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Updated 9 hours ago
Updated 9 hours ago

Meet your Posher, Taz

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Taz. My new closet name is me..."noturaverageguy" I'm a bit weird, wacky, TBear and Taz. My closet is very small for now. I will be adding hand-woven wreaths and other things. Have a sunshiny day. #sharethesmiles NOTE: I am a kitty friendly house. All clothing items shipped with unscented dryer sheet. Some books have been in storage and are also sent with unscented dryer sheet inside. My favorite brands: Land's End, St John's Bay, Russel, Puritan and rocks, minerals and crystals



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tough2sweet Hi!👋Welcome to Poshmark!!😊I can't wait to see what you will be selling! I will help you share when you start!!😊
Sep 28Reply
noturaverageguy @mojo_radio thank you. I should have more books listed soon. also will have some random items and hand-woven wreaths.
May 09Reply
mojo_radio Sounds awesome! Nothing better than the smell of an old book. Also, you should check out Etsy as well for selling hand-made goods. Happy Poshing!
May 09Reply
corin1965 @noturaverageguy love your kitties.💗🐈
May 10Reply
noturaverageguy @corin1965 thank you. you have some cute furbabies too.
May 10Reply
sweetstuffsonia Hi Taz I'm Sonia, nice to meet you! Just wanna say thanks so much for sharing my pretty dresses & other cool stuff! Have an excellent day! 🙂
Jun 11Reply
noturaverageguy @sweetstuffsonia .....and thank you for sharing my books. will have some more soon, plus some other unique items..some handmade. have a moonglow night and a sunshiny tomorrow.
Jun 11Reply
sweetstuffsonia @noturaverageguy cool can't wait to check them out! thank you!
Jun 11Reply
tough2sweet @noturaverageguy No. Do you want a Sale or Not
Jun 14Reply
robino98 Thanks for sharing my items 😀!
Aug 25Reply
noturaverageguy @robino98 you're welcome....and thank you
Aug 25Reply
wickedteal13 thanks for all the shares! 🙂 I will be sure to return the favor. HAPPY POSHING!!
Sep 10Reply
noturaverageguy @wickedteal13 your welcome. poshing....I'm trying. a few more shares for you.
Sep 10Reply
noturaverageguy @hiddenloft thank you. should be getting more items listed soon. have a sunshiny day 😊💜
Oct 01Reply
maucri @noturaverageguy hi there, awww I love your cats!!!🐈🐈 what r there names?!? & your closet name is great! Best of luck To you here at Posh!!! Your closet looks wonderful & I’ve seen you around so I thought I’d just pop in to say hello 👋 lol, if I can help you with anything, please feel free to buzz me anytime, ty!😊
Oct 17Reply
noturaverageguy @maucri Peanut Butter and Shadow. should have more listed dying..ev time I try to post the app crashes. have a sunshiny day 😊😊🙃💜
Oct 17Reply
maucri @noturaverageguy they’re great names! So apparently poshmark is having problems with their comment right now, it’s probably not your phone, but Poshmark. I’d wait a little bit to post anything until the problem is fixed, you might want to contact them to let them know you’re having problems & they’ll luk when you can try again!😊
Oct 17Reply
noturaverageguy @maucri I've reported to posh a coup times. no change. I Know my phone is dying fer sure. hope it lasts till I can replace it.
Oct 17Reply
maucri @noturaverageguy oh no I’m sorry!!! But posh is having problems too!!!🙃
Oct 17Reply
noturaverageguy @maucri thank you for the shares. I'll reciprocate shortly. a fellow posher lives in my bldg and has no prob posting. her prob is getting pic colors right her.
Oct 17Reply
splendour76 @tough2sweet You changed your name?
Nov 14Reply
splendour76 @noturaverageguy Oh wow, so confused I thought you are tought2sweet lol. Happy poshing doll.🖤🖤🖤
Nov 14Reply
tough2sweet @splendour_76 I am tough2sweet. Lol. I'm sharing a posher to get his closet name out.😊
Nov 14Reply
splendour76 @tough2sweet OK lol. So I'm not crazy. Good deal, I'll help whenever possible. 🖤
Nov 14Reply
tough2sweet @splendour_76 No. We are 2 Separate Closets.❤
Nov 14Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Taz, thank you for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋🐗 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains! Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2020!😷💳📈 Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️💞
Nov 17Reply
zuzusconsign 🎂Happy Birthday share buddy! ✌🏼- Elvira
Dec 02Reply
tough2sweet HaPpY BiRtHdAy!! AlMoSt TiMe FoR PiE! 🎂🥧🎁🥧🎂🎁🎉🥧🎂🎁🎈🥧🥧🎂🎁🎊🎂🎁🥧🎉🎈🎁🎂🥧🎉🎈🎊🎁🎂🎉🎈🎂🥧🎁🎂🎉🎂🎈🥧
Dec 02Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Good Morning I'm Cora, wanted to say "Hi" and wish you an Awesome 2021♥️
Jan 02Reply
noturaverageguy @makeyoulaugh67 thank you Cora. have sunshiny day week month year 🙃💜
Jan 02Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Feb 16Reply
sophie63 Thank you for the follow. From one cat lover to another...they are beautiful 😻👏🌈🦄
Feb 24Reply
noturaverageguy @sophie63 why did you tag another poshers in my closet?? 🤔🤔
Feb 24Reply
sophie63 @noturaverageguy I did not mean to... sorry if I did
Feb 24Reply
noturaverageguy @sophie63 no problem. some do some weird things to get customers for themselves
Feb 24Reply
sophie63 @noturaverageguy I’m pretty new and just wanted to thank you for following me... I promise. So sorry again. I sent them an apology too I’ll be more careful next time
Feb 24Reply
noturaverageguy @sophie63 we are ok. some that know posh better than I.. do that to pull people away from a closet cuz they have something similar for less. that's not proper
