Meet your Posher, Yosdani
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Hi! I'm Yosdani. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

15 others
like this

Hi! You put an offer in on my Lacoste jewelry case yesterday. I'm guessing you changed your mind? Otherwise, you have one hour to either accept my offer or let it expire.
Sep 02Reply

@yissy90rr Welcome to POSH😊
Sep 17Reply

@yissy90rr hi I also have listed on merc.. I can do that offer there ..
Sep 17Reply

@peace1253 thanks 🙏🏼
Sep 17Reply

@wendyzeee thanks ☺️
Sep 17Reply

@jenn19124 thanks 😉
Sep 17Reply

@yissy90rr let me know if you can't find
Sep 17Reply

puppylove welcome!
Oct 11Reply

Hii that estee louder cosmetic bag is bring new dear i will do 9 for you😊
Nov 17Reply

I mean 12 for you so at least i get 9 $ after paying poshmark😊
Nov 17Reply

Welcome to posh thanks for looking make me an offer thanks
Dec 08Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!! There are amazing Poshers all working to support one another in the name of fashion and style. I hope you have fun finding treasures, connecting with followers, sharing the Posh love, and selling special items from your own closet. Good luck and much success to you. I am a closet away.
Treasure Trove :-)
Dec 12Reply

Welcome to Posh!🎅💕🎁❄👍😘
Dec 12Reply

I can do $12. It was $78 new!😘
Dec 12Reply

I'm very sorry to have to cancel your sale. I am out of town on a family emergency and not near the item. My apologies for the inconvenience.
Dec 16Reply

@majicbeens I can't wait for that you return to your home, but if the problem is that it does not have this product available let me know
Dec 16Reply

If you're not at home I can wait to go back do not need to cancel the order your could ask me first before you cancel now if the problem is that the article was sold or not available also can you tell me
Dec 16Reply

@yissy90rr hey please accept or decline offer for the Chanel perfume :) thanks
Dec 19Reply

@yissy90rr Hey, thank you for the like on the Zara item. Reasonable offers welcome hun. Items need to be purchased by 27th and will be shipped on 29th Dec. I am traveling quite a bit so I will try to answer any questions along the way! Thanks for visiting my closet 🤗💕
Dec 23Reply

I’m Linda and if you 💖Jewelry either Vintage or New please stop by and visit. Valentines Day is right around the corner so consider shopping for yourself or someone else who would love Unique New One of A Kind Jewelry..most items handcrafted can be adjusted.
Good Luck to you if decide to sell.....if not have fun shopping😎
Dec 26Reply

@yissy90rr Hey, thanks for the offer, I can't go too low because of Poshmark's fees hun. Please let me know if you're interested as I need to ship it tomorrow morning before I travel. Thanks for visiting my closet 💕
Dec 30Reply

@kat105 ok thanks I can wait
Jan 24Reply

@kat105 👍🏼
Jan 24Reply

Hello I just wrote to see if you sent me the sweater 👍🏼
Jan 29Reply

@yissy90rr Hi Yosandi, I'm Donna. If you're looking for something new to add to your 2018 wardrobe, I hope you'll check out my closet. I offer a discount for bundling 3 or more items. Happy Poshing. Cheers! =D
Feb 08Reply

@a_nuvu so good thanks 👍🏼😍
Feb 08Reply

@yissy90rr =D
Feb 08Reply

@yissy90rr @ Hey Hun!! I just wanted to reach out and see if you would like to purchase anything I am selling bc I'm running some great deals right. Also , if you ever have any questions please feel free to ask me and I will be more than happy to help you out 😊😊❤️❤️🛍🛍🛍 !
Feb 12Reply

Greetings!! Just an FYI...I offer bundle deals, accept reasonable offers, & will style you if you'd like 😘 don't hesitate to ask any questions...have a good day 💫
P.S. if you bundle your like(s), I'll send you an offer 🤗
Mar 09Reply

I just realized that you made an offer on my love moschino dress. I was totally unaware?!?!?! I’m so sorry! I just made you a counter offer if you’re still interested. I was going to make it for the exact amount you offered me, but it wouldn’t let me so I had to made it for a dollar more. Again, I’m so sorry I missed it!
Mar 15Reply

Hi i will give you more info thru ig i invite you to visit my boutique on IG @ddluxe_boutique i only sell High quality products Brands like gucci lv fendi if you have any questions let me know thru dm 💖
Apr 10Reply

