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Updated Oct 05
Updated Oct 05

Meet your Posher, Tania

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Hi! I'm Tania. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, CHANEL, and kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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banditcat Hello and thanks for visiting our closet. Your recent purchase will be shipping out from Reno, NV. Wishing everyone good health and hope you'll visit again real soon. Gordon & Bandit the Cat
Jan 21Reply
luvmee40 Ty so much! 💕🌹
Jan 24Reply
banditcat Hi there. Thank you for the 5 ⭐️ rating!!! Glad the package arrived safely. Hope that you enjoy the item. If you find additional items that you’d like in the future, just remind us that you are a returning customer and we will be sure and extend additional discounts! Gordon & Bandit the Cat
Jan 26Reply
modmommd Hi! Thanks for your purchase. I shipped your belt out today. I hope you like it!
Feb 03Reply
sogolpedram Thanks for your shopping I’ll add a little gift to your purchase hope your little will enjoy.
Feb 12Reply
mcy062899 Hi! Thank you for buying the black pants, sorry the weather been so bad, I didn’t get a chance to go out. I would ship it once the weather gets warmer!
Feb 18Reply
riseandreboot Thanks so much for your order, Tania! I’ll ship this out today! ☀️-Amber
Mar 30Reply
trendsavvy Hi, Thanks for liking and following. Happy poshing.🙏💐💝
Apr 06Reply
michelleabreu23 I needed to cancel sweatshirt order unfortunately I cannot find item I do have another handpainted red sweatshirt similar sorry for inconvenience
Apr 11Reply
all4utvols Hi there.. you bought a dress with digs on it today 2T.. by accident another label was put on it and it was sent to someone else. I'm hoping this person is honest and will send it back. I have reached out to her. if not I will refund your money. I am still learning this posh and how it works. I am so sorry for your inconvenience!
Apr 22Reply
all4utvols hi there.. just giving you a update on you dog dress. it should be coming back to me in a few days? I am definitely sorry for your wait. I will let you know the status when I get it in the mail to you. Again, I'm super sorry!
Apr 25Reply
80srockergrrrl Thank you for purchasing the Spell jacket! I will ship tomorrow! 🙏🏼💕🥰
May 13Reply
kittybutterfly Thanks for your purchase! I’ll be shipping tomorrow.
May 18Reply
singblue04 Hi!! You bought my poetic license shoes last night. I just looked and they are size 9.5, not 10. I’m so sorry!! What a ding dong I am. Did you still want them?? Again, so sorry!!
Jun 24Reply
inge2008 @singblue04 hello! 9.5 is ok for me in case if it’s not less than 40 european
Jun 25Reply
singblue04 @inge2008 they are def 9.5. Ty. I’ll ship tomorrow !! 😍
Jun 25Reply
yourstylelist your Brooks Brothers Dog Print Skirt had shipped before you updated your address.
Jul 09Reply
inge2008 @yourstylelist no problem! The only changes I made was the name/surname (which is my daughter’s). Thanks for shipping!
Jul 10Reply
yourstylelist @inge2008 aww excellent- glad it won’t be delayed for you
Jul 10Reply
17caprimortiz @inge2008 Hello Tania! Thank you so much for your purchase. I will pack your item and have it out tonight.😊 Happy Poshing 🤗❤️
Aug 25Reply
17caprimortiz @inge2008 Hey Tania! I was just looking at the dress and realized it's a size 4t and my description says 3t. If you like to cancel, I'll understand. Just let me know. Sorry for the inconvenience😕
Aug 25Reply
inge2008 @17caprimortiz No, thanks! I can use it a bit later if so))
Aug 25Reply
17caprimortiz @inge2008 So you still like to keep the purchase?
Aug 25Reply
17caprimortiz @inge2008 Thank and again, sorry about the inconvenience. I'll pack your item to have out tonight ☺️
Aug 25Reply
17caprimortiz @inge2008 Have a Blessed Evening 🙏❤️
Aug 25Reply
17caprimortiz @inge2008 Good morning! Just an update, your purchase has shipped 😊 Have an Amazing Day❤️
Aug 26Reply
17caprimortiz @inge2008 Thank you so much for the rating & awesome love note. I'm glad you liked everything ❤️Have a Blessed Evening 🙏😊
Aug 31Reply
grosventure3000 I just got off work where I didn't have reception all day. I'm mailing the RH throw in about 1 hr...
Sep 07Reply
5stella555 See my Offer for the item you like in my little cupboard. Love to make good deals thanks for visiting @5stella555
Sep 18Reply
5stella555 hi Tania, Welcome to my closet and thank you for your purchase. I will be preparing for shipping with extra photos, careful protective wrapping etc. I will ship on Monday as the post office is only open half a day here on Sat. and follow its progress to you. as ever, Laura @5stella555
Sep 18Reply
leonawalker1 Thank you Tania for the 5 star rating,I'm so sorry you received it so late,I mailed it Monday and the postman didn't scan it,please enjoy your purchase🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷.
Sep 18Reply
