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Updated Dec 28
Updated Dec 28

Meet your Posher, Rita

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Hi! I'm Rita. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, Michael Kors, and Tory Burch. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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m_quality03 Hi👋 Rita, Welcome to Poshmark and my Boutique. Come back to save on Awsome Merchandise for you and your family. 👪
Dec 28Reply
rita1207 @m_quality03 Hi. Thank you
Dec 28Reply
junebugnewtoyou Welcome to Poshmark!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Dec 29Reply
rita1207 @junebugnewtoyou Thanks 🤗🤗
Dec 29Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Happy New Year!!
Jan 02Reply
rita1207 @spreadlove Thank you. 💜
Jan 02Reply
rita1207 Happy new year to you too
Jan 02Reply
monascollection @rita1207 🍀🌾🍀🍃Hello, my name is Mona, and I am an Ambassador. I invite you to visit my closet and browse my hand made jewelry and knitted designs for men and 🍀🌾women. Enjoy the rest of your day.☘️🍃
Mar 17Reply
rita1207 @monascollection thank you 😀
Mar 18Reply
monascollection @rita1207 🌾🍀You’re welcome. This is a wonderful place to be. 🍃
Mar 18Reply
rita1207 @monascollection yes it is 💕
Mar 18Reply
adutchgirl Hi Rita. Thanks So much for the awesome feedback! I am so glad you loved everything 🤗 I love that top too, even kept one for myself. Lol
Apr 26Reply
rita1207 @sthur209 youre welcome 😀
Apr 26Reply
rita1207 @julialee644 Thank you 🥰
Apr 30Reply
noirecain Hello, thank you for the like. Please let me know if you have any questions. 'o)
May 03Reply
rita1207 @noirecain will do thank you
May 03Reply
sarrah Hi happy Wednesday Rita☀️ I’m Sarah and it’s so nice to meet you! Welcome to Poshmark .. if you have any questions please let me know as I’m happy to help. When you have a moment please stop by and visit @sarrah 🌷have an absolutely beautiful day ☀️
May 22Reply
rita1207 @sarrah thank you so much and I will visit your closet now 😃😀
May 22Reply
sarrah @rita1207 💗🌷🤗
May 23Reply
callmedeedee Thank you for your purchase! I’ll have it in the mail this afternoon 😁
Jun 29Reply
rita1207 @callmedeedee thank you 😀
Jun 29Reply
brookegerchick Hey I heard you were looking for Birkenstock’s! I’m seeking some on my page and am taking offers :)
Jun 30Reply
bfashion1 @rita1207 Hi Rita 🎊 When you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have women, men and children items in different sizes. Come often l get new items all the time. Today take 50% bundles of 2 or more items. If you have a closet I will share your items with my followers.  Thanks in advance for looking in my closet. Posh love. 🤗💕
Jul 15Reply
rita1207 @bfashion1 Thank you. I will stop by your closet and check it out 😀😀
Jul 15Reply
bfashion1 @rita1207 great 👍🤗
Jul 15Reply
rosepetals3 Hey Rita 🙋🏻‍♀️check out my closet I have pieces to fit any style! You can find both NWT and Preowned items. Like or bundle any item to save money. I respond quickly and ship quicker💌 🎉I can't wait to hear from you! Xoxo Rosepetal’s Closet🌹
Jul 24Reply
rita1207 @rosepetals3 i will for sure. Thank you
Jul 24Reply
trendsetterdiva Welcome to Poshmark. I had a lot of help from fellow posher's when I started here two year's ago and I am alway's looking to pay it forward. If you have any question's on how to get started with selling or shopping here on Posh, feel free to reach out. Wishing you a wonderful evening & Happy Poshing.
Sep 19Reply
rita1207 @trendsetterdiva thank you so much. Youre so sweet 🥰
Sep 19Reply
kjamil Hi. Poshmark has sent you a shipping label so that you could ship the incorrect order you received to the right person. They have shipped your order already. Could you please return the favor and ship there's. Thank you very much🙂
Mar 10Reply
rita1207 @kjamil hi. I did ship theres already. I shipped it on Friday 😁
Mar 10Reply
rita1207 @kjamil actually I just checked and they have not shipped mine back yet. Awaiting ahipment is what it says. I shipped theres on friday
Mar 10Reply
kjamil @rita1207 I do apologize for the inconvenience. I just sent the person a message as a reminder to ship your package. thank you for your patience and understanding👍😎
Mar 10Reply
rita1207 @kjamil no problem 👍
Mar 10Reply
rita1207 @kjamil my joggers have not shipped yet. What is going on?
Mar 12Reply
kjamil @rita1207 I'm really unsure as to why this person hasn't shipped your package, but today I will contact poshmark
Mar 12Reply
rita1207 @kjamil thank you. I appreciate it. Im sure they got theres by now
Mar 12Reply
kjamil @rita1207 yes, have it
Mar 12Reply
rita1207 @kjamil thats crazy that they didnt mail mine out yet. Do they know they supposed to mail it back? Or they think they get to keep it?
Mar 12Reply
kjamil @rita1207 I informed the recipient of the process. however it's quite obvious that they had anterior motives. again I will contact poshmark today
Mar 12Reply
rita1207 @kjamil thank you. I appreciate it.
Mar 12Reply
madelynrbass Hi @rita1207 ! 😄 I’m glad you received your order! I noticed you only left me 4/5 stars, please let me know what I can do next time or what I can do for my other customers to receive that 5th star!! Thank you so much for your purchase!
Mar 13Reply