Feb 24Reply
sophie63 @noturaverageguy unfortunately the world is full of opportunists... thank you for asking me about it rather than just assuming I was one of them! Have a great rest of your day!
Feb 24Reply
noturaverageguy @sophie63 ... there are a number of trolls here too. they will comment on your listing something can buy that at Aldi/walmart for ¼ of that price. if you get that kind of comment, or just rudeness....below the comment there is highlighted the reply option, but go a bit to the's barely visible..there is a flag. tap that then tap spam and posh instantly removes that comment. you don't want others reading.
Feb 24Reply
sophie63 @noturaverageguy oh wow! It doesn’t cost a thing to be nice so I never understand why people choose to go the other way. I hope we don’t experience any of that!
Feb 24Reply
noturaverageguy @sophie63 sadly it happens. sometimes I reply back with firmer language that this is my store, my prices. I then wait a coup mins for them to get it, and then block them so that can't make any more comments in my closet (I do that of fb too) 😊😊🙃😊
Feb 24Reply
glitztrends Thanks for sharing all these pictures. Your kit cats are so adorable 🥰. You look great with a beard
Mar 14Reply
noturaverageguy @glitztrends the beard could come back, but my locks will be cut enough to give to the kids. it reaches midback so I'll still have plenty left..💜💜
Mar 14Reply
glitztrends @noturaverageguy That is really amazing growing your hair for the kids! How generous of you to help out like that.
Mar 14Reply
momhustlebustle 🔥Congratulations on being selected as our CLOSET OF THE DAY in the Borrowers to Followers Poshmark Telegram Game!!🔥 You were nominated by @sea_la_vie Sit back and enjoy some extra shares from our players! If you would like to join us, lmk and I can tell you how <3
Mar 27Reply
nurseretire @noturaverageguy Hi Taz can you send me where I can sign up for daily color share group. Can we change our color on a weekly basics
Apr 12Reply
noturaverageguy @nurseretire Judy, Tianna (@sea_la_vie) has a separate listing for that. I will try to find the answer for you. Taz
Apr 12Reply
gabriella616 Your fur babies are so cuuuute!!! 😍🥰🐾
Jun 14Reply
oliviaami Thanks for following me
Jun 25Reply
msneverending1 Tax I read over the slides again & it says I can share from 9am to midnight my time, but it is 11:38pm my time. So can I reshared under Tuesday’s group under Tuesday?
Aug 04Reply
msneverending1 Taz I went back & read the rules on your slides it says we sign out all closets shared by midnight EST. I went back & signed in to Tuesday’s since it was only 11:38 pm shared all closets for Tuesday again & signed out at 11:49pm which is before midnight EST.
Aug 04Reply
noturaverageguy @wisdomandgold hello Thia. thank you. I have more wreaths made that I need to post, and more material to make more. it's been an interesting summer for me..kinda slowed me down. 2wks in hosp with 6½hr surgery in the middle by a world class surgeon in her specialty. now I need shoulder surgery..that's "minor", but it's painful. hey, I'm alive and finding joy. 💜💕💜
Sep 11Reply
thrifted_books Hi! Thanks for following me! Feel free to make me a reasonable offer. I have a 4/$20 sale going on books, ornaments, stuffed animals, toys, and jewelry. I have brand new items from brands like Barbie, Thomas Kinkade, Avon, Book of the Month, and more. I mail next day. Happy shopping!
Feb 01Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and accepting offers at 20% less than our listing price on most items.  😍
May 15Reply
cutehosiery @noturaverageguy Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 29Reply
terpnad Wow 😮 all that hair! I’m sure that bald men are jealous! HAHA 😆 All joking aside, thanks for following! 👋
Feb 16Reply
noturaverageguy @terpnad Georgia, a few yrs ago I used to keep just to the collar.. couldn't stand it longer. then finances changed n I couldn't afford the cuts. now I like it longer. when I can afford, I'll cut it for the kids...but still keep it longish. thank you Taz 😘
Feb 16Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Jun 14Reply
vabfashion Thank you for spending the posh love!!❤️ Please let me know when and if you start up your share group again! I'd love to join! Hope you have a✌️ peaceful ☮️ and 🌞 filled day! 🌻🌼🐬🦋
Jul 09Reply
noturaverageguy @vabfashion prob won't be til end of summer. when we get back to Normal summer temps then I can do coup projects outside. today is a little better. 💜🌹💜🌹
Jul 09Reply
noturaverageguy @tutuwig thank you. I checked your closet, but hair is bout as long as the wigs you are selling. have a sunshiny day 🦋🌹😉
Aug 20Reply
thriftwgrace WINTER IS ON THE WAY OUT – SPRING FORWARD We have garments for all seasons. Even though we specialize in apparel for women, there are a few high-quality items (Golf wear, Winter Jackets, Cowboy boots, Sweaters, Ties, etc.,) for Men too. If you see an item that you like, send me an offer and I will accept it or counter it with my best price. That’s a promise. Have a great week. Grace
Mar 06Reply

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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Storrs Mansfield, CT
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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Storrs Mansfield, CT
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