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Updated Jun 20
Updated Jun 20

Meet your Posher, Tobbi

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Tobbi. Some of my favorite brands are Lane Bryant, Forever 21, and LuLaRoe. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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agiles_89 Hi. I am Angie. You are building a bundle, let me know if you want to ask anything.
Jun 21Reply
agiles_89 I offered an amt for the three things you had bundled. I am new to this. Please let me know what you want to do.
Jun 21Reply
shandov7 Thanks so much for all the Likes. Please make offers on anything you might be interested in. I need to sell out so bad. Again, Thank u very much.
Jun 21Reply
hunny_ Hi Tobbi, thank you for liking my closet! 🥂🍾 You have 3 items in a bundle that with 30% off is $19. 2 items are also on my $5 sale so I will offer you them all for $15. 🤗 AND, if you would like any of the other items you liked I will let you have them for $5 each as well. (4=$20, 5=$25 or all 6 for $30). That is a bodacious bundle!! 🎉 Let me know what you would like to do. Thanks! 🎈
Jun 27Reply
arvel72 @tobbik29 Thank you for browsing my closet. Feel free to bundle anything and make a reasonable offer. I typically ship the same day or very next day. Happy Poshing 😊😊😊
Jun 28Reply
hunny_ Hi Tobbi 🙋 Happy Independence Day! 🇺🇸 Did you know I am having a 50% off bundle sale for the holiday? Choose 2 or more items and get them all half price. 💞 Happy poshing!!
Jul 04Reply
littleblondebee Hi love! Just wanted to pop over and welcome you! We are all about vintage, color, and chic work outfits- we’d love if you visited our closet! Just for being a new comer here’s 20% off an item if you’d like! Use discount code “DISCOUNT BEE” in the comment of the item you want to buy and we will give you a great deal! This is a one time use only discount. Happy shopping! 🐝
Jul 13Reply
poshvictorious Hi! Did you purchase a bundle in my closet? I’m a little new to Poshmark so I just wanted to confirm.
Jul 20Reply
tobbik29 @victoriousway I created a bundle, but haven't made a purchase.
Jul 20Reply
poshvictorious @tobbik29 Gotcha. Well I am open to offers in case you decide to purchase!
Jul 20Reply
chsmama Bundle offer listed has become unavailable. The grey 2 xl is still available. I wasn’t sure how to contact you thru the offer area of site.
Jul 20Reply
zoescorp @jazoras @tobbik29 How much were you thinking for the bundle you created with the purse and the dress? I thought that $40 was reasonable. Feel free to counter offer! 😀
Aug 01Reply
veraxjuls I see you have two of my items in a bundle. I will do 10% off for two items, 20% off for 3, and 25% off for 4 or more.
Aug 11Reply
nickysoftball7 Hello! I bought the Anne Klein bag I noticed you commented on! I will resale on my page if interested? It ended up being to large for my liking. Just let me know and I’ll put it on my page for you! ❤️😊
Aug 20Reply
tobbik29 @nickysoftball7 oh which one? The bigger the better for me!
Aug 20Reply
angeldarling Hi🙋‍♀️this sale ends tonight. Most tops are $7 each or 2/$11 You may bundle all your 4 likes for$ 18 Thank you😊
Aug 20Reply
nickysoftball7 @tobbik29 it was black lol. I don’t really. Know how to describe it😊😂 I will post today and tag you after I do so you can see if you want or not lol! ❤️
Aug 20Reply
nickysoftball7 @tobbik29 I put the bag on my page! I will take 15 if you are interested! Posh fees takes money away so I need to at least make some money back lol!
Aug 20Reply
cestelloscloset Hey hun, I made you a bundle offer. It expires soon. Feel free to counter it to see if we can meet somewhere in the middle 🤗
Aug 28Reply
caseyfires Hi, I'd love to make you a bundle offer if you decide you would like to purchase any of my items! Thank you for the likes!!