rita1207 @madelynrbass you know what for reaching out to me like that Im gonna go and change your rating. Thank you 😀
Mar 13Reply
madelynrbass @rita1207 thank you so much! I truly appreciate it! 💕
Mar 13Reply
rita1207 @madelynrbass youre welcome
Mar 13Reply
rita1207 @kjamil hi just wondering if you heard anything about my joggers or if they ahipped thwm or not still?
Mar 14Reply
kjamil @rita1207 they have not shipped and poshmark reminded them to send as did I. chances are I you will be refunded because this person is not seeming to amend ur package. Sorry
Mar 15Reply
rita1207 @kjamil but what happens to them? Thats not fair they get both items?
Mar 15Reply
kjamil @rita1207 well they will be charged for both packages and you will be refunded. I'm not sure of any additional consequences from poshmark
Mar 15Reply
rita1207 @kjamil ok thank you
Mar 15Reply
roosmom72 Thank you for liking my listing! Offers are always welcomed and if you bundle 2 items, you’ll get an automatic 15% discount! Happy Poshing!
Apr 11Reply
rita1207 @roosmom72 youre welcome and will do!! Thank you 😄
Apr 11Reply
roosmom72 I’m going to have to decline your offer, but I wanted to explain why. I usually only give a 15% discount and I was giving you a 20% discount. These are brand new pants that I already reduced by 50% and gave you an extra 20%, so basically you were getting the shirt for free. Due to Poshmark fees, I just can’t go any lower. I’m really sorry! Thanks for shopping though!!
Apr 11Reply
rita1207 @roosmom72 ok I will do it for $20 if you can offer me that again. Thank you
Apr 11Reply
roosmom72 Thank you not only for your purchase, but for understanding!! I will ship out on Monday! Thanks again!😊
Apr 12Reply
rita1207 @roosmom72 no problem. Thank you 😁
Apr 12Reply
roosmom72 Thank you so much for the great rating and kind words! I’m thrilled you were happy!!😊
Apr 15Reply
rita1207 @roosmom72 youre welcome! 😃
Apr 15Reply
ifqanqan Hello @rita1207 , Thank you for visiting my closet. I see that you liked my Gloria Vanderbilt jeans. Are you interested in purchasing?
May 30Reply
rita1207 @ifqanqan I am but how much are you willing to go down on price? Alao are they straight or skinny jeans?
May 30Reply
ifqanqan @rita1207 Tapered leg,classic rise,original sliming jeans. Send me an offer,just keep in mind they are new with tags.
May 30Reply
barbiepratt Hi Rita. You made an offer on a pair of Skechers I listed. I didn’t see your offer. Are you still interested?
Jul 31Reply
rita1207 @barbiepratt send me an offer. I am intrested :-)
Jul 31Reply
dancewithgrace So glad you love the Birkenstock’s! Enjoy and thank you for the great rating. Cindi
Oct 22Reply
rita1207 @dancewithgrace youre welcome! 😄
Oct 22Reply
chrisschilling 🌼🌺Welcome to Poshmark!!🌺🌼 Feel free to check out my closet!! Lots of great items and offers always considered!!
Oct 31Reply
sarrah Hi love ..Cheers to warm holiday memories! Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year 💛🎄
Dec 24Reply
gdalpiaz10 Hi. I saw the feedback about shipping time. I mailed these the very next day after purchase as tracking will show the purchase was 12/29 and shipped 12/30. They were with USPS and the delay is with them. Just wanted you to know in case you ever want to purchase with me again that I ship right away. This is in the tracking"December 30, 2020, 12:37 pm USPS picked up item SURPRISE, AZ 85374 "
Jan 07Reply
rita1207 @gdalpiaz10 ok no problem. Sorry I will change that for you ! 😃🙏
Jan 10Reply
noni2six Rita, these are for my daughter so i hesitated on the Counter offer. I just spoke to her and can accept $30 if you can come up to that. I can also mail them out today. Thx.
Feb 01Reply
rita1207 @noni2six can you offer me a discounted shipping?
Feb 01Reply
noni2six The best I could do is if you put it in a bundle I could probably do 31 and discounted shipping to split that with you otherwise I’m sorry my daughter is using this to supplement her income right now. She was a photographer when this pandemic hit. These have only been listed a few days and I try not to go down that far for at least a week or two. I completely understand if you do not. Wishing you the best!
Feb 01Reply
rita1207 @noni2six ok let me see what I can do for her. I will help her out and do $30 :)
Feb 01Reply
noni2six @rita1207 thank you. Its very much appreciated 💕 Hoping by wedding season things will start picking up. For everyone for that matter.
Feb 01Reply
rita1207 @noni2six you’re welcome and yes I hope things work out for her and for all. Its been a hard year!! 🥰🥰
Feb 03Reply
noni2six @rita1207 it sure has!! Her divorce was final in April- so just a month after everything really hit. 🤦‍♀️ Three girls 8, 8, and 7 😬 She DEF has her hands full 💕
Feb 03Reply
rita1207 @noni2six oh wow I hope things work out for her. Best of luck to her and hergirls!! Xoxo 💕💕🥰
Feb 03Reply
rita1207 @beautifynails Thank you!! I will stop by and look
Jun 18Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Apr 29Reply
rita1207 @m_quality03 awesome thank you 😁
May 03Reply

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Last Active: 19 hours ago

North Olmsted, OH
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Last Active: 19 hours ago

North Olmsted, OH
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