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Updated Oct 26
Updated Oct 26

Meet your Posher, Sherry

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sherry. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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persuasions Welcome to Poshmark! If you ever have any questions please feel free to ask! Happy Shopping & Happy Poshing!! Xo, Pretty Persuasions :) @persuasions
Oct 26Reply
mommyz1 @lasweetlee 😊 Thank you! I will get it out first thing tomorrow for you! 🤗💕
Oct 26Reply
lasweetlee Thanks !
Oct 26Reply
mommyz1 @lasweetlee 😊 Thank you! 😘💕
Oct 30Reply
mommy2kyla Hey Hun, did you get a chance to see the post with more photos of the boots? They're doing a closet clear it with cheaper shipping, let me know of you're interested on working something out!
Oct 30Reply
mounteden @lasweetlee hey sweetie i will pack it up later and ship it out later im at work thank u so much for the purchase
Dec 07Reply
mounteden @lasweetlee hey sweetie it's me again but i reached back to Poshmark they e-mail me about ur package monday morning im going to try to get the post office number to ur post office it's sad to here this please don't take this wrong way u did receive a package and rated the other person yesterday so i might be in ur post office or someone took it from ur front porch door so i could let the people know u had a package delivered to u yesterday as well lmk if that's okay with u
Dec 11Reply
mounteden @lasweetlee hey sweetie how are you doing just letting u know i got in touch with someone from the post office over ur way they going tp send me the driver name that the delivery ur package also was told that they left u two packages i will keep u posted okay sweetie
Dec 12Reply
mercki25 I will ship the MK watch tomorrow morning. Thank you for your purchase.
Dec 23Reply
mercki25 Just left the post office unfortunately they are closed today for the Christmas holiday. Will ship in the morning. So sorry but nothing I can do. Have a great day.
Dec 26Reply
mercki25 I shipped the watch this morning. It should mark as shipped later today. The tracking # is 4202123094055108993592039.
Dec 27Reply
chocol8eyes Would you like me to lower the listing price in hopes you can get lowered shipping?
Dec 30Reply
genevarose If you like I will save you on shipping and sale them both to you for 15. Just bundle them both up and offer $15 and I'll accept and you will only pay shipping 1x friend.
Jan 02Reply
mjv123 Thank you for your purchase. I'll ship it out tomorrow.☺
Jan 02Reply
kaleyheider Nice to meet you!💕💕
Jan 02Reply
genevarose Hi!! I just posted more items I think you will love!!! Please take a look. Have a great day!!!!!
Jan 14Reply
genevarose BUNDLE ANY 3 🔥 ITEMS FOR $35!!!! PLEASE ✔️OUT MY ITEMS!! HAPPY Poshing FRIEND!!!
Jan 22Reply
jennajustine_ I'll ship tomorrow💕
Feb 04Reply
jennajustine_ Hello! I had something come up and won't be able to make it to the post office today, I don't know why they close at 12 on a Saturday but I'll have this out on Monday! I am so sorry
Feb 04Reply
jennajustine_ Glad you like it! Thank you for the rating💕
Feb 09Reply
sailormoon11 Was there anything I could have done better in this order? You gave me a 4/5 stars. Just wondering. There was no complaint so I was just wanting to know
Mar 12Reply
lasweetlee @sailormoon11 I did post a comment the only thing that I cannot wear this for quite some time because it smells heavily of hairspray
Mar 12Reply
sailormoon11 Oh ok it didn't post so I didn't see it
Mar 12Reply
charmaineb17 Hello, wad there s problem with the purchase you made?
Mar 29Reply
trishtam Welcome to Poshmark!❤️
Apr 14Reply
bold_beauty24 @lasweetlee Hi Sherry! Are you interested in the vests?
May 12Reply
ltordoff Welcome to Poshmark lovely lady!
May 17Reply
doraleeq @ltordoff sorry I didn't realize I had told you to message me about the bag. Go to YouTube, type in fake pochette metis and you will find a girl doing a review on the pochette. She will mention where you can find the bag online. It's a great replica.
May 21Reply
itswendyg hi @lasweetlee i have LV neverfull pm monogram print! please checkout my closet ☺️🌸
May 22Reply
indiewavess ☀️🌴💫💙🌵
May 23Reply
candycane57 Good morning Sherry! Finally I got the notice that your top is shipping, when I tracked it it says it's on the way with an expected delivery date of today! I hope you receive it today; they probably didn't update the scanning process! I hope you enjoy your purchase and have a great day!😘
Jul 03Reply
queenkacib @lasweetlee hi. Was there a problem with the purchase you made? You have it 4/5 stars but stated you loved the purchase???
