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Updated Sep 28
Updated Sep 28

Meet your Posher, Tiffany

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Hi! I'm Tiffany. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jaime_kreider finally! I figured out how to message you! I'm still learning, I'm sorry. You haven't received the ring yet, correct? I mailed it 4 days ago and they can't find the original package. The one tracking now is not the correct item, that was a mislabeled package unfortunately. I am working on it on my end and just wanted to update you.
Feb 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider no need to worry. I’ll wait patiently for my item. :)
Feb 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 if it doesn't show up eventually, I'll let you pick out something else if there's anything else you like of the jewelry.
Feb 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider okay. That works. No worries.
Feb 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider hi, so I got someone else’s order. Uummm... so what can I pick from your closet?
Feb 25Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 yes, that's what I was trying to tell you earlier. The post office was supposed to stop that over there and send it back to me. They still don't know what happened to your original package.
Feb 25Reply
jaime_kreider anything up to $10 sound fair?
Feb 25Reply
jaime_kreider happy birthday! I actually bought an animal drawing book and was thinking of you a few weeks ago. stay safe and healthy! I'm off to work now.
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider Hiiiii!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉🎁🎂 to you too! I hope you’re having a blast! And why are you working on your birthday?🤦‍♀️ you bought an art book.. I love that.
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 I’m going to post a image on my page to show you what I drew. When you see it let me know so I can take it down. :)
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 awesome. Didn't have any work planned but jobs came up.
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider check my profile
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 awesome! you're extremely talented!!
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider thank you. Maybe when you draw something you can post it and show me :) hope your day is going well.
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 I have a few I've done but it was a long time ago. I've had better and worse birthdays 😒 lol
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider is your bday not going as planned?
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider what do you have planned for your bday anyway? I’m not doing anything. I’m just home relaxing and stuffing my face with food🤦‍♀️😂
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 not a thing, I can never plan much with my job
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider I’ll draw you a bday card 😊
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider well, it looks like we are both doing a lot of nothing.
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 that's ok, the last few years haven't been all that great anyway lol
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider why have the past few years not been good?
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider you know..I was honestly surprised you even messaged me happy bday.
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 I was recovering from a multiple fractured leg and ankle in 3 spots last year and 2 years prior I was in the hospital after a severe wrist injury after my vein and arteries were severed.
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider oooommmggg!!! I’m soo sorry you went through that! I can’t imagine how it all felt.
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 it was definitely painful and left nerve damage but I'm alive so I'm grateful for that. it is what it is and I just try to make each day a good one and treat people the best I can.
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider I love that. Total respect for you there
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 well, thank you ☺️I've always tried to be a good person, now I just try to even more lol
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider that’s a good thing. ☺️
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider you do seem like a wonderful person with a heart
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 thank you, I try. you do as well and with a free spirit as well 😉
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider well, why not be friends officially lol🤪😊
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider I’d give you my contact but not on this app
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 we can definitely do that. I'm on other apps as well, spelling the same for fb and insta is jlkreider7
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider lol I’m a loser. I don’t have those. Just other apps
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider I only have WhatsApp and Signal
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 well I don't have those apps so we are even I guess! haha
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider Hahahah!!! Well, damn that sucks
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider so curious. What kind of music do you listen to?
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 lol it would be nice to have a chat option on this app. especially when you get a bundle offer and want to say thanks or I want to but have to wait etc
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider listen to the band named “Daughter” song is called “Doing the right thing” tell me what you think.
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider it’s one of my favorite songs :) enjoy
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider get the app Signal. It’s free :)
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 I'll let you know when I do. I just walked in the door.
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider you what??? Lol😂
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider did you walk into a door?😳🤦‍♀️
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 lol no I just got home and walked in. I listened to the song. she has a very hauntingly beautiful voice. the lyrics touch deep too, some are a bit different but touching as well. hope that makes sense.
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider I think I understand. Send me a song you like
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider I’m glad you didn’t run into a door. Just saying lol 😂
Mar 23Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 lol me too, that s$&# hurts. Memories by Marron 5. Makes me cry sometimes.
