soon. Again, thank you!!
Jun 17Reply

@gfiorante50 I willi appreciate you letting me know and thank you again for such an enjoyable purchase!!
Jun 17Reply

@savagesiren38 thanks for the follow!! ♥️♥️
Jun 17Reply

? Willi? Lol I hate touchpads-I don't baby talk
Jun 17Reply

Hello! Thank you for following :) I would love for you to check out my closet sometime😊💕
Jun 22Reply

Hi babe, how've you been? Hope your summer is off to a great start! <3
Jun 23Reply

@hermosarose It is always great hearing from you! I am great! Thank You for inquiring. I hope your summer is going as you wish as well (:
Jun 23Reply

@savagesiren38 hi! Thanks for looking at my closet. If you're interested in the bundle, I will include extra gifts with purchase. 🎁. Happy Poshing!
Jun 23Reply

Good evening, thank you for your purchase - I'll get that shipped in the morning💕. Happy Thursday and Happy Poshing💕
Jun 29Reply

@mfionathreads you're tha best BarBae!!!
Jun 29Reply

Hi Ive got a new closet posted!! Follow me and feel free to make an offer!! 💚❤️🌺
Jul 01Reply

I love your closet!!😍 I wanted to let you know that I am currently accepting all reasonable offers in my closet right now and almost all my items are new with tags!! I have tons of Lilly Pulitzer💕 Come check it out ❤️
Jul 03Reply

Regan! I'm so glad you received your items and like them 💕. Thank you again for your purchase and the wonderful 5 star rating and comment💕. Happy 4th 🇺🇸
Jul 04Reply

Good morning. Thank you for accepting my follow. wish you much success on your sales!
Jul 04Reply

@amirhsbags thank you. That is very kind. Enjoy your day (:
Jul 04Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. If you get a chance come take a look at my closet everything is buy two get one free or 20% off any bundle. Happy shopping
Jul 04Reply

Hi! If you're still looking for bliss soap, I just added some! ❤️❤️ Happy 4th of July! 🇺🇸
Jul 04Reply

Hey babe, hope you're having a great 4th 🇺🇸 with fireworks 💥 😄❤️
Jul 04Reply

Hey there! Thanks for your shares, Pretty Girl💕.
Jul 06Reply

@mfionathreads Your such a great Posher with a beautiful closet-wouldn't want people to miss out-and you are welcome to send those flattering compliments my way anytime (:
Jul 06Reply

@savagesiren38 Good morning!!!😃 Thank you so much for all your shares! 🌸🤗👗👠
Jul 06Reply

Regan💐Hi I'm Laura it's nice to meet you! Please follow me and like my Follow Game at the top of my closet as it will also help you to increase your followers! I'm a Posh Mentor, so stop by my closet any time if you have any questions! Happy Poshing!😘❤️💋xoxo
Jul 10Reply

@lauras_boutique I am following you but I did like and share your follow game and appreciate the future advice as I am to list items soon and am always open to advice. Enjoy your day Laura (:
Jul 10Reply

@savagesiren38 I would be happy to help anytime! Laura😘❤️
Jul 10Reply

Hi Regan! This is Elle from ElleJayz/Elle J. Designs. You purchased a handcrafted seahorse necklace/earring set from me some months back. I'm just wondering if your still as happy with it as in the beginning. Please let me know and thanks so much, Elle♡
Jul 11Reply

Hey! I see that you started to follow my closet! Thank you! And I have most of the brands you love! So let me know if you have any questions! Remember I do take reasonable offers and I offer bundling discount!
Jul 11Reply

Thanks for stopping by have a wonderful day 👍👍💕
Jul 11Reply

@rachelanne812 Thank YOu! Bundle deals are a fave! Have a great rest of your week (:
Jul 12Reply

@boweki01 TY I'll check u out (:
Jul 12Reply

@paquitabonita TY (: I did..saw my hubs family...good times!
Jul 12Reply

@ellejayz as I had mentioned in my love note attached to rating, it was a gift to the Mom in law...I believe she is happy with it. Have a great week (:
Jul 12Reply

@savagesiren38 is there something you like?? Feel free to make an offer....😘👍👍👍
Jul 12Reply

Night night😴😴😴
Jul 12Reply

@savagesiren38 Ok. I've just been checking in with people who purchased a while ago to make sure the jewelry is holding up & that they're still happy with it. Thank you for the response! Elle♡
Jul 12Reply

@savagesiren38 Welcome to Poshmark
Jul 12Reply

@rachelanne812 thank you for the great offer..but I wear sz L
Jul 18Reply

Hi babe, how are you? I been thinking of you & hope you're having a fab summer! 💖 xo
Jul 22Reply

Hey Hun, thank you for checking out my goodies. Everything is priced to make room in my closet. I have way too much. Let me know if you would like a good price on anything or a deal on a bundle. Have a great weekend!
Jul 22Reply

