Meet your Silly Posher, LeAnn! (say hello!)
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Welcome to my humble abode! :) Not really a name brand chaser but do seem to lean towards certain brands. Love clothes/shoes but especially jewelry and purses. I am grateful to have met some amazing women on Poshmark Be kind, polite, honest, and truly treat others the way we all would love to be treated. We never know the true journey of others, and we must never assume. That is something I try to live by, although I am always still learning. Much love to you and Have fun shopping. Yay!! xo

84 others
like this

Hello & Good Morning to you! 🌞. My name is Angelia and I just wanted to stop by and greet you. 🙋. This is such an awesome place to both buy and sell and I really think that you're going to absolutely love it. This site has so many cool features and once you get to know the mall it's so fun. I am a mentor here on Poshmark , so if you have any questions about anything I am only just a tag , away. Happy poshing! 💃💃 xo, @restlessangel
Jun 16Reply

@leann48 welcome to posh and thanks so much for the like 😊💕❤
Jun 16Reply

Welcome to posh luv. Aw thx a bunch for the super kinds words. I'm flattered. You are truly a sweetheart! I'm so elated that you stoped by. If you need any help getting started with your closet please don't hesitate to ask for assistance. I'm here to help. If you find something you adore in my closet just just give me a holler and I'll give you a special discount. Thx so much for checking out my closet luv. Try to stay cool in Florida. Cheers!🤗
Jun 17Reply

@restlessangel thanks so much for the warm welcome. I love it here. Everyone is so sweet and oh, all the clothes. purses, and shoes! Its all so tempting. So far, I am just a buyer but will have to clean my closet out. lol If I have any questions, I will be sure to ask you. Thanks so much. xo
Jun 18Reply

@classygirl41 Thanks so much. i love so many things here but unfortunately, I have gained weight since I became ill ten years ago. WOrking on it, but its hard when you are ill. But I am still a happy girl. lol Thanks so much for the welcome. xo
Jun 18Reply

@leann48 OF absolutely! You are So kind. I hope to have the honor of being of service one day. HUGS A BUNCHES!
Restless & Fam! :)
Jun 18Reply

@leann48 i understand since i am sick myself and flucuate with my weight as well that's why i have so many clothing items for sale here. If i can be of help let me know 😊💕❤
Jun 18Reply

@spicebeige22, you are just the sweetest! Thank you for all your kindness. There are a few things but may have to wait till next week to buy anything else. I am on disability so on a limited budget. Thank goodness for my wonderful husband.We adore each other even after almost 20 years together. He is just the best man. I look forward to getting to know you better and thank you so much for your warmth and welcoming words. Cheers from Me. xo
Jun 18Reply

@classygirl41 oh no! Its hard, I know. I have severe spinal issues, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and many other things. I try to take really good care of myself and its a challege, but attitude means everything. I don't let it define me. What do you have to deal with? If you ever need some support, just let me know. Okay? xo
Jun 18Reply

@leann48 thank you. I suffer with severe bipolar and anxiety as well as liver disease and a few other issues everyday is a challenge for sure and attitude is everything. I have never felt sorry for myself and never will that's not me and i am not my illness 😊💕❤
Jun 18Reply

@classygirl41 , good for you!! I think that things are getting much better with the public being better educated about mental health. I deal with depression myself, but you wouldn't know it by looking at me. I take medication, which helps alot. Unfortunately can have side effects, which I am sure you understand . Thanks for sharing with me. Take care of you. xo
Jun 18Reply

@leann48 Thanks for the like Leann! 🙂
Jun 19Reply

@sallygpope you are so welcome, Sally! Nice to meet you. xo
Jun 23Reply

Hi welcome to posh! I am happy to answer any questions.Thanks for liking my listing. If you put it in a bundle I will make you an awesome offer on it.Happy Poshing!
Jun 23Reply

I do 20% on a nonclearance bundle so i countered
Jun 25Reply

@leann48....Hi Leann☺☺
Jun 25Reply

@roses_garden hi there! Thanks so much for the welcome. Boy, this place is addicting! lol I really appreciate the offer. Will take a look. Been liking so many things that I lose track. :) xo
Jun 26Reply