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider I’ll listen to it now
Mar 23Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider that’s a nice song
Mar 24Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider why does it make you cry
Mar 24Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 I have 2 sons. They moved back to MT last year to live with their dad and I left my friends up there when I moved. It was the first place that ever felt like home and the memories make me happy but sad too. I'm trying to save money to get up there to see everyone.
Mar 24Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider are you divorced? I’m soo sorry to hear that.
Mar 24Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 yes, inwas married tonmy ex for 10 years but I was in an abusive relationship. I've since remarried and to a great guy this time around!
Mar 24Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider I’m Sorry... you had to experience that. Domestic violence is highly serious and I don’t tolerate that type of abuse at all. That’s why I love my job because I put bad people away. I’m happy that you’re in a better place you deserve that.
Mar 24Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider I’m not married nor do I ya e children and I think it’s because my mother had a past like that and I’m to afraid to go through that
Mar 24Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 I'm glad you're one of the good "guys" it's been hard today too, once he found out he owes me back child support, he's since cut off communication between me and the kids and is throwing wild allegations around without any proof. he's doing parental alienation and I'm now trying to prove it as it's so damaging to children alone. let the alone the other parent but unfortunately that's hard to prove.
Mar 24Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider yeah, I completely understand and I hope things work out for you. Just stay positive and strong. If you need legal advice let me know, but take care of yourself
Mar 24Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 I always try to. I wish sayes could work together, especially when parents live on opposite sides of the country!
Mar 24Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 I always try to. I wish sayes could work together, especially when parents live on opposite sides of the country!
Mar 24Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider well, I hope things workout for you. I’m here if you need to vent
Mar 24Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 thank you! I do appreciate it. same here for you.
Mar 24Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider of course. :) and thank you for that
Mar 24Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 anytime! ☺️
Mar 24Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider soo... what ya up to birthday girl 🎉🥳
Mar 24Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 finally had dinner, debating cake and then bed lol
Mar 24Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider that all sounds like what I’m about to do. Lol
Mar 24Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 sounds like a good plan to me 👍 😉
Mar 24Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider lol well hope you have a great rest of your day. :)
Mar 24Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 you too hon! have a great night 🤗
Mar 24Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider I’m just letting you know that I’m going to deactivate this app. I’m shopping on it too much. I hope you take care and hopefully hear from you.
Mar 25Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 ok, it's been great getting to know you! I'll try and download those apps soon and hopefully find you. please stay safe and healthy!
Mar 25Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider well, you have my name. So I’m sure you will find me. Take care :)
Mar 25Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 I need your last name again 😒
Mar 25Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider I’m back. 🤦‍♀️lol
Mar 29Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 yay. lol. I remembered the G but not the whole thing lol
Mar 29Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider haha!! Well, you know now. How are you?
Mar 29Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 aorry,got busy. Doing ok,I guess. Trying to stay busy. how about yourself?
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider I’ve been good. Just having a lot of me time and enjoying it.
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 that's always good. my free time I've been using to get my closet more organized! lol
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider is that so. Did you accomplish that
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 still working on it. But I managed to get new pictures done of my clothing inventory. Now I'm just repackaging and labeling everything.
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider sounds productive :) so, have you done anything fun
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 lol what's that? I got to talk to my sons finally. I sent them a giant care package last week that they finally got. Other than that, mostly just been working.
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider Aawww, that’s sweet. You need to have fun.
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 I do sometimes, I promise. I enjoy the small things in life, a beautiful suntise or set, a certain smell. a good home cooked meal, stuff like that. And thankfully my husband makes me laugh, a lot, and teaches me things I never knew about.
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider well, all that sounds amazing. That’s good he puts a smile on your face.
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 I finally lucked out. I swear this app is changing my words around. I looked at our other conversations and it looks like I don't know how to spell correctly at all! lol
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider hahahahah!!! It’s okay. I still understand what you’re trying to say😂
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 I swear it was correct when I pushed send lol. Then I looked back the other night and thought, wow, I look like an idiot!
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider Hahahaha!!!!😂😂😂 don’t be soo hard on yourself. You’re fine
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 we are always hardest on ourselves 😒😳
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider be positive woman lol
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider get the chat app already 🤪
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 oh I am, don't worry!
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider you are what😂 haha
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 being positive. I did when we talked last and then I blanked on your last name to search for you.
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider is it the white chat box with blue around it?