Hi I'm so sorry but I've been through my entire inventory and I can't find these pieces. Unfortunately with smaller items things get stolen and that must be the case because I didn't sell them. If there is anything else you would like, take 1/3 off, once again so sorry
Jul 24Reply

@perrilister no thank you but could you cancel it now so I can get refund?
Jul 24Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!🌺
Jul 26Reply

@mrnblue thank you :)
Jul 26Reply

omg babe.. if you want that blue JPB tunic I'll let you have it for $3 because you the Best!! :)
Jul 29Reply

lol, you should offer $3.. i want it as a gift :)
Jul 29Reply

@hermosarose That is very generous of you. I didnt want to be greedy. I will be happy to accept this gift Thank YOU (:
Jul 29Reply

@hermosarose It said that I have to offer at least $8, and I am completely happy with that if you are (:
Jul 29Reply

@savagesiren38 thanks babe!!
Jul 29Reply

@hermosarose Te aprecio hermosa rosa
Jul 29Reply

Hello lovely💕. Thank you for the shares😊
Jul 29Reply

@mfionathreads Very happy too (:
Jul 29Reply

Hey, thanks for the shares! 😄
Jul 31Reply

Hello! Welcome to posh! Feel free to reply to this message if you have any questions! I hope you have success in selling and or purchasing! Posh can be really fun! My best advice for new poshers is to share your listings often and if anyone tries to tell you to email them about a listing DO NOT DO IT! Unfortunelty there are a few people on posh that do that and they are scammers! It's also a good idea to read the posh rules so you stay safe online! Happy Poshing and again welcome!!💜
Aug 01Reply

@savagesiren38 Hi babe.. just dropping in to wish you a great week ahead! 😊 🌺
Aug 14Reply

@flowergirlcrush hi...sirry I didn't get back to u earlier..was having movie time with my daughters...I of ciurse would lije that but I in all honesty don't want to be unfair to u. I had anticipated a counter from original offer...I just want to be sure you're satisfied as well..that's important to have great pricing for your JW and that's hardpressed to find
Sep 14Reply

Its important to appreciste thise who do what they can for others ..the way you do for Poshers...even the ones who can afford it still deserve a bresk sometimes..its just kindness..your such a generous Posher (:
Sep 14Reply

These typos-so embarrassed
Sep 14Reply

@flowergirlcrush oh my goodness!! Happy as can be~♡♥♡You truly go above and beyond. This is one luxxe bundle. I'm over tha moon picturing tha different styles to wear these jewels! My gratitude n loyalty TY
Sep 14Reply

@flowergirlcrush It truly is appreciated. And its such a huge cut with the fees added. I just have to pay for school starting this month and wasnt expecting that, I didnt wantt o take out another loan and have the interest to pay for school so Ill be paying monthly and had not expected to. I feel like the price for tuition has increased in the last 10 years I dont know. and so i was just in a financial rut these last two months over that adjustment.
Sep 14Reply

@flowergirlcrush It is always when you have something come up that a sale goes on or That gorgeous Velvet Jacket you want is at a lower price, and a beautiful embellished silk tunic you didnt know existed is available too I'm excited to see them (:
Sep 14Reply

@flowergirlcrush YOuve spoiled me and of course it will last me forever..Ill literally have this jacket till the end..hopefully the top too..It was an unexpected expense but is an investment, and my daughter finally made a decision now she says she needs new your closet is just a Johny Was fan dream come true..I'll of course be back in the future..I do hope you enjoy your weekend and thank you so much again (: may your karma bless u 10 fold!
Sep 15Reply

Hey lady, hope all is well and that you made it through the storms💕
Sep 21Reply

@mfionathreads Yes and Thank YOU. We were the fortunate! The power of nature..phew!!!
Sep 21Reply

Regan- I miss you💜
Oct 07Reply

Love Regan!! Best friend and posher around. Feel confident purchasing with Regan.🌸🌺🌻🍁🍂
Oct 09Reply

@mariabessem Awesome! You're tha best!
Oct 09Reply

@savagesiren38 💕💗💜😊🌻👍🦋🤣🌈🙏
Oct 09Reply

Hi Regan- I saw shared from you and didn’t get a chance to thank you. I got some men’s shirts in and thought of your hubby. I can go very inexpensive. Also not sure if you need new lipstick, but got a ton of Smashbox in. How are the girls? What have you been up to? Anniversary plans? I am having another surgery 11/21.
Oct 20Reply

Welcome to poshmark and my closet ☺👏👏👏I hope make you bundle and receive discounts💱💲💲&🎁🎁🎁🎉🎉🎉happy poshing!☺
Dec 17Reply

