Meet your Posher, Sang hee
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Hi! I'm Sang hee. I'm from Killeen and some of my favorite brands are Nike, Louis Vuitton, Coach, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

13 others
like this

Hey gorgeous ladies thanks for the like on the jeans. I accept all reasonable offer if interested just send me the offer thanks
Jun 11Reply

Hi & Welcome to Posh!💕
It's a very supportive and social community and if you have questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or...
... visit my closet and I'd be happy to help U!❗
More questions?
on anything specific U'd like to know?
just ask me.........💙
Jun 13Reply

I can go as as $70 for the butterfly kisses romper if you're interested. Just counter with that amount & I'd accept.
Jun 18Reply

LV zippy wallet- I can offer you $650. But I will be on vaca in a few days so please get back to me soon or I'll have to put everything on hold till I'm back in end jul.
Jun 22Reply

@ilovebebex3 no I thank u
Jun 22Reply

LV zippy wallet- i can go lower at $620 with payment outside posh
Jun 22Reply

U mean p ay p a l? If so than I can only go 550
Jun 22Reply

@ppuck1sang yes, or v enmo or Amazon ?
Jun 23Reply

But can you accept $600 which will include shipping and insurance? I can ship it out today if you are ok. Post office close at 5pm
Jun 23Reply

It's a good offer since I probably only used it once to carry my passport . Its just been sitting in my closet and needs a new owner. 😊
Jun 23Reply

@ppuck1sang $580? Absolute best price since I'll be going away. LMK 🙂
Jun 23Reply

Brand new one is 805 580 still too high for used one I'm thinking about getting a new one but if u give me crazy deal I will get it right now
Jun 24Reply

Pls consider my counter offer . The bag is really in good condition. Not broken ,no exposed pipings .everything works properly. This is a very good deal. I'm losing lots of money.👍💕😌Thnk u.
Jun 26Reply

I'm thinking right now
Jun 26Reply

Thank u ma'am
Jun 26Reply

But it is authentic for sure right ? coz u items very good condition for authentic?
Jun 26Reply

N I'm looking for zippy wallet too if u have nice one
Jun 26Reply

Hi there! Nice to meet you! Hope you're loving posh! 💕
Jun 29Reply

I do thanks 😘😘😘
Jun 29Reply

Hi, just wondering how could I improve on packaging the jeans? I shipped your item (along with all items except shoes) in a new polymailer. If there was a problem with the polymailer (not holding up, etc) please let me know as it could be helpful for future sales and I could adjust my item packaging accordingly!
Jun 29Reply

@krichellle it was beautiful thank u Hun
Jun 29Reply

@ppuck1sang your welcome! Hope you enjoy! :)
Jun 29Reply

@krichellle 😊 waiting for your new offer. If you do bundle I can give you better price. Thank you!
Jul 02Reply

@easybusy I'm sorry! I'm not sure what offer your referring to, and I think you may have tagged the wrong person!
Jul 02Reply

@ursulakeen I like the bag but it's too small for me sorry
Jul 05Reply

Hi hun acept my offer is great 👌🏻
Jul 05Reply

@ppuck1sang oh send more
Jul 05Reply

Are u interested hun in my bag
Jul 05Reply

Huh this price is good for you 👌🏻🎊🎁
Jul 06Reply

Hi, if still interested I will accept $280 for my LV bag made offer a few weeks ago. Just make offer.
Jul 06Reply

@ppuck1sang aré u interested in bag ??
Jul 06Reply

@ppuck1sang thanks for the like! If you are interested in other items, please feel free to browse my closet. For the month of July, I am doing a bundle 2+items and get 20% discount. Reasonable offers are also accepted on top of the discount.
Jul 08Reply

Thank you so much for the offer!!! I can ship today if you decide to purchase. The top is rated 5 stars and is super fab for the season!!
Jul 10Reply

@ppuck1sang hey babe! Im sorry but I cant really go lower because I just lowered the statement piece from $35😫 its really cute though! Maybe a dollar or two? thats about it..💕
Jul 11Reply

@ppuck1sang I can only do $16 for each necklace if you purchase 3+ necklaces😊 have a good day!
Jul 11Reply

@ppuck1sang Looks like you know which three you want. Ready? Shipping Thursday when im back from malibu!💕
Jul 11Reply

