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Updated Feb 23
Updated Feb 23

Meet your Posher, Sandy

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sandy. This is my sweet pup, Poppy Jo. I foster pups! Most of the money I make goes to their care. May I suggest adopting a pet instead of buying from a breeder? It’s so rewarding and you’ll be glad you did! Happy Poshing and God bless you!! ❣️😊
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ajhposhcloset Welcome 🌵☀️I think you’ll love some great finds in my poshmark closet!
Mar 31Reply
sandradwheeler @amandajhouston You have some great things! I have to sell before I can buy some more! SW
Mar 31Reply
ppamprrd Welcome to Poshmark. I hope that you are having a great time! 😉
Apr 04Reply
sandradwheeler @ppamprrd Thank you very much! I’m loving it! Stop by anytime! :)
Apr 04Reply
debsdesigndealz Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! 💞💖💕💟💟💖💕💟💕💕❤💕💔💖💕💔💖💖💗💖
Apr 07Reply
susansboutique Welcome!!
Apr 09Reply
donnastreasures Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there’s ever anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask! 😊
Apr 09Reply
sandradwheeler @donnastreasures Thank you Donna! You’re so gracious!
Apr 09Reply
donnastreasures @sandradwheeler Sharing is the #1 way to make sales. I’m happy to help 😊
Apr 09Reply
gementhusiast Thank you so much for your kind comments!!😊 if your interested in the blue cashmere sweater and black turtleneck I can do both for $70! Just bundle and I’ll send you the offer! They’re both great items but the NM cashmere sweater is to die for!
Apr 19Reply
sandradwheeler @gementhusiast You literally have the best taste! Im still looking at all your things! I soo would have bought your Bertolucci, but I just bought a Cartier! Dang! Because of that, I may need to wait. Wow-great collection of Cucinelli! I will take your dogs ;)
Apr 19Reply
gementhusiast @sandradwheeler awww, thanks so much! My Cucinelli items are all either never worn or worn once or twice, like new! I(and I accept offers on them!) i love my dogs so much 🐶💕 I literally spend all the money I make on here on toys for them, they are the best!
Apr 19Reply
sandradwheeler @gementhusiast I’ve been fostering since I put my boy down in October. It’s been really fulfilling! I love dogs! I have a ‘Tootsie’ right now. She’s adorable :) She’ll go to Vermont from Texas in about a week. It’ll make room for another dog to be saved!
Apr 19Reply
gementhusiast Thanks so much for your purchase! Your amazing bundle will go out tonight and you should get it on Saturday 😊 thanks again!
Apr 19Reply
sandradwheeler @gementhusiast I’m going to buy one or two of your Cucinelli’s. I just know it. Give me some time! I don’t care if they’re Mediums!
Apr 19Reply
gementhusiast @sandradwheeler Fostering is such a noble cause! I love it but I dont think I could do it :( I'd be a fail foster! lol. I just packaged up your tiems and am on the the way to the post office right now. I know you'll love them. You'd also love my Cucinleei if you ever need measurements just lmk I'm happy to provide them. i want them to fit you!
Apr 20Reply
sandradwheeler @gementhusiast I thought it would be difficult, but the shelter in Vermont takes these dogs from ACS. She saves their lives! The more we foster, the more room it makes to save more lives. She’s the hero. I just get to love on all these babies. I gotta tell ya, if this Tootsie didn’t have a double coat and horrible allergies, I’d want to keep her.
Apr 20Reply
sandradwheeler @gementhusiast Thank you for such a great deal! And rapid delivery! I saw the Small Cucinelli. It’s perfect. Sheesh!
Apr 20Reply
gementhusiast @sandradwheeler aww that’s so sweet! You’re a great person, seriously. I really admire people who foster. I rescue, but I’ve never fostered. Just seems hard to let go, you know? If you see a Cucinelli you like I’d give you free shipping bc you just bought a bundle. Just let me know what you’re interested in and I’ll give you a good deal plus free shipping. 😉
Apr 20Reply
stmbtgrl Hi Sandra, I wanted to thank you for the nice note you left me regarding your purchase. Thank you for being so kind about it. I appreciate your business and your kindness. Have a good day. 😊💕
Apr 21Reply
stmbtgrl And if the purple Free People Top is not your style—you can just rePosh it! 💕
Apr 21Reply
sandradwheeler @stmbtgrl Thank you, I love it. It’s totally my style! You’re truly gracious! I’ll keep shopping in your store, for sure!
Apr 21Reply
stmbtgrl @sandradwheeler thank you for saying that, but that doesn’t matter to me as much as if people are happy with their things. Again, thanks for being so cool. 💕
Apr 21Reply
sandradwheeler @stmbtgrl Love my things! 💖
Apr 21Reply
gementhusiast Hey there! Sorry you didn't get the bundle yesterday, hopefully it'll be delivered tomorrow. Also, sorry about the couple offers you got, I sent them to all likers. Anyway, hope all is good and I really enjoyed talking with you :)
Apr 23Reply
sandradwheeler @gementhusiast No worries at all! Thank you for sending out a shout to other Poshers for me. That’s so gracious! Take care!!
Apr 23Reply
sandradwheeler @gementhusiast I truly enjoyed our convo as well. You’re a very kind person and I’m warmed there are sweet people out there like you! God bless you!!
Apr 23Reply
gementhusiast @sandradwheeler thank you that means so much to me! I feel the same about you!🐶💕
Apr 23Reply
valerie4547 Hi! I am glad you like your top. "Like" anything else in my closet and i will give you a special discount. I hope you have a pleasant evening!
Apr 23Reply
sandradwheeler @evagrace77 I really love it, thank you! And thank you for your kindness :)
Apr 23Reply
labels_by_gina Welcome to Poshmark!! You have a gorgeous store and a very cute puppy!! Looking forward to seeing more of your items!! Feel free to contact me anytime with any questions!! Happy poshing to you!!
Apr 28Reply
rejen_trends So glad you love the tank top💕
May 02Reply
sandradwheeler @jennysuedeals4u Love it, thank you!!
May 03Reply
daisymaypost thank you so very much for all the shares and posh LOVE... i will share back now... just needed to tell you that i'm in love with your fur baby.. 🐾💕 have a beautiful night!
May 07Reply
sandradwheeler @daisymaypost I love everything in your shop! And thank you for loving my fur baby. His name is Oscar Mayer Wheeler 😊
May 07Reply
sandradwheeler @daisymaypost And I love your fur baby, too!!
May 07Reply
daisymaypost @sandradwheeler too sweet!!!thank YOU!!!!!! and please give adorable oscar a belly rub from me... 🐕💛
May 07Reply
sandradwheeler @daisymaypost Will do! God bless you!
May 07Reply
fetchingchallis Awe love that puppy face 💕
May 08Reply
sandradwheeler @fetchingchallis He was my sweet Oscar. Defiant little stinker, but my sweet love! Thank you!
May 08Reply
thrift4smiles Stylish closet! Let me know if you see anything you like! I’m flexible with prices.
May 12Reply
sandradwheeler @vumaria428 Thank you!!! God bless you!!
May 12Reply
neenesboutique The dog is adorable!!! Dogs are my fav!
May 16Reply
sandradwheeler @neenesboutique Awww thanks, he was my sweet Oscar Mayer Wheeler. He passed in October. I’ve been fostering pups ever since. It’s really rewarding. I’m a flight attendant so I’m not here all the time. My pals that use to watch Oscar when I was gone, foster now. So I can’t get another dog. I’ll foster, it’s saving a life :)
May 16Reply
sandradwheeler And Oscar was the best! I had him 15 1/2 years! A good long spoiled life!
May 16Reply
neenesboutique Awwwww!!! I tried to foster once it didn’t work out 😞 I got attached and fell in love and they had to come and take the dog to me because I didn’t come to pet smart for the adoption day 😞 I felt so bad but I wanted to keep her but this company wouldn’t let me they said I signed up for fostering
May 16Reply
sandradwheeler @neenesboutique The lady I foster for is in Vermont. She spends some $$ for these animals! She takes them off of death row sometimes and puts them in a kennel. We take them from there. Then she puts them on a carrier to Vermont. This last one would be a foster fail for me, but she has a double coat and needs to get out of Texas!
May 16Reply
sandradwheeler San Antonio likes to say it’s a ‘no kill’ city, but it’s not. We put down around 15 dogs a day. A DAY!! 5e Vermont shelter saves their lives and we’re just trying to help her. I guess they don’t have homeless dogs up there with y’all! I’ve fostered some that went to Canada!
May 16Reply
neenesboutique Oh wow that’s crazy
May 16Reply
designyourlife @sandradwheeler sorry that I had to decline :( I forgot I already sold that item on another website. I have too many things sometimes I forget to remove them. I deeply apologize.
May 17Reply
sandradwheeler @designyourlife That’s so okay! We can’t be perfect all the time, right?! Just most of the time😊 For some reason, I’ve chosen this pink to be my color this year. I just need a little perfect cross body bag that’s a little different, to match. I’ve loved this a long time. I should of bought a long time ago. My fault!
May 17Reply
designyourlife @sandradwheeler aw. I'm sorry!! I will definitely keep my eye out for another bag like this or ones in this color range for you!! :) and Oscar was adorable! What a great pup.
May 17Reply
neenesboutique Hi !! So I got up there this morning before workers came and I only found a few of them 😞 I couldn’t find 2. The long blue dress and the brown shirt 😞 others I found. I can try again tmrw am. Or is there anything else u like I can put it in its place ?? Just like them and I’ll let u know if I saw it up there. I should send u a pic of all the bins up there it’s insane! My husband got so mad! I don’t blame him at all! They aren’t really in order or labeled 😞 it’s my fault of course
May 17Reply
sandradwheeler @neenesboutique just had a baby!! He better not be mad! Let’s close these 2 sales and start over. I think that way I can figure out all the things I’ve bought over Poshmark as a whole. I like a certain look, so I’m sure I’ve doubled up. And I have NO she’s buying a strapless dress. I’m 53! So let’s start over. I’ll write a great review, no worries 😊
May 17Reply
neenesboutique Oh no did u cancel the dress?
May 17Reply
sandradwheeler @neenesboutique Well, I figured we’d start all over because I thought you couldn’t find it, the brown top and blue dress. I’m so sorry if I messed you up! I was trying to help :( if we cancel the other one, I’ll go back over your things and pick out some items. I’m so sorry if I messed you up, I really was trying to help :(
May 18Reply
neenesboutique Awwww no it’s totally ok please don’t worry u didn’t mess anything up don’t worry! Whatever u want to do illl do it’s fine
May 18Reply
neenesboutique Did you get a chance to look at my closet and see what else you liked?
May 18Reply
sandradwheeler @neenesboutique I did! I put a like heart on a couple things! I’m glad to see all the SOLD signs! Good job!!
May 18Reply
neenesboutique @sandradwheeler Awww thank you ur so sweet! But most of that stuff is from awhile ago. Ok I will check the liked items now. I’m about to watch the royal wedding I’m so into It lol
May 19Reply
neenesboutique @sandradwheeler ok I see 2 items liked. A ring and a sheer lace top. I will check for both items. Do u want those 2 plus the ones u bought the 3 I have. The strapless dress white n black shirt and I forgot other one lol brb
May 19Reply
neenesboutique @sandradwheeler and I believe it was the black and grey striped dress I had. And do u want the purse 👛 and the pink top
May 19Reply
sandradwheeler @neenesboutique She looks doooo pretty! Thanks for reminding me!!!
