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Updated Apr 09
Updated Apr 09

Meet your Posher, Vee

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Varcilla. Some of my favorite brands are Alex and Ani, Pandora, Nixon and Invicta, Armani Exchange, Michael Kors, PINK Victoria's Secret, kate spade, CHANEL, and Tory Burch, Marc Jacobs. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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oceanlife2018 You're welcome !
May 27Reply
marissamichie Hey love your closet! Come check out mine too & play the follow game ☺️
May 31Reply
pandacita @oceanlife2018 Hi, welcome to Poshmark 😄 I hope you love it as much as I do! Thank you for checking out my closet and feel free to ask me any questions about Poshmark 😄 I can give you the two Buddha bracelets you added to a bundle for $42, let me know if that works for you and I'll create a bundle listing for you 😄
Jun 01Reply
oceanlife2018 That a bit much for that price I can buy brand new. I just got hooked up on a bundle 3 for 30 and two for 20. Every since being up here I have brought from two solid sellers. The bundles I brought were also brand new with tags. I do like the bangles. But I am serious bargain shopper to the max.
Jun 01Reply
xoshilajane @oceanlife2018 Welcome to Posh, you are going to love it!! 💖 I've been on about a week and a half and I'm hooked! 😜
Jun 01Reply
daughteofnmb @oceanlife2018 Varicella I see you like A&A's RARE Byzantine coin Helios- & a couple others . Lmk what ur serious abt & I can try & work with u💕
Jul 18Reply
oceanlife2018 I'm serious but I do have someone I met up here who gives me good pricing on A&A bundles without me feeling like I'm paying retail price for them. But I am thinking about doing a bundle with you
Jul 18Reply
oceanlife2018 I shop A&A heavy so if you have good prices I will buy. I buy in bundles of which ones I need or singles. Sometimes things are priced at retail and I don't shop retail price. I have brought from two main Alex and Ani heavy hitters with selling them who give me amazing prices. You want me to shop your closet price well.
Jul 26Reply
oceanlife2018 Oh and if you sell AX watches I only do the real deal on those. As well as Kate Spade items. Just FYI! Nice meeting everyone. Good luck getting me to shop in your closet. 😉😬😊
Jul 26Reply
roxy2885 Thanks for the ❤️
Aug 05Reply
oceanlife2018 Please don't sell me things that don't work without telling me. Because I wouldn't do it to you. I shop certain people closets due to there credibility. If you uphold your word I will be a loyal buyer. If you flake on me I won't buy nothing. Just a FYI. Make sure you're being honest. Back to me being a happy posh life.
Aug 12Reply
ashleelinnea2 Were you interested?
Aug 23Reply
oceanlife2018 Yes @ashleelinnea2 can you hold the watch and I purchase tomorrow? Because I want the watch for myself.
Aug 23Reply
ashleelinnea2 Okay and the shoes?
Aug 23Reply
oceanlife2018 I will have to see I have a offer in right now on someone for shoes. I will keep you posted on the shoes.
Aug 23Reply
josh_724 @oceanlife2018 we can bundle and save on shipping. Do you have a price in mind that you would like to pay for both items together ?
Aug 25Reply
oceanlife2018 I didn't have one in mind honestly, because I didn't know you were the posher seller for both lol. I was hitting the like button cause my son is into things other teens don't have. That's what he is popular for. So no I didn't have a number in mind.
Aug 25Reply
oceanlife2018 @josh_724 read above my comment.
Aug 25Reply
josh_724 @oceanlife2018 well you got lucky now you can save $6 on shipping lol. I'll take $10 off the black Nikes and $15 on the asics if we get this done quick ?
Aug 25Reply
oceanlife2018 What that total for both. Bottom line please? Sorry at work @josh_724 I'm navy so I'm sneaking to shop.
Aug 25Reply
josh_724 @oceanlife2018 $105 for both and I'll ship today
Aug 25Reply
josh_724 @oceanlife2018 want to buy ?
Aug 25Reply
beasmama R u still purchasing the watch and bracelets from Ⓜ️erc?