Aug 28Reply
wantbargains Hi, I'm Dorene and I'd like to welcome you to Poshmark! Happy to have you here! Thank you for liking my items! I am a Posh Ambassador, so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask! This is a fun community to shop, buy, and sell! 👗👠👒🎒👜👢👛🌹💐🌸😘
Sep 01Reply
austinabbott02 Thanks so much fo the like! Feel free to take a look at the rest of my closet and if you create a bundle of 3 or more items you get 10% off! Im very good with next day shipping! Hope we can make a deal😊👍🤜 #happyposhing
Sep 02Reply
princesslodo SUPER CUTE😍 i just added new things to my closet and lowered all prices for a huge sale let me know if interested in buying anything❤️
Sep 03Reply
lfrank30 Hi! Thanks for checking out one of my items. If you have any questions, please let me know 😊
Sep 04Reply
cyberlefty If you put those sweaters into a bundle I can give you the 15% discount and reduced shipping
Sep 19Reply
berebell @tobbik29 hello there
Oct 06Reply
tobbik29 @ashley1448524 sorry, yes the label was printed by my cousin. Just asked my mom if she brought it to her. As soon as she gets the label she send it out.
Oct 09Reply
tobbik29 @ashley1448524 yep, I'll let you know.
Oct 09Reply
tobbik29 @ashley1448524 looks like my mom won't be able to get the label until this evening. So she should be able to send the package out tomorrow.
Oct 09Reply
tobbik29 @ashley1448524 no, not yet. She wasn't able to get the label yesterday, but will get it today. So the package should go out tomorrow.
Oct 10Reply
matorthatsme If you're interested in a bundle deal on my closet, let me know! I'm negotiable. :) Happy Poshing!
Oct 11Reply
tobbik29 @ashley1448524 I'm not sure. She told me yesterday she got the label and was sending it out. But when I talked to her she was in the ER.
Oct 12Reply
tobbik29 @ashley1448524 she sent the package yesterday. She just told me.
Oct 12Reply
tobbik29 @ashley1448524 all I know is she said she took it to the post office. So as long as the label was correct, it should be fine.
Oct 13Reply
tobbik29 @ashley1448524 well all I can tell you is that she dropped it off yesterday. My cousin showed me the label. I just double checked with my mom and she said the label was put in and it was dropped off yesterday at the post office.
Oct 13Reply
ckatz122 Hi I saw that you had liked a few of my items if you would like to bundle those I can give you a quote. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks
Oct 17Reply
shawnb123 Welcome to Poshmark! Don't hesitate to ask questions because we all love to help new poshers succeed. Have fun shopping and good luck selling! Keep on Poshing! 💕👍😀🌻🌈💐
Nov 08Reply
socogirl1980 Hi! Thank you so much for all of your Likes 👍🏻😊 Feel free to make a bundle of your favorite things and I will send you an awesome offer 😀
Nov 21Reply
tobbik29 @socogirl1980 awesome, thank you! I believe I may have a bundle.
Nov 21Reply
mjbp @mjbp🎄🎄☃️welcome 🎄🌹🎄🌹🎄I invite u to visit ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 27Reply
rondakay63 Hi! I noticed you liked an item! I have a BOGO offer going on... Bundle any two items ($9 and under) and I'll send you an offer - you pay only for the higher priced item (and of course one shipping cost). Happy Poshing *like was a Thirty-one Turtle
Dec 03Reply
rondakay63 Oh ..and the set of two unwrapped eye palettes are BOGO eligible as well
Dec 03Reply
hsboehle Thanks for visiting my closet and for the like. I’m in the process of adding additional items, so please feel welcome to come browse again soon. Happy Poshing!
Dec 16Reply
luckyladybug4u @tobbik29 Hi Tobbi - cute name! I noticed you liked a flowered tunic. Just a heads up that I also have a flowered tunic in the same size - BOHO with big bell sleeves - really cute!. I'd be delighted if you checked it out and I am open to offers. I ship the next day. Thanks and have a blessed day! :) :) :)
Dec 20Reply
tobbik29 @steelcurtain74 thank you. I'll take a look.
Dec 21Reply
ella_albritton Thank you for the likes!!! Let me know if you are interested in anything. 😊
Jan 07Reply
kaleyheider Hi, it’s nice to meet you!❤️
Feb 04Reply
carlybee23 Hey girly! Thank you for checking out my closet! I noticed you liked a few items, I can offer a larger discount if you would like to bundle 💕
Feb 08Reply
ishotlikewhoa Hi Tobin, I noticed you liked quite a few of my listings. Thank you! If you want, set up a bundle and I’ll give you a discount. :) Happy shopping!