@nybor1108 thanks much. Will take another look. Appreciate it. :)
Jun 26Reply

@michellegwilson hi Michelle! How are you? Thanks for taking the time to stop by my page to say hello. xo
Jun 26Reply

@leann48 You're Welcome Leann...let me know if there's anything I can help you with💕💕
Jun 26Reply

@michellegwilson You are so sweet. In fact, there are so many sweet people here. Its so nice to see that since on other social medias, there can be so much drama and pettiness. But here, I haven't seen it at all. Yay! Thanks Michelle, you in your movie star sunglasses. :) xo
Jun 26Reply

@michellegwilson I just noticed, did you make me a counter offer on those pants? I didn't see it. :(
Jun 26Reply

@leann48 Oh, the took me a few minutes to figure it out. I forget my pic is on here....☺☺ So far Poshmark has, overall been a good experience for me as well....Im very thankful
Jun 26Reply

@leann48, I hadn't....would you like me to?
Jun 26Reply

@leann48 ....Thank You Very Much, Leann🌹🌹 Your jeans will be on their way to you, tomorrow🌞🌞 I hope you love them💕💕💕💕 I appreciate it, Leann💕
Jun 26Reply

@jewelrytolove thanks so much. It never fails to cheer me to look at it. lol Just checked out your site and love the jewelry. I should be back to buy some thing soon. Thanks for stopping by! :) xo
Jun 27Reply

@michellegwilson I am sure I will love them. I am excited to try them on. I will let you know, okay? Thanks a bunch. xo
Jun 27Reply

@leann48 💕
Jun 27Reply

@leann48....Thank You, Leann🌹🌹
Jul 03Reply

@michellegwilson You are so welcome, Michelle. You deserve it. :) I haven't tried on your pants yet because I had surgery on my left butt cheek. And no, it wasn't a facelift. haha! So until I heal, I won't be able to try them but will let you know, okay? I do love them though. Thanks. xoxo
Jul 03Reply

@leann48 Oh! I pray you heal quickly and everything is alright, Leann.💕💕
Jul 03Reply

@michellegwilson I will be okay. If you knew everything I have been thru in life, you wouldn't believe it. Sometimes I can't believe I made it this far but I am tough, and grateful for all the good things in my life. Attitude is everything. :) Thank you for your kindness and please, stay in touch, okay? You are good people. :) xoxo
Jul 03Reply

@leann48 Thank You💕
Jul 03Reply

hello nice to meet you stop by anytime 🌹
Jul 04Reply

@mmcleary Hi there! Nice to meet you too. You like me in my hat, huh? lol :)
Jul 04Reply

@leann48 sure do
Jul 04Reply

Thank you for the great rating and kind words!! It makes my day when a customer is happy with their purchase. 🌸🌸🌸
Jul 05Reply

Hi hon! So glad you liked your package. It was my pleasure!
Quick update: I have my own YouTube channel, so if you would like to check that out, the link is in my bio! ♥️
Jul 07Reply

@raquelwillys I did. Thanks so much for being so generous. You tube, huh? What are you going to do with your channel? :) xo
Jul 08Reply

@leann48 not sure yet. Definitely wang to incorporate some lifestyle elements to it. We'll see where it goes. :)
Jul 08Reply

@raquelwillys sounds great. Will you still talk to me after you are a big star? lol :)
Jul 08Reply

@leann48 Thank you for your purchase. I shipped it yesterday. I included a small makeup sample as a gift. I hope the style fits nicely and if not, please feel free to list on poshmark. I will help you by sharing and promoting the item. Appreciate your support.
Jul 08Reply

@tomomigirl How kind of you! :) Thanks for sending it so quick. Look forward to getting it. Yay! And thanks for letting me know you sent it out. xo
Jul 09Reply

@themagicwand Thanks so much. I swore I replied to you. Maybe I forgot to hit send. :( Thanks, and I loved my purchase. xo
Jul 09Reply

@leann48 You did! You replied when you rated me and wrote some kind words. I was just saying thank you for that. About 4 or 5 comments up. I didn't mean to make you reply again, just saying thanks for the rating & kindness. 🌸
Jul 09Reply

@themagicwand Oh good! Thought I was losing my mind. (again!) lol I just wanted to make sure you knew I didn't ignore you. Not my style at all. :) Thanks for clearing that up. Have a great weekend. xoxo
Jul 09Reply