Aug 26Reply
poppysgal Hi .. just checking back with you regarding our conversation on the kd size 11 sneakers Still I nterested? You said you had more questions
Aug 27Reply
beasmama Do u still want the bundle I listed for u thru Ⓜ️erc???
Aug 27Reply
oceanlife2018 I'm on a fast cruise right now with the navy so I have not been able to purchase anything due to my reception being in and out. I won't be able to do nothing till tomorrow evening. I am at work on the ship all weekend
Aug 27Reply
beasmama OK, no problem👍🏼
Aug 28Reply
beasmama Still purchasing?
Aug 30Reply
beasmama Would u kindly respond?...Thank u!😊
Aug 31Reply
beasmama Please let me know if u r purchasing the bundle I have listed for u on Ⓜ️erc...If not, then I will remove it so that others r able to purchase the watch...Thank u!
Sep 01Reply
beasmama I'm taking ur bundle down since u r not responding to me...
Sep 02Reply
roxy2885 Quite a bit of wiggle room in he diesel if interested
Dec 07Reply
cleochang94 Hi I can tag u on some other listings as well. From my fav sellers if ur looking for more runners?
Aug 16Reply
oceanlife2018 @cleochang94 okay that would be cool so I can check them out
Aug 16Reply
cleochang94 @oceanlife2018 hopefully it helps I'll tag more as I come across bs see more on my feed
Aug 16Reply
rebrandsocial Hey, I put the Adidas gym bag back up for sale for you. Please complete the purchase. Thanks!
Aug 17Reply
rebrandsocial Please respond to my comments about the pink adidas bag? I held it for 4 days for you.
Aug 17Reply
cleochang94 @oceanlife2018 did u find any shoes yet
Aug 21Reply
cleochang94 @oceanlife2018 were u able to find any shoes
Aug 23Reply
amypposhcloset Hi! I saw you liked a black leather Marc Jacobs watch and I’m selling a great one with its original packaging that is price negotiable. Please feel free to check out my closet! ❤️
Dec 05Reply
guccim15 Welcome!!💐
Mar 03Reply
randeescloset Nice to meet you 🌻
Mar 03Reply
oceanlife2018 @randeescloset same to meet you!
Mar 03Reply
madnls Welcome to Poshmark!! There are amazing Poshers all working together to support one another in the name of fashion and style. I hope you have fun finding treasures, connecting with followers, sharing the Posh love, and selling special items from your own closet. Enjoy saving money, making money, and helping the Earth by reusing, recycling, and reducing. Good luck and much success to you. I am just a closet away. Treasure Resale :-)
Mar 19Reply
oceanlife2018 @madnls I been on Poshmark for a long time. But thank you.
Mar 19Reply
jeweled_by_elle Greetings!! Just an FYI...I offer bundle deals, accept reasonable offers, & will style you if you'd like 😘 don't hesitate to ask any questions...have a good night 💫 P.S. if you bundle your like(s), I'll send you an offer 🤗
Apr 16Reply
crystalco Thanks for visiting my closet and for the like on the Betsey Johnson Wristlet! I appreciate it very much! Have a great day!❤️
Apr 20Reply
fashiondiva411 @oceanlife2018 Hi Varcilla! Thanks so much for stopping by my closet. 😊 Just an FYI that I’m having a 20% off sale today where you get 20% off any item you purchase. Or you are always welcome to submit an offer on an item or bundle your likes and I will send you a private offer. Also, If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Have a great day! 😊❤️💕
Apr 20Reply
oceanlife2018 @fashiondiva411 will keep that in mind 😁😊
Apr 20Reply
2muchstuff3691 Welcome to posh
Apr 23Reply
tymelessfashion Thanks for the like. If you need any assistance, please let me know. Discounts are available on bundled items and reasonable offers are accepted. Please visit my page again as I update it weekly. Happy Poshing!!!
Apr 25Reply
oceanlife2018 Some of the things I have brought from some people have been a serious rip off. When I’m getting the items of purchase with tags stating 8.99 and 7.99 it makes me seriously wonder, yet you will mark it up to a retail price. Just know this isn’t my first time to this nor am I new to Poshmark. But you want to know this about me, if you don’t want to be ripped off, then don’t rip other people off. That’s all I’m going to say.