May 19Reply
sandradwheeler Okay, what do I need to do? Do you put things together or do I?
May 19Reply
sandradwheeler I would like the black Nd white striped dress, the lace rose top. The black white top and the dragon ring. I’m not sure which of those were in the 3 items for... (I can’t remember the deal). May we cancel the original and start over? Would that be easiest?
May 19Reply
sandradwheeler Just let me know 😊
May 19Reply
neenesboutique @sandradwheeler yes sure I’ll cancel it for u but just make a bundle don’t purchase anything till I get all the items. Make bundle so I see what items u want ok
May 19Reply
sandradwheeler @neenesboutique Sounds perfect! Kiss that lil nugget for me!
May 19Reply
sandradwheeler @neenesboutique Okay, I put together a bundle. I have a question about the striped dress. I’m an XS. Will this be too big? I’m really tiny and keep buying Smalls like an idiot. They’re always too big! I have a lot of things to rePosh because of it! (Smalls are big for me in the armpits.).
May 19Reply
sandradwheeler I wanted the black and white shirt, the brown shirt (if you found it) and the striped dress if you think it’ll fit. Ta Da!
May 19Reply
neenesboutique @sandradwheeler I honestly don’t know really. Wow ur an xs. So small yea idk cause every brand is a diff cut. I think it’s fine but idk you have to try things on then
May 19Reply
neenesboutique @sandradwheeler so I’m soo confused now lol cause u have this bundle which is diff from the other bundle. I thought u wanted those items? Well of course the ones I found
May 19Reply
sandradwheeler @neenesboutique Okay, it wouldn’t let me bundle things that are SOLD so I couldn’t add them. Can you rePosh the sold items and I’ll add what I want to the bundle. Plus, you need to cancel the old bundle. If you don’t have them, they’ll still say SOLD so I’ll know. Once they’re all out, I’ll add them to my bundle 😊
May 19Reply
shopmycloset451 Hey Sandy - Thank you for your purchase. I placed your order in the mail yesterday. 😍
May 19Reply
sandradwheeler @closet4causes Thank you so so much!
May 19Reply
alyce4m @sandradwheeler Welcome to Poshmark! 😊
May 21Reply
906blackice Omg I love this baby!!!💛🍑
May 21Reply
sandradwheeler @themamapeach He was my sugar, Oscar Mayer Wheeler. I had him 15 1/2 years. Spoiled rotten! Now I foster 😊
May 21Reply
906blackice @sandradwheeler he was perfect!
May 21Reply
sandradwheeler @themamapeach I agree! Such an easy dog. When he was hungry, he’d come tell ya! Adorable. Never but a soul. Loved kids. Sooo funny. I miss him, but saving the lives of these dogs is really rewarding. I’ll do it until I retire. Then I’ll save a couple for myself and continue rescue. I love it!
May 21Reply
9at Hi, thank you so very much for buying my stuff and also for good comment.🤗🤗🙏
May 24Reply
loungeinluxe Hi Sandy!! Mindy here ☺️ thought I’d say hello ❤️❤️ I just added to my boutique, maybe check it out if you can!! Bundle deals start now⭐️Happy Memorial Day 🇺🇸 hopefully you’re weekend is off to a good start. Great meeting you ⭐️
May 26Reply
vllaureano Feel free to check out my closet! Today only 15% off prices!!
May 29Reply
poshsweetly Oscar was beautiful!!! And I think it’s so awesome that you foster! Thank you! 🙂🐶
Jun 03Reply
sandradwheeler @poshsweetly Awww, Thanks. I think so, too. He was a good boy. I’m fostering a sweet terrier, right now. He’s been hurt, I think. He’s so timid. I’ll fatten him up and kiss him to pieces ;)
Jun 03Reply
poshsweetly @sandradwheeler We need more people like you in the world! Sadly, I think a lot of furry friends come from environments where they’ve been hurt. But like you said, love and some nurturing can help so much. Happy Sunday!
Jun 03Reply
sandradwheeler @poshsweetly Thanks! I do what I can. It’s really rewarding so I enjoy it. God bless you :)
Jun 03Reply
becky1950 @sandradwheeler Sandy your puppy friend is precious! I can’t wait to get home to see my Pinkie.
Jun 04Reply
sandradwheeler @becky1950 Thank you! He was my sweet Oscar Mayer Wheeler. He lived almost 16 years. He was such a good boy. I’m glad I had him so long, what a blessing! Now I foster :) I bet you miss your pet!!
Jun 04Reply
becky1950 @sandradwheeler Awwww! Sweet angel! Yes I’ve been without my good dog Gurley almost a month, and really miss her. In the picture, she’s the little Schnauzer, and now Miss Pinkie, my Maltese is all alone, but enjoys all the attention.
Jun 04Reply
seasidegirl Hi Sandy! Pretty dog! Come check out my summer selection and also play my FOLLOW GAME.
Jun 05Reply
sandradwheeler @seasidegirl Thank you! How do you play the Follow Game?
Jun 05Reply
seasidegirl @sandradwheeler you need to Like, then put under the comments Your Closet Name, then Share it. You have all of the closets that were liked previously to now follow and they also will follow your closet. It adds a lot more followers to your closet.
Jun 05Reply
sandradwheeler @seasidegirl Will do, thank you!
Jun 05Reply
sandradwheeler @seasidegirl Okay, do I put like by an item or the Posher?
Jun 05Reply
seasidegirl @becky1950 so sorry. It's tough when you love a pet. I just had to put down my 14 year old, Max, he was hurting and had tumors all over him that couldn't be treated. So very tragic.
Jun 05Reply
seasidegirl Hi Sandy! Thank you for your purchase! These are going to look beautiful on you. I will send them out tomorrow morning. Have a wonderful day!
Jun 05Reply
lovedbyamanda Thanks for your wonderful review Sandy :)
Jun 06Reply
sandradwheeler @poshdonut Of course! You deserve it! 😘
Jun 06Reply
bellabostonposh Ciao Bella! Thank you for all of the shares! I love your closet :)
Jun 07Reply
neenesboutique Hi I’m not sure if you got my previous msg I’m hoping your not mad at me. Did you still want those dresses? Thank you hope all is well
Jun 08Reply
sandradwheeler @neenesboutique Oh sweetie, heavens no. I’m not mad at you! I forgot is all. Once you hit 50, keeping things in your head becomes somewhat impossible! Ask your mom! Or grandmother!! I have gone bananas shopping. I promised I would quite for a while. I’m going to set up my closet and as soon as I start selling things I’ll be shopping again. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I will be back!! Please kiss that precious baby for me and I’ll start sharing your things!!! God bless you, sweet friend.
Jun 08Reply
neenesboutique All I have to say is 😱😱😱😱😱wow!!!! Thank you so much for all those shares! So nice of u!!!
Jun 08Reply
sandradwheeler @neenesboutique It’s my pleasure!! Take care of that precious baby :) You’re a good mama!!!
Jun 08Reply
seasidegirl Thank you for the wonderful rating! Enjoy!
Jun 08Reply
sandradwheeler @seasidegirl You’re welcome! It’s sincerely deserved :) God bless you!
Jun 08Reply
seasidegirl @sandradwheeler God bless you too Sandy! Have a blessed day!
Jun 08Reply
neenesboutique Thank you thank you
Jun 08Reply
stylenu Welcome to Poshmark 🌹 This is a great app for both buying and selling fashion. Please let me know if you have any questions as I’d be glad to help. Enjoy 😊 Leigh
Jun 14Reply
mariamiac Thanks so much for the shares!! 💕💕
Jun 14Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jun 15Reply
neenesboutique Hi sandy how are you!! Hope all is good. I’m going to start donating some of my stuff. Before I do I master to see if you still wanted those items you were buying. If you want you can make a bundle of some things u wanted and I will give you a really low price! Hope to hear from you!
Jul 08Reply
sandradwheeler @neenesboutique I honey! How are you? I’m pretty good. We had a turbulent flight and I hurt my neck a bit. I’m not working a lot this summer because of it ☹️. I won’t be shopping for a bit, but thank you for asking! I think I’m going to do some donating myself. It’s a lot easier and less stressful! God bless you and your family!
Jul 08Reply
dricha1000 Good morning Sweet Sandy how are you? Goodness I am so glad the week is almost over it was horrible ! I didn’t get home until late last night but received the scarf back from you MANY THANKS us have not yet received your top and trousers even though Posh say that they have been delivered ??? Do you know Sandra when I read that notification I burst out laughing because something so simple has turned into a mysterious and bizarre complex puzzle !!
Jul 14Reply
dricha1000 But it is not funny and I even had a dream about your top and trousers , they were walking around Malibu empty !! It was like something Salvador Dali would paint !! Hopefully they will find their way back to me and I think I might deliver them to you personally !! 🤪♥️🐼💋
Jul 14Reply
sandradwheeler @dricha1000 You’re a sweetheart ❣️ They’ll make it here. I’ll let you know as soon as they do!! 😘
Jul 14Reply
sandradwheeler @melknowles My pleasure!! God bless you!
Jul 15Reply
rejen_trends Thanks for all the shares today💕. I am trying to return them all in between working. 🤣
Jul 17Reply
fetchingchallis Hi there. Haven’t heard from you for a while. How did your bag turn out? 🎀💃
Jul 17Reply
lovedbyamanda Thanks for your shares, Sandra! 😘
Jul 18Reply
sandradwheeler @donutgrl You’re welcome! Thank YOU!
Jul 18Reply
gementhusiast Welcome back! Hope you had a great time dog sitting!
Jul 19Reply
sandradwheeler @gementhusiast I had a wonderful time! I’m fostering the cutest little Papillon/Chihuahua right now. She is PRECIOUS! I hope you’re doing well!
Jul 19Reply
gementhusiast @sandradwheeler awww, what a lucky lil’ pupper!!! I’m great, thanks! Keep me updated, I’d love to hear that the sweet lil pup got a forever home!
Jul 19Reply
sandradwheeler @gementhusiast I will so keep you updated!! Tootsie was adopted by a sweet family with kids, as well as Cash. Patch was just adopted, too. It makes me so happy!! This lil nugget is so adorable, she’ll be adopted quickly!!
Jul 19Reply
gementhusiast @sandradwheeler yay! That makes me so happy!!!
Jul 19Reply
sandradwheeler @gementhusiast I know!! It’s exciting that these sweet babies get a forever home where they’re fed and loved. It’s how things are suppose to be 😊
Jul 19Reply
gementhusiast @sandradwheeler absolutely!! And you make that that happen! God bless you!
Jul 19Reply
sandradwheeler @gementhusiast We all help where we can!! God bless you, too!!!
Jul 19Reply
sportmel883 Beautiful baby!!
Jul 19Reply
pattyshops Thanks so much for all the shares, Sandy! Will be back to share more of yours, too! Love that you foster those sweet critters!
Jul 23Reply
sandradwheeler @pattyshops Thank you Patty! You should see the lil nugget I have right now! She’s adorable. A mixture between a Papillon and a Chihuahua! Sooo cute! I may put her pic in my closet!
Jul 23Reply
sandradwheeler @pattyshops Thanks for all the shares! You’re awesome! God bless you!
Jul 23Reply
pattyshops @sandradwheeler Oh gosh, you should do that and share with us! One of the great things about Poshmark is meeting new people and getting to know each other. And so many of us are animal lovers! (Whether we have pets now or not 😢)
Jul 23Reply
sandradwheeler @pattyshops I’ve noticed that! I have a bunch of saved pics of people’s dogs!! Haha!