Feel free to make an offer on the earrings hun
Jul 09Reply

@prcs841 Thanks! I am "window shopping" tonight. lol :) xo
Jul 09Reply

Thanks for all the shares sweetie!!😘😘😘
Jul 09Reply

Jul 14Reply

Hi there! Nice to meet you! Hope you're loving posh!! 💕
Jul 15Reply

Hi hun! Welcome to my closet! If you like something feel free to make an offer with any price you like ❤️ have a wonderful day ☀️🙃
Jul 17Reply

Happy Poshing!! ❤️💕💎 Please visit my closet!!👙👠👗
Jul 18Reply

@maccpaula you are very welcome. Love your closet. :) xo
Jul 18Reply

@threebeez I do love poshing. Too much! lol But I have alot of well loved purchases. Thanks for stopping by. xo
Jul 18Reply

@iuliiahayek Hi there! I appreciate your generous offer. When more funds come in, I will let you know. :) Have a wonderful week. xoxo
Jul 18Reply

@fashionqueen561 I certainly will. If I haven't already. Its hard to keep up sometimes. :) Thank you for stopping by to visit me. xo
Jul 18Reply

@leann48 You're such a lovely person! Thanks!😘😘😘
Jul 18Reply

@maccpaula aww, thanks so much, Paula! So kind of you to say so. :) I love your profile pic. I happen to adore silly and fun. lol Life is too short not to be silly. :) xo
Jul 19Reply

Hi love! 🎉Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉Hope you find some amazing deals on here! Feel free to look at my closet for closet inspiration! Let me know if you need any help navigating this awesome and addicting community! 😊
Jul 20Reply

Hello and welcome I😀 love your picture. just wanted to let you know I'm having a closet clear out and I'm also listing a bunch of more items giving really awesome deals❤ so definitely shoot me an offer I'll accept
Jul 20Reply

@kgokalga Thank you so much! I love it here. Too much. ha! I will definitely check out your closet.:) Thank you for your kindness and offer for help. You are so sweet. :) xo
Jul 20Reply

@allin420 hi there! I love that picture too. Never fails to make me smile. lol I will check out your closet for sure. :) Thank you for sweet welcome and wish you much success in your sales. Everyone here is so sweet. It is so wonderful to meet so many lovely women, who are kind, polite, and welcoming. And of course, silly too. Teehee. Thank you for stopping by to say hello and I will be by your closet soon. :) xo
Jul 20Reply

@leann48 it really is amazing how many how women are willing to help and the biggest surprise is watch each other and help each other succeed .I can truly say I've met best friend. that I'll never forget .thank you and if you have any questions feel free to stop by 🙃
Jul 20Reply

@allin420 I so agree. So many wonderful souls on here. I used to be in soapmaking too, and the women were the same there. In this world. it does your heart good to see people being so good to each other. :) Thanks for your help and I look forward to getting you better. xo
Jul 20Reply

Thank you for the like! Best wishes 💓🎀
Jul 20Reply

Hello Leanne! I'm Sheri 😁 Thank u for stopping by my Closet n Liking the items I have ! Esp. The Fuschia Crochet Tank Dress! It's great! Very comfy 😊 Please feel free to put an Offer in . I'm here if u have ANY questions Ok! Ttys S🦊😁 have a great wknd!
Jul 22Reply

@sfox222 that's so funny because I was writing you a note while you were writing me! ha! Was sending love about your doggie. Just beautiful. They are great kissers. lol Thanks for stopping by. I have to be careful with funds till next Weds but I will be by soon. Thanks so much, Sheri. Lovely to meet you. :) xo
Jul 22Reply

Thank you so much for your purchase would you like me to make a pair of earrings to match the necklace
Jul 22Reply

@allin420 Hi there! I love those pearl earrings you make. I had as one of your likes, where you say free earrings with each sale. Those are perfect. Simle and I can wear them with everything. :) Thanks so much. That is awfully sweet of you. :) xo
Jul 22Reply

Hi there! Nice to meet you! Hope you're loving posh! 💕
Jul 27Reply

Leann💐Hi I'm Laura it's nice to meet you! You're welcome to follow me and like my Follow Game at the top of my closet as it will also help you to increase your followers! I'm a Posh Mentor, so stop by my closet any time if you have any questions! Happy Poshing!😘❤️💋xoxo
Jul 27Reply