Apr 27Reply
blackturtle7 Checking to see if you got the blue strap yet?
May 02Reply
leonab No problem holding for you the Invicta watch. Thank you for you service also. Thanks for being interested in the watch. It really is a pretty, I just wear my moms now due to losing her😢
May 13Reply
oceanlife2018 @leonab god bless you and I apologize for your loss, and it’s a honor serving for you and our country. You’re very welcome and thank you for understanding
May 13Reply
leonab @oceanlife2018 Thank you, today is a hard day, but Happy Mothers Day to you!!😀
May 13Reply
leonab Your daughter is beautiful!! She has your smile!!
May 13Reply
oceanlife2018 @leonab thank you she’s a trip and handful lol
May 13Reply
leonab @oceanlife2018 I understand!! I have a 15 year old!! Love puberty!!😫. Yes I will only sell it to you!! I always keep my word!! Lisa
May 13Reply
oceanlife2018 @leonab thanks. Lol I’m nervous about when she gets to puberty lol.
May 14Reply
leonab I just took the hold off , I swear 2 seconds ago!!🙏. I'm so happy for you!! I will get it in the mail today!!😀. Thank you so much!! Lisa
May 14Reply
oceanlife2018 @leonab I just got off work! Lol that’s so awesome though! I’m happy 😃
May 14Reply
oceanlife2018 @blackturtle7 yes I got the strap! Thank you!
May 15Reply
bobb39173 Thank you for the Like
May 15Reply
blackturtle7 @oceanlife2018 so glad you got it! Once again I apologize for the oversight. If you feel like I rectified the situation and therefore have earned a 5 star rating, would appreciate the updated rating. 🌟🐢🌟
May 16Reply
billiejoelder Did you not want the Kate Spade glasses we were going to accept your offer.. sorry we hadn't checked it earlier.
May 16Reply
oceanlife2018 @billiejoelder yes! Sorry at work just saw your message
May 16Reply
leonab I'm so happy you like it!!! You are great, have a good weekend!! Your friend Lisa!!👍
May 18Reply
oceanlife2018 @leonab Will totally due
May 18Reply
donnaw20 Hey....Just checking in to see if you still have interest in the Nixon Watch?
May 26Reply
oceanlife2018 @donnaw20 i do I’m out to sea with navy won’t be back till Thursday. It was last minute
May 26Reply
donnaw20 @oceanlife2018 that's cool as long as you as your certain you want me to hold them...
May 26Reply
oceanlife2018 @donnaw20 yes I’m certain
May 27Reply
donnaw20 Hello... Hope all is well! Just wondering if you were still interested in the Nixon Watch in my closet with the offer previously given 😊
Jun 03Reply
oceanlife2018 @donnaw20 I am but I am in PR helping with hurricane relief so I won’t be back till the 13th or 14th state side.
Jun 03Reply
donnaw20 Okay no problem! I look forward to hearing for you!
Jun 03Reply
donnaw20 @oceanlife2018 At this time, I will be taking offers for the item, however if the item is still available upon your return, it is all yours.
Jun 03Reply
oceanlife2018 @donnaw20 it’s okay I understand.
Jun 03Reply
ashzak Hey hun thanks for the like on the katespade tote. Feel free to leave a reasonable offer if your interested! Im sure we can work something out.😊
Jun 18Reply
Jun 29Reply
littleblondebee Hi love! Just wanted to pop over and welcome you! We are all about vintage, color, and chic work outfits- we’d love if you visited our closet! Just for being a new comer here’s 30% off an item if you’d like! Use discount code “BEE THRIFTY” in the comment of the item you want to buy and we will give you a great deal! This is a one time use only discount. Happy shopping! 🐝
Jul 13Reply
oceanlife2018 @littleblondebee okay sounds good and thanks! 😊
Jul 13Reply
blackaudi1 Thanks for liking my Tory Burch earrings they have a lot of flakes I also have them listed with the matching bracelet open to reasonable offers on either😄😄❤️
Jul 24Reply
oceanlife2018 @gabystaas I don’t come off sea till tomorrow so if you want to sell go ahead and I will find another one
Jul 26Reply
oceanlife2018 @gabystaas I was going to pay what you had listed as for sale Which was 70.00
Jul 26Reply
oceanlife2018 @gabystaas okay will do, sorry for late reply it’s the internet
Jul 27Reply
oceanlife2018 @gabystaas you can go ahead and sale another posher stated she will reserve till I return, I purchase from her all the time. I don’t want to hold you up from selling. I’m navy and my schedule is always changing and I don’t port back home till Monday.