Jul 23Reply
sartorialheaven Sandy, if you would like that white BC cardi - I can do it for YOU for $70. Let me know:)
Aug 18Reply
sandradwheeler @afonina Awww, you’re too good to me! I would love it!
Aug 18Reply
sartorialheaven great - would you like to submit an offer and I will accept:)
Aug 18Reply
sandradwheeler @afonina I’ll probably want to bundle. I love everything in your closet! Give me a lil time, today. Be black in a bit. I have to do my recurrent training on my computer. Love you! I’m so excited! XO Thanks!
Aug 18Reply
sartorialheaven @sandradwheeler of course - anything for you, my dear:)
Aug 18Reply
dricha1000 Hello Darling I’m so SO sorry for not having messaged you before now I have had a fairly grizzly couple of days and have to go to Dallas tomorrow because Nikki Glitter is doing a show , backing singers ill or something so I’ve got to do it which is fun of course but one of my boys hasn’t come out of his room for days because he hates me , Nikki G and his brothers and sisters ( bit of course me in particular ) because we are mean , selfish , irresponsible and immature 🚶‍♀️👻🖕🦇🐥🙈🐽🍻🤸‍♂️💃🦄👯‍♀️😬💋
Aug 22Reply
dricha1000 I will be back very shortly Sweetie so that we can have another bash at the Bulgari 🐼💋
Aug 22Reply
sandradwheeler @dricha1000 HI honey!! I’ve been flying the past 3 days. My first trip back this summer and it was brutal! I’m getting too old for this! I have recurrent tomorrow and I’ll be home late Thursday night! Let’s chat this weekend! XO😘❣️
Aug 23Reply
sandradwheeler @vmp123123 You’re welcome! I’m trying to sell, sell, sell! And quit buying, buying, buying! Haha!
Aug 30Reply
sandradwheeler @vmp123123 Really? My items aren’t coming up? That’s weird... what should I do?
Aug 30Reply
emmasaddiction @sandradwheeler Hi there! How have you been? I’m in love with one of your pups! Kitty Foyle💋💕 Louise Goldman
Sep 02Reply
sandradwheeler @emmasaddiction Hi!!! I’m doing okay as long as I stay out of the heat! How’re you feeling this summer!!? 😘
Sep 02Reply
sandradwheeler @emmasaddiction Kitty is a sugar! She was adopted quickly!! Praise God!
Sep 02Reply
emmasaddiction @sandradwheeler Major flare up since the summer. Taking meds. Can’t complain lol. That pup looks like a sister to my Chanel!
Sep 02Reply
sandradwheeler @emmasaddiction Oh no!! I’m so sorry! Uuuugh! This stupid disease...I’d feel so much better if I lived somewhere cooler, but I’m too tired to move! Bwahahaha! Ya know, I love the lil scruffier dogs. Most of my foster pups are little terrier mixes. They’re all so darling!! I wanted to keep Tootsie and Poppy. I’m still in love with them! Girl, I hope you feel better. I’ll be praying for ya! 😘❣️
Sep 02Reply
emmasaddiction @sandradwheeler It’s all good! I’m on Copaxone and Prednisone so, other than injection pain, I am fine. Caught a little cold from my students Thursday and Saturday it was pneumonia! The new normal.
Sep 02Reply
sandradwheeler @emmasaddiction I love steroids! I feel great when I take them, so much energy. I’m sorry about the pneumonia. I was hospitalized with it a couple years ago. It’s not fun! I go for infusions once a month with Tysabri. It’s okay, I guess. Who knows what it’s doing?! Good days-bad days. We take it a day at a time, right? Hang in there pal! And stay cooool!! XO
Sep 02Reply
dexterholland1 I don't want to bother you but I was wondering if you have any news on the sweet baby? You and this little love of a puppy has touched my heart forever.
Sep 19Reply
sandradwheeler @dexterholland1 You’re so kind!! I’m speaking with an Emergency Vet, my Vet, the rescuers Vet, and a Vet with a distemper serum. Josie has pneumonia with a fever so she’s not eating or drinking well. If she has distemper we want to get her on the serum so I’m trying to get my Vet to call the one in Houston to get the serum sent anyway! If Josie’s breathing becomes more labored, she needs to be taken to the Emergency Vet for fluids, antibiotics and O2 chamber...
Sep 19Reply
sandradwheeler @dexterholland1 ...I’m doing all of this while flying! My roomie is taking care of her.
Sep 19Reply
sandradwheeler @dexterholland1 No matter what, this little girl is being loved to the ultimate degree! We’ll do what we must to make her well. I’ll be updating her post in my Poshmark closet. Thank you for caring! God bless you!
Sep 19Reply
dexterholland1 I wish I could help you. If she has pneumonia I wonder if an oxygen covered cage would help. I just wish I could help.
Sep 19Reply
sandradwheeler @dexterholland1 That’s what we’re looking into at the Emergency vet. If her breathing gets above 40 breaths a minute, we’re taking her in!
Sep 19Reply
sandradwheeler @dexterholland1 Sweet lil Josie is in the ICU at the Emergency Vet. Looks like she’ll be there for a couple days. Hopefully she’s getting the care she’s needed all along that the rescue vet didn’t give her. Makes me a little mad!
Sep 20Reply
dexterholland1 @sandradwheeler I so hope she is getting better. She needs to be somebody's special angel that is loved and cared for like she deserves.
Sep 20Reply
sandradwheeler @dexterholland1 And that would be me!!! I love that lil stinker!!!
Sep 20Reply
dexterholland1 She has been through so much already, and I am sure she loves you! You should adopt her!
Sep 20Reply
vtgcovergirl 🐶💕💕
Nov 02Reply
mssionna He was adorable. Love the adoption message! 👏🏻
Nov 03Reply
sandradwheeler @mssionna He really was! My sweet boy. My new pup, Poppy is a handful. I love her to pieces! Dogs are wonderful and there are so many that need homes! Adopting is the way! You’re baby is precious!
Nov 03Reply
jesssmith Sweet pup! Thanks for all you do to help the cause :)
Nov 04Reply
sandradwheeler @jesssmith It’s my pleasure! He was the sweetest pup 😊
Nov 04Reply
sandradwheeler @jesssmith And thank you so much for sharing my closet!! You’re wonderful!
Nov 04Reply
absolute_gem Hi! Thanks for all the shares. Have a great day ☺
Nov 12Reply
sandradwheeler @absolute_gem Thank YOU for all the shares!! Have a great day! God bless you 😊
Nov 12Reply
gypsyg50 Awww I’m loving all these fur baby photos 😍😍🐾🐾
Jan 27Reply
katwoman1p Congratulations🎉 thank u for your purchase I will send it out to u tomorrow hun...
Feb 12Reply
sandradwheeler @katwoman1p It’s a beautiful bag! I’ve been into handbags lately! Thank you so so Much! God bless you and your family 😊
Feb 12Reply
katwoman1p @sandradwheeler your very welcome... I no longer have the dust bag for her but I have a MCM duster I’m gonna send it in... blessing to u and your family🥰
Feb 12Reply
sandradwheeler @katwoman1p You’re so gracious! Honestly, I don’t need a dust bag. I’ll be using this purse ALL the time. It’ll never see the dust Bag! Haha! Plus, you can sell the MCM dust bag on Poshmark! Make a few extra $$! Thank you for being so kind! It’s a breath of fresh air! 😘
Feb 12Reply
katwoman1p @sandradwheeler I know that’s right she needs some sun 🤣🤣 your so sweet, ok she will be wrapped up nice a safely for you...🎁
Feb 12Reply
sandradwheeler @katwoman1p Thank you! I’m so excited! XO
Feb 12Reply
katwoman1p @sandradwheeler thank u for the feedback I am happy u are pleased ...🤗
Feb 16Reply
eriley755 Awwwwe I love your pup and his name....and your message about adopting 😻😻😻
Feb 27Reply
thandiepixie Hi there Sandy! I’d like to invite you to take a peek at my closet. Personal, chic and amazing prices for the brands🌺
Mar 02Reply
sandradwheeler @thandiepixie Hi! I love your closet! I wish you had more XS’s and size 7 shoes! You really have wonderful things!!
Mar 02Reply
thandiepixie @sandradwheeler thank you so much for checking out my closet! 🌺
Mar 02Reply
sandradwheeler @thandiepixie Of course! It’s wonderful!
Mar 02Reply
shopper919 The logo at our shelter is “who rescued who”, adopt. Don’t buy puppy mill dogs or dogs from backyard breeders. And Easter is coming up. Baby chicks are cute and so are bunnies. They are sentient beings. They are not trots. PSA
Mar 05Reply
shopper919 Oops typo - toys
Mar 05Reply
shopper919 Oscar is so adorable! You are such a kind lady!
Mar 05Reply
sandradwheeler @shopper919 Oscar was the sweetest, easiest pup. Poppy is even sweeter! I didn’t know it could be possible! These sweet dogs just want to be loved and I have a ton to give. I foster got the Vermont English Bulldog Rescue. There are so many homeless pups in San Antonio that Dawna is kind enough to pull from our pound and we foster until a transport takes them to her. It’s so rewarding!
Mar 05Reply
shopper919 @sandradwheeler your commitment to rescuing is overwhelming. You will b blessed! Who is your transporter? I’ve heard that the northeast takes a lot of transports
Mar 05Reply
yesitsavailable Hello Sandy, I am so sorry to say that the bracelet you purchased has been misplaced. It's a thin bracelet and I am thinking it may still be in one of the packing boxes from my recent move. I have not completely unpack. I am so sorry, I have looked for this over the past 48 hours and with much regret, I cannot locate it.
Mar 14Reply
yesitsavailable @sandradwheeler I do have some other twisted/cable style bracelets, if you would like to select one, I would offer it to you for the same price. They almost double in size & price. Really pretty. Please let me know and I can send it out asap.
Mar 14Reply
yesitsavailable @sandradwheeler Hello dear, please disregard my previous messages. I went to pull another item for an order and there was your bracelet. Mixed in the case of rings. I would have never seen that without this other sale. Thank goodness, I felt so bad cancelling it. YAY I have it and have wrapped it up for you so it is ready for tomorrow. I am including a lovely pair of earrings for the troubles. I hope you love it. Thank you so much :-)
Mar 15Reply
sandradwheeler @newclosetcandy Haha! I’ve been flying all day. It was a long one! I we 12.5 hours! Uuugh! So glad to be at the hotel! I just received all your messages! Thank you for your generosity! I’m so glad you found it 😊I’m sure you are, too! I’ll look forward to getting it. Of course I’ll keep you posted! God bless you! Sandy
Mar 15Reply
shopper919 Did u get your new nuggets?
Mar 16Reply
sandradwheeler @shopper919 Just got home last night. Flying these days is tough! Our days are so long! Anyway, I haven’t heard from Dawna yet. The pups need to be fixed and given their meds. The process takes a while. I’m hoping to hear soon!
Mar 16Reply
sandradwheeler @shopper919 I promise to keep you posted!
Mar 16Reply
sandradwheeler @jeronimosente Thank you, as well! God bless YOU! 😊
Mar 18Reply
chartt5 Thank you for all the shares! I really appreciate it!