Hi Leann! Your kitty photo is sooo cute!!! 💖 Thank you for dropping by my closet and favoring some items I have on there. :) I am open to all reasonable offers so please feel free to message me anytime in case you have questions or if there is anything I can help you with. It's nice to meet you here on Poshmark! My name is Maria, by the way. Hoping to stay in touch! 😄
Jul 28Reply

@leann48 LOVE THE PIC.MM💕💕If interested, place your items in a bundle & I will give all 3 listings for $30❤
Jul 30Reply

@leann48 Hi Leann, I'm Sofia :) Thank You for ALL your likes! Please feel free to add anything to bundle, I'm more than happy to give you a discount on multiple items :)
Jul 30Reply

Hi Leann, Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to like my Umgee Navy Blue Sun Dress, so sweet of you! One of my favorite pieces, love the color, cut, and style. Screams summer fun! If you have any questions please ask. Also, I am now following your closet. I follow everyone who visits, my way of saying thank you! Hope you will consider following my closet in return. Again, thank you and if you like this item, so cool, why not make an offer.
Jul 31Reply

P.S. Wow, I see you "liked" 3 other items as well, so cool. I should point out that offer a 15% discount on bundle purchases of 2 or more items. I love the group of likes you've put together, really nice pieces. If your interested I would like to make a special private sale offer just for you. All you need to do is bundle your favorites and I'll send you my very best price. Again, thank you and have a great day!
Jul 31Reply

Thanks for all the love! Let me know if you have any questions, need measurements, or anything!
Aug 02Reply

Hi Leann! I saw you liked a couple things in my closet. If you bundle the 2 likes together I can give you them for a couple dollars off! Or if you bundle 3 or more items, you'll automatically receive 10% off. Let me know if you have any questions.
Aug 03Reply

Please let me know if you like your item hope you do
Aug 03Reply

@leann48 hi thank you for your lovely comment for wallet if you want any item from my closet I'm gone be so happy to sale it to you 👍
Aug 04Reply

Thank you for your purchase 😁😁😁😁🌷🌷🌷
Aug 05Reply

Hi Leann! If you want to purchase the earrings, I'll give you the bracelets for free. Blessings, Stephanie
Aug 06Reply

Hello love I see your active here rt now I hope you enjoy your package from me yesterday would you pls accept your order 😊
Aug 06Reply

Hello, I just wanted to let you know that your bundle is boxed up and in the mailbox. Thanks for buying from my closet! Dena
Aug 07Reply

Hello dear I'm sorry I do not mean to be a nag but would you please except your order from yesterday I really appreciate it really never had a situation were someone doesn't respond or accept there order
Aug 07Reply

@jaso73 so sorry. Will do it now. I have chronic health issues and it has not been a good past few days. I have extreme pain and fatigue. I have never had someone tell to accept an order before either. :( xo
Aug 07Reply

@stephania2017 Thanks for the very generous offer. You are so sweet. I have to be careful with my money. Spent way too much on here. :( And I am on disability so I have to stretch my funds. But I do really appreciate your kind offer. Truly. :) xo
Aug 07Reply

@threebeez Thanks so much for stopping by. I love it here, too much. lol Everyone here is so sweet. :) xo
Aug 07Reply

@lauras_boutique Thank you so much for your kind offer. I am just a buyer right now but hopefully if I feel better, I will be a seller soon. Thank you so much for stopping by and offering your help. So sweet of you. xo
Aug 07Reply

@maria_celeste_g hi Maria! Sorry I didn't see your post till now. :( Thanks so much for stopping by to greet me. Its so wonderful to meet you. Will have to stop by your closet. Take care of you. xo
Aug 07Reply

@perfectred30 So sorry I missed your post. :( Everyone seems to love that pic as much as I do. lol Always makes me smile. :) Also, thanks so much for your offer. Will have to go back to your closet soon. Its wonderful to meet you. :) xo
Aug 07Reply

@sman2251 Even if I am not ready to buy, I love to share and show some love. :) Thank you for stopping by. Sorry I missed your post. Boy, the feed goes by so fast sometimes I miss so much. Have a wonderful week. :) xo
Aug 07Reply