Feb 10Reply
inspire_style Hello! Hope your posh experience has been going great 😊 If you'd like to check out my closet, I have brands like PINK, LOFT, Vera Bradley, Lucky Brand, Lilly Pulitzer, Converse, Kate Spade and more! Happy poshing 🛍️🤗
Feb 11Reply
lulis3143 Hello I see you bundled some things. Send me a offer of what you would like to pay. Thank u :) for your interest.
Feb 13Reply
mckenna4569 Hello! I hope that you are finding amazing deals on Poshmark. I see that you like lane Bryant, I have a gorgeous piece in my closet. Happy poshing(:
Feb 17Reply
doleary0629 Bundle your likes I will give you a awesome deal and a new wardrobe.
Mar 03Reply
slroland Hello Tobbi Welcome to Poshmark and thank you for the like ❤on my 👖listing If you have any questions please feel free to leave me a message Happy Poshing enjoy and have fun ❤☺☺
Mar 06Reply
ebee130 @tobbik29 hi! I have a few LuLaRoe items in my closet (so soft and comfortable!) - if you want to bundle, I’ll provide a great discount. Happy St Patrick’s Day! 🍀
Mar 17Reply
chelecunningham @tobbik29 Hi! I noticed you liked a few items from my closet. If you would like to create a bundle with those items I would be glad to give you a really good deal - better than the bundle. ☺️❤️
Mar 24Reply
hotcold0409 Hey! Thank you for the likes!! I’ll be happy to discount on a bundle! Happy poshing!! 💕👗👠
Apr 04Reply
shandov7 Please make a bundle and I will send u a awesome offer 😊🌺 Thanks for liking my items!!
Apr 18Reply
theposhunic0rn Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed today will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Apr 28Reply
shineonmiblooms Aloha and welcome to Poshmark! It's always great to meet new poshers. Thank you for stopping by. Everything in my closet is negotiable so don't hesitate on asking questions 😍🤙
May 24Reply
classygirl41 @tobbik29 welcome to posh and thanks so much for the like 😊💕❤
Jun 02Reply
mrs_jackburton @tobbik29 Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet!! Let me know if you have any questions!! 👋🏻
Jun 14Reply
piggybank_stylz @tobbik29 hello there, I noticed you liked several things in my closet. If your interested you can make a bundle and I will send you a discounted offer. Thank you and have a great day!! 💕🌷🦋🌺💕
Jun 19Reply
shandov7 Thank you so much for the Likes. Please bundle and save if interested. 😊🌺
Jun 23Reply
shandov7 Hello and Thank you very much for your bundle, however I do not allow bundles over 4 to 5 items due to high shipping cost. I hope u will understand that my prices are already low and if I have to pay shipping as well I won’t make hardly anything because poshmark takes a cut as well. If u want the 8 items u bundled please separate into two separate bundles and I will be more than happy to send u a good offer. Thanks again and Happy Poshing 😊🌺
Jun 23Reply
shandov7 Hi, I never heard from you after u made a large bundle in my closet? Did u get my message about separating into 2 different bundles? I really want to help out and to be able to ship to u however, I do not pay for extra shipping it is way too high especially when my prices are already really low for the product you’re getting. Please get back with me and let’s work out a deal that satisfies both of us. I truly appreciate your interest and hope u will be my customer 😊🌺
Jun 25Reply
kitie2u 🐈 Thank U for being a guest in my closet! Stop by anytime to say, Hi! Chat! or Shop! Blessings in Ur direction always! 🐈 From the Kitie2u Closet
Jun 30Reply
colinanthony15 thank you for liking my listing! I would love for you to consider purchasing while the price is down! happy fourth!
Jul 03Reply
marin_richmond Hey! Go check out my closet! I have so good items!
Jul 19Reply
kaylarosen10 Hi! I’ve recently added to my closet and would love for you to take a look! Thanks :)
Aug 21Reply
regretfreelife Hello, thanks for the like on the skirt. I welcome and consider all offers. If interested, send your best offer. 😊
Aug 23Reply
kornwatkins Hey just shipped your order also through in some extras! Hope you enjoy
Aug 30Reply
tobbik29 @kornwatkins awesome, thank you!