@ppuck1sang since your bundle is only two items best I can do is $28. If you decide to send the offer be sure to try out the korean skin care samples I send! Have a good day!
Jul 11Reply

Thanks for the like ❤️❤️❤️ right now my bundles of 2 or more are 20% off! Plus, all my dresses are buy one get one for $1! Let me know if you have any questions ❤️
Jul 16Reply

:) ok
Jul 16Reply

@ppuck1sang thx for your offer..... that leaves me with 3.00. I just marked it down yesterday.If u want to bundle it w something or accept my counter, great.
Jul 16Reply

Hi😊.. the Free people shirt I promised my daughter I wouldn't take less than $15.00
Jul 16Reply

I'm incredibly sorry for the delay I was put of town. I wish there was some how i could make it up to you.
Jul 17Reply

@mylivelyday I understand Imy size is Medium so I think ill fit me than how about 14 so 20 even with shipping
Jul 18Reply

Second thought it's ok don't want to give u hard time may be some other items :)
Jul 18Reply

Welcome to POSHMARK 💞💞 Im marian🌹 The watch you like is awesome! Please make an offer! I'll take the hit!
Jul 18Reply

Thank you for your purchase. I will get it out today!
Jul 19Reply

@ppuck1sang you are a lowballer and apparently never happy. You gave a low rating on a blouse you paid 8.00 for because it didn't fit you? The top was the size indicated- this is not my fault. Also said short was diff color than pic? What does that mean??? You received it in less than a day wrapped nicely. Not cool. Karma to you sweetie.
Jul 21Reply

Watch ur mouth n think before u open ur mouth I accepted anyway coz it was different than what I expected I didn't tried return it or anything or blamed u ... n sweetie before u say things like "karma to u" anybody it always comes back to u
But I'll forgive u coz I'm Christian n bless ur soul u got lot to learn had of ur life
Jul 21Reply

Hi welcome to the poshmark family! I hope you are having a great time checking out the variety of closets! Please feel free to visit me anytime! Have a good time and as always happy poshing 🤗🎉
Jul 23Reply

Thank you sooo much for sharing🙏🏻😉👍🏻❣️
Jul 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!🌺
Jul 31Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet! 👜🌸👸🏼⭐️💓🛍🍭👠
Aug 09Reply

I'll ship your dress on Friday (:
Aug 09Reply

That's ok posh policy is ship in 1-3 days from order u can just cancel
Aug 09Reply

Hey Sang! Thanks for liking my Adidas, if you're interested I can lower the price even more. Make sure to check out my other clothes and shoes! Thank you🙂
Aug 10Reply

First off, Welcome! And second, Thank You for your order and I usually ship items out within 2 day's of order. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask! Thanks again!!
Aug 16Reply

Hi Sang hee! I'm so sorry about your package not yet usps scanned. I dropped off your package the same day you ordered it. I just noticed this and I'm going to find out what's going on tomorrow! I'm so sorry
Aug 18Reply

Hi Sang Hee! I just wanted to let you know that I called the post office and they said that they sometimes don't scan the tracking number however it was shipped out yesterday so wherever the next destination is they will probably scan it. Uhggggg...I'm so sorry! I always have my packages sent out the day you ordered from me or if not then the next day! It's bothering me lol...hopefully wherever it goes next they will scan it. I'm so sorry but I'm keeping tabs on it 😊
Aug 18Reply

I got the package n thank u for ur care
Aug 18Reply

Sep 07Reply

Hi , wondering if you end up buying the Louis Vuitton zippy wallet from Alex ?
Sep 16Reply

Hey! I'll take 18 on those free people jeans that you offered, lmk if u still want them :)
Sep 22Reply

Why the 2 stars if i may ask? I shipped next day and you waited till the third day to rate the item.
Sep 24Reply

Well it was kinda disappointing condition and then what I expected shipping was fast n I appreciated for that sorry to give u two :(
Sep 24Reply

N here's more stars for u if I could make u feel better
Sep 24Reply

@ppuck1sang The condition was exactly as described, it was worn. The color is cream not white if thats why it disappointed you but thank you!
Sep 24Reply

Hi. Thank you for your purchase. I shipped it out today 🌷🎉💐
Dec 05Reply

Thanks for your like doll 😊 Let me know if you have any questions! Happy Poshing 💕😋
Feb 07Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Hi!, I am Gloria. Welcome to a community of great people and awesome sales. I am a Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top seller so if you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I would be happy to help 😊 Also, I invite you to check out my closet for great items and great deals. I am always happy to negotiate as well. Happy Poshing 😃
Apr 08Reply