@aries_boutique So sorry I missed your post earlier. :( Love your closet. Will have to go back to check your closet out again. Love this place. So many great deals and so many wonderful women. Yay! Thanks for stopping by. :) xo
Aug 07Reply

@megggles Thanks so much! I appreciate your offer of help. :) xo
Aug 07Reply

@dazemarie thanks for stopping by. WIll check out my likes in your closet again. :) xo
Aug 07Reply

@1980helen thanks so much. I love my wallet. As soon as I got it, I switched out for my other one. I love sparkly things. :) You are so sweet. I appreciate your offer very much. xo
Aug 07Reply

@gatulita You are welcome! Is that your kitty in your profile pic? So adorable. So much character in that face. Give your baby cuddles from me. :) xo
Aug 07Reply

@denascloset1 Thanks for letting me know and sending it out so quick! Really appreciate that. :) xo
Aug 07Reply

@leann48 lol yes it's my cat that picture is adorable because he's at the beach and he was so relaxed and everything haha a lot of people like him because he's so like muscular and calm and thank you Haha I'll give him a lot of hugs for you 😁😁😁😁
Aug 07Reply

@gatulita yes, he does look so mellow. lol I love the look on his face. Priceless. :) What is his name? He has to be a good boy to just hang out at the beach like that. I bet he loves it. I love him! I run a small rescue for kitties out of my home. Its work but they are worth it. :) xo
Aug 07Reply

@leann48 his name is manchas and he is a rescued cat to I got him small and I also have 2 more that we rescued and my family love cats and there like our children ❤️
Aug 07Reply

@gatulita Same with us. I couldn't have children and became too ill to adopt, so our kitties are our kids. We have seven inside and a few outside kitties that we take care of as well. So happy that your babies are well loved and rescued. I love to hear that. :) xo
Aug 07Reply

@leann48 wow well I'm glad that you take serious of rescuing cats because most people don't like cats but we love them and I think there animals so intelligent like if they know what we say do or go threw or what we tell them ,a hug for each one of your kitty's and hope there all good❤️❤️❤️❤️😻😻😽😽😸😺😺
Aug 07Reply

@gatulita Most of them are good kitties. One is very mischievious but very loving to humans. That is Jake. He doesn't seem to like other cats but he loves us so he will behave most of the time. He hates for us to be mad at us. lol Thank goodness! I love all animals. One of God's greatest gifts to us and so many get treated so badly. So I do what I can. Thanks for chatting and please, stay in touch. Its been lovely getting to know you bettter. Truly. xo
Aug 07Reply

@leann48 I agree with you that god gave us cats so we can love them and I love to get to know people that love cats, pretty soon I'll post pictures of my other cats too , thank you again and lots of kisses for all your kitty's take care and I will keep in touch❤️❤️❤️😽😽😻😻😻
Aug 07Reply

@leann48 Thank you! You are very kind. It would be lovely to get to know you more. 💖🌹💍
Aug 07Reply

@leann48 hi your welcom honey enjoy it👍
Aug 07Reply

Hi Leann, Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to like my Keep Sake Navy Blue Shorts, so sweet of you! One of my favorite pieces, love the color, cut, and style. Screams summer fun! If you have any questions please ask. Again, thank you and if you like this item, so cool, why not make an offer.
Aug 07Reply

Thanks for stoping by my closet and liking some of my items! I'd love to negotiate a reasonable price so I can have them! Feel free to bundle your like and send me an offer, I'd pretty much accept anything reasonable! Hope your having a great summer! Happy Summer!☀️
Aug 07Reply

Hi!! I can drop the j crew necklace to $30 if you're interested'
Aug 09Reply

@ yasminlavender I am so disappointed by your actions. I politely asked why you cancelled my order. Then you precede to block me so I can't message you. This is the second but worst act i have received on this site. I expect more from a person who is a seller and an adult. It just makes me sad. I still wish the best for you and will pray for you. I just wanted honestly. :( xo
Aug 09Reply

Hi Leann!!! Make me an offer on Brand new JCREW NECKLACE! !! Can discount for you dear
Aug 09Reply

@newbasement You are so sweet to offer. I will take another look. I have a serious addiction to jewery. lol :) Thank you so much. xo
Aug 11Reply