Aug 30Reply
jtaskinen94 Hi there! Thanks for the likes! Do you want to create a bundle and I can offer a good deal?? Let me know what you think :)
Sep 07Reply
musicmommy19 I think I have some stuff you would like! I’m always open to offers! Happy shopping ☺️☺️☺️❤️❤️❤️👗👚👖👡👠👢👜👛
Sep 16Reply
lngail Good morning from So Cal. Thanks for stopping by my closet. The LLR Red dress is truly gorgeous. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Sep 26Reply
reesbrown56 Thanks for shopping my closet and liking my SANUKS🤗Let me know if I can answer any questions. Enjoy your POSHMARK shopping 💋
Oct 05Reply
5stella555 hi , thanks for the visit and the like. I bundled it and sent a little offer if you're shopping. it's a pretty good deal as it stands. if you mostly browse, I invite you to swing by my cupboard anytime you're near... door's always open. as ever,lb
Oct 11Reply
f1inderskeepers Happy poshing! 😊
Oct 16Reply
seller57 Hi do you still want the coat
Oct 17Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or still have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Calvin Klein, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Dec 04Reply
ljohnson84548 Hey, I noticed you were interested in a makeup brush cleaner and I have one in my closet as well. I’d really appreciate if you check out my closet and make an offer!
Dec 09Reply
treasuredsoul Hi Tobbi, I noticed you “liked” a beautiful boho peasant blouse from my closet. If you would like to make an offer, please feel free to do so...I desperately need to clean out my closet for the New Year! 🥳💐
Dec 26Reply
kyyannaa Hello! Thank you for visiting my closet. I have tons of adorable baby girl clothes and offer great deals on bundles, plus you save on shipping if you’re interested! Hope to hear from you soon :)
Jan 02Reply
monikens Hi Tobbi. Thank you for visiting my closet. If you would like a private discount on any of your likes in my closet, let me know. 🌺
Jan 30Reply
nicoleash13 Hello Tobbi. I hope you would like to check out my closet.! 🤗
Feb 28Reply
denisegarduno Hello, Thank you for checking out my closet. If you see something you like make me an offer and don’t forget to bundle and save even more🌻 Happy Poshing 🌺
Mar 04Reply
blingnthings Hi Tobbi! It’s so nice to meet you! I hope you are loving your Posh experience as much as I am :) Please check out my closet when you have the chance. I’m open to reasonable offers. Have a great day, and stay healthy! ~Carol
Mar 16Reply
alainacherr If you would like all four you can bundle and I will offer it to you for 90. Let me know
Apr 17Reply
ladykrc @tobbik29 Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
May 04Reply
kaylarosen10 Hi! I’d appreciate it very much if you took the time to check out my closet! Thanks!
May 09Reply
lisamilczarek Hello thanks for making the 2 piece bundle from my closet. I sent an offer with reduced shipping. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks! Lisa
Jun 11Reply
wbmontgomery Hi! Thanks for liking thigh the pink and blue converse shoes! If you’re interested in purchasing feel free to add to a bundle and I’ll send a private discount. If you’re simply browsing and showing ❤️ THANK YOU and have fun 😊⭐️
Jul 06Reply
lesch_67 Thank you for all the likes! Bundles of three or more items from my closet for half off the listed total price. Happy Poshing! 🛍😊
Jul 20Reply
rockdalook Hey dear, I would like to take the time out and stop by with my beautiful closet. If you could browse through and see if anything catches your eyes, if interested feel free to hit me up. Reasonable offers are always welcome. I also apply an automatic 10% discount to 2 or more items. Thanks in advance:)
Jul 21Reply
ruthrifty Thanks so much for the like! Please feel free to make me any offers on anything
Jul 28Reply
khutch32 Hi! And welcome to Poshmark ☺️ Please check out my closet @khutch32 as I have a HUGE collection of clothes and home items! I offer GREAT bundle discounts! Happy shopping, Kate ☺️
Aug 04Reply
svelez47 Hi! I noticed you liked an item in my closet! Welcome ! FYI I’m having a 3 for 25 bundle sale. Bundle 3 items at 25 or less, I will offer 25 plus you pay shipping. Thank you for stopping by my closet :)
Aug 04Reply
dseeger90 @tobbik29 hi there! I see you started a bundle and liked several other items. If you want to include those please do. Or if you want to make an offer on the bundle you have I’m open to offers. I can make you one with discounted shipping. Just let me know what you want to do. Thank you for browsing and would love to give you a sweet deal!