Jul 28Reply
3girls1dream Check out my closet! I have an excellent condition fossil watch!! ⌚️
Jul 29Reply
richera137 Nice to meet you! Just stopped by to say hello and invite you to check out my closet or ask any questions. I carry many of your favorite brands. I have great Bundles deals and sale's! Happy Poshing ♡♡♡
Aug 09Reply
michael_mill Check out my page for an Invicta
Aug 14Reply
oceanlife2018 @michael_mill you’re sold out
Aug 14Reply
daishamollinedo hi! i am currently having a sale and have lowered all my prices, please feel free to make any reasonable offers! thank you and have a blessed day!!
Aug 21Reply
idevine1 Hi, I just noticed that you liked the pinkish purple SAK bag in my closet.  I just sent you a private discounted offer of 15% off PLUS $1.50 discount in shipping if you are interested in purchasing the item.  I'm pricing items to sell in my closet, as I need to clear out inventory in order to list new items.  I'd love for this item to go to a good home.  Please let me know if you're interested.  ☺☺☺☺☺
Sep 15Reply
luv4harley Hi lmk if I can help you☺
Sep 20Reply
loveyouz I have a purple Michele watch if your interested make me an offer
Sep 25Reply
kamikundu Welcome 😘🌺 Everything On Sale😮 SAVE 80% Today Only 💰 All Price Are Negotiable ❤️ Make An Offer 🎁
Oct 11Reply
mjikerd1 Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you find something you LOVE in my closet! 💕🛍. Happy Poshing!
Oct 11Reply
smithleea110 @oceanlife2018 hey beautiful 👋🏻 seen you liked the Nixon watch I have listed. You’re more than welcome to make it a bundle and make me an offer for it. I’m open to all offers. Thanks for stopping by 😊
Oct 11Reply
barbierogers hey, I have another offer on item;, let me know if you still want it asap pls...thanks
Oct 13Reply
malinchen23 Can you please send me an answer? 😊 (watch)
Oct 13Reply
oceanlife2018 @barbierogers you can sale I’m sorry I’m helping in Florida and I’m going to be down here for awhile with relief
Oct 13Reply
oceanlife2018 @malinchen23 I am in Florida helping with relief. So I have to pass on purchasing. Will be helping down in the panhandle area
Oct 13Reply
barbierogers @oceanlife2018 God bless you and thank you. We are cleaning up after Hurricane Florence
Oct 13Reply
oceanlife2018 @barbierogers anytime you’re welcome
Oct 13Reply
tinkdog140 Want to buy my Nixon waych for $25 Ill pay shipping
Oct 17Reply
nickyyesposito Hi !! Are you purchasing the g-shock !!! If not I have another buyer! Just wanted to make sure 🦋🦋
Oct 24Reply
oceanlife2018 @nickyyesposito no I’m not currently. I’m out in the panhandle helping on a recovery team. Thanks for asking
Oct 24Reply
nickyyesposito @oceanlife2018 so you won’t be purchasing it at all?
Oct 24Reply
oceanlife2018 @nickyyesposito I won’t be able to purchase to next some time at the earliest
Oct 24Reply
mirandaceno Hey feel free to come check out my closet ! I think you might be interested in some of the stuff I’m selling :) If so I’m open to offers and willing to go lower on prices 😉 Btw I also give great discounts on bundles 😊
Nov 04Reply
hindas Hello beautiful, Please come and check my closet out. I have awesome prices.