@joviscreacion (:
Dec 17Reply

ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ to posh!!! You're going to love it here! I sell your favorite brands in my closet and offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items if you want to check me out! Have fun and ℋᎯℙℙᎽ ℙᎾЅℋℐℕᎶ!
Jan 02Reply

Hi there! Welcome to Poshmark! A wonderful community of people and awesome items at great prices. I would like to invite you to check out my closet for new items with tags from the most favorite brands. Bundle 2 or more items for an additional discount and to pay just one shipping charge. If you have any questions about the items, I would be happy to help. Happy Poshing 😃
Jan 07Reply

@melllaaa_2011 Thank You (: I will check your closet out for sure!
Jan 08Reply

@soriag Thank You for such a nice welcome (:
Jan 08Reply

Hi Regan💜
Jan 12Reply

Hi Regan- so good to see you. Happy St Patty’s day🍀
Mar 18Reply

@mariabessem Same! Happy Lucky Day 2 U!!!
Mar 18Reply

@savagesiren38 I hope that you, hubby and girls are all doing well.
Mar 18Reply

Hi Regan! Thanks for liking my beautiful red maxi dress ❤
Mar 18Reply

@laularfangirl That is really thoughful of rather wait for that one because she will love the patch design print. i am looking to get the red one in xl for myself in really is beautiful. thank you again and im fine to wait...shes going to love it!!!!
Mar 30Reply

Welcome have a wonderful week. Fill free to stop by my closet and explore as well as shop. If Interested in shopping im.always open to offers and bundling items for a discount. 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
Apr 01Reply

Thanks for the likes!! If you have any questions about the items, I would be happy to help. Make me an offer or put in bundle to get a private discount.
Reasonable offers are always welcome. Happy Poshing.
Apr 02Reply

@marroco absolutely. Thank You! :)
Apr 02Reply

Hi I’m going to decline your offer... that way I can offer you the 160 plus the 4.99 shipping
Apr 06Reply

Hey girl.. thank you for all the shares 😘💕
Apr 08Reply

@mrslizzyg My pleasure..Your closet is fun to share!! :)
Apr 08Reply

Regan, you are so sweet!! Thank you so so much for your super rating but most importantly your kind words are so appreciated!! Thank you for taking the time to do that and hope you are enjoying school 👍🏻💕😘
Apr 09Reply

Sweet Regan... u got my eyes misty reading ur comments this morning. the Holy Spirit moved me 2 send u the bracelet. BTW YES” God ❤️’s u will always be w/u, will never leave u nor forsake u. U r so precious in his sight. If it’s ok with you I would ❤️ to friend u on FB. I’m not always on but I can message u & swap numbers. If you ever need prayer 🙏🏻or encouragement just text me or just to say hi 👋 😊. Keeping you in my prayers . God bless u Regan.. find joy today 4 everyday is a good day 😘❤️💕👋
Apr 10Reply

@mrslizzyg That is really awesome :). Yes plz look me up @redsugar33 on fb You are really kind to share your strength in faith :)
Apr 10Reply

@savagesiren38 :-)
Apr 10Reply

Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $59. Pls add 3 items of your choice in a bundle and submit the offer of $59. I will accept it. It is promo discount for selected few. Pls note that the kate spade dress is not included in this package but if you r interested you can pls add to the bundle and a new discounted offer will be submitted. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision.
Apr 14Reply

@savagesiren38 hey sweetie, just wanted to cut you a deal on your 3 likes...$75 for all☺please lmk either way! Thanks!
Apr 15Reply

@perfectred30 you're so sweet. ty! very likely in the future but I cannot today, ive already made a deal w/ another posher on some of her stuff and i dont have enough fr anything else right now
Apr 15Reply

@savagesiren38 no problem sweetie, but please lmk if you see anything or need my help in ANY WAY, whether in my closet, or anyone else's. I am usually on here, or close by all throughout the day☺😜HAPPY POSHING!
Apr 16Reply

@perfectred30 Thank YOU! :) I go on here all the time too
Apr 16Reply

Thank you for the 💕
Apr 20Reply

Hi thanks for the likes ❤️on my size 10 shoes. I made you private offers on both, but if you're interested in both pairs you should bundle them and just pay for one shipping charge 😊
Apr 28Reply

Hi there, I hope you're well! Just noticed you had liked an item in my closet and I wanted to let you know that my prices are negotiable!! I like to try and save my buyers some money, so I'm open to offers! Just thought I'd give you a heads up. Happy Poshing! 🎀💗
May 02Reply

@ligiatracy Danka! That is always appreciated :)
May 02Reply

Hi and thank you for following liking my closet! I hope you find fun exciting items! I carry a large selection of new women’s apparel shoes accessories and of course lots of jewelry! Visit me anytime as I am always adding new items on a regular basis! Any ? Feel free to ask! Enjoy!
May 04Reply