Jul 06Reply
queenkacib @charmaineb17 @sailormoon11 I lowered price of item AND shipped purchase within a few days of purchase and buyer said how they loved purchase but only gave 4/5 stars with no explanation. When questioned why there was no response. I do not recommend this buyer. I can see above it's been done to many others. Smh. That's bad business!!!
Jul 07Reply
fashionqueen561 Happy Poshing fashionista!! 💎 Please visit my closet when you have a moment!! ❤️❤️
Jul 10Reply
retiredaafa Hi I reduced the ankle boots if u are interested😊
Oct 01Reply
dpayan Hi thank you so much for your purchase. Please let me know how I could’ve improved my rating.
Oct 12Reply
r_goodman @lasweetlee Hi!! Welcome to posh! Feel free to check out my closet for awesome deals on Lululemon, Michael Kors, Tory Burch, Louis Vuitton, Nike, VS PINK, & more!🎉💃🏼🛍 Add to a bundle in my closet & see a special price from me to make your closet more fabulous!🎉
Nov 05Reply
debbspc @lasweetlee Hey Sheeri Hope you saw the 2 pictures i posted of the earring on my ear.
Dec 19Reply
lasweetlee @debbspc yes thanks
Dec 19Reply
shoelover147510 Hi if you’re still interested in those necklaces I can offer you a better price on a bundle with the discount shipping...just let me know what price you’re looking for?
Dec 31Reply
asdakd Hi! Thanks for your interest in my red American Eagle men’s hoodie. I am not much of a negotiator on my items. But, if you are still interested in the hoodie, I will be glad to reduce the price 10% more so that you can receive reduced shipping during closet close out today. Let me know if you are interested in this reduction in order to purchase. Again, thanks for looking at the treasures in my closet. Have a great evening!
Feb 09Reply
go4gina Thank you sooooo much for your visit.
Feb 15Reply
andreatheposh Hello!! I saw you out an offer to my sandals... I was having trouble with my account. I’m sorry. They are still available if you are interested.
Mar 17Reply
lemonadeclothes Welcome to Posh💜💜 Feel free to check out my closet, I have all sizes from S-3X and many different brands and styles to choose from! Everything is organized in sections 😊 Thanks!
Jun 14Reply
thrftee_chicks I just got an email that you received your money back and that you had turned it in!!! That is great however I was under the impression that I was giving you these deals as a reimbursement! So now I’m very frustrated.
Aug 13Reply
queenkacib @thrftee_chicks I blocked her. I don’t have time for the pettiness.
Aug 13Reply
thrftee_chicks @queenkacib yeah I did too!!! And cancelled the order I was about to send her! Thank God mail man was running late
Aug 13Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Sep 07Reply
bastrop Good morning you ask about a itom I have the dementions are 12 in high and 16 wide thank you for viseting my closet have a blessed day. Oh if you get it today I’ll ship first thing in the morning thank you
Sep 30Reply
dress4_lesslie Hi and thank you for shopping in my closet. If you want to get two peace love’s and fringe jacket it’s You can have both for $45 let me know.
Oct 14Reply
khalabargains I’m sorry you were unhappy with your purchase, I really strive for 5 stars, if you see something else in my closet Let me know! Feel free to reposh (sell the items you got from me) on here and it won’t hurt my feelings at all! Sorry again!!
Oct 25Reply
raezer2323 Hello Sherry,🙋‍♀️.Thank you for your bundle.I made an offer hope it works for you? I would love to ship out today for you 🙂.Take Care Happy Poshing.🌹🐎
Nov 01Reply
raezer2323 Hi Sherry,I like your Perserverance 🙂.Thank you for you're purchase.🌹 I will ship out in the morning.🙂 Have a great Wednesday.🙋‍♀️
Nov 07Reply
raezer2323 Thank you for the feedback.Most importantly I am glad you are happy with your purchase.🙂 Happy Poshing.
Nov 10Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy holidays 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Nov 14Reply
hopburk Hi Sherry I can’t sell that low in barely make a profit to pay gas for drop off I keep prices low 5 star ratings if bundle I can go lower thanks Jane
Dec 07Reply
libzee2018 Don’t you dare spam and harass my buyers! How rude of you. Get a life.
Dec 19Reply
libzee2018 Your comment was deleted after I reported you for harassment. ✌🏻 Good luck next time.
Dec 19Reply
winkiebelle101 So sorry about delay. Shipping today
Dec 29Reply
kinnyhowieretro Thank you so much for your offer! Our counter offer for the Brand New Tiki Tropical Pencil Skirt in Original Packaging is as low as we can go on Poshmark. Thanks again for your interest in our products. Have a beautiful day! 😊🌺
Feb 26Reply