Mar 18Reply
sandradwheeler @chartt5 You bet! It’s my pleasure! And thank YOU! God bless you! 😊
Mar 18Reply
roirosa Yay!Thank u for taking your time to rate your purchase.🌹🌹🥰
Apr 01Reply
sandradwheeler @roirosa Of course! I love it! What a great top! And thanks for the bow! It’s in my hair right now😊😘
Apr 01Reply
roirosa @sandradwheeler 👏🏼👏🏼😊💃🏽
Apr 01Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 01Reply
yesitsavailable Awhhhhhh Love the puppy <3
Oct 08Reply
sandradwheeler @availableby He was my sweet boy. Miss him everyday, but Poppy keeps me entertained and busy!
Oct 08Reply
bgi04 @sandradwheeler Thank you for purchase. I just noticed that on one of the shoes, the insole of the shoe is slightly lifting. It should be an easy fix. Please let me know if you are still interested.
Oct 29Reply
sandradwheeler @bgi04 No worries😊
Oct 29Reply
bgi04 @sandradwheeler Great! I will ship them out tomorrow. 💕
Oct 29Reply
tweetboo55 Thank u so much!!
Nov 09Reply
theonlynomad Mr. Oscar is so cute 💕
Nov 12Reply
sandradwheeler @theonlynomad I called him my Super-Model-Show-Dog...He was my Precious boy. Thank you so much 😘
Nov 12Reply
ads939598 Thanks for the shares! I really appreciate it! Keep doing good things for the pups!
Nov 12Reply
sandradwheeler @ads939598 You’re welcome! 😘
Nov 12Reply
sandradwheeler @aek3723 Have a great Thanksgiving! Thank you for stopping by!! Keep in touch and God bless you!
Nov 24Reply
nan20002 Hi love and happy holidays 🎅can you check my closet when you have time and thank you
Dec 04Reply
grojivxatu Hello, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a silversmith and always working on new pieces, also have another designers as well... you can find something that you may like. Sincerely appreciate your interest. Have a great day! Thank you, George.
Dec 08Reply
sandradwheeler @grojivxatu Hi George! I’d love to look through your closet! Thank you for the invite!❤️
Dec 08Reply
savvynycshopper Hi love. I never saw the offer for my ring😢. I just resubmitted the $50 offer. I can ship this am‼️xoxo
Dec 11Reply
lulusecrets 🥰 pups
Dec 12Reply
sandradwheeler @lulusecrets My closet has some of my foster pups, also. Oscar my my first sweet boy. I miss him, but Poppy Jo reminds me daily that she’s the best!!!❤️❤️
Dec 12Reply
grojivxatu Hello, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a silversmith and always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... you can find something that you may like. Sincerely appreciate your interest. Have a great day! Thank you, George.
Dec 17Reply
grojivxatu Good morning Sandy! I saw you like one ring, "What You Want" Ring with Natural Raw Emerald from my collection. Do you think you can do 60? Im not sure I can do less than this... I know you will love it. this ring is very special and the stone has e good meaning. Feel free to send me this offer if you decide, but no pressure.
Dec 17Reply
grojivxatu Thank you Sandy! ship today around 12.00 . So glad you got it.
Dec 17Reply
sandradwheeler @grojivxatu I love it! It’s beautiful!! Thank you for the incredible deal!! God bless you!!
Dec 17Reply
grojivxatu @sandradwheeler It's a Christmas time and all of us deserve a little "break" , relieve and LOVE )))
Dec 17Reply
sandradwheeler @grojivxatu Amen! Merry Christmas!!!
Dec 17Reply
grojivxatu You welcome,Thank you for Stars )) Merry Christmas! Enjoy !
Dec 21Reply
innerbeautyposh We have ALWAYS “BEEN ADOPTED” by all of our pets! So we definitely support adopting furry lovelies whenever possible! ♥️🙌🏻♥️🙌🏻♥️🙌🏻♥️ Michelle, @innerbeauty1968 Happy Holidays! 🎄🎁🎆🎅🏻🥳🐶🐱🌼🌸🌺❄️☃️⭐️☀️🍇🍉🍓🥥🥑🥐🥨🥛🍪🥛🍪🥛🍪🥛🍪🥛🍪🥛🍪🥛🍪🥛🍪🥛🍪🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Dec 24Reply
sandradwheeler @aek3723 Thank you! God bless you!
Jan 01Reply
kfab333 @sandradwheeler Hello! 👋we appreciate your stopping by, -always happy to help you! We offer discounts on bundles ; all orders are shipped with gifts! 💝- my best! - Kimberly
Jan 17Reply
sandradwheeler @kfab333 Thanks Kimberly! God bless you!❤️
Jan 17Reply
2littlebigdogs Absolutely LOVE LITTLE Oscar & Poppy... rescues are the BEST!! I too am into rescue-making a difference 1 animal at a time. Without people getting involved so many animals have no chance of survival. So sad. Anyway-I just wanted to “thank you” for getting involved and saving these babies. Blessings, Ria. :)
Jan 18Reply
sandradwheeler @nellgalyean I started when Oscar died. I fell in love with Poppy, but we need to get these dogs out of Texas! It’s just awful how many perfect dogs we put down. It breaks my heart!! Poppy was adopted, but she wasn’t peeing on their schedule!! Crazy! So I flew to NH and picked her up. She’s ALL mine. Thank you for what YOU do!!!
Jan 30Reply
sandradwheeler @nellgalyean God bless you for that! I couldn’t do it. Too hard for me. Let’s just keep on the loving of the homeless! ❤️❤️❤️🐶🐱
Jan 30Reply
myfurryfamily You do have your hands full! Very nice dogs. You provide a heartwarming service!
Feb 10Reply
sandradwheeler @myfurryfamily My friends and I all help this rescuer called Vermont English Bulldog Rescue. She (Dawna) takes dogs out of our pound and we foster them after they are neutered or spayed and given their shots. As you can tell, I like the scruffers! Everyone gets adopted! It’s wonderful! Some, even before they leave our homes! It’s great!
Feb 10Reply
myfurryfamily @sandradwheeler It IS great! We've never fostered. I would want to keep them all. All of our furry family have been pound pups or just found. Aww scruffers are the best. They often turn out the cutest or sweetest. Have a great week.
Feb 10Reply
sandradwheeler @myfurryfamily Scruffers ARE the best! Pound pound pups are always so grateful. I didn’t think I’d be able to foster, either. My friend Van reminded me daily how we have to get as many dogs out of Texas that we can. That’s the only way I was able to do it. I fostered Poppy and fell in love. The adopters wanted to return her because, ‘she wasn’t peeing on our schedule’. Go figure. A rescue dog not having a pee schedule...people!!! Uuugh! God bless you for rescuing your babies!! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 10Reply
cheapoarea thanks, trying to conquer the world lol!!!!!!. happy poshing
Feb 16Reply
rabbit16 Hello Sandy Your 4 paw baby is so cute. Thank you for all the shares. Wishing you the super sales and happiness!
Feb 26Reply
sandradwheeler @rabbit16 Thank you! You’re welcome and thank YOU for all the shares! ❤️
Feb 26Reply
jundanjon Hi 💐 Thank you so much for your share, it’s greatly appreciated 😊 I will share the love back 😉 by sharing!!! Right now in my closet if you order over $75 you get free shipping + a small thank you gift. PLUS you can like ♥️ my 20/20 share group and follow the steps for extra shares 💕 Hope you have a blessed day ✨
Feb 26Reply
sandradwheeler @natalia3 Thank you and God bless you❤️
Feb 26Reply
jundanjon @sandradwheeler You Welcome, God Bless you as well.
Feb 26Reply
nautinayscloset Hi Sandra. Thank you for all the shares! Much much appreciated! Have a great day. 😊
Mar 03Reply
poshiemeg @sandradwheeler Hi Sandy! I have 925 silver jewelry (necklaces, earrings, rings) and I’m having a BOGO FREE SALE on ALL 925 silver rings!! I would love for you to check out my closet whenever you get the chance! I would love to give you an amazing deal! Thanks! Hope you have an amazing day!
Mar 14Reply
sandradwheeler @poshiemeg Thank you Meg, I will. After I’m of shopping hold!🤣😂
Mar 14Reply
sandradwheeler @poshiemeg Soon, very soon! Thanks for the invite!😘❤️
Mar 14Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Spring is on it's way, but winter is still rearing its ugly head. So stay Warm and Cozy cuddle up and Posh in your Pjs. What better way to chase away the winter weather Blues. I'm always having Specials and Sales so feel free to stop by. Wishing you and your Family continued blessings we go into the New Year. So stay Warm and Think Spring. And continue to be Poshtastic ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Let the Countdown to Spring Begin 🌻🌻
Mar 14Reply
haertfelt1 Hi Sandy. Thank you for returning my shares from your closet. Happy posting....
Mar 17Reply
sandradwheeler @haertfelt1 Of course!! It’s my pleasure! Thank you for sharing! God bless you❤️
Mar 17Reply
grojivxatu Good morning, I just wanted to say hello and ask you how are you there...I hope you and your family are healthy, and virus free these days. Please stay safe. George.
Mar 20Reply
sunnykrissy22 Hi! Thanks for the shares! 😊❤️ I’m a dog owner too!
Apr 04Reply
sandradwheeler @sunnykrissy22 ❤️❤️❤️🐶🐾🐾
Apr 05Reply
corabellscloset Hello Sandy, thanks for taking a peek at my closet and liking the Louboutins and all the shares. If you bundle two or more items I offer a discount. Stay healthy and well 😊.
Apr 06Reply
sandradwheeler @corabellscloset Hello! I love your closet! Thank you for the shares😘. After my ‘shopping hold’, I’ll be back!❤️
Apr 06Reply
corabellscloset @sandradwheeler Thank you, and your closet is fantastic. Stay healthy and safe out there 😊
Apr 07Reply
camillehshea Hi Sandy. Thanks for the offer but I am not ready to buy yet. All the best ❣️
Apr 09Reply
sandradwheeler @camillehshea No worries! Stay safe and healthy!😘❤️
Apr 09Reply
kokoaiku Hi Sandra! Cute dog. Thanks so much for sharing our items. I appreciate you. I love your closet!
Apr 10Reply
sandradwheeler @kokoaiku Thank you!!! I love your closet, too. Take care and be safe! God bless you❤️
Apr 10Reply
musgrovethere 😊🌻💕AWESOME CLOSET! Cutest puppy ever! (All dogs are puppies to me even when they are adults)😊🌻💕HAVE AN AWESOME DAY!😊🌻💕
Apr 11Reply
shopaholic3200 🦋🦋💕🦋🦋Hey thank you so much for the shares you have a amazing closet .
Apr 14Reply
sandradwheeler @shopaholic3200 You’re so sweet to say that! Thank you and likewise! God bless you and stay safe!😘
Apr 14Reply
alison1110 @sandradwheeler Hi Sandy! You have a fabulous closet! I think your commitment to the pups is highly commendable! It takes a special person to dedicate their time and resources to fostering dogs! ❤️
Apr 14Reply
sandradwheeler @alison1110 Hi Allison! Thank you for those sweet words. Dogs are the best. I’ve been watching videos from ‘The Dodo’. They have all these rescue foster stories that’ll make you cry and laugh at the same time. They’re so heartwarming! Please be safe! God bless you❤️😘
Apr 14Reply
sandradwheeler @alison1110 Alison, if you decide you want to buy any of your likes❤️, let me know. Just bundle what you want and I’ll send a really good offer!😘
Apr 14Reply
alison1110 @sandradwheeler Thank you so much!!!!
