Meet your Posher, Tara
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Hi! I'm Tara. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Coach, MAC Cosmetics, PINK Victoria's Secret, and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

15 others
like this

Hi Tara,
Thank you so much for the like on the floral dress in my closet. I accept reasonable offers so if interested, please feel free to make one.
Thank you! <3
Jun 27Reply

Hi there, you purchased a pair of Coach flip-flops from me yesterday. Did you want me to ship them in the box? Or just the flip-flops?
Mar 19Reply

@lunastyle000 Im out of town nurse working the pandemic ....I won’t be home until September 1st I can mail as soon I get home for the bucket coach hat??? Pls let me I apologize
Aug 14Reply

My closet is closing soon. Everything must go. Feel free to make me a reasonable bundle offer
Aug 17Reply

thank you for your patience as I'm in the middle of a move. I'll be shipping your order out tomorrow! I may need to cancel the bra because I found a stain on the strap and have tried to remove it with no luck. it is up to you....I can send it and if you aren't satisfied I'll refund the bra purchase.
Aug 22Reply

Im back in town let me know if you want the coach hat
Sep 02Reply

Hi - Welcome to Poshmark! Have fun shopping, selling, liking, & sharing 👗👡👜 👔👖👟. My name is Kathy - I work at Moose’s Closet, which includes Mom’s Gift (my Mom loves to shop for gifts) & Keely’s (my daughter decided to join all the fun). Please don’t hesitate to send a comment if you have any questions 🤗. Stay safe and take care😷.
Sep 11Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet! Feel free to bundle or make offers on anything :)
Sep 13Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark. My name is Samantha. I am a Posh Ambassador so if you ever have any questions feel free to reach out. Happy Poshing!
Sep 15Reply

@taravallejo thank you for your patience! Just got back from vacation today. Hope you saw my comment to you in the day you purchased the blanket about the delay. I have it in the mail for you. It should scan today. Latest it should scan is Monday depending on the posts hours but I do have it out to you :) thank you for your patience!
Sep 19Reply

Hiiieee!!! Hope you're staying safe and healthy! Thank you soo much for the like - More than happy to negotiate on price :) Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you SO much for stopping by my closet! Hugs from Colorado ♥️ Jodes @dancingbee05
Sep 23Reply

Customer Alert, My biggest sale ever, additional 30% off already reduced prices.
Everything from Ralph Lauren to Giorgio Armani. Over 1,500 girgeous high-end items to choose from. Click the heart under the item you want to buy and I will send you the discounted offer. Come shop till you drop! You won't be disappointed. Pennies on the dollar!
Oct 02Reply

Need response on order you just purchased - please see where I tagged you under your orde
Oct 02Reply

@taravallejo if no response on which watch band you want by tomorrow at 3 pm I will ship what I have in stock please respond on the post you purchased
Oct 04Reply

Hey, you just purchasing my Nike shoes. What size and color ? I want to make sure you get them
Oct 08Reply

Hello I packed up your item today I will drop it off at the post office tomorrow thank you
Oct 09Reply

Just put it in the mail box for you should get it in about 3/4 days mail is like running a day behind here
Oct 13Reply

@taylorjourdynxo hey that was picked up today the tracking should update in 24hours sorry I didn’t know there was a holiday it delayed our big blue mail box pick up from Wednesday to this morning
Oct 15Reply

@taravallejo I wanted to let you know that the shipping will update by the end of business today I called and made sure that the post office came and picked up our mail from our mail center where I live we have one of them big blue mailboxes and I didn’t know that they have certain pick up days but it was picked up and they said that it will update and start tracking today by the end of business and it’s 2 day priority so you will have it by Monday I just wanted to keep you updated
Oct 16Reply

@taravallejo I have a receipt if you would like me to post it so you know it’s on it’s way,it said 2 day PRIORITY so you should be getting it Monday I would say
Oct 16Reply

@taravallejo I just got notification that you’re package was delivered this morning from usps enjoy and please don’t forget to rate
Oct 21Reply

Welcome thanks for the like welcome offers🌸
Oct 25Reply

Hi I’m Latasha. I hope you are enjoying your time here on Poshmark. My closet is full of New With Tags or Excellent Preowned Items. Stop by and take a look. See something you like, use the offer button and send me an offer. Hope to see you soon. Have a great day 😊
Oct 29Reply

hi i was just wondering if u received ur package and make sure everything was alright...dont forget to rate ur seller have a blessed day
Nov 03Reply

