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Updated Jul 30
Updated Jul 30

Meet your Posher, Reyna

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Reyna. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Coach, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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reyna1987 You are welcome ☺️
Sep 17Reply
heathermcox @reyna1987 if you are interested in the Toms please make another offer, the last one expired I'd love to see them gone!! 😉
Sep 18Reply
prncessamy59 Hey you bought my Tiffany glasses. Was there a problem? You rated no good? But 5 stars?
Sep 21Reply
reyna1987 @prncessamy59 they are scratched glass
Sep 21Reply
prncessamy59 Scratched where?
Sep 21Reply
prncessamy59 If you were unhappy why did you accept them?
Sep 21Reply
prncessamy59 They are prescription glasses. The frames are what we're important.
Sep 21Reply
reyna1987 @prncessamy59 It's ok Thank you
Sep 21Reply
celenamrh Thank you for the like very sweet
Sep 23Reply
theducks Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for the like!🌹
Sep 27Reply
mksimmonsrt Thanks so much for the like!!
Oct 03Reply
monicasstyleco Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for checking out my closet, please feel free to make me an offer on anything that catches your eye!
Oct 10Reply
ajg0916 @reyna1987 hi was there a problem with your order ? 🙂
Nov 25Reply
bzarnosky Hey!!😊😊 I shipped your pink sweatshirt today! Hope you love it!! (:
Jan 31Reply
reyna1987 @bzarnosky thank you 😊
Jan 31Reply
poshtaaastic 🎉🎊🎈👙👖👠👜 Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to ask any questions if you need help. This is my favorite site to shop for new and used items because of this fantastic community. Please stop by and check out my closet too. Follow, share, &&& like! Happy Poshing! 🎉🎊🎈👙👖👠👜
Feb 19Reply
idrisso2014 @meraki9413 Hi Reyna and welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for your purchase, however, Poshmark is having trouble processing your current payment method. Please let me know if you need assistance. Thanks again!!! 🌹
Mar 30Reply
danonbandley I dropped off the wallet at post office late last night, it should go out either tonight or first thing in the morning. :). Thanks!!
Apr 02Reply
reyna1987 @danonbandley hi 👋 thank you so much 😊
Apr 02Reply
danonbandley @reyna1987 the shipping hasn't posted, I'm emailing the post office right now, my apologies, I've never had issues before!!😂
Apr 04Reply
reyna1987 @danonbandley hi I'm waiting you know how many days?
Apr 07Reply
danonbandley @reyna1987 it shipped finally, I had to go down there and track it down, it was in a return log, that's never happened to me before, I'm so sorry!!
Apr 08Reply
beautychic23 @reyna1987 Welcome to Poshmark! This is a great community of buyers and sellers! If you ever need advice or helpful suggestions let me know! Happy to help! I can offer more than my stated bundle discount depending on the items! I'm also negotiable! Happy Poshing ❤❤❤
Apr 13Reply
beautychic23 @reyna1987 Thank you for the like! Just making you aware that this is final day of that listing. Feel free to offer!
Apr 13Reply
melllaaa_2011 Welcome to posh!! 🎉🎉 I sell your favorite brands if you want to check out my closet! 😇 I offer 50% off bundles of five or more items!!! ❤️happy poshing!
Apr 24Reply
reyna1987 @melllaaa_2011 hi ,, thank you 😊
Apr 24Reply
amypposhcloset Hi! I saw you liked a Kate Spade watch and I'm selling one with original packaging. Please feel free to check out my closet :)
Apr 24Reply
unityblend Welcome Reyna to PM! If u have any questions about buying or selling, please let me know. Happy to help! Have a great day!
Apr 30Reply
blackaudi1 Thanks for liking my Michael Kors silver disc necklace it's listed for 60 I would except an offer of 50 if you're interested😄😄
May 02Reply
bribro4567 Hello you bought my headbands but I accidentally shipped the wrong item to you. I shipped a prom dress to you so if you could please send it back to me that would be great
May 03Reply
reyna1987 @bribro4567 hello ,,, of course 😉
May 03Reply
bribro4567 @reyna1987 oh my goodness thank you so so much!! Please let me know when you receive it and send it back! I'm so sorry for the delay!
