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Updated Aug 11
Updated Aug 11

Meet your Posher, Toireasa

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Toireasa. Some of my favorite brands are Tory Burch, Hermes, Gucci, LV, Prada, Burberry, MK, Coach, MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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mesmericjasmine Thank you for your purchase 😊 I will have this pet carrier shipped today. Cheers!
Nov 05Reply
tami_mc Hi! I received your offer, but declined it to send a new offer to take advantage of the shipping promo. Therefore, my counteroffer is $1 more total than your offer. I hope this works for you! :-)
Dec 06Reply
tami_mc Hi! I received a message that your item is in transit & running late. I'm sorry you're waiting a long time. It recently took over 3 weeks for me to get two separate orders. Here is the latest from the tracking Tracking Information In Transit, Arriving Late, December 11, 2020 Departed Post Office, December 7, 2020, 4:57 pm, STANLEY, NC, 28164 Usps Picked Up Item, December 7, 2020, 3:45 pm, STANLEY, NC, 28164 Shipping Label Created, Usps Awaiting Item, December 6, 2020, 9:05 pm,
Dec 19Reply
toicor @tami_mc Hi. I got your message. I still haven't received anything yet. Let give it till 12/29/2020. If I don't receive it by then what can we do? Fortunately, I never had this happen yet. Thanks.
Dec 22Reply
tami_mc @toicor I checked the tracking & there have been no updates since 12/11/20. I *think* that means it is in a sorting facility with a million other packages & they USPS just hasn't gotten to it yet. This is such a long time to wait. :-( After 12/29/20, I think we could cancel the order, issue you a refund, and you'd have to refuse delivery if they try to deliver.
Dec 23Reply
tami_mc @toicor I haven't been through this before & I don't think any of the platforms have a process in place for this: short-staffed because of COVID, Christmas rush, plus greater volume because more are shopping online because of COVID.
Dec 23Reply
tami_mc @toicor However, I certainly empathize with your situation as a buyer and will do what I can to accommodate your wishes. I know we're all going through this, but I'm lucky not to have hundreds of stagnant orders, like some sellers. By the time it arrives, you might not want it anymore. If that's the case, please work with me directly to resolve that. :-)
Dec 23Reply
tami_mc Still no movement. Here's what I see: Tracking Information In Transit, Arriving Late, December 11, 2020 Departed Post Office, December 7, 2020, 4:57 pm, STANLEY, NC, 28164 Usps Picked Up Item, December 7, 2020, 3:45 pm, STANLEY, NC, 28164 Shipping Label Created, Usps Awaiting Item, December 6, 2020, 9:05 pm, STANLEY, NC, 28164 Last Updated: December 24, 2020 12:48 pm PT
Dec 25Reply
tami_mc FINALLY some movement! In Transit, Arriving Late, December 26, 2020 Arrived At Usps Regional Facility, December 25, 2020, 6:06 pm, CHARLESTON SC PROCESSING CENTER Departed Post Office, December 7, 2020, 4:57 pm, STANLEY, NC, 28164
Dec 27Reply
tami_mc Here' the latest In Transit, Arriving Late, December 29, 2020 Arrived At Usps Regional Facility, December 25, 2020, 6:06 pm, CHARLESTON SC PROCESSING CENTER
Dec 30Reply
toicor @tami_mc Hi, I checked today too...I guess I can put it out for one more week on Monday 1/4/2021. This will be 4 weeks since purchase and 10 days since 'new movement' on 12/25. Fingers crossed. Thanks for the update.
Dec 31Reply
tami_mc I could have driven it to you in a matter of hours! I'm near Charlotte & very close to SC. If you want to cancel, I completely understand & would work with Posh to accomplish that.
Jan 01Reply
toicor @tami_mc Hi...I think you might have me confused with another order...I'm in Phoenix, would be an almost cross country trip from the East Coast. :) Happy New Year!
Jan 01Reply
tami_mc You're right! :-) 'm trying to keep up with packages that were delayed & I made a mistake. Now I finally see movement in your state. Let's hope it keeps on moving to your mailbox. Happy New Year to you, too!
Jan 02Reply
tami_mc Tracking Information Arrive Usps Facility, January 02, 2021, 2:47 am, PHOENIX, AZ, 85042 Arrive Usps Facility, January 02, 2021, 2:23 am, PHOENIX, AZ, 85042 Depart Usps Facility, January 02, 2021, 1:48 am, PHOENIX, AZ, 85043 Depart Usps Facility, January 02, 2021, 0:57 am, PHOENIX, AZ, 85043 Processed Through Usps Facility, January 01, 2021, 11:25 am, PHOENIX, AZ, 85043 Processed Through Usps Facility, December 25, 2020, 6:06 pm, CHARLESTON, SC, 29423
Jan 02Reply
tami_mc Oh my gosh! It finally appeared! I'm sorry it took such an incredibly long time to be delivered.
Jan 04Reply
larisa7979 Are you interested in Gucci boots or just like it?
Nov 16Reply
_fashionfinder Send me your best offer on the fendi bag and I will ship asap! :)
Dec 10Reply
toicor @buyingfshn I did send again, my total budget (tax, shipping ect really is $550) even at $525 my total is around $580
Dec 10Reply

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