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider it’s called Signal and it’s Blue
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 I get the one I described, it's call signal private messenger. is that the one?
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 ok well I have it just don't know how to use it yet 🤣
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider it’s new to me too 🤦‍♀️ lol I’ll figure it out
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider so, I’d actually need your phone number. I couldn’t find you. :/ oh well. I tried 🤷🏼‍♀️ lol no biggy
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 that's what I thought. it. needs a way to find the other person 😒
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 well if you ever get on FB or Instagram you know my name 😁😉
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 At least I can chat with you on this app 😂
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 yes that ie nice
Mar 30Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider okay. You keep misspelling lol 😂 caught it
Mar 30Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 lol it's been a long day. I need to go to bed lol
Mar 30Reply
viry78233 hi,I'm in Dallas Tx,(For the Covid-19)as soon as I arrive To San Antonio Tx,I'll send the package,will be this saturday.Thanks so much.
Apr 14Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 hey lady! hope you're doing well and surviving all the craziness!! I just shared a post with a snake ring that made me think of you!
May 28Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 hey lady! hope you're doing well and surviving all the craziness!! I just shared a post with a snake ring that made me think of you!
May 28Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider hey you!!!☺️ I’m doing well. I hope you everything is going well for you too. Also, i don’t know why the app showed me unfollowing you🤦‍♀️ but I refollowed you again lol
May 28Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 hmmm never know! glad to hear that you're well! it's been awhile since we chatted but figured you've been busy ☺️
May 28Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider lol it’s been forever to me 😂🤦‍♀️... so, what’s new?
May 28Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider also, your profile picture is beautiful ☺️
May 28Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 not a lot is new really, been busy with sales which has helped tremendously so thank you poshers for all of your support! I broke 200 sales between the 2 apps and 5 ☆ so yay! I sold my 2nd luxury item 2 days ago, a Burberry drawstring backpack. That's half way to get to go see my sons!! and thank you for the nice compliment, sometimes I can get my act together and look nice lol
May 28Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider wow! That’s really awesome! Great job 👍and your welcome. :)
May 28Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 thank you, it's pretty much turned into a full time 2nd job some days! but I love making people happy 🤗
May 28Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider that’s great. I’m glad to hear that! ☺️
May 28Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 how have things been on your side of the country?
May 28Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider things have been good on my end. Work has been busy for me, but overall everything are starting to slowly reopen. So, that makes me happy. What have you been up to on your free time?
May 28Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 usually my free time is wrapped up into posting new items and getting packages ready lol. I don't do much anything else. I am working on filling out an amended parenting plan because my ex has gotten out of control with his control and pretty much is parental alienating the boys from me. it's super frustrating being 2800 miles away.
May 28Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider I’m sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out for you.
May 28Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 thank you. My fault for getting beat down and not fighting back when I should have! but now he's off probation and already got into a fight with his mom and moved him and the kids out and in with a friend so it's my time to reassert myself into the situation better and stronger than before. Those are my babies.
May 28Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider well, I hope that everything works out for you and your children.
May 28Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 thank you. what's meant to be will be
May 28Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider yes. That is true.
May 28Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 👋 hope you're doing well!!
Nov 18Reply
lacunacoil88 @jaime_kreider hey you. Long time since we spoke. I’m doing well. How have you been? Do you have IG?
Nov 25Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 well, we got moved a few months ago. Now the other Kwanzaa hut has opened up and my husband and I are now remodeling that one and moving into it. Our poor dog got hit by a car on Friday and survived so we are all adjusting to her new needs while she recovers, she's paralyzed on her right side from nerve damage and don't know if its permanent yet, so we're back to being exhausted 😴 lol
Nov 25Reply
jaime_kreider @lacunacoil88 we are flying up to MT in 3 weeks for almost 2 weeks so we're super excited about that. Yes,it's jlkreider7.
Nov 25Reply
poshpussycat Hi and thank you for your like and I sent a nice offer back with discounted shipping!
Jan 03Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi💎Hope you are enjoying shopping 🛒 and selling 🛍. When you get a moment, please stop by my closet and follow me...and I will do the same. ☘️I wish you all the luck in the world 🌎
May 29Reply
lmoore840 Hiiii verrry nice closet, check out my closet, see if you find anything you likeeeeee😁. ALWAYS accepting offers😁.
Nov 21Reply

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