May 04Reply
reyna1987 @bribro4567 don't worry 😉 ,,,
May 04Reply
mjbp 💕💕💕hi welcome to the family of Poshmark 💕💕💕as a suggestive user and mentor please feel free to ask for any question u may have 💕💕💕please I invite u to window shop in my boutique💕💕💕pleasure to meet u @mjbp
May 05Reply
bribro4567 Hey did you receive the dress and send it back yet?
May 06Reply
reyna1987 @bribro4567 hi 👋🏽 I'm not in home I Tex you ok
May 06Reply
bribro4567 @reyna1987 yeah that's fine! 4439070937
May 06Reply
reyna1987 @bribro4567 👌🏽 don't worry
May 06Reply
dressforless98 Thank you so much for your like, if I can do anything for you sweetheart please let me know and hope you have a wonderful week!☝🏻😇💐
May 30Reply
newyorkfashions Hey there! You have to update your payment info! I'm glad you are going to purchase the gloves. These are great starter gloves and will last you a long time.
Jun 08Reply
feliciasmiles Hello ! I hope you had an awesome weekend. I'm trying to clear out my closet and I'd love for you to check it out. I accept most offers and give great discounts on bundles! Thanks and happy poshing! (:
Jul 31Reply
sapp12 @reyna1987 welcome to Poshmark , thanks for the like, I'm open to offers😊
Aug 06Reply
mayasluxbags will u do $300 on the bag
Aug 24Reply
reyna1987 @mayasluxbags how about 200
Aug 24Reply
mayasluxbags ill do 300
Aug 24Reply
mayasluxbags can you do 🅿️🅿️
Aug 24Reply
regina2x Hey you sent an offer on the bag?? I can work with you text me 5162591006
Sep 06Reply
ginaroydykes Hey Reyna, thank you so much for checking out my closet!! The LV space saver is a custom made piece that is new/never used and I spent $90 on it...already reduced to $50, apologize but can’t go lower —happy to ship to you immediately if still interested! Thank you!
Dec 06Reply
nbsmiles4u2 Welcome to Poshmark ❤️
Jan 21Reply
workplayposh Hi welcome to poshmark! 🤗 I’m a poshmark ambassador just checking in💁🏼. If you have any questions or need help, stop by my closet and ask! Happy poshing! ❤️✌🏻😊
Jan 21Reply
reyna1987 @nbsmiles4u2 thank you 😊
Jan 21Reply
preciious24 Hi!! Welcome to Poshmark!🌸🌺 Have a wonderful experience buying and selling🎉🎊. Pass by and check out my closet!🛍🛒👗👚👕👔👘👖👠👢👡👙🧣👜👛
Jan 21Reply
sunnyposhxo @reyna1987 I'm so sorry I can't accept that offer for the Sunglasses I really wish I could but $65 is the lowest I can go :(
Jan 25Reply
luvluxlv @reyna1987 hi Reyna! Thank you for the like on my LV bag! 💕 if you have any questions please feel free to ask😊💕
Feb 03Reply
uglyboob hey reyna, email me about your offer on my speedy. :)
Feb 20Reply
sifuentes555 @reyna1987 Gotta give you props for being so butt hurt over a fake wallet lol 😂 Anywaysss I’m blocking you again, go ahead and create multiple accounts like you did last time I’ll block them all the same way I blocked you on the other sites 😁 Have a great life!
Mar 02Reply
katt825 Thank you for your purchase i will have them shipped out tomorrow. Thanks again.
Mar 07Reply
reyna1987 @katt825 ok thanks
Mar 08Reply
katt825 No problem.
Mar 08Reply
katt825 Hi..Reyna i just received information from usps that your package was delivered to your home.
Mar 10Reply
reyna1987 @katt825 hi I’m sorry I’m working right now until 7pm
Mar 10Reply
katt825 @reyna1987 no problem.
Mar 10Reply
reyna1987 @katt825 I already got the package, but I have a question how can I remove the Ray bans logo?