Hi can you please contact me as soon as possible!
Apr 23Reply

Hay just read your kids in the hospital on his bday? Well I’d Love to help unless I’m tooo late... thx if I do t write right away it’s only becuz my sho is going well and two others so expensive it I have charity in the ❤️
May 01Reply

@yissy90rr thanks so much for your offer on my Dolce & Gabbana peep toes. I’m afraid they’re already priced as low as I can go so I’ve countered with the full price. I can have them in the mail tomorrow if you decide to purchase them 📦
Jul 06Reply

@jlabeautique I just have to change the payment method do not worry automatically that change the method the purchase will be carried out successfully
Jul 23Reply

Sorry hun that’s my lowest. It’s a brand new bag and costs a lot. The lowest I can do is $50. I alway include extra gifts. U maybe pick something from my closet as a gift something under $50. Plus I’ll add more goodies besides
Oct 05Reply

@shine2015 Good morning I would have liked to offer a little more money but believe me that I have 40 dollars and I want to buy this wallet for my daughter for her birthday in 4 days This is your favorite brand she is hospitalized and you would be surprised I ask please God bless you
Oct 05Reply

@yissy90rr of course then hun. May god bless her. So I’ll accept ur offer. Just counter back $40. Just an FYI it’s not a wallet it’s a bag
Oct 05Reply

Hey just made an offer for$46 and u don’t have to pay for shipping. Otherwise it would’ve been a dollar or two more cause of shipping.
Oct 05Reply

@shine2015 ok thanks for all really god bless you
Oct 05Reply

@yissy90rr my pleasure dear. So u have to accept the price fast so no one else will for $46. Also let me know what else she likes so I can gift something she wants. Pray she gets better!
Oct 05Reply

@shine2015 🙏🏼 I’m so glad with you
Oct 05Reply

Hun offer again $40 cause the shipping is attached to ur item So offer again for $40 and I’ll except
Oct 05Reply

@shine2015 ok 👌🏼
Oct 05Reply

Done just made the offer
Oct 05Reply

@yissy90rr the least I can do. Will pray for her and please let me know what else she likes? Maybe the Moschino charm? Or escada pashmina or just tell me her sizes from shirt, dress to pants and shoes and I’ll figure out what I will add :)
Oct 05Reply

You see the item is priced at 65, and yet you keep lowballing me in the 30s like I’m gonna accept.
Nov 03Reply

I was going to counter 35 depending on what you’d send 😬 but I tried to accept and it says u need to update your card info hun
Dec 04Reply

Also if you add anything to your purchase anything with the 🎄🎄🎄 I can add for 1$ a piece ❤️
Dec 04Reply

Thanks for your offer on the heels. That is an extremely low offer for NWOT shoes, in which you can still see the Neiman Marcus sticker, partially. I have countered with a fair offer, based on sold comps. If accepted, would ship tomorrow. Thanks!
Dec 25Reply

Hey.. Happy new year... So i decided to put more effort in my wardrobe. Its under construction and the balenciaga will be posted soon since i deecided not to sell it...
Dec 30Reply

@elite32 hi let’s me know if it’s available to buy the balenciaga suit thanks
Dec 30Reply

@yissy90rr Yes.. I will... Happy new year ...
Dec 30Reply

@yissy90rr Hello my fellow Posher! ⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I ship next day after purchase. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jan 21Reply

Shoes are yours if you update your payment
Jan 28Reply

@lindsey_s good morning thank you for accepting my offer you are right I have to update the form of payment I would like to ask you if you can wait until today in the afternoon to be able to make the transaction correctly because I have to go to the bank to deposit the money but now I am at work but in As soon as I leave I deposit the money in the bank let me know thank you
Jan 28Reply

Hi, thank you for making an offer on my Prada shirt. I apologize but i have to cancel my counter offer at this time because I sold this shirt at another platform. Once again, I am very sorry about any inconvenience.
Jan 31Reply

The lowest I can do is $70 and that’s thru 🅿️ay🅿️pal
Feb 05Reply

@estherxoxoo You guarantee me the authenticity?
Feb 05Reply

@yissy90rr yes I can send you more photos. What’s your #
Feb 05Reply

@estherxoxoo yes post more pictures please
Feb 05Reply

@yissy90rr you can text me. 9️⃣1️⃣5️⃣ eight seven five seven one three seven.
Feb 05Reply