Aug 06Reply
alexbecky Hi @tobbik29 I see you made a bundle from shopping my closet! I just wanted to double check with you to see if you saw that i also had an additional lot of men’s shirts. Let me know if you wanted to add that to your bundle as well and i will make you a good deal. Thank you for shopping my closet!
Aug 30Reply
lesch_67 😊
Sep 07Reply
ksenyayoung Hi! Thank you so much to checking out my closet!!! Just wanted to give you a heads up that we're currently running a buy 4 items for $20 Sale! Sale runs for the 4 for $20.00 that is marked only🌺🌺. Happy poshing!!!
Sep 07Reply
gentry777fam Hey there. Thank you so much for the LIKE. Just wanted to let you know I give 10%Off Your Total Purchase on Every Bundle plus other Discounts as well. Thx Again for Stopping By 😁
Sep 11Reply
kstew71 hello there welcome to poshmark hope you enjoy shopping I might have stuff you like. God BLESS you
Sep 16Reply
megb324 @tobbik29 Thanks for the like on the Vera Bradley Bag make an offer or bundle for a discount! Have a great day 💛🍁🎃
Sep 22Reply
futurevision Hi! nice to meet you! feel free to stop at my closet anytime🌠🌟⭐✨
Sep 23Reply
abel6583 Hi, I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with clothing in excellent condition ranging sizes s-3X (large plus size collection)😁. Lots of DRESSES, and tunics for fall. I’d love if you check it out. Hopefully you find something you like 🤗! I love offers and return shares. 🛍Happy poshing🛍
Sep 24Reply
kmwk71 Thank you for visiting my closet! Please feel free to bundle your likes and I’ll send you a private offer!
Oct 06Reply
2004lexus2004 Hi Tobbi, Thanks for all the shares. Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!!
Oct 18Reply
andreahampton42 hi! i see you have a bundle started. just wanted to let you know it's 10% off for 3 or more items! thank you & happy shopping!
Oct 30Reply
ssthurman hello I noticed that you liked two pair of pant in my closet. if you would like to put them in a bundle I can send you a offer for 25$ plus 4.99 shipping. but anyway thank you for your visit to my closet. Sharon
Dec 09Reply
kristlregalado @tobbik29 hey thanks for all the likes! Are you interested in bundling? If so add to bundle and send an offer!
Dec 12Reply
pgmayer let's close this deal! I will throw in a pair of Free Country black sports shorts. size xxl (18) they are roomy and light. I will post a pix
Dec 12Reply
coach1950 Good morning I noticed that you liked several of my leggings. Bundle them together so you can save on them. I can lower the price only down to $10 a pair because otherwise I just totally lose money. These a terrific Leggings and you will love them. I do get new ones every week! Angel coach1950
Jan 08Reply
degas3011 Thanks for the LIKE - 3 items for $25 --> MIX & MATCH
Jan 15Reply
suzeeq73 Hi Tobbi and welcome to Poshmark 🌸🌸
Jan 24Reply
lil_bruiser13 Hi! Just want to let you know that I have 2 pairs of Women's Nike size 10 shoes for sale! They are both in excellent condition and located towards the top of my closet for your convenience. Enjoy!
Jan 28Reply
kywass66 Hi, I would love for you to stop by and check out my closet! Let me know if you are interested in anything.
Jan 31Reply
fidget2484 Hi if there are anything that you really like especially I do bundle offers especially for 2 or more items. If you need me to make the bundle if you tell me specific items I can! Thanks enjoy your day!!
Jan 31Reply
diamondicing1 Hey, this is Amelia. Your Smashbox Mindful 5 purchase will go out tomorrow, Monday 4/12. Thanks so much for shopping with me. ~Amelia Gali
Apr 11Reply
maggiemayny Hi there noticed you liked some things from my closet. If still interested send me a bundle I will discount further and reduce shipping!
Apr 11Reply
jeandabean624 Hi! I noticed you liked an item listed in my closet and I just wanted to drop by and let you know I am running a BUY ONE GET ONE FREE sale! (Any item of equal or lesser value). Please stop by my closet when you have a chance! I add new items daily! ✨💫🌟
Apr 16Reply
missmoly Welcome to Poshmark Please let me know if I can help you in anyway! Please also check out my closet for great deals! I also keep my prices very affordable! Selma Poshmark Ambassador ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💗💗💗💗💗💗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😄😄😄😄😄
Apr 16Reply
lisap1572 @tobbik29 hi! I sent u an offer on the bundle u created. An additional discount on top of the 15% and discounted shipping! Thanks so much for checking out my closet😊. Much appreciated
Apr 22Reply
melissarickman2 Thx for following me. Feel free to make an offer. And welcome to posh!