Hey hon! I called but everything was automated and I didn't get any more information, just the same it's on its way to Tampa on the 7th. It says I need to wait 7 business days to report it missing and have them do something about it. That would be the 15th i think. This is so frustrating, I haven't had this happen before! Hopefully it comes today or Monday or ill start a search for it on Tuesday. I'm really sorry about this. :(
Aug 12Reply

Hiii Leann, I'm giving a personal discount of 30% off or more on any item(s) 😊
Aug 14Reply

@clp1528 Listen, its not your fault this happened. I appreciate you trying to figure it out for me. But don't blame yourself at all. You mailed it out on time and did your part.l Okay? No worries.:) Keep me posted. xoxo
Aug 14Reply

@estrellamadia thank you so much. That is so kind of you. Sorry this is late. Long night last night. I will check out your closet. :) Thank you. xo
Aug 14Reply

@leann48 no problem, let me know 😊
Aug 14Reply

Hi, you "liked" lots of items from my closet. At the bottom of each listing you will find "add to bundle." Add the items you are interested in and I will send you a private offer......super good deal!!!! I like to bundle 5 or fewer items due to weight restrictions......thanks💗
Aug 14Reply

Hi again! I'm putting my closet on vacation hold for several days, but if you are interested in any of my items, please add them to a bundle & I'll make you a deal you can't refuse!!!! Have a great day, thanks again💗
Aug 14Reply

@leann48 says out for delivery! Yay!
Aug 14Reply

Hi I saw you liked my banana republic shirt and some jewelry, I am open to offers please feel free to make one!
Aug 15Reply

Hi! Thanks for the like on the necklace! If interested I can have it out to you by tomorrow!
Aug 17Reply

Thank you for shopping with me this weekend ❤️ Please let me know how I may help ✨
Aug 21Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and my closet .. I saw all your likes .. I just posted all my jewelry and accessories! Major clearout to make room ! please let me know if I can help with anything 💞🌸🌸🌸🌸Aria also feel free to bundle them for an amazing private offer ! Bogo
Aug 22Reply

I meant I just lowered my prices a lot to sell them lol.
Aug 22Reply

This pic is so cute!
Aug 22Reply

@sosoutherngirl thank you! Sorry this is late. :( I will get back to you. Have to cut down my spending on here. lol I am on a very limited income, disability, and need to slow down before I left nothing but clothese, purses, and jewelry, but no home! lol Thanks so much for stopping by. :) xo
Aug 23Reply

@peggyrx thanks for stopping by! :) xo
Aug 23Reply

@aewm10 thank you! I never get tired of that picture. lol Nice to meet you. :) xo
Aug 23Reply

@1lisalisa1 thank you. :) xo
Aug 23Reply

@saskicarrerabsq thank you! I appreciate that. :) xo
Aug 23Reply

@urbanlove I definitely will be back. Just waiting on more funds. :( Thank you for stopping by and your sweet offer. I will be back! xo
Aug 23Reply

@gigisclozet thank you for stopping by! Have a wonderful week. :) xo
Aug 23Reply

@kahelelani I am so glad so many people love this picture as much as I do. :) Thank you. xo
Aug 23Reply

@leann48 anytime let me know and feel free to offer yourself on bundles!! Xoxo i sell out fast FYI but will add what i can thank you for shopping my closet please do come back !!!
Aug 23Reply

@leann48 Poshmark is definitely addictive!!! I could shop, buy & sell all day, but unfortunately I need to work. Please take your time, and when you are ready to purchase, add your item or items to a bundle & I'll send you a deal....thanks💗 Have a great day
Aug 23Reply

Hi @leann48 ! I saw you had a couple likes from my closet. Feel free to bundle them for a private discount or have a bundle of 3 or more items and receive 10% off your order. Have a great day ☺️
Aug 24Reply

@dazemarie thanks for stopping by and for your offer. Unfortunately, I have had some unexpected financial expenses so this month I will not be able to buy pretty much anything. It will be hard but I have to pay bills before anything else. But no worries, I will be ready the following month, in Oct. Thank you. :) xo
Aug 27Reply

@leann48 that is completely understandable. If they are still there in Oct., then they are yours! Have a great weekend! ☺️
Aug 27Reply