5stella555 Good evening Tania , following up on your order. Tracking shows delivery tomorrow we’d 9/21 😊 keep an eye out for your pkg 🙏🧘‍♀️ Peace and good health to you . Please let me know when it’s safely in your hands . Laura @ 5stella555
Sep 22Reply
5stella555 9/22 Wed. hi, so happy to see your order was delivered this morning!
Sep 22Reply
5stella555 Dear Tania, thanks so much for your rating of excellence and immediate acceptance. I'm always a bit uneasy sending anything fragile. I double boxed it to further protect the original box in case it was a gift and paid the extra charge as it went just above the 5lb allowance ... safe arrival to you was worth it all✈🌈🌞🚚😊 stop in again anytime ... items added often. Might find one that earns your smile. thanks ever so much Laura , @5stella555
Sep 22Reply
kimmyk129 Hi Tania, Thank you for the FIVE ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ rating you gave me on the purchase you made from my closet! I appreciate it so much! Kimmy
Sep 28Reply
marys_poshshop Tania-thanks for purchasing the Athena costume. I will pack it up and get it in mail 🎃
Oct 02Reply
georgiapines Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! Happy Poshing ☺
Oct 08Reply
leslierunway Hi there! Thank you for your purchase! I took your package to the PO this morning. Leslie ❤
Oct 09Reply
kjroche14 Hi....Thank you for your purchase. Just wanted you to know I dropped off your package at post office a little earlier today. Enjoy your night.
Nov 09Reply
1224boutique Hi, Thank you so much for your likes. And thank you for the 5 star I’m so happy you love your RL Jacket. Happy Poshing 🎉🎊👚👕👛👞👠🕶
Dec 06Reply
1224boutique Thank you so much you just made my day. Thank you for your purchase. There all beautiful. Happy Holidays. 🙏❤️🌹
Dec 06Reply
inge2008 @1224boutique thanks for your RL clothes - it looks perfect!
Dec 06Reply
1224boutique @inge2008 Thank you so much it means so much. Thank you for supporting my small business. Merry Christmas. Blessings 🙏❤️🌹
Dec 06Reply
1224boutique Hi my beautiful client. I was packing your beautiful Nieman Marcus Butterfly Silk Skirt when i saw some stains at the bottom of the skirt I understand if you want me to cancel it. I just want to let you know. If you want to pick something else or do you want me to ship it out or do you want me to cancel it? I shipped out all of your other beautiful RL’s Thank you so much. 🙏🌹
Dec 08Reply
inge2008 @1224boutique Hi! Can you, please, send me a photo of this stains?
Dec 08Reply
1224boutique @inge2008 Hi yes I’m going to load up a new listing to show you the stains. I’ll let you know when there up. Thank you!
Dec 08Reply
1224boutique @inge2008 Hi I just loaded up the pictures at my page. Thank you. 🌹
Dec 08Reply
1224boutique @inge2008 hi did you see the pictures ? There on my closet on a new listing. I tagged you. Thank you 🌹
Dec 08Reply
inge2008 @1224boutique Thanks! Lets keep this order as is - I do not see any problems!
Dec 08Reply
1224boutique @inge2008 Thank you so much. You have no idea what you have just done to me. You have given me hope thank you. I’ll will ship out tomorrow. Thank you. ❤️🌹🙏
Dec 08Reply
1224boutique Hi! Thank you for your beautiful comment you left in my review. I will be looking out when you get your closet to do some shopping. Thank you it means the world to me. Merry Christmas 🎄🎁💕
Dec 10Reply
eymojica Hi Tania you just purchased a Ralph Lauren from my closet I a was packing it I noticed a tiny hole under the ruffles. I apologize to you for not seeing it before. I understand if you cancel the order. If you still want it you can take something from my closet under $20.00free of charge.let me know. Very sorry again! Edith
Dec 10Reply
silverlady1986 Welcome to poshmark, it's a great place to buy and sell. I am a posh ambassador if I can help you with anything, please let me know, thanks for shopping my closet, Peggy,
Dec 20Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊 I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewlery Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Jan 04Reply
jaeljaeljael Hi! I just created a new listing with six WILLIAMS SONOMA. Placemats. PM won’t allow buyers to add multiples to a bundle. Which I did not know. Look on comments where I tagged you - free shipping. Or go to my closet and see. I’ve got another buyer interested in six, so please purchase asap. Thanks !! Sorry you can’t bundle these. 🤪.
Jan 08Reply
georgiapines Hi 😊 thank you for the shower curtain liner purchase! I am taking to post office today. Have a wonderful day.
Jan 10Reply
jaeljaeljael I’m glad the placemats arrived. I had to create a box. 🤪 They are bulky. Thanks for 5 stars. I have four more left if you need more. 🥰
Jan 12Reply
jeanne8854 Thank-you so much for your purchase. Have a great weekend.
Mar 05Reply
lealash I shipped Orange shoes - you should get them soon 🙌💕
Apr 04Reply
jessie_hardman Thank you for the 5⭐️ rating on the Hanna Andersson sun hat. I appreciate it.
May 07Reply
tinnertoo Thank you for visiting
Oct 04Reply

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