Apr 25Reply
shopper411411 Thanks for the bundle. Offer sent😊. Can ship in the morning.
Apr 25Reply
shopper411411 Are you still interested in your bundle?
May 02Reply
aleciafelton Hey I saw you liked my purse I’ll give you a lower price if you bundle with some other things or just lower the price on this
May 22Reply
kim3381 Hello, thanks for liking my item. Feel free to make an offer.
Jun 04Reply
carolsmail08 Hi. I’m so sorry about the shoes. I will send you the other pair, on me. Again my apologies for the mixup!
Jun 17Reply
carolsmail08 I cannot locate a copy of the shipping label with your address, can you provide that please?
Jun 17Reply
tobbik29 @carolsmail08 2521 N Donald Ave. OKC, OK 73127.
Jun 17Reply
tobbik29 @carolsmail08 it happens, no worries
Jun 17Reply
carolsmail08 @tobbik29 I will try to get them this weekend.
Jun 17Reply
dustenr thank you for all likes. whenever you are ready. feel free to create a bundle. thank you very much
Jun 19Reply
shopper411411 You created a bundle in April two of the items sold. You still a Marvel tee bundle. I can reduce today so you can get discount shipping. Let me know and I'll reduce. Thanks
Jun 25Reply
stogami1012 Hi Tobbi! Thanks for the like on my Tom’s! We have lots of brands you like and it’s Buy 2 Get 1 Free this month with free shipping! Hope you can take a look and find some items to bundle up for the sale! Happy Poshing! Stephanie
Jun 26Reply
poshpussycat Hi and thank you for your like and I sent a nice offer back with discounted shipping!
Jul 01Reply
atl14420 @tobbik29 My closet will be closing 8/18. I am accepting ALL Offers on everything Must Go ! Many items New with tags and Brand names. Stop by and take a look !
Jul 28Reply
anitap193 @tobbik29 . I am accepting ALL Offers on everything Must Go ! Many items New with tags and Brand names. Hurry before its All gone !!!
Jul 31Reply
plus_size_gals 💖💖💖 Hello Posher! I listed new items in my closet from 🌸Ava & Viv, 🌺Prologue, 🌼Universal Thread, 🌻Wild Fable, 🌹A New Day and many other brands. Hope you can swing bye and check me out! Happy Labor Day Weekend! 💖💖💖
Sep 05Reply
atl14420 @tobbik29 Great deals on brand new Prive Revaux eyewear. Low prices and Offers welcome ! Stop by and take a look !
Sep 05Reply
jmill31 Welcome to Poshmark and Happy Poshing 😊
Sep 18Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Oct 14Reply
ahuot Hello. I hope you're doing well. 😁 I'd like to invite you to check out my eclectic closet. THE PURGE IS ON! I'm having Black Friday SALES. Please come and check me out. ALL items must go! ✌️🧡
Nov 29Reply
wrforrest Nice to meet you sister Posher!
Dec 22Reply
horseforme619 trying to except your offer. I'm new to this so I don't know how Perry can you please tell me so I could send this to u . thank u
Jan 27Reply
horseforme619 did u get my post. I want to give but how. I'm new to this and I don't know how and I want accept your offer
Jan 27Reply
horseforme619 help! how do I accept your offer?
Jan 27Reply
horseforme619 @tobbik29 hi!! please I need your help. I am accepting your offer but it's not letting me. I don't know how to do it I'm new to this I will sell it to you for 35 or whatever shipping it was. Let me know if you know how to do this so I could get it to you a thank you thank you thank you
Jan 27Reply
horseforme619 @tobbik29. please help. I'm not sure if your getting my postings because you have so many. I need to know how to accept an offer please help. I am offering it to you. help me please thank you very much
Jan 27Reply
horseforme619 nevermind thank you very much I figured it out
Jan 27Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Apr 20Reply
citrusy01 hi i see you liked the starbucks syrup set!i have it listed for 50 but i can sell you both of them for only 30 if interested :)
Apr 30Reply
citrusy01 i can sell you the brown sugar syrup for a lower price of 20 :) i tagged you in my listing
May 18Reply
mariaspiz Hi !!! Come take a visit and follow my closet!!! Hope to see you!!!!