@dazemarie thank you for your understanding. :) Have a wonderful week. And God bless you. xo
Aug 29Reply

Sep 14Reply

Sep 16Reply

Sep 20Reply

Cute pic. I hope you are having a wonderful time Poshing. If you have any questions on how to get your closet started please feel free to @ me and I will be happy to help and share your items.❣️
Sep 24Reply

Hello! I know there are many closets on posh, but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hi and wish you a wonderful weekend! 💛
Oct 15Reply

Nov 05Reply

@leann48 Hi!! Welcome to posh! Feel free to check out my closet for awesome deals on Lululemon, Michael Kors, Tory Burch, Louis Vuitton, Nike, VS PINK, & more!🎉💃🏼🛍 Add to a bundle in my closet & see a special price from me to make your closet more fabulous!🎉
Nov 05Reply

@leann48 thank you for the likes! Don't forget to add them to a bundle for a private discount! And as always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! Have a great day!
Nov 09Reply

Hi LeAnn! That’s the cutest kitten, ever!
Dec 27Reply

Must be the cutest posher I've seen yet!
Dec 27Reply

Hello, my name is Jen☺️ If you are looking to shop🛍 check out my closet, I have tons of sales and accept offers✨ I hope to hear from you soon🌹
Jan 22Reply

Greetings!! Just an FYI...I offer bundle deals, accept reasonable offers, & will style you if you'd like 😘 don't hesitate to ask any questions...have a good night 💫
P.S. if you bundle your like(s), I'll send you an offer 🤗
Jan 29Reply

Love your style 😋 we have similar taste! I think you’ll like my new listings 💘
Apr 01Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Adidas, Nike, Yellow Box, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 05Reply

@leann48 Hello LeAnn! I hope you have fun using this app. Love your profile picture and admire your love for kitties. 7 + furry children is a lot, I only have 5, lol. God bless your good heart for taking care of their little lives. I hope you are doing well. Have a beautiful day! 💕🌸🌈🌸💕
Oct 16Reply

Just stopping by to say hi 👋
Oct 22Reply

@leann48 Hi LeAnn, thank you so much for your generous bundle offer. I will decline and just send it again for $40? ❤️
Nov 06Reply

@rockaroni thank you so much! How kind of you! I always try to make sure I am fair. Its not easy being a seller sometimes. :) Again, thanks so much. xo
Nov 06Reply

@leann48 my pleasure. I work 10 hr shift tomorrow so I will send on Wed if that is ok?
Nov 06Reply

@rockaroni and as soon as you send it, I will pay immediately. Thank you so much. -
Nov 06Reply

@rockaroni that would be fine. I don' t see me having a purse/scarf/necklace emergency any time soon. haha! So I understand completely. :)
Nov 06Reply

@leann48 that was so funny you made my night😻
Nov 06Reply

@rockaroni glad I made you laugh. I am rather silly. Life is too short to be serious all the time. :) Good night. xo
Nov 06Reply

@leann48 thank you LeAnn❣️
Nov 06Reply

Welcome 😘🌺
Everything On Sale 💰
Blow Out Sale Today Only 😮
All Price Are Negotiable ❤️
Make An Offer 🎁
Nov 06Reply

Hello, Welcome to Poshmark🌻.We hope you have a wonderful experience in our beautiful community. The doors of my closet @maismo50 are open for you when you want to visit us. All our articles have a special discount.
Nov 07Reply

@leann48 ok ... getting pretty upset that package isn’t tracking yet! I dropped it at my local pack & post after work last night😞 I will be on them tomorrow if it doesn’t track shortly.
Nov 09Reply

Hi Leann, I wanted to make sure you got my message so I’m sending it two ways. When I dropped price for whatever reason it wasn’t sent to you. Let’s do this Put the top in a one item bundle and I can send the offer that way. Thanks for being a good sport. Dawn
Nov 12Reply

@leann48 sweetest review ever♥️♥️♥️ hope you enjoy everything!!!!!
Nov 12Reply

@rockaroni you certainly deserved it. It was a wonderful package to open. Thank you so much. :) xo
Nov 13Reply