Hi Sang hee. If you can bundle the two items you liked in my closet then I can offer you a discount and you only have to pay shipping once. So I’ll counter and it will be less than you will pay for your offer because you only pay shipping once. Thanks for the offer!🌸😊🤓
Apr 12Reply

Hi Sang hee. I responded with a counter offer, but if you want to bundle the price will drop because of postage- just let me know. 🌺🌼🌹
Apr 13Reply

Hi doll! Thanks for the offer. It’s extremely low. But, if you can do $17, I’ll do a public price drop so you get discounted shipping. If not, no worries! :)
Apr 18Reply

Hi :) thank you for stopping by my closet and liking my item! Feel free to send me an offer 😊
Apr 18Reply

was there a problem with the Gypsy bloue? Curious as to why it didn't get a 5 star rating! thanks for accepting the item.
Apr 24Reply

Thanks for liking ☺
May 15Reply

Thank me for offer however posh takes 20 percent t fees. These are all brand new Boutique pieces. I only buy quality pieces and this is my business. I have my items priced fair to market. I meant to counter with 30 but it accidentally hit 35. If you are interested you may come back at 30 but that is my lowest. Thanks
May 16Reply

@pinkbo_tique can u do 30 with 4.99 shipping
May 16Reply

@ppuck1sang let me make you a private listing and I will try for a reduced shipping. 😊 I will tag you once it’s done ok.
May 16Reply

@ppuck1sang did the offer go through?
May 16Reply

@pinkbo_tique sorry wrong item
May 16Reply

@ppuck1sang please decline offer so I can relish it. I have someone that wants it thanks
May 16Reply

@ppuck1sang relist
May 16Reply

Good Morning, I am confused as to you 2 star rating of the sandals you ordered and the comment that states "too Old" They are brand new in original box. Can you please elaborate on your comment so I can fully understand your disappointment. Thank you and sorry you are unsatisfied.
May 21Reply

Hi dear and thanks for visiting my closet👋 I see you liked the Halo ombre sequin top I have listed & wanted to let you know I have a 30% off sale going on right now❣️If you're interested in purchasing just bundle (add to bundle button) & I'll send you the discounted price offer👍Pam
May 22Reply

Good Morning, again, I'm sorry if you did not see my comment from yesterday but your feed back on your 2 star rating would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance
May 22Reply

Good Afternoon, Again, I am looking for you feedback on you low rating of the new with tag sandals that you bought from me. I see that you are active on this site and would appreciate a response from you. Thank you so much .
May 30Reply

Hi!! Thank you for likes!! If you want put in a bundle and I will send you a private offer!! Happy POSHING and enjoy!!
Jun 01Reply

Hi!! I plan on closing closet for awhile, if you bundle your likes will give you a good private discount:)
Jun 02Reply

Hi! I would take 16 and 15 for the other pair as they fit more like a 27 if you would like:) happy Poshing!
Jun 04Reply

Hi and thank you! Your top will ship tomorrow morning 🤗
Jun 05Reply

Hi! Hope you liked your jeans 👖:))
Jun 15Reply

Hi girly!! If you have no issues will you please accept your purchase! Much appreciated:) xo
Jun 17Reply

Hi my counter offer is the lowest I can go right now due to posh fees. Possibly we could work out a bundle deal. Xoxo
Jun 18Reply

Hello, did your package arrive safely?
Jun 22Reply

=) Just stopping by to say HI! and please feel free to check out my closet. I am sending amazing offers on bundles. Happy Poshing <3
Jul 10Reply

Hey girl, I originally paid over 60 for those bebe pants. Only tried on and never worn, can we make it 12? I've really marked them down
Aug 09Reply

If u Guaranteed never worn
Aug 09Reply

Thanks for your purchase! About to ship them out right now 💖💖💖😄🤗
Aug 09Reply

Hi dear! 🤗 I see you liked one of my listings. Please feel free to make an offer or create a bundle and offer me whatever you feel is fair and, as long as it’s reasonable, I will accept your offer and ship it out same day! Have a blessed day! 💕
Aug 16Reply