dbrgnz Hi Sherry! Nice to meet you and Happy Poshing!🛍👜👗👚🙂
May 30Reply
stylingshop Hi and I’m very happy you love it! Thank you for the stars and compliment🥰❣️
Jun 12Reply
lenora1965 It’s available
Jul 28Reply
mr_gs Hey there! This is a kindly message. I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items, so I think some of my listings will meet your style. There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me! Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like. All the best for you. :)
Dec 13Reply
noemicavone Thank you so much for the 5 stars 🥰 Enjoy the Items ❤
Dec 27Reply
spreadlove HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! HAPPY NEW YEAR & THOUGHTS! @spreadlove
Jan 05Reply
elegant4success Pls check out my closet for awesome deals
Feb 02Reply
sammywammy1015 Hi, Sherry! Feel free to check out my closet! I’m open to offers and I take 15% off bundles of 2+ items! Thanks! Happy poshing🌸
May 03Reply
hotcal Hi Sherry, this is hotcal. You purchased an Avenue blouse from me and mistakenly I sent a purple beaded blouse. I have the Avenue back and would like to send it to you. Do you still have the purple beaded blouse? I contacted Posh Support twice and have given up on them helping to fix this situation. This is what I would like to do: .
May 07Reply
hotcal CONTINUED If you would please send me that purple blouse, I will repay you for the shipping cost when I send the Avenue blouse. Could you do this for me? I had broken my wrist and knee back then and hed my husband help me.Wrong move on my part😩 If you would do this, please let me know. Thanks, Carol (hotcal)
May 07Reply
lasweetlee I don't know what you're talking about
May 07Reply
hotcal @lasweetlee You ordered from me in March, a beige Avenue long sleeve blouse and two other blouses. You mistakenly were sent a purple beaded blouse with your two other blouses. I asked Posh Support to help me with the mistake. I have never heard back from them, so I am trying to make things right. I do have the beige blouse which I can send to you. I am asking about the purple beaded blouse you received as you stated in your email to me. Remember now??? Let me know. Thanks. Hotcal.
May 07Reply
hotcal @lasweetlee You ordered from me in March, a beige Avenue long sleeve blouse and two other blouses. You mistakenly were sent a purple beaded blouse with your two other blouses. I asked Posh Support to help me with the mistake. I have never heard back from them, so I am trying to make things right. I do have the beige blouse which I can send to you. I am asking about the purple beaded blouse you received as you stated in your email to me. Remember now??? Let me know. Thanks. Hotcal.
May 07Reply
lasweetlee Oh yes I remember can you send me a photo of the beige one again please
May 07Reply
hotcal @lasweetlee Sure, I will put it in my listing as a not for sale.
May 07Reply
hotcal @lasweetlee Sure, I will put it in my listing as a not for sale.
May 07Reply
hotcal Hi, this is hotcal. I sent you several emails yesterday about the purple beaded shirt you erroneously received. I took the effort to retrieve the white Avenue blouse that should of been sent to you. I posted a photo of said blouse per your request. Please let me know your intentions on this matter.I have made it clear what I would like to do. Thanks.
May 08Reply
hotcal Hello, I spoke with Posh Support. They let me know that I will settle my mistake. Due to your choice to not respond to my emails, I consider my dealings with you completed. Because of your lack of communication with me, I am blocking you from further shopping in my closet.
May 09Reply
jaegeorge8 Hi! 😊 Stop by my closet and check out some great items. I have brand name clothes & and very lightly worn items as well. I am also open to accepting most offers. Thanks! 👋🏽
May 31Reply
curvyposh Hi! I countered your offer with alittle savings for you, albeit after reading these comments, I am going to cancel. 😔
Jan 26Reply
melllkcia aloha! I hope you can stop by my closet! I have many cute clothing and accessories for women girls and boys! Add items to a bundle and ill give a discount! Much love from Hawaii
Aug 04Reply
vintagebitchaz Hi there babe! Thank you so much for the likes and checking out my closet! I am having a buy one get one free sale on jewelry just say BOGO22 in the BUNDLE comments and I’ll send you an offer!
Sep 28Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 06Reply

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Last Active: Mar 03

Comanche, OK
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Last Active: Mar 03

Comanche, OK
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