Apr 14Reply
alison1110 @sandradwheeler You’re welcome, it’s my pleasure! It makes me so happy to meet people with such big hearts!!! 💕
Apr 14Reply
g1arlock check out my closet I have some cool stuff for dogs 🐶🐕🐩
Apr 15Reply
lnekat I also foster pups ❤️🐾 your dog is adorable.
May 02Reply
shopthislook_ OKAY ADORABLE 🐶 where are the others? Now I need to see those cuties!
May 05Reply
sandradwheeler @jennlfoley2 They are at the end of my closet between my items for sale and those sold. They. Are. So. Adorable!!!
May 06Reply
premierfinds 🥳🥳congrats on your love it or list it win!!🥳🥳 proof hard work pays off! Time to relax & treat yourself 💕
Jun 14Reply
sandradwheeler @premierfinds Thank you so much! Time to celebrate!🎊🎉🥳
Jun 14Reply
amber2286 Hello! Congrats on you win!! Please enjoy my closet and I’m happy to offer HALF OFF for all winners for any item whn you bundle and use code word “winner.” Please do this so I can know to send your special offer. So excited for your big win and be sure to spoil yourself because you deserve it!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 14Reply
lovedbyrach Congratulations on winning "Love/List Challenge!" You deserve it 🎉 Feel free to check my closet anytime 💞😊
Jun 14Reply
sandradwheeler @amber2286 Thank you, Amber!😘❤️
Jun 14Reply
sandradwheeler @lovedbyrach Thank you so much!!😘❤️
Jun 14Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular,  please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Jun 14Reply
mandi1405 @sandradwheeler Hi,Sandy, I thought about your previous offer and would it be possible for you to re offer it to me and I would accept it . Sorry for not accepting it yesterday Thanks :)
Jun 18Reply
sandradwheeler @mandi1405 Done! I’ll get it out today😊
Jun 18Reply
mandi1405 @sandrawheeler Hi, could I still get the free shipping you offered:)
Jun 18Reply
mandi1405 @sandradwheeler Hi, could I still get the free shipping you offered:)
Jun 18Reply
mandi1405 @sandradwheeler Hi, could I still get the free shipping you offered:)
Jun 18Reply
mandi1405 @sandradwheeler Sorry I don't know why this message keeps on reposting, my computer is going nuts. I just posted the previous message once and I noticed it keeps going and and on. I didn't want you to think I was nuts, my computer seems to sometimes have a mind of it's own. Sorry.
Jun 18Reply
sandradwheeler @mandi1405 Sometimes the computer is the devil!!! Sure, deny the offer and I’ll make a new one in a bundle.
Jun 18Reply
sandradwheeler @mandi1405 I meant ‘decline’ the other offer so I can make it with free shipping.
Jun 18Reply
mandi1405 @sandradwheeler Hi Sandy, Thank you so much for the kind notes and the nice surprises. How did you know I love Bath and Body Works? I also want to thank you for being so kind and helpful in trying to find an original emerald tulip ring for me. You are going above and beyond and I appreciate it. I would have loved to have had the matching emerald tulip ring. They would have all been kept together. Maybe the person who bought yours will one day decide to sell it and we will see it again.
Jun 21Reply
mandi1405 @sandradwheeler Oh I wanted to ask you the history behind the rings. Did you get them as gifts or did you buy them one at a time? You took very good care of them. Do I need to get the prongs checked. To me they seem to be o k. You were so honest in saying that one of the ruby stones was replaced. I hope I can take care of them just as you have. They look great together. Again, Thank you for going above and beyond for me. Take care and have a great day:)
Jun 21Reply
earthbum Thanks for sharing a bit of my closet!! :)
Aug 12Reply
sandradwheeler @storebrandryan Thank you, too!! ❤️Sandy
Aug 12Reply
julzee111 Sandy julie holcomb here. I must be really slow, but I cannot figure out how to return this necklace that does not fit over my huge melon?! Can u pls help!!
Aug 30Reply
tweedydo2 Hi Sandy love your Oscar Meyer wiener 😂🐾so cute❤️
Sep 12Reply
tweedydo2 🐾🐶🐕 besides bringing us so much joy🥰 ...a cancer research institute, say that the dog’s brain and nose work together to be “one of the most sophisticated odor detection devices on the planet.” Scientists are developing electronic “noses” to detect explosives, contraband, and disease, including cancer. What do you think? Did the dog’s sense of smell evolve? Or was it designed?
Sep 12Reply
sandradwheeler @tweedydo2 Well, Oscar’s nose was better than Poppy’s, that’s for sure. I believe their noses sense things we don’t even know about! They’re amazing! I love my dog!
Sep 12Reply
tweedydo2 Hi Sandy 💕🥰🐾🐶🐕 yes they bring us so much joy. I was happy to learn that they just did not evolve, when I read this booklet now I know who to thank for these beautiful gifts 🎁 Booklet Was life created? JW.Org was it by design
Sep 12Reply
sandradwheeler @tweedydo2 I’ll check it out! Thanks!😘❤️🐶🐾
Sep 12Reply
tweedydo2 Hi Sandy 👋💕 thank you for checking out my closet (shop) 🥰 💕🥰A am so thankful to find answers that many people ask .. If there is a God WHY is he allowing all these horrible things to happen ...😔sickness & death ect. That was my big question. ..I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to get the answer from God himself from his Word the Bible.💕Please look at the video that was made to help people to find the answers in their own bible. type in search .... why study the Bible video
Oct 03Reply
sandradwheeler @carolineofparis Thanks Emmie!! Will do!!❤️
Oct 07Reply
nautinayscloset Thanks so much! 😉
Dec 03Reply
nataliezigel Hi Sandra. Ty for purchase of the cream 7 Jeans🌻They’ll ship out tomorrow. Enjoy!!
Dec 04Reply
nataliezigel Hi Sandy! So happy to hear that the 7 Jeans are a great fit😃😃Enjoy!!
Dec 14Reply
sandradwheeler @nataliezigel Thank you!! They are my new favorites!! Yaaay!❤️
Dec 14Reply
samojud 🐶 Hello thank you for accepting my offer🐶🐶🐶🐶 your pup is sooo sweet! Stay safe!🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶( it’s funny she is just like on the emoji )
Mar 25Reply
mengay That’s so rewarding. Is that a Pomeranian? We just got a puppy as well. The kids really love this cute little fellow😀
Apr 09Reply
sandradwheeler @mengay She is mostly Long hair Chihuahua and Shih Tsu. Crazy, huh? She’s a rescue of course, but I did her DNA. ☺️
Apr 09Reply
mengay @sandradwheeler wow! That’s amazing! She’s adorable
Apr 09Reply
sandradwheeler @mengay Thank you so much! She’s my sugar. I love her to pieces. ❤️
Apr 09Reply
sandradwheeler @mengay The pic of both of us is when I picked her up in New Hampshire when the adoptee didn’t want her anymore. It’s her ‘Gotcha Day’☺️
Apr 09Reply
mengay @sandradwheeler you guys are meant to each other then. Enjoy her!
Apr 09Reply
sandradwheeler @mengay I believe so!
Apr 09Reply
poshstreetluxe @sandradwheeler Hi Sandy, Thank you for visiting my closet and all of the shares! I let my fur babies, Daisy and Duncan, know that you had complimented them, and now they are really full of themselves this evening 😉 Is your Poppy Jo a Papillon? What a sweet, sweet face!!! 🥰 All my best, Kristen 🍃🌺🍃
May 06Reply
sandradwheeler @poshstreetluxe Hi Kristen! Poppy is a mixture of a bunch of breeds; Long haired Chihuahua, Shih Tsu, Japanese Chen, and a couple others I can’t remember! She looks like a Papillon though, right? I’m a foster dog mama and I fostered her first, then fell in love with her. She’s my sugar❤️Sandy
May 06Reply
poshstreetluxe @sandradwheeler Thank you!! Yes, she does look like a Papillon to me! I love it 🤩 I have been involved with rescuing and fostering for many years, and I’m very familiar with getting attached to my furry wards and children! 😽 🐶 😽
May 06Reply
sandradwheeler @poshstreetluxe It’s so difficult! I foster for Vermont English Bulldog Rescue. Poppy was adopted out and they were going to return her so I flew up to New Hampshire, picked her up and made her mine! I have her ‘Gotha Day’ pic under her pic🐶🐾😘❤️
May 06Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
May 06Reply
sandradwheeler @rhonda_anne Thank you! You, too❤️
May 06Reply
poshstreetluxe @sandradwheeler Yes, It is difficult. I love it, like you do - so it helps that we are passionate about animals. 😃 I work with a network of agencies, but primarily through a Great Dane Rescue in NC, called Ruff Love💕. Thanks for sharing with me how you and Poppy became family. That is a wonderful story! 🐶😽🐶😽
May 07Reply
sandradwheeler @poshstreetluxe Great Danes are such amazing animals!! I love them! Animals are wonderful❤️🐾
May 07Reply
ellachka4 Awww you foster!!! I volunteer for 11th hr ;) 😽😽 I foster, adopt, trap, transport I do it all lol Thank you for doing what you do 😽😽😽
May 17Reply
sandradwheeler @ellachka4 Yes! I’m so grateful for what YOU do!! We gotta save these precious babies!!
May 17Reply
sandradwheeler @ellachka4 Texas is FILLED with homeless dogs and cats. It breaks my heart. I foster for Vermont English Bulldog Rescue. The owner pulls dogs from our pound and we foster until transport. All these sweet pups with no home!! I’m so glad she’s trying to make a difference, here. My pal transports all over Texas! What a blessing!❤️BTW-Looove your closet!
May 17Reply
ellachka4 @sandradwheeler I trap in Chanel lol ;)
May 17Reply
ellachka4 @sandradwheeler 11 hr pulls dogs from Texas I think!! I do cats but one of my friends is in the dog department, it’s endless, keep up the good work !
May 17Reply
sandradwheeler @ellachka4 LOL!😂🤣😂
May 17Reply
sandradwheeler @ellachka4 It IS endless!! You keep up the good work, too! God bless you! ❤️Sandy
May 17Reply
mszelisko OMG!!! You two are adorable!
May 22Reply
mszelisko LOVE that you foster. What a clever way to make money for such a wonderful cause. 🐾 ❤️ thank you from a fellow animal lover and fur mom of a teacup yorkie (rescued from a puppy mill) still going strong - 13yrs.
May 22Reply
sandradwheeler @mszelisko Thank you so much! It’s very rewarding😊Kiss that lil Yorkie for me!!
May 22Reply
irivera59 Thanks for all the shares and like on the Salvatore Ferragamo belt, if you're interested in purchasing send me an offer. Have a great Day😍
Jun 21Reply
holnx003 Hi Poppy Jo❤️😁
Jun 23Reply
sandradwheeler @holnx003 Hi Nanette!😊
Jun 23Reply
vg2020_store Hello!❤️ If you like jewelry we have beautiful 14K and 18K solid gold and 925 silver items! I can give you a special discount and if you do a bundle with other items I can give you another discount with free shipping. Let me know what you think!
Jun 25Reply
sandradwheeler @vg2020_store Thank you! You have a wonderful closet!❤️
Jun 25Reply
graceclothingco Love how you speak blessings over people!! is that a Papillon dog? cute :). peace of Christ to you!
Jun 26Reply
sandradwheeler @graceclothingco God is good ALL the time!! This lil stinker is a rescue dog. I did her DNA test and it came back mostly chihuahua and Shih Tsu. Crazy, right? I fostered her for Vermont English Bulldog Rescue. A couple from New Hamshire adopted her, but she wasn’t going potty on their schedule. Go figure! So I flew up there and picked her up…and kept her!! She’s my sugar!! Christ’s blessings sister!!😘❤️
Jun 26Reply
graceclothingco @sandradwheeler mercy!! you certainly are a Good Samaritan :).