Hi! It’s brand new, and paid $44 for it. If you could do $15 or counter with at least $14, I’ll get it mailed out to you today 🤗💕
Aug 16Reply

Reoffer $10 And I’ll Accept
Aug 16Reply

Hey girl, I’m heading t the post office in an hour or so. If you want the shirt for $10, go ahead and offer it! I’ll get it mailed out today 💕
Aug 17Reply

Hello! If u are still interest in the top I’d be willing to take ur last offer :)
Aug 20Reply

Hey girl. I can’t do 12 but please consider my counter 😊
Aug 24Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! So glad you're here in our vibrant and diverse community. Let me know if you have any questions, or if you need help navigating the site. Happy Poshing! ~@sewveryblessed
Aug 26Reply

Hey just letting you know I dropped your freebird tank off at the post office. I apologize for the delay I’m pregnant and have been so busy getting ready for the baby💗
Aug 30Reply

@ppuck1sang I can take your offer if it’s ok to send without a gift 🎁... i take great pleasure sending a gift with each purchase, but I have clear another couple to do that
Sep 10Reply

@lizziernx3 she seems to low ball offers to ppl and complain about something that was already described in the description and then gives them 2 star ratings. She is actually in the process of low balling me offers on a pair of Jean's I have. Offering me $18 for a pair of jeans I have listed at $40.
Nov 18Reply

@lizziernx3 I countered back at $35 to give her a few dollars off and she countered back with $20. I came here to read these comments and I'm shocked to see I'm not the only one shes given low ball offers to and I may not sell to her bc of her rating status and always being unhappy.
Nov 18Reply

Thanks for shopping my closet! Will be shipping your item today.
Dec 04Reply

Hi there, I just reviewed your rating for the blouse you purchased and was wondering what the “other, and idk” was in reference to? Is there anything I could have done better as a seller? I just want to be clear on why I was given a 2 star rating. Thank you.
Jan 26Reply

Hi, just received your 2 star rating. Item was exactly as described and was washed and clean prior to your purchase. It was barely worn. Item was placed in a safe plastic polymailer and wrapped with a ribbon. I accepted a low offer so I’m not quite sure what warranted such a low rating. Sorry you were not happy, enjoy the shirt.
Jan 28Reply

@sarah83826 same. 😒
Jan 28Reply

@apileofcrowns take a look thru these comments and you will see it was nothing you did wrong. She seems to low ball offers to all sellers and then she leaves them horrible reviews if the item doesnt fit her even though measurements were provided. I'm glad I refused to accept her extremely low ball offer on a pair of Jean's I had for sale. I refuse to sell to this buyer
Jan 28Reply

Thanks for the likes and for checking out my closet!
Feb 04Reply

Good afternoon.., making sure you got the long vest... LISA
Feb 26Reply

I am truly sorry you did not like the vest... it was like new condition and thought I had enough pictures to tell true colors. The side panels were little lighter which could seen on mannequin .. I paid 89. Sold for 14. If you would have told me sooner I would have let you return... i could have got it back and kept I take pride on what and how I post. All is my personal clothes that have rarely been worn.
Feb 27Reply

Today only BOGO shoe sale see details in my closet😋
Mar 10Reply

If you want Big Star Jeans I’ll split difference and take $25
Mar 21Reply

Hello! Just letting you know your package was mailed today :-) Thank you!
Mar 22Reply

Hello! Just wanted to thank you for taking the time for your kind rating. Have a great weekend!😊🌺
Mar 30Reply

@ppuck1sang Hi Sang Hee! So nice to meet you!💕👍🏻💕
Apr 29Reply

Hi Sang hee ! I hope that you are having a lovely day. I would like to invite you to check out my closet. I have some cute items from Banana Republic, Express, White House Black Market and more! Let me know if you have any questions :)
Jun 02Reply

@ppuck1sang .. thank you for your purchase. I will mail out your shoes tomorrow morning 😊
Oct 23Reply

Hi Sang Hee. Thank you so much for your interest in the Fleur-de-lis blouse that I have listed. I’ve sent you an offer which includes discounted shipping. Please let me know if you have any questions. Kindest Regards, Chris.
Nov 28Reply

Hello! You have liked a $10 shirt in my closet. Wednesday is the last day I will be selling it on Poshmark. All $10 items are final price unless you are bundling them. Thank you!
Sep 02Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Sep 19Reply
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