I commented regarding the Pink socks you purchased if you don’t choose a pink sock, I will send one of my choice..
Nov 04Reply

Hello for the VS wigs it s only for pick up
Nov 07Reply

Hii! I’m so sorry the pink metal heart is actually sold :(
Nov 07Reply

hi! I accepted your offer on the VS store poster but it said there is an issue with payment method. if you'd like to resubmit your offer as soon as you get that fixed I will still accept (if it's still available). thanks! :)
Nov 07Reply

I wanted to accept your offer, but the payment did not work. I just wanted to let you know 😘
Nov 08Reply

hi hun! I'd like to accept your offer on my *rare* Victoria's Secret store display poster, all you have to do is resubmit the offer once you get your payment method fixed 😊💗💗
Nov 08Reply

Hello, the pink VS sling in pink color is out. I have neon orange and mint color If you want.
Nov 09Reply

The blue/mint shade is fine thank you!
Nov 09Reply

@taravallejo okay. Thank you! Will ship out today.
Nov 10Reply

Hey Tara this is the person who you just bought items from on M. I sent you the wrong items that were meant for someone else. Are you sending the box back? I wasn't sure why you rated me rather than mark wrong item because they send you a return label. I have sent you quite the novel on M and didn't receive a response. please let me know if you are sending it back and again I'll make it up to you with some items
Nov 12Reply

When I find the box you can thank your friend for me making sure that the wrong item sent in the mail go in the trash because she trashed me without any reason and I’ve been trying to contact you I can’t respond on The other platforms but from what I can tell you deserve everything you get whatever you got coming to you because I literally felt bad and I haven’t even gotten to the boxes yet like I said
Nov 12Reply

Your friend Miss Mendez hasn’t even been a member since but me all she does is post pictures and she’s a fake seller they need constant attention for the items that she so happily lists for everyone to see and that they can’t get in search of hard to find blah blah blah and she’s a big phony to block me from responding and defending myself
Nov 12Reply

Anyway Arizona rose71 this should teach you not to destroy people when begging for forgiveness cause I just turned the other cheek and best believe I’m reporting her as she attacked my character like we are on the play ground and I stole her boyfriend but look at what her mouth has just gotten u. When/if there really is a mistake, not that you just made another cause she’s gonna need to make that go away now by acting like a teenager
Nov 12Reply

@taravallejo 910, 596, 8755 please send me a text and we can talk about it. I would like to fix this
Nov 12Reply

Very sorry I accidentally put the wrong shipping label on your package but I caught it quick enough to where usps is delivering it back to me tomorrow. So if you would still like the gift boxes I’ll get them sent out right away tomorrow for you . Sorry again
Nov 12Reply

@taravallejo first of all @swtheart17 had a right to be made at you when shes trying to get u to respond and then you rate the transaction with what ever that bs u were talking about is. you say that you been getting scammed lately and your worried this can be another scam 🙄 why would you rate the transaction if you never seen whats inside guess your not to worried after all.
Nov 12Reply

@taravallejo bottom line that shit aint yours its actually mine it was supposed to go to me and it wasn't cheap. so just be a decent person and send the stuff that aint yours back. if you want your name cleared its simple send the stuff back to seller if u rather your name continue to be blasted by many people then guess be a thief and deal
Nov 12Reply

@lindseylgraves @mirandawagne259 @lisamarie3380 @chicago1poshn @helenalove34 @love2shop134 @cowgirl78
for those of you who don't already know this person was sent the wrong package by mistake the package she received had over $1000 value shes not willing to send the stuff back its the same as a scammer both thieves. this is her address west 10th st in Hook PA if she trys to purchase please cancel it until she returns this package to the seller.
Nov 12Reply

Almost 500 ratings yet now is when she decides to fill in her about info what a piece of shit I hope karma comes back and chokes her no wonder she hides behind a cartoon profile pic she’s a joke heartless bit** especially intentionally hurting two very kind girls that would do anything to help someone yet they are the ones who got taken but this c**t
Nov 12Reply

@get_luv_less can’t stand ppl like this they don’t understand how much money they cost us and don’t care but karma is a beach lol
Nov 12Reply