Welcome to poshmark
Feb 08Reply

Hi gorgeous girl I am so sorry I'm the one that you bought the Moschino shirt from and I've had pneumonia I am going to send it out tomorrow doll I'm so sorry! I've been so sick your sweetheart I'm so sorry! With love Jamie♥️💋🙏🏻👱🏽♀️🤩🙌🏼👈🏼
Feb 12Reply

@dotsandjems don’t worry sweetie feel better I can wait
Feb 12Reply

Sweetheart she got mailed out today but we had a freak snow storm however I don’t think that should interfere with the mail! Honey we need our fashion!!!
Feb 13Reply

Hi doll thank you so much for the rating your sweetheart I know it's going to look gorgeous on you and you gonna kill it literally lol Don't be a stranger Love Jamie
Feb 14Reply

Hey love I hope you received my last comment I deleted the item
Feb 19Reply

@norkita_15 I just send you a email to you
Feb 19Reply

@norkita_15 please just let me know if you are not interested in looking for another method to pay and send me the article if you are not interested just tell me not because you sent me your email to write you thanks
Feb 19Reply

@yissy90rr hey love. Yes I emailed you back. I said yea I can send it tomorrow.
Feb 19Reply

@norkita_15 oh ok let me review my email thank
Feb 19Reply

Hey, I have an offer on the hobo wristlets or did you want them both for $38? I wanted to check with you first. Happy Friday!!
Mar 08Reply

Hi dear !!
I am writing you because I have a problem with your package, the mail office returned to me because the label wasn't clearly and they can scan the codes in there.....
I.already fixed my printer and i will send it tomorrow morning dear
I want ask you:
Do you want me
To send it again?
If so, please let me know.
Thank you for your time
Mar 30Reply

What are your favorite brands?
And what are you shoe size?
Apr 05Reply

You looks like my niece 🤗🌸😁
Apr 05Reply

Hi. Just wanted to acknowledge your offer. Unfortunately I’m out of town due to work but will check back and see if you’re still interested as soon as I get back. Thanks for checking out my closet. 💜
Apr 25Reply

@yissy90rr hi there. I can reduce the price to 48 and the shipping will go down to 3.99 for you on the Dior Ring
Apr 28Reply

Hi there sorry I missed your offer. Feel free to send again and I’ll accept. Thanks!
Apr 29Reply

@yissy90rr hello love! I accepted the offer but you need to fix your method of payment.
May 07Reply

May 12Reply

@yissy90rr hi, it good deal. if u accept i ship out tomorrow morning
Jul 01Reply

@yissy90rr hi, i accept ur offer. pls arrange payment then i ship out tomorrow morning. Tnx
Jul 02Reply

@gingerdamore thanks sweetie I’m very interested just let me know when you found it
Jul 21Reply

I sent you an offer! Thanks for liking :) I also have a Cavalli shirt you might like!
Jul 24Reply

hey girl! that prada bag is fake so
dont get scammed and buy it.
Jul 24Reply

Hi, just a note hun! Some Poshers don't take kindly to insulting offers on high $$ item's, seems to be a habit. I'm not accepting $40 For a $400 Train Case! My Price of $110 is Fair and my lowest price! Have a nice day!
Aug 02Reply

Hello dear i counter offered on the LB sunglass. Believe me even $40 is reasonable price on that glass. Vintage, original LB from Bloomingdales with no flaws. You can go and check all my sales. 🦋🦋
Aug 02Reply

Hi:) feel free to make an offer , I be glad to help you in any way i can
Aug 04Reply

Text me for shoes 571-244-9017
Aug 18Reply

Hi hun. I can only do $29 lowest on the Juicy makeup train case. I can also do discounted shipping
Aug 23Reply

Hi. If you’re interested In the clutch I can give you a bundle price with the shoes for $125. You can pay one time shipping fee when you combine
Aug 28Reply

Please check out my closet I have alot of designer shoes dresses and bags.
Sep 02Reply

Hi beautiful- I can’t go lower than 25 on my Juicy Couture makeup train box. Even at 25 I’m making noting off of it but I’m willing to do that in order for you to ow it. So if that works feel free to either accept or decline.
Sep 03Reply

Hi you had made an offer on my Moschino abstract dress the lowest I can go is the $160 I had offered - at this price with the poshmark fees I am losing a lot of money in what it originally cost me.
Sep 05Reply