Jun 26Reply
sandradwheeler @graceclothingco You are, too! I love God’s Word in your closet! What a great idea. I was thinking of putting some images from the Bible app in there! You just convinced me! God bless you, sweet friend❤️
Jun 26Reply
graceclothingco @sandradwheeler it is wonderful to find kindred spirits on here! so nice to see folks who are not afraid to stand up for the One Who Loves us more than all the universe! peace of Christ to thee forever!
Jun 26Reply
sandradwheeler @graceclothingco So true! Share His Word! There’s power in it! I’d rather speak God’s Truth and be mocked than stay silent. When you know what we do, you want everyone to know! Keep sharing His Word! It’ll touch someone’s heart! ❤️
Jun 26Reply
sandradwheeler @graceclothingco Keep in touch, Jeanna! 😘❤️
Jun 26Reply
graceclothingco @sandradwheeler wow, i needed that! i haven't always remembered to "count it all joy" or that we are blessed when we are persecuted for His sake :).
Jun 26Reply
sandradwheeler @graceclothingco It’s difficult to remember sometimes. Especially in the valley. I’ve seen and felt too many miracles to stay silent. We each have a way to share the Good News. You’re doing your part! Praise God and REJOICE!!!
Jun 26Reply
bettybo101010 Hi Sweet little dog
Aug 11Reply
melllkcia ALOHA! I hope you can stop by my closet! Im selling women/girl clothing.I also have many types of accessories. ALL in preowned or NWT condition!! Much love from HAWAII :)
Aug 28Reply
greatfinds111 awww so cute💖
Sep 03Reply
oliviaami Dear @sandradwheeler , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Sep 15Reply
sandradwheeler @oliviaami You have a great closet! God bless you and happy Poshing!❤️
Sep 15Reply
martinez_margie Hi, I'm selling beautiful Jewelry, Purses, Boots and more Jewelry. Stop by when you have a chance. Reasonable offers accepted. 💛💛💛 HAPPY POSHING 💛💛💛
Sep 21Reply
sandradwheeler @martinez_margie Your jewelry is beautiful! Thanks fir the heads up!❤️Sandy
Sep 21Reply
martinez_margie @sandradwheeler - Thank you Sandy for stopping by 😊
Sep 21Reply
gemtribe Oh my goodness, cutest EVER!!!
Oct 10Reply
sandradwheeler @chantyes Thank you!❤️
Oct 10Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 28Reply
livewithandreea Hello my dear. I am happy to accept 75$ for the Bottega Top. Right now I am in vacation. Please re-place the offer in 1 week
Dec 02Reply
sandradwheeler @andreeaoncioiu Great!! Thank you! Have a wonderful vacation!! Merry Christmas!!
Dec 02Reply
eschellapurvis gorgeous furbaby xo
Dec 13Reply
sandradwheeler @eschellapurvis Thank you! And she KNOWS it! Super stinker!😂🤣😂❤️❤️
Dec 13Reply
eschellapurvis so are my yorkies spoiled rotten my babies 👶 have an amazing Monday funday e
Dec 13Reply
sandradwheeler @eschellapurvis That’s why we have them! To spoil them! God bless you❤️
Dec 13Reply
bestdressed995 🍭🍭Adorable pup 🐾
Jan 30Reply
sandradwheeler @adoringstyles Hello! You bet I’ll share your scarves! Thank you for all the shares! Happy Poshing and many sales! God bless you❤️Sandy
Feb 08Reply
annieotx @sandradwheeler Sandy, thank you for your purchase! I’ll send your chic necklace out tomorrow. Hope you have a nice evening. ~ Annie
Mar 24Reply
annieotx @sandradwheeler Give Poppy Jo a treat and belly rub for me 🐾💗
Mar 24Reply
sandradwheeler @annieotx Will do!!! ❤️
Mar 24Reply
sandradwheeler @annieotx Thank you, Annie!!😘❤️
Mar 24Reply
chantillylace23 Awww! 😍😍😍😍
Apr 18Reply
sandradwheeler @chantillylace23 That’s my sweet girl!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 18Reply
Apr 25Reply
sandradwheeler @bellasb I think so!! Thank you so much!❤️
Apr 25Reply
mollys3 I so agree! There is nothing like a pet that has been rescued. It’s like they know that you have saved them! We have never gone out looking for a family pet,we’ve never needed to. They’ve found us. I once asked my husband if we had a sign on our roof advertising “Free Food”! 😂 My husband just found a puppy in the middle of a busy intersection. It’s only by the Grace of God that our sweet little Lucy Lu didn’t get run over. She now has a family that loves and a bed to sleep..Mine!!! 😂😂
Apr 27Reply
mollys3 BTW.. Poppy Jo is absolutely adorable! The sweetest face! 💕
Apr 27Reply
sandradwheeler @mollys3 You’re so gracious❤️. That little face gets just about anything she wants! She’s managed to steel my heart. There are so many dogs out there that need a home. Why people buy a dog is beyond me. The character and soul of a rescue pet isn’t matchable. You can tell they’re grateful!
Apr 27Reply
mollys3 I agree 1000%! Our little Lucy Lu gets about everything she wants, too. She’s only been with us for about 4 months but she’s so apart of my life that it seems like we have had her forever! I have Lupus and when I’m not feeling well she won’t leave my side! It amazes me! Thank you for what you do for the the dogs in ur area! What a blessing you are!
Apr 27Reply
sandradwheeler @mollys3 It’s awesome how they can tell when you feel lousy. I have MS and Pop will spend the entire time with me when I have a lousy day. It’s comforting! I love it! I had fostered her and when she was adopted, they wanted to bring her back because she wasn’t pee-ing on their schedule🙄. People are crazy!
Apr 27Reply
mollys3 Oh my gosh!!! People are absolutely crazy and beyond selfish! Pets are work but they give us much more rewards!! I’m so sorry to hear about ur MS. That’s rough! You’ll most definitely be in my prayers.
Apr 27Reply
sandradwheeler @mollys3 Awwww, Molly. You’re so gracious! Lupus is no picnic, that’s for sure! I’m sorry you have that horrible disease😞. Well, our sweet Pop and Lucy Lu will keep us going! Foster dogs are work, but wow! It’s sooo rewarding. Especially when the adopter sends pics!! I love it! I have a question…how did you get soooo many followers!? You’re my hero!😘❤️
Apr 27Reply
mollys3 @sandradwheeler Haha..I’m certainly not a hero! If there is a hero here, that would be u for the loving work u do!! I just share my closet and I share other closet, though not as much I should some times. I connected with a posher that has a lot of followers and she shared my closet off and on for about a month. That really did help. I will be sure to share ur closet with my followers. Hopefully that will help some.. but it may take some time.
Apr 27Reply
mollys3 @sandradwheeler You have a lovely closet! Be sure to let me know if u ever have any questions!! I’m here if u need anything!!! 😁
Apr 27Reply
sandradwheeler @mollys3 You’re made of sugar! Thank you for your help, Molly! If I can ever do anything for you, please tell me! Anything!!😘❤️
Apr 27Reply
mollys3 Thank you so much… and it’s truly my pleasure!!! 💕
Apr 27Reply
cutehosiery @sandradwheeler Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 06Reply
happydav_kat Thanks so much for following us. We ship fast and pack very carefully.
May 14Reply
happydav_kat And cute pup and we shared some of your closet.
May 14Reply
sandradwheeler @happydav_kat Thank you so very much!!❤️
May 14Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🌸. ☘️. 🌸. Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Happy Spring 🌷 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Love the pup 🐶♥️
May 27Reply
sandradwheeler @irenecase Thank you!!!❤️
May 27Reply
jeweled_by_elle hey! thanks for your purchase...I'll send it out tomorrow 💖
Jul 05Reply
sandradwheeler @jeweled_by_elle Sounds great, but there’s no hurry!❤️Sandy
Jul 05Reply
my_blackheart99 Love your closet and your Poppy Jo is ADORABLE! I lost my little Sancho in March and my heart is trying desperately to recover~ He was a rescue, and he changed my life. Thank you for being so dedicated in reminding folks to adopt rather than buying from a breeder, thus supporting the 'puppy mill' style of doing business and the mistreatment of so many precious animals~🖤
Jul 07Reply
sandradwheeler @my_blackheart99 It’s soooo hard to lose our fur babies!! I’m so sorry, truly. The homeless dog issue is SOO bad here in Texas. It just unnerves me when people buy a dog! People…please! These little rescues are so grateful, they make the best pets, right?! God bless you, sweet friend!❤️Sandy
Jul 07Reply
my_blackheart99 @sandradwheeler Thank you~ I didn't realize you're in Texas! I live in Austin~ I don't know that I am ready quite yet to have another dog, but do me a favor- if you run into a desperate situation and need someone to foster- please feel free to call on me. I can't have a dog over 30 pounds due to my lease, but would love to give back in some way to square my debt with God for sending me Sancho~🖤
Jul 07Reply
sandradwheeler @my_blackheart99 That’s so gracious of you! I’ll let Dawna, the rescue owner in Vermont, know! I’m in SA. She pulls from shelters all over the state. If I run into a sweetie pie you might need, I’ll ALSO let you know. 😉Nothing heals the broken heart like a dog. Nothing. (At least, to me!)
Jul 07Reply
sandradwheeler @tutuwig Thank you so much!❤️
Jul 23Reply
rugerboutique Thank you for the shares and the follow! 🌿
Aug 10Reply
sandradwheeler @blasierboutique Thank you, too! Love your closet❤️
Aug 10Reply
rugerboutique 😊😊😊
Aug 10Reply
lanamarie123 What a cutie!!! 🐶💕
Aug 26Reply
sandradwheeler @lanamarie123 Thank you!❤️🐶
Aug 26Reply
gidget368s Beautiful Pup! 😍 🤩 is it a Papillion? Adorable 🐶
Nov 04Reply
sandradwheeler @gidget368s Thank you! ❤️ She’s a rescue so she’s mixed with a bunch of things. She’s mostly Chihuahua. Those ears just keep getting cuter every minute! She’s also VERY spoiled! Buts that’s why w have em right?😉
Nov 04Reply
gidget368s @sandradwheeler Yes we do 😉❤️
Nov 04Reply
trinkz_trendz Hi Sandy! Thank you for the follow. My Mom shares the same name with you “Sandy Wheeler.” I thought that it was so funny when I came across your name. Your pup is adorable! Happy Poshing!, 💕
Nov 05Reply
rad0529 Hello Sandy, my new friend, I pray your day has been truly blessed as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda
Nov 05Reply
pattyalbers Hello Sandy! Adorable pup!! I’m inviting you to take a look at my closet. I’m now accepting reasonable offers. Thank you!
Nov 05Reply
sandradwheeler @rad0529 Thank you! God bless you, too!❤️
Nov 05Reply
sandradwheeler @trink66 Wow!! That’s crazy!! What a fabulous mom you have!! Poppy Jo is my sweetie pie. She is adorable and spoiled rotten!! ❤️Sandy
Nov 05Reply
sandradwheeler @pattyalbers Thank you!❤️
Nov 05Reply
trinkz_trendz @sandradwheeler Yeah, she’s pretty fabulous! She’s Sandra J. I have a spoiled rotten pup as well! Dogs are The Best!!