@get_luv_less wow girly that’s horrible. I read about this on the other sites smh. Hopefully she does the right thing by sending the stuff back. If not then Sarah should file a police report because that’s stealing and the weights are listed during the whole shipping progress and I’m sure they’d be different if she got all that stuff. But hopefully it doesn’t come to that.
Nov 12Reply

@taravallejo I'm actually from your area and friends with Sarah. There are no packages on your little porch. I will be posting this story on all of your local social media pages with the screenshots of your response to her.....better do the right thing. I actually advised her last night to contact your local police department.
Nov 12Reply

Hi love. I mailed the bracelet 2 days ago. It’ll be there soon. Thanks for purchasing
Nov 12Reply

@lisamarie3380 its funny how so many people can tell her to do the right thing yet she makes this like she's a victim and she's being attacked. id be shocked if she sent it back tbh. Greed is a horrible thing that causes others to hurt people with no remorse. I hope when karma Gets her it gets her good
Nov 12Reply

@get_luv_less I will let you know if she does. I will let everyone know she returned the items if she does.
Nov 12Reply

@get_luv_less well I’m hoping she does the right thing. Karma is real so...🤷🏻♀️
Nov 13Reply

@get_luv_less f%&k this b&*%@ she is not going to return your stuff you already know that. she got a 1000 dollars worth of stuff you already know it's gone I love you but it is. I will make u a big a$$ box today and get it sent out by Monday.
Nov 13Reply

Nov 13Reply

tara idk either of you from a whole in thr wall but if you got sent those items by mistake and they were worth way more then your origional purchase (especially during a pandemic girl) you really should do the right thing and send um back. my bet is that clears your bame and stops this shit. she cant control what other people do
Nov 15Reply

right? could have been venting to a friend not thinking theyd go and pop off like this. people make mistakes but with all this pandemic shit going on she could be really
Nov 15Reply

Aneeding that money you know? what if shes got kids to feed or someshit. girl jusr do the right thing. shes even willing to hook you up for doing so right? so win-win. i hope you do because you seem like a rad chic ive been following hoping youd sell since you bought from me on merc and everything went so well! dont ruin being an amazing and honest buyer over some material shit.
Nov 15Reply

yall should stop attacking her though you jumped the horse damn guve her a chance to do thr right thing before popping off
Nov 15Reply

@sbonestm its very clear shes not planning to return the items. She has shown everyone what type of person she is. She's garbage and if she feels she was being attacked LMAO well unfortunately she lives in another state. She wont comment or respond back to any of us because she knows she can't justify herself. like I said she's garbage and a greedy useless bit... She must not believe in karma but guess what tara karma will get u..
Nov 17Reply

@get_luv_less she hasnt shipped this stuff back!?!?! are you kidding!?!?! thats bullcrap!! if she doesnt i say we report her profiles on here and merc for scamming!! honestly not in the same state doesnt matter the seller should call her local pd and report theft. that amount is a felony in any state and they will arrest her
Nov 20Reply

@sbonestm no she hasn't shipped anything back she wont. She's just trash karma will get her
Nov 22Reply

Hey , just now finally got the gift boxes back from usps ! So sorry about that :( Ended up with two unhappy buyers that didn’t get packages and had to pay USPS over 40$ to redirect the packages :( if you still are wanting them let me know and I can get them sent out right away they’re still packaged up
Nov 28Reply

@get_luv_less did you solve any of that?? I didn’t ship her order because she had no reviews and I saw the mess you guys had going on. And I won’t. Her husband is on my page leaving remarks about how it was for their daughter and so on.... if she stole from you she gets none of my business
Nov 30Reply

@chicago1poshn hey that bi... stole like about $1000 worth she never sent any of it back to Sarah. thank u for not doing business with her or her husband. She shouldn't be allowed to have a account anywhere. she reads these comments and still has no sham.
Nov 30Reply

@get_luv_less her husband was shaming me for not shipping when he has no ratings and the order was under this name 🤦🏼♀️ I saw the business with her and Sara right when it happened I was just waiting to see if anything got solved 🤦🏼♀️ Obviously not😤
Nov 30Reply

@chicago1poshn thats probably her other account not her husband lol. She should be shaming her damn self for teaching her daughter its cool to take from people and keep things that aint hers.
Nov 30Reply