@nola70 thanks but that’s price is to spend to me
Sep 05Reply

Sorry, but what part of PRICE FIRM do you not understand?
Sep 18Reply

@nola70 She's a HUGE lowballer, doing it to me too. Just decline her and move on.
Sep 18Reply

I got your offer on the Miu Miu shoes which I’m happy to accept but I’m out of town until Saturday and wouldn’t be able to ship until then. If you’re still interested just repeat your offer on Weds or Thurs of this week. Thanks!
Sep 22Reply

Ok thanks
Sep 22Reply

@yissy90rr hello there, do you still want the Chanel box for $6? I decided to remove my items if you’re still interested in! Thanks!
Sep 24Reply

Hi! What’s your offer on the Fendi slides?
Oct 29Reply

@thevaultofparis I know that my offer may be a bit low but really100 is the amount I have I want to buy these sandals for my daughter's birthday 🙏😔
Oct 29Reply

Aw. Happy birthday to her! Where are you located?
Oct 29Reply

Miami Florida
Oct 29Reply

@yissy90rr after fees I only get $80 if I accept $100 offer. Let’s do $150
Oct 29Reply

Or we could use a different way that you prefer
Oct 29Reply

hello friend thank you for texting on my Fendi jumpsuit it 💯 as pictures but to answer your question no it not But I can a sure you it's 1:1dupucate
Nov 10Reply

I will accept $25 for music box !
Nov 13Reply

@cgreen1220 hi sweetie i was made a offer review that thanks
Nov 13Reply

@yissy90rr hi! Text me 346-349-8486
Nov 13Reply

Thats the lowest i can go on the chanel sandals. They are practically brand new.
Nov 28Reply

Hello Posher, feel free to visit my closet for vintage gucci items if ever interested.
Dec 09Reply

Dec 11Reply

I’m so sorry I didn’t see your offer. I’ll accept it if you redo it ☺️
Dec 13Reply

I get back on the 26th
Dec 19Reply

@amberkeys ok sweetie enjoy thanks 😊
Dec 19Reply

Hi, I accepted your offer on the Moschino dress, I got a note from Poshmark that your payment method did not go through.
Dec 26Reply

I see u purchase a lot here. However ur payment has not went through even though I excepted your offer after 20 times.
Dec 28Reply

Feel free to submit an offer
Dec 28Reply

$100 is too low for me
Dec 28Reply

I’m not going to sell my Gucci sandals for anything under $100 they are never worn brand new out the dust bag && box hun.
Jan 21Reply

@yissy90rr hi there, thanks for your offer on the Armani boots. There seems to be an issue with payment. If you are able to fix that today, I can ship ASAP. Thank you.
Feb 06Reply

@yissy90rr btw, these boots are PERFECT for Florida. They are super light breathable material, so you can rock them in South Beach. ♥️
Feb 06Reply

you need to update payment info per poshmark
Feb 29Reply

Thanks for liking my listing 🌹
Mar 11Reply

Thanks for liking my listing 🌸
Mar 19Reply

Hello!! If you're interested I am having a sale that if you bundle 3 or more items you get them half price. Purses and tools not included. I also love offers! Have a blessed day 🙂
Aug 22Reply

@marjoriesmovies , yes she did that to me. first I received a msg she had a payment problem, told her she never replied, then she made an offer lower than the first, I don't play those games and I see a pattern in all these notes.
Jan 06Reply

@ingramn01 yep she is a lowball scammer for sure. MOVE ON.
Jan 06Reply

I've accepted your offer and again it cannot go through, payment problem.
Feb 14Reply

okay I'm tired of these games, second time you did this.
Feb 15Reply

@I have made you several offers and they have expired because you do not accept it I am interested in buying these sandals I made you this last offer thinking that you would let it pass like the others and I did not think that I was going to accept it, unfortunately right now I have no funds in the bank but tomorrow if I can make the purchase successfully, I only ask you for a little patience and at the same time I thank you for accepting the offer
Feb 15Reply

@ingramn01 happy Valentine’s Day
Feb 15Reply

Hi there! Not sure if it’s you that made the offer on the Dior iconic patterned jewelry box. Thank you 🙏 for your offer however I cannot discount it any further.I purchased it at a specialty shop featuring Dior items it has never be used just lovingly stored though it does have a few age spots in the lining 😌. It’s a jewel of a box just waiting for the right home. 😊
May 14Reply
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