Nov 05Reply
sandradwheeler @trink66 Well, I’m Sandra D. Wheeler…I know, I hear it all the time! 🎵Look at me I’m Sandra D.🎶 😂🤣😂Dogs ARE the best!!! Love em!🐾🐶❤️
Nov 05Reply
trinkz_trendz @sandradwheeler Oh yeah, that would become annoying after awhile! So very nice finding you on here 😊 Enjoy the remainder of your weekend🐾🐾🐾💕
Nov 06Reply
sandradwheeler @trink66 You too!! God bless you!❤️
Nov 06Reply
trinkz_trendz @sandradwheeler God Bless you & Poppy Jo as well! I posted photos of my rotten boy so you can see him ☺️
Nov 06Reply
swscraftshop Hello 🖐Thanks for Following my Closet! Feel Free to Leave Comment or Shop my Closet! If you see anything you want but don't ❤ the price make an Offer! Most Offers 💰 accepted! Thank You! Wishing You Great Sells!! And Great Buys!! 🙂Happy Poshing!!
Nov 06Reply
unclaimed Sandy beautiful picture & 🐕 Enjoy 50% off your 1st purchase from this closet of $50 or more (free shipping on$25 purchase),Expires 11/09/22. l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet or replenish your inventory.
Nov 06Reply
sandradwheeler @unclaimed Thank you! ❤️I’ll come check it out!
Nov 06Reply
sandradwheeler @swscraftshop You’re welcome! Thank you for the message!❤️
Nov 06Reply
loriricci396 hi Sandy.bim Lori a POSH Ambassador and Personal Stylist here to welcome you to poshmark and to help you find your dream wardrobe pieces and accessories for less
Nov 06Reply
sandradwheeler @loriricci396 Hi Lori! Thank you for the heads up! ❤️Sandy
Nov 06Reply
loriricci396 @sandradwheeler You have an amazing closet
Nov 06Reply
sandradwheeler @loriricci396 Thank you, Lori! That’s so gracious of you to say!❤️Sandy
Nov 06Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, Ms Sandy I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, & youth boys. We shared some items from your closet & we hope you can do the same? Also, today Poshmark is offering $4.99 shipping. If you see an item in my closet that interest you, let me know. I would love to get you the discounted shipping. Happy Poshing ❣️
Nov 06Reply
8katkara8 Thank you for the follow - all the best- happy poshing
Nov 06Reply
sandradwheeler @lamarquez16 Welcome to the selling part of Poshmark! I’m excited for you! I’ll be happy to share your items! God bless you!❤️Sandy
Nov 06Reply
michelles12 Omg! Poppy Jo is adorable! Thank you for fostering!!!
Nov 10Reply
sandradwheeler @michelles12 And she KNOWS it!!😂🤣😂 She’s my one and only foster fail! The people that ended up adopting her, wanted to bring her back after just 2 weeks. She wasn’t going to the bathroom in their schedule🙄. So, I flew up to New Hampshire and picked her…and kept her!! She’s my sugar!!❤️
Nov 10Reply
michelles12 @sandradwheeler I love your story!!!❤️🐾 My dog is a rescue also. Spoiled rotten!!
Nov 11Reply
sandradwheeler @michelles12 The rescues are always the best dogs! They give us good reason to spoil them! They make it easy!❤️God bless you!❤️
Nov 11Reply
jeweltaylor6200 Hi nice to meet you. Have a great day. Beautiful dog.
Nov 11Reply
sandradwheeler @jeweltaylor6200 Awww, thank you! She’s my sweetie pie❤️🐾
Nov 11Reply
fine2bye Can I adopt that adorable fur bay?
Nov 13Reply
fine2bye @sandradwheeler Sorry for your loss. Such a cutie!
Nov 13Reply
sandradwheeler @fine2bye This one is my foster fail. Sorry, but she’s my keeper❤️She’s a cutie pie, isn’t she!!? All foster dogs are adopted out of Vermont English Bulldog Rescue. I’ve just listed some cute fosters I’ve had, I’m not adopting them out of Poshmark. It’s just to encourage people to adopt instead of buying from a breeder. You can get a wonderful dog and save a life!❤️
Nov 13Reply
fine2bye I know you can't posh out a puppy unless it's sewn onto a sweat shirt!
Nov 13Reply
sandradwheeler @fine2bye Posh out a puppy! That’s hilarious! 😂🤣😂
Nov 13Reply
fine2bye @sandradwheeler I had to put my Sugar to sleep Jan. 29 2020! I miss that 8.5lb lil pom a poo! Love the little doggies the most. They are so easy to pick up and bring anywhere! She slept between us for 15yrs.
Nov 13Reply
sandradwheeler @fine2bye Yvonne!!! Nooo!! Uuugh…I’m so sorry, sweet friend😞. When I had to put Oscar down, that’s when I started fostering. I had to wait until a dog needed ME for me to get another dog. That dog is Poppy Jo! They fill our hearts with love so deep and unselfish, we have to have them in our lives!!❤️
Nov 13Reply
fine2bye You are so right! It has been 2 yrs, and I miss her little paws and her sweetness!
Nov 13Reply
sadiestrappings Sandra Thank you for your passion for the quilts. I love them all too. I reduced the price for the Bear Paw quilt. I hope that might fit into your budget better. I am open to reasonable offers. You are lucky to have a family that loved cooking. Wendy
Nov 14Reply
barbara_alice_ Adorable puppy!!!!
Nov 16Reply
sandradwheeler @kjaj2009 Thank you! She’s my sweet, albeit spoiled rotten, sugar! ❤️
Nov 16Reply
sandradwheeler @sadiestrappings Thank you so much! I’m trying to save money, right now😕. I know where to go when I buy a quilt! They’re all so beautiful!!❤️
Nov 16Reply
sadiestrappings Sandra I look forward to being a part of your love for quilts. I love the pictures of your pup. Looks like such a sweetheart. Please take care yourself. Wendy
Nov 16Reply
sandradwheeler @sadiestrappings Thank you❤️Poppy Jo is my foster fail. She’s my sweet girl!
Nov 16Reply
aletaa Poppy Jo is adorable! And I love all the rescues. Wish I could have them all! As a dog lover, I’ll share my favorite video of all time with you: “GoD & DoG” by Wendy Francisco. Animated, black & white, 2 minutes long. Best ever. Turn sound up and have Kleenex close by. Let me know what you think. AletaA
Nov 17Reply
sandradwheeler @aletaa Oh WOW! I LOVE it!! Dogs are amazing…God is so good! ❤️Thank you for turning me on to that video!
Nov 17Reply
aletaa @sandradwheeler It’s my very favorite video of all time. I’ve watched it over and over again. And shared it with hundreds of other dog lovers. Also have exchanged emails with Wendy Francisco to let her know how wonderful it is. She’s the singer on the video too. I sing the song when I’m driving sometimes. 🙃 Glad you like it too. 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Nov 17Reply
sandradwheeler @aletaa Thank you for this incredible blessing! God bless you, sweet friend!❤️Sandy
Nov 17Reply
sargebill Sandy hi and thank you for your follow, look at those ears ! Way too adorable 😍. I have 5 mixed mutties, maisie the mom a mixed beagle jack Russell, chuck the dad a chiweenie, Buster aka 00k9 aka James Buster, Maybelline and Bella the small one instigator. Maybelline is the guardian the reddish and white thick furball
Nov 17Reply
sandradwheeler @sargebill I love your whole tribe! 5 is a lot! I babysit my furry god-babies…all 5 of ‘em! Of course they’re spoiled and have special diets and clothing… I’ll post a pic in my Posh closet, so you can see them. ❤️
Nov 17Reply
forthemuzic09 cute dog!!
Nov 18Reply
sandradwheeler @forthemuzic09 Thank you! She’s my sweetie pie!🐶🐾❤️
Nov 18Reply
thesmileygirl Hi! I have a chihuahua too! I found her at my nearby animal shelter. Your chi is adorable! 😁
Dec 08Reply
sandradwheeler @thesmileygirl Hi! She’s my girl! Spoiled rotten!❤️🐶🐾
Dec 08Reply
wrforrest Poppy Jo is precious! I have done animal rescue most of my life. All my dogs have been rescues. I'm older now and miss doing that work for our pups. Now I dog sit for 6 clients. keeps me busy and I get my dog fix.. I call them my pack..
Dec 11Reply
sandradwheeler @wrforrest Thank you! She’s my sweet lil dumplin’! A dog sitter…That’s a dream job!!! I envy you!! What a blessing you must be to your pack. I love it. Thank you SO much for sharing your story. I’ll be retiring soon and hope to follow in your footsteps. God bless you, sweet friend❤️
Dec 11Reply
wrforrest Years ago we lived on 5 acres when I was staying at home mom. My husband one day said jokingly to me if I brought one more animal home I would need to find ME a new home!! Lol! I started dog sitting after I retired. Hugs
Dec 11Reply
sandradwheeler @wrforrest It’s so hard when there’s so many pups that need homes! We’re flooded with them here in Texas😕. I foster for Vermont English Bulldog Rescue. The owner pulls from our pound and various shelters. We take the dogs to get vaccinated and given shots. Then we put them in a transport to Vermont. Not sure if you saw my lil group of fosters in my Posh closet. ☺️
Dec 12Reply
sandradwheeler @candysaturn Thank you❤️
Dec 19Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means……………………….. I’ll be accepting any and all offers even on bundles since I need everything gone and Happy Holidays☃️
Dec 19Reply
2girls2122 Hi Sandy love your Poppy job ❤️so adorable yes ..I so agree with foster and adoption from a rescue..I help out a rescue here in RI placing them in there forever homes..thanks for stopping by. wishing you a Happy Hoildays 🎄.
Dec 19Reply
sandradwheeler @2girls2122 Thank you! Merry Christmas!!!❤️
Dec 19Reply
3bushman8 ✌️
Dec 19Reply
yoked1990 Thanks for the follow.
Dec 25Reply
tsaltsman4 thank you for doing what you do ❤️
Jan 02Reply
tsaltsman4 my granddaughter an I are always looking to buy things for our fur babies, please let us know if you have items we can purchase ❤️
Jan 02Reply
sandradwheeler @tsaltsman4 It’s my pleasure! ❤️🐶🐾💕
Jan 02Reply
sandradwheeler @tsaltsman4 I have some small doggie T-shirts for purchase, but that’s about it! If you have a tiny dog, they’ll fit wonderfully! Checkout my closet. If there’s something you like, I can throw a doggie T in with your purchase😊God bless you!❤️Sandy
Jan 02Reply
pljessie omg your dog is such a cutie! 💕
Jan 07Reply
sandradwheeler @pljessie Thank you so much!! She’s my sweetie pie!!!❤️🐶🐾
Jan 09Reply
poshedagain You have beautiful items! I’m new to PoshMark - just started listing a a few days ago - but when I start selling I’m pretty sure I’ll be replacing some of my items with some of yours!
Jan 10Reply
sandradwheeler @poshedagain What a sweet thing to say! Thank you so much! I’ll be looking for ya and give you a buddy discount!😘❤️
Jan 10Reply
poshedagain @sandradwheeler Thanks so much and I’ll be sure to do the same for you! ❤️🥰
Jan 11Reply
seedhumblebloom OMG how beautiful!