🌺Aloha @taravallejo 🌺
❄️Happy December 1st to you❄️
I sincerely appreciate you leaving me 5⭐️
I hope that you enjoy a lovely festive time🎆
**And **i wanted to let you know that if you wanted to reposh the “all I want for Christmas is you, ornament” I can let you know the posher handle of who is interested in it.
Otherwise if not- no worries- Enjoy your lovely VS PINK decorations! X
Dec 02Reply

Welcome thanks for the like 🌸
Jan 02Reply

@taravallejo Hi Tara Sorry for the delay, I wanted to know if are still interested in the floral pillowcase
Jan 04Reply

Hey girl! I tried to accept your offer but the payment was declined!
Jan 09Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I will ship Monday :)
Jan 09Reply

I was wondering did you want to buy the shower rug for $20 plus ship since you got a lot of other stuff from me? :)
Jan 09Reply

Yes ma’am please tell me how??
Jan 10Reply

@taravallejo welcome thanks for the likes🌸
Jan 24Reply

Hi, you just purchased a bikini from me. I’m sorry I was away. Do you still want the pink and tan with the so beautiful added design? Let me know and we can cancel and reorder you would save money, ty God bless Barb🌴😎🐟💕🐠🌴🌈🦋
Apr 19Reply

I’ll give you a discount on the swim top that the pink and tan with jewels. $80. Send the offer. Ty, Barb
Apr 19Reply

hi thank you for your purchase!😊 I should be able to get it mailed out tomorrow for you!💕💕
Apr 19Reply

Feel free to check out my closet❤️
May 03Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2000 items. Bundle and save!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Sep 24Reply

It’s on the way. Dropped off today, I Love it so much, Hope you Enjoy as much:)
Oct 25Reply

Thank you sweetheart I’m gonna love it! I have wanted this for ever thanks!
Oct 25Reply

@taravallejo your very welcome:)
Oct 27Reply

hey tara! i’m doing a closet clear out so anything you like if you make it a bundle i always do free shipping with an amazing discount! ✨✨
May 04Reply

would you ever sell the pink striped display dog you purchased from here?
May 18Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 😷
May 23Reply

@taravallejo - hi the Gucci ring is immaculate I new - condition. Comes with all Gucci packaging, Box cloth bag , ribbon, tote bag & etc. I can ship out today for you no problem. + free gift 🎁 thank you! Take care
May 27Reply

@taravallejo - the ring is simply beautiful- you will love it 🥰 . It will arrive to you no later then Monday-Tuesday
May 27Reply

Thank you for your order! It will go out first thing Monday morning! 😃
Jun 10Reply

@taravallejo hey thanks for the like don't hesitate to make offers
Jul 26Reply

Hi feel free to check out my closet. Offers always welcome ❤️
Jul 29Reply

Hello beauty, thank you for visiting our boutique!
Today is Poshmark Closet Clear Out!
If there’s an item you’d like to order today, let us know so we can create a fresh listing for you, after you like the new listing we will drop the price and poshmark will offer you discounted shipping on the house!!
Jul 30Reply

"more Brand(nike,jordan,adidas) shoes from
ⓌⒽⒶⓉⓈⒶⓅⓅ +⑧⑤②④④⓪⑤⓪④⑨⑦"
Aug 01Reply

Why not spend less and get same quality jewelry Ⓕⓡⓞⓜ
ⓌⒽⒶⓉⓈⒶⓅⓅ +⑧⑤②④④⓪⑤⓪④⑨⑦
Aug 14Reply

Hey! Just added a rare Louis Vuitton bag to my closet that I think you may love! Check it out :)
Dec 31Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jan 18Reply

HELLO pretty 💕💕💕💕
I invite you to visit my closet 👚👗🩱👕👙🧢👒👜💼💍👠👡👓👢🕶️👛👝🧣🧤🩳every week I will be publishing new garments With tags💜 like ZARA, ASOS & more. HOPE YOU'RE HAVING a GREAT day…😉🤗👍🏻💯💯
Jul 22Reply

Check out my closet for Phillies beads. The same ones Bryce Harper wears!
Oct 09Reply

🙋♀️Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋 🛍️ Hope you find everything you love 💕 on Poshmark 🛍️Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫 Wishing you the best of 🍀 luck 🍀
Jul 16Reply
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