Mar 11Reply
katt825 @reyna1987 when you take the lenses off n replace with your prescription lenses or if u dont want to put prescription lenses then u have to take them to a optical store and ask them to just replace the one lens with the logo the prob charge u no more than 5 dollars probably even less cuz its only one not the two of them
Mar 11Reply
katt825 @reyna1987 or with a q tip dip in nail polish remover rub until it comes off...
Mar 11Reply
reyna1987 @katt825 ok thanks
Mar 11Reply
katt825 @reyna1987 did u remove it?
Mar 12Reply
reyna1987 @katt825 no 😞😏
Mar 12Reply
katt825 @reyna1987 did u try the nail polish remover..u have to rub for a bit till it comes off... it wont come of right away
Mar 12Reply
katt825 @reyna1987 better yet go on youtube and type in how to remove ray ban logo from the frames it’ll give u instructions on how to do it..
Mar 12Reply
reyna1987 @katt825 ok Thank you so much 😊
Mar 12Reply
katt825 @reyna1987 got it out ?
Mar 12Reply
reyna1987 @katt825 the lenses are not original, they are made in china
Mar 12Reply
reyna1987 @katt825 and all the originals are made in Italy
Mar 12Reply
katt825 @reyna1987 morning...i just read your message and i have to completely disagree with uou..ill tell you why... authentic ray bans are made in italy or china. Luxottica Tristar is the manufacturer in china. I don’t sell fakes at all! I don’t gain from selling any fake items in fact i loose by doing so.
Mar 12Reply
katt825 Im sorry you were definitely misinformed.
Mar 12Reply
katt825 @reyna1987 Hi again...when you get a chance go into my closet open the listing of the brown Gucci sunglasses..there you will find two pictures that i just posted for you it’s the correct information about ray bans made in Italy and china. The reason i send you this information is because i don’t like for any customer to think I’m selling them fakes...I wouldn’t like if someone sold me a fake therefore i would never do it to anyone. Again sorry you were informed incorrectly. Have a great day.
Mar 12Reply
reyna1987 @katt825 it’s okay, don’t worry about it
Mar 12Reply
karmina1114 Pretty
Mar 15Reply
navamary Welcome to poshmark, and thank you for stoping by!!
Mar 22Reply
lilianar83 Hi hun , Thank you for your interest in buying the MK Jacket the lowest I can take is 130 if you really want it I’m willing to go from 200 to 130 for you
Apr 18Reply
folkloretrading Thanks for the like on my LV wallet. Feel free to make an offer or let me know if you have any questions!! 🖤🖤
May 12Reply
gemstone14kt Thanks for the like I am open to questions and  offers@gemstone14kt🛍 All merchandise purchased today will ship Tomorrow🛍
May 14Reply
amypposhcloset Hi! I saw you liked a Michael Kors jacket and I’m selling an amazing one. Please feel free to check out my closet and have a great day💕
Sep 19Reply
zeyca @reyna1987 Welcome to Poshmark 🛍🌺✨⭐️😊
Sep 26Reply
basicbetchfinds I see you liked some items 💖 Feel free to bundle all your likes and submit an offer for an amazing deal 😃💕🌴☀️ -Alex
Sep 26Reply
reyna1987 @avabrackett 👋, thank you 🙏 but I don’t like the color 😞
Dec 30Reply
thestatusco Hi! Your payment did not go through on the Nike’s but if you want to fix your payment method and make me the same offer I will be happy to accept 😊
Jan 05Reply
jshowcase Hi! I will accept your offer on the Ray-Bans but won’t be able to ship them until Tuesday If that’s ok for you, I will accept. Please advise. Thanks 😊
Feb 14Reply
reyna1987 @jshowcase can you do again
Feb 14Reply
acmchoo Hey doll, 🌸 I noticed you were interested in a Louis Vuitton Palermo PM bag and wanted to let you know I just posted an Authentic one at an amazing price!!! ♥️♥️ If interested please check out the first listing in my closet 💕🎊🎉 Thank you! Happy poshing 💕😃
Feb 17Reply
jaspers201409 Hey!❤️ come checkout my closet! I have alot of great brands you love with great prices. If you see something you like make an offer or like and I will send an additional discount 💕❤️😊👍🏻i offer great deals and discounts!!! 👌🏻👌🏻
Feb 19Reply
dreamjewels84 Thank for the like on this item! I have sent over discounted offer, please let me know if you have any question 😄 Thank you😉
Mar 19Reply
f_ancyflamingo Hello! Come check out my closet for deals on designer coats and jackets and Michael Kors, dooney And Bourke, coach, and Kate spade!