May 27Reply
tinoval ms. tobbi, I just noticed that you liked my emperor cups well not mine but the price of them or the item itself whatever the case may be beyond liking the item as you already know these cups are going for between $149 bucks and 179 bucks my pricing is exclusive if you like to have one of these as your own please place your order and I'll ship one out to you immediately from The UPS store let me know
Jun 22Reply
babymicah03 Hi, I saw you liked a few items I listed. All weekend until Monday at midnight, I’m running a B1G1 everything sale. Build a bundle and I will send a b1g1 free discount. Thank you and have a great weekend!
Jul 03Reply
ntduke Hi 👋 Welcome to Poshmark 💜 My name is Tiffany, I’m a Poshmark Ambassador. Please feel free to reach out to me for any tips or general question you have about the platform. All my New Skincare items are 50% off retail! New Makeup is 15-50% off. My closet offers an automatic 15% discount on purchases of two or more items. Purchase one of my items listed with discounted or FREE shipping to save more. I’m also open to reasonable offers. Thank you 😊 and Happy Poshing 🛍
Jul 15Reply
threadedimage Thanks for the "likes" those two items are listed under price for quick sale.
Aug 02Reply
jgreebon Toni, if you want the Yeti Mug, I will sell it to you for $33 and lower the asking price so you get a shipping discount. Interested?
Aug 28Reply
aggieqt2009 Hi Tobbi! Thanks so much for stopping by my closet! I noticed you “liked” the Cricut machine I have listed😉 Let me know if you are really interested in it and I will be more than happy to work with you on a great deal! I have 2 kiddos who keep me VERY busy and I hoped that I would use it, but I just can’t find the time. It is a great machine and perfect for beginners! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Oct 01Reply
poshpussycat Hi Tobbi, thank you for your like and I sent you a nice offer back with discounted shipping!!!
Oct 25Reply
marysbeachdream Hi! I left you a private message in a bundle regarding the Ugg listing in my closet you liked and a promotion that’s going on today. I'm just making sure you saw it as some people miss it. Thanks 💫 😊Happy Poshing!
Jan 15Reply
wanderlust0389 good morning 🌞 many LAST CHANCE ITEMS marketed down to mostly $5,$4&$3!!!! bundle items and save even more !!! must go❤️ moving sale❤️❤️ ends 4/4!! 💚💚same day shipping ❤️❤️☺️ add 5 or more items get 50% off entire bundle !!! last couple days of sale 🤙
Apr 02Reply
kywass66 Hi, I would love for you to stop by and check out my closet! Let me know if you are interested in anything or make an offer!
Jun 09Reply
lisa_hundley Thanks for popping in, please visit again soon as I am filling my closet and it's changing daily right now. Questions, and comments are always welcome. And remember finding a treasure is fun, but so is the bargaining :-)
Nov 30Reply
danielleee_19 Hello! 😁 I noticed one of your favorite brands is LuLaRoe. So I wanted to invite you to check out my closet! I have some and my prices are flexible so if you see something you like I am open to discuss pricing. Thank you!! 😊
Jul 04Reply
kathyswish2003 Welcome to Poshmark This is a great site for buying and selling. Please check out my closet. I have clothes sizes from XXS-6X, Speech & language development toys( teacher), wooden door signs, tumblers, jewelry, holiday items, shoes/slippers and random fun goodies. Remember the key to advertising and marketing is sharing & following yours and others closets. Accept packages promptly and leave a note. Build your community by attending others lives and engaging with other Poshers. Happy Poshing!🛍️
Oct 21Reply
mckenziejruud Hey girly. I have a ton of different brands such as Michael Kors, Hollister, Maurices, Aeropostale, PINK, Apt 9, buckle, rue 21, Express and many more. Size range from XS to 4X and Tons of things that are new with tags! Everything is listed for $10 or less. Will be posting more daily. If you have time check out my closet. Ship same or next day depending on time of purchase😀 Happy Poshing! ❤️
Jan 30Reply

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Last Active: 30 hours ago

Oklahoma City, OK
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