Nov 18Reply
winelover0626 Happy holidays 🥂🎄
Nov 30Reply
kamikundu Welcome 😘🌺 Everything On Sale 💰 Blow Out Sale Today Only 😮 All Price Are Negotiable ❤️ Make An Offer🎁
Dec 08Reply
hindas Hello Vee, I really appreciate your time visiting my closet. I want to let you know that if you bundle your likes. I will offer a private discount along with free shipping. Happy holidays 😊
Dec 12Reply
brookem1997 Hi! I have the same Marc Jacobs purse you were previously interested it! :)
Jan 09Reply
moviebuff2728 Just wanted to drop by and wish you lots of happy poshing! 💜
Feb 04Reply
dblodanish Hi there!! I have some great items in my closet that I think you will love! I would love if you Would stop by and take a look around! Happy shopping!! 🤗💕
Feb 08Reply
decormeart Hey love stop by when you have time:) Bundle sale going on 10 percent off plus addition 3-10$ off total! Think you would like some of my items offers available!!
Mar 13Reply
oceanlife2018 Good morning! I just want to say a few things. I buy from a lot of you up here on this site. The same way you make a offer to someone to get something out your closet. Have the same vibe after they accept to ship out on time, and communicate to and with that person. I enjoy shopping with some of you a great deal, and some I don’t as much because your shipping time is horrible. You have to be considerate of others when they spend money in your closet and keep open communication.
Mar 26Reply
hudson0226 Thank you for your like!!🌹🌻🌷🌸
Mar 29Reply
hit111 👋 check me out...... got a few items n my closet u might like.......
Apr 12Reply
hit111 I accept all offers"......... just put the offer in..........
Apr 14Reply
oceanlife2018 @tayoq I came to your closet and didn’t see any
Apr 14Reply
inspire_style Hello, I hope your experience with Poshmark has been going great! ❤️ If you would like to check out my closet I have tons of items from great brands like PINK, Torrid, Vera Bradley, Vans, Converse and Betsey Johnson🛍️ I also have a large collection of beautiful Coach bags in my closet right now 👛👚👜 Have a wonderful day! Happy Poshing!
May 22Reply
nildin7 Hi,check out my closet! I have pieces to fit any style.You can find both preowned and NWT items.Like or bundle 3 items and get 15% discount plus shipping discount and when you bundle multiple items I will give an additional discount. I constantly have new sales offers and items. I respond quickly and ship quicker.I can’t wait to hear from you ! Blessings nildin7 closet
Jul 06Reply
genascreation I’m selling a brand new black mini embroidered Kanken. Check out my closet!
Jul 27Reply
natsaraf Hi there Vee! I have a lot of brands you like and also some similar to the ones you like! If you can check out my closet that would be amazing! Bundles get discounts so let me know if you want to save! Happy poshing and hope to hear from you 💕🌹
Aug 16Reply
michiten Welcome to Poshmark! I'm happy you're here. Take a peek inside my closet & you will find new & pre-owned listings. Hope you find something you like. Blessings and be well!! Happy Poshing!!!😎🖤
Sep 07Reply
mr_gs Hey there! This is a kindly message. I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items, so I think some of my listings will meet your style. There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me! Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like. All the best for you. :)
Dec 11Reply
iseo @oceanlife2018 Hi 👋 Sending Posh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️your way this Season . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute ⏰ . Happy to answer Any questions you may have Regarding any item you interested in . And if you Not Happy with the Price ? Don’t be Shy ☺️,no offer is rejected . I will either Accept or Counter offer . So do Stop by 😊. Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒👗👠👔👖👙🧢👟
Jan 11Reply
styledbylhei hey love!!(: i sell lots of brandy melville, champion, university crewneck & many other branded items! hope you can check it out and even shop as well!!🦋💛👼🏻
Mar 06Reply
lesmarques Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Sunglasses liquidation, as well our Gucci limited edition collectionHandbag and wallets, and adding new deals every day. Check us out, Sharing is Caring. We always share back 10 x :)
Jul 03Reply
duchessdesigns4 Good Afternoon Vee 🌺 I hope you had a fantastic week. When you have a moment I would love for you to swing by my closet and check out my new arrivals. This is the most eclectic closet I’ve ever had and I would love to share it with you. Much gratitude, Lisa Michelle
Aug 17Reply
xhuy2008 Nice to meet you… ☀️🌻
Oct 09Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 08Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Aug 11Reply

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Last Active: Aug 29 2020

Norfolk, VA
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Last Active: Aug 29 2020

Norfolk, VA
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