Jan 17Reply
sandradwheeler @genetafom Awwwww! Thank you! She’s my sugar! Spoiled rotten!❤️🐾🐶
Jan 17Reply
i4styleshay Happy Poshing 🛍 💕 cute pup 🐶
Jan 17Reply
sandradwheeler @i4styleshay Thank you! She’s my heart!!❤️🐾🐶
Jan 18Reply
kbetzwiser Feel free to make an offer. Thank you for looking at my closet. Love your little doggie
Jan 22Reply
caddygirlroxy Poppy Jo is so adorable ❤️🐾❤️🐾
Jan 22Reply
sandradwheeler @caddygirlroxy Thank you! She’s my sweet lil spoiled rotten honey bun!🐾🐶❤️
Jan 22Reply
chipskylark765 Hello. My name is Myles, I want to thank you for visiting my closet and for following. It’s an honor to have you as a customer. If you are interested in buying, I’m open to reasonable offers. Make me a reasonable offer and I will most likely accept it. You can bundle your 2-3 liked items if you have any and save on my bundle discount and pay only one Shipping cost. Also, I would like to invite you to my closet again. I hope you find something that catches your eyes. Thank you !
Jan 26Reply
sandradwheeler @chipskylark765 Hi Myles!! Thank you for the invite! I’ll be in touch!😊
Jan 26Reply
teec106 Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to stop by my closet and shop and I hope you have a wonderful day :)
Jan 30Reply
sandradwheeler @teec106 Thank you❤️
Jan 30Reply
sandradwheeler @kinsey_kloset Thank you sooo much! She’s my heart!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 31Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 01Reply
sandradwheeler @candy258 Thank you, Candy!🎉🎊❤️
Feb 01Reply
flourishbyjazz Poppy Jo is soo cutee 🥰🥰🥹
Feb 08Reply
sandradwheeler @flourishbyjazz Thank you so so much! She’s my sweetie pie! Spoiled rotten!❤️
Feb 08Reply
miss_sunshine79 Super cute 🥰 Longhair Chihuahua or a mix? However, super cute those ears and the face and the fur…. Awe 😍
Feb 11Reply
sandradwheeler @miss_sunshine79 Yes! She’s a Chihuahua mix! I did the DNA😬 and she’s 50% Chihuahua and 37% Shih Tsu witH the remainder various breeds. (I don’t think they know😂!) I fostered her first. The couple that adopted her wanted to bring her back because she wasn’t going potty on hair schedule😞. So I flew to Man Chester, picked her up and made her mine! I adore her!❤️🐶🐾😘
Feb 11Reply
sandradwheeler @miss_sunshine79 Manchester…🙄Auto-Correct…
Feb 11Reply
angmomto2 Hi Poppy Jo!
Feb 11Reply
sandradwheeler @angmomto2 ☺️❤️🐶🐾
Feb 11Reply
angmomto2 @sandradwheeler my pup is in my closet too!❤️🐶
Feb 11Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 17Reply
msndl Wonderful to meet you via Posh! 😊 What you do is enriching to the soul…beautiful dog. God bless you as well. 🌻
Mar 07Reply
sandradwheeler @msndl Thank you so much! It’s very rewarding❤️
Mar 07Reply
pnbinc2015 Poppy Jo is adorable!! Thank you for fostering, all my furbabies are rescues!! Good bless!
Mar 08Reply
sandradwheeler @pnbinc2015 Yaaay! Rescues are the best! God bless you!😘❤️🐶🐾
Mar 08Reply
mmarzano30 Thanks for the shares !!
Mar 11Reply
sandradwheeler @mmarzano30 You’re welcome!!
Mar 11Reply
kwalk423 So sweet! Thanks for what you do! We love the rescue floofers at our house! 💖💖💖
Mar 25Reply
sandradwheeler @kwalk423 It’s an honor and privilege! Also, it’s very rewarding❤️
Mar 25Reply
ashbrownis I looked and I’m not sure where I would find that. I went under the site and went to the bottom, it does say i can list “not for sale”, but I would love for it to show sold. Is there anything I’m to look for that isn’t just popping out for me to see? I’m really wanting to do great at this and I want to know everything about Poshmark. I don’t know much of anything at all. Most of the time I just stumble upon things. I need all the help I can get. Thank you
Apr 08Reply
sandradwheeler @ashbrownis Girl! I’ve been where you are! Hang in there. I promise this Poshmark thing just takes some time. When you pulled it up under EDIT was there a DELETE button? You may need to just delete this listing because it shows sold elsewhere. I’m sorry! Chalk it up to experience. When you list an item. Make sure you don’t list the amount of that item-even if it’s 100’s of them, as One item for sale. I think that’s what you did. I’ve done the same thing. ❤️
Apr 08Reply
sandradwheeler @ashbrownis If you need any help EVER, let me know! I’ll do my best to help you out!!
Apr 08Reply
ashbrownis I hope I’m not driving you crazy. I hope this will get to you. I can’t find that thing I was looking for online. Could someone email it to me and you possibly let someone know about me? I don’t want to say a lot on here because I know everyone can read my message. This is completely perfect for me. I’m so anxious, hopeful and excited! Thank you!!
Apr 16Reply
thrifytrends So adorable! 🐶
Apr 17Reply
sandradwheeler @connie0208 Thank you so much! She’s spoiled rotten…
Apr 17Reply
thrifytrends @sandradwheeler She looks so happy.
Apr 17Reply
sandradwheeler @connie0208 She is! I go to work to make the money I need to keep her in the lifestyle she’s become accustomed…😂🤣😂
Apr 17Reply
thrifytrends @sandradwheeler 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Apr 18Reply
ashbrownis Hey pretty lady! You are probably in bed now. I hope I don’t wake you up. I was just thinking about you. We haven’t talked in a while. I applied at delta, they’re hiring but my resume was in my email ready to be added to the application and it wasn’t there so I have write another one. Do y’all wear long sleeves? I am covered in tattoos on my arms. Not my hands so if I had on long sleeves I would be good right? Anyway,!how have you been?
Apr 28Reply
ptuck065 Hi Sandy,thanks for the following. I checked out your awesome closet and shared with my followers. I'd love for you to check out my closet sometime and see if there's anything that interests you .If so send me an offer. OMG what a cute fur baby. I adopted a Cutie from the Humane society in Jan. u are better than me. If I fostered a pup I wouldn't be able to give it up. Happy poshing & Happy life 😊
Jul 04Reply
ptuck065 Sandy, thank you soooo much for all the shares. I think u shared my whole closet. God bless u. I know my sales will pick up now. they have been far & few lately
Jul 04Reply
sandradwheeler @ptuck065 My pleasure! God bless you, too! 🙏🏻❤️
Jul 04Reply
watsonlilmommy @sandradwheeler hello check out my closet see something you like send me and offer everything must go or bundle up for a discount lost my grandma trying to get extra funds to go towards her tombstone anything will help out
Jul 08Reply
rainbow_to_oz I cannot love this picture enough!!! So adorable!!!
Aug 07Reply
sandradwheeler @jenniferlpn1971 Thank you! It pretty much embodies her personality. She’s a stinker! Spoiled and adored❤️
Aug 07Reply
bestdressed995 UH DORABLE! Pup⭐️🐾⭐️🐾⭐️🐾⭐️🐾
Aug 11Reply
sandradwheeler @bestdressed995 Thank you!😘❤️🐶🐾
Aug 12Reply
tiffanylang29 Omg! I love you little pup!! My a sucker for chihuahuas!
Aug 23Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for following my closet! Look forward to poshing with another fur baby lover! 🌺 MelissaL
Dec 10Reply
melswilson ❤️🐶
Jan 01Reply
teeshaph Hi! Just wanted to tell you I have tons of items in my closet that I’m eager to make a deal on! I have 3/$10🔸 deals and FREE🌀 with any purchase items listed! Some items include: women’s clothing, baby/kid clothes, home decor, crafts, handmade pop sockets and art, and MORE!!! Thank you for the support!! ❤️
Apr 11Reply
corinnesechrist Thanks for following. I love crafting. Keeps my mind occupied and busy. Good luck with your closet and may God bless you. We adopted a dog, a Yorkie after our Yorkiechon went blind at age 6 from a disease. Best decision we could have made for her. Your sweetie is adorable.
Apr 30Reply
sandradwheeler @corinnesechrist Thank you! She’s a stinker for sure! Spoiled rotten!❤️
Apr 30Reply
pattievans759 Aweeeeee your dog is soooo adorable
May 12Reply
sandradwheeler @pattievans759 Thank you! She’s a stinker!❤️❤️❤️
May 12Reply
moonchild1977 Such a beautiful pup. I have a Chihuahua mix Tippy. She is a rescue and 9 years old
May 26Reply
sandradwheeler @tallulahcooper Awww thanks! She’s a stinker! She’s also a little ‘bigger’ now. 😂🤣😂 I give her healthy treats, but a bit too many. 😬
Jul 11Reply
disginger Hi Sandy! Thanks for following my closet! Poppy Jo looks so my like my ate Freddy. He was a Blenheim Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mixed with some kind of terrier, maybe a Fox or Rat Terrier. Seeing Poppy Jo’s pic made my husband and I smile so much. We really miss that crazy little menace. Thanks for being a foster. You must have a very big heart. Wishing you all the best!
Jul 11Reply
sandradwheeler @disginger Thank you, Ginger! She’s my precious girl. She’s a long hair Chihuahua/Shih Tzu. Crazy, right? Her fur feels and looks like a King Charles. I thought for sure she had a bit in her, but no. If you can trust the Dog DNA! Who knows!?
Jul 11Reply
sandradwheeler @tallulahcooper Amen! They are the BEST! Pop gets freeze dried Rabbit…spoiled lil stinker! 🤣😂
Jul 11Reply
disginger @sandradwheeler I guessed chihuahua and papillon. Those ears! Her coat looks a lot like Freddy’s. Similar pointy noses, too.
Jul 11Reply
sandradwheeler @disginger I know! It’s why I fell for her…foster fail🫤
Jul 11Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you for following me 🐾
Aug 19Reply
sandradwheeler @dulciesdelites How could I not? Look at that precious fur baby!! 😘🐶❤️
Aug 19Reply
mdrdnd Your fur baby is adorable
Sep 15Reply
aniagftsandmore Thanks for the follow. I shared some of your items. I have women's, men's, kids in my closet. I'm always listing more& always welcome offers. If interested in LIVE shows, I do shows Mondays- women's S-4x lots unlisted, nwt nwot, like new $15& under. Tuesdays- kids share show train & pop-ups too. Each purchase gets you an entry into my monthly giveaway. In LIVES you only pay 1 shipping & I pay anything over 5 lb I also have a loyalty program- spend $100 over time. get $10 free. thanks
Oct 06Reply
hodgey215 Thank you for the share I hope you’re having a great day so far
Nov 01Reply
sandradwheeler @hodgey215 You’re welcome! God bless you and have a fabulous weekend!❤️
Nov 01Reply
hodgey215 @sandradwheeler thank you very much
Nov 01Reply
minerva_elena Hi Sandy and Jo. I also have dogs. My newest dog is a Papillon called Teddy. Little 5lbs boy. I love him so much. He stopped growing. 😩 He is a rescue with some anxiety issues but I still love him no matter what. Thank you so much for FOLLOWING me. I FOLLOWED you back and SHARED your listings. I’m doing my very first TAG GAME since I don’t have many followers. I will tag you on it. Sending many blessing your way!! THANK YOU AGAIN SO MUCH!!
Dec 15Reply
lotsoflovexoxo What a cutie pie♥️I’m in love with your 🐶
Jan 03Reply

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