Hey I’m Linda,
Buying or Selling.....
New to Poshmark or Been here awhile.....
Best of Luck to you.....💖
And just a little secret.....
💋Jewelry Makes the Outfit💋
And I have something just for you......
Sep 19Reply

How are you Regan? No more selling for you? Hope the girls and hubby are well. Maria
Nov 12Reply

@mariabessem Gurl Hi !!! Yes they're ok, Hubs great, daughter, sighs, she is opposite of older one who is doing great for herself, She just loves to fill those shoes of angsty teen, I love them all so much...I need to get on here, this might give me a much needed boost, I've been so busy with Nursing School, it has really got my gears grinding, but some weeks it takes everything I've got and then some
Nov 12Reply

@mariabessem How are you doing?? How are your babies? I know the youngest was out of school and working, doing great, like the rest of them, hows our husband ?
Nov 12Reply

@savagesiren38 Helloooooo Yes Kat is working as a NICU nurse and struggling a bit with night shift. My eldest is getting her masters and doesn’t feel the need to speak to her parents right now. Her bday is tomorrow-27. We are grateful not to be in the fire zones, but praying for them. I am doing ok. Hope you are well.
Nov 12Reply

@mariabessem Your eldest sounds like my eldest, shes working and going to school, i have to bug her and force her just to tell me things she wants for a gift, like pulling teeth, only harder. I am a day time person myself, so I can imagine some of the struggles of night shift. The fires are horrible, and it is causing residents to worry about their future,. I'm so glad your not being touched by them
Nov 12Reply

@savagesiren38 Hi babe, been thinking of you & just saying Hello ❤️ I hope your holidays are lovely like yourself :)
Nov 13Reply

Hi Regan. It is Maria. My new name is @5starfinds
Jan 23Reply

Hi Regan! I just wanted to stop by to say hi and happy poshing!
Jan 26Reply

Happy poshing! 💕
Jan 27Reply

Welcome to poshmark! Some of your favorite brands are available in my closet if you’re interested. Thanks! Good luck poshing!
Mar 07Reply

@savagesiren38 Thank you so much for all the shares......Cindy
Mar 17Reply

Hi welcome to Poshmark
Apr 23Reply

@savagesiren38 Thank you so much for the shares!😊❤
Apr 24Reply

@peaceluvandcats how purr-fectly kind of you..I will be glad to do some shares when I am on :)
Apr 29Reply

Hello thank you very much for sharing my closet I really appreciated 😘😘 have a beautiful day blessings
Apr 29Reply

Thank you for sharing!! 😘💗💗
May 01Reply

Hi Regan
Stopping by to thank you for shopping my closet and the ❤️ on my Boston Proper top and Calvin Klein casual dress. Both so cute & unique. Honestly I am somewhat new to Poshmark and
❤️ ing it 🥰🛍. Looks like you have been with Poshmark for quite awhile, lucky you..
Comeback soon and take another peek 😎
I have left you a private offer in your cart 🛍👠
Cheers to us & Poshmark 🥂🥂🥂
Best Wishes
May 02Reply

Hi Regan 🌺 I’m Susan & I have NEW beautiful items in many sizes & budgets- Feel CONFIDENT when buying! Free People, BCBG, William RAST, Vince CAMUTO, The Limited, Michael KORS, Coach, Marc Jacobs, CeCe, Dooney & Bourke, jewelry, furs, Size 12👠, blouses from ESCADA, luxury pantyhose from Europe - all from my own smoke free closet or hand picked from fabulous retailers🦋I’m a 5 Star Rated Seller🌟& Posh Ambassador
Jun 13Reply

hi babe, how's everything :) I hope you're having a great summer! ❤️ xx
Jul 19Reply

Hey! Just stopping by to extend an invitation to check out my closet. Happy Poshing! 💕
Oct 21Reply

Hi darling! Hoping all has been good for you and I Hope your holidays are great this year!
Nov 07Reply

💐Hi, Thanks for liking and following. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Happy poshing.🙏💐💝
Feb 02Reply

Namaste & Nice to Meet you out here in Posh Land! May all of your Posh Experiences be Abundant, Bountiful & Beautiful!
Feb 03Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 07Reply

Hi 👋🏼 Welcome to Poshmark‼️🛍
Apr 18Reply

@savagesiren38 Happy fall! I'm stopping by to invite you over to my closet. I'm a master jeweler and 90 % of the items in my closet were made by me. The rest are traded in and I've refinished them. Kindest regards and hope you have a great weekend.
Sep 11Reply

Oct 06Reply

Oct 08Reply

Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely pic :)
Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like.
My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Mar 03Reply

Good evening! My name is George, how are you today. Hope you have a minute to check my closet. I am a Silversmith, all items in my closet are authentic Handcrafted Artisan finds. Kind offers are welcome))) Thank you, I appreciate your time. G.
Apr 16Reply
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