Mar 28Reply
missymarie1919 Welcome to posh🎉 have fun and check out my closet sometime💝
May 03Reply
madxostyle Hi there, I offer free shipping on all bundles if you’d like to purchase your like with anything else! 😊
Sep 15Reply
ilovepink71991 Hi babe! i see you like hand of fatima! Stop by my closet :-) Check out what i have! XOXO Happy Poshing Love KimmY
Jan 20Reply
melha4880x Do you want the shoes ?
Feb 28Reply
reyna1987 @melha4880x yes, can you holder until tomorrow Please
Feb 28Reply
melha4880x @reyna1987 Ok .. No Worries.. I Got You ! 😉
Feb 28Reply
reyna1987 @melha4880x thank you 🙏
Feb 28Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Mar 27Reply
1111thrift hey honey!! 🍯🍯 I just visited your closet!! 🦋✨ I would love if you stopped by mine as well & took a look around !! 💗💗 happy poshing 🛍💛
Apr 07Reply
selmawalves @reyna1987 I have a counter offer on the tiffany&co necklace $80
Apr 12Reply
selmawalves @reyna1987 you offered $60
Apr 12Reply
reyna1987 @selmawalves ah ok thank you But I’m looking for other necklaces
Apr 12Reply
karyndi @reyna1987. Reyna. i started a bundle w/ the 2 Victorias Secret sets( last ones). I left you the info. and message about shipping you a great bundle w/FREE GIFT FREE SHIPPING. 🎉🎉WELCOME TO POSHMARK🎉🎉
Apr 22Reply
miggins306 Hi! 👋 I accepted your offer. Thank you! 😊
Apr 29Reply
nbett3 @reyna1987 hi! I tried to accept your offer on the Pandora bracelet, but there was an issue with the payment. Just wanted to give you a heads up! If that gets fixed, it’s yours 😊
May 13Reply
ladykrc @reyna1987 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
May 28Reply
plannermommy So sorry I can do 35 for pink Kiki k planner
Jul 21Reply
reyna1987 @plannermommy you said can do $35
Jul 28Reply
plannermommy So sorry I been so busy reoffer
Jul 28Reply
selena010 Hey! I’m making custom Reusable Starbucks cups now for a limited time and if you want you can check them out :) Have a great day!☺️
Aug 27Reply
beautystylist13 Hello😊 happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet 🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Feb 17Reply
convintageous Hi Beautiful, thank you for the like on the Coach sneakers🙂
Apr 20Reply
evaquis hii thank u for ur purchases! I know you purchased both sets of mists one right after the other but all four splashes are in the same box! just wanted to let you know and that they are already being shipped out!
May 05Reply
evaquis hii sorry I meant to say I am packing them seperatly!!
May 05Reply
reyna1987 @evaquis hi, it’s ok Thank you 😊
May 05Reply
evaquis @reyna1987 no problem! sorry for the confusion, u will see the other one has been shipped the next day!
May 05Reply
melllkcia ALOHA! I hope you can stop by my closet! Im selling women/girl clothing.I also have many types of accessories. ALL in preowned or NWT condition!! Much love from HAWAII :)
Sep 02Reply
soul_embellish @reyna1987 🎀Hello, You Beautiful Soul!🎀🛼 Thank you so much for stopping by my boutique! I went ahead & sent you a Special offer, which I’m hoping you’ll consider but I do accept all reasonable offers/counters.➕Every purchase receives a lovely surprise gift💝, which I’m pretty sure you’ll truly love & enjoy!! 4an extra discount, bundle 2®️more items & receive an xtra 15%OFF!🍬TIP:🆓items hidden throughout my shop, see listings 4 details!
Mar 18Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Sep 09Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Feb 17Reply

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Batavia, IL
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Last Active: hours ago

Batavia, IL
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