Hi fellow Posher!! 👋 I’m new to Posh and just stopped by to say hey! 😊 When you get a moment, stop by my closet and check out the beautiful jewelry and gift sets I have listed! Thanks in advance! Happy Poshing! 🤗
Nov 17Reply

means a lot to me, Happy Thanksgiving!! Thanks so much for the sweet note!
Nov 20Reply

@alquimiabyady You are so welcome. I appreciate you doing a wonderful job. :) Happy Thanksgiving, and I hope you have much to be grateful for. xo
Nov 20Reply

Hi lovely!❤️ I would love to invite you to my closet for amazing deals for the holidays 🎉 If you have any questions feel free to ask me💕 Happy Holidays ❤️❤️
Nov 21Reply

Happy Poshing!! 😍 Hope you have a wonderful day full of lots of sales and shares. ❤️🙌🏻🎉😊 Please check out my closet! I have lots of fun baseball caps, beanies, gloves, scarfs and jewelry. 🧢🧣🧝🏻♀️🧤
Nov 22Reply

@leann48 LeAnn...I just found a necklace that was part of a bundle you bought! Were you missing a necklace, did I send a wrong one? 😔
Nov 26Reply

Thank you for the nice comment and high rating. I started out on poshmark as just a buyer then I cleaned out my closet and started selling to support my habit of buying for my grandchildren lol. It is fun and can be very therapeutic!!!
Dec 02Reply

@leann48 Hi, me again...I found a necklace that you should have received in your bundle! I need to get that to you ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 02Reply

Thank you for love note. I am glad you like them. I hope see you again soon. 💝💝💝💝💗💗💗😊😊😉
Dec 02Reply

Dec 05Reply

Dec 07Reply

Welcome to Poshmark🎉😊💞
Dec 08Reply

Dec 13Reply

Hi there! 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Feb 23Reply

Hi LeAnn, I really love your comments describing yourself💗. I have new designer and preloved items in my closet. Been slashing prices to boost sales before my wedding.
Please visit when you have a free minute😊
Jun 18Reply

Hi Leann,
I’m trying to reach you. I cancelled your order of that A&F scarf so you can have a chance to see the flaw I found in it as I was packing it up. If you still want it, I’ll send you a new offer for $10 & $4.99 shipping. I did not want to send this to you as it is without showing you, as it was not in my original description. I made a new listing not for sale so you could see additional pics. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience! 😘 Kim
Jul 01Reply

🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌵🌵🌵WELCOME🌵🌵🌵🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸TO🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌵🌵POSHMARK 🌵🌵🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Jul 07Reply

I like the picture of the cat in the hat!
Jul 10Reply

Thanks so much for your business! 💕
Jul 10Reply

Thank you for your purchase. I will have your item shipped out by tomorrow ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Jul 10Reply

@maggiehea thanks so much, Maggie! Glad you like my kitty picture as much as I do. lol :) xo
Jul 10Reply

@igotorbs thank you so much! I appreciate it. :) xo
Jul 10Reply

@leann48 You are so kind and I'm glad to have you as a customer.
Jul 11Reply

@amanda_nn awww, you are so sweet to say so. {{{hugs}}} Thank you for my lovely items. :) xo
Jul 11Reply

Hi LeAnn!🙋 I would like to invite you to check out my closet. I have some cute items from LOFT, Banana Republic, Express and more. Feel free to send me an offer if anything catches your eye or you can ‘like’ some items and I will send you a sweet deal :)👗🎂. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful afternoon. ~ Patti (If you like what you see make sure to follow me on Instagram for new listings - link on my main page)💐
Jul 12Reply

Thank you so much for your positive feedback! Have a great week.
Jul 15Reply

@maggiehea you are so welcome! You deserve it. :) xo
Jul 15Reply

Thank you for stopping by my closet, for your offer on Hurley tee, and for liking other items. It’s packed up ready for the postman to pick up. Have a great day!
Jul 18Reply

Thank you for stopping by my closet and liking multiple items. If you bundle 2+ items you get an automatic 15% discount, reduced shipping, PLUS I will offer an additional discount. Have a wonderful day!
Jul 18Reply

@gntschnz Your closet is so big, it took me awhile to get thru it. haha! Thank you for letting me know you are sending it out. Excited about getting it. I prefer v-necks and lighter blends because its so hot here in Florida most of the time. I will be back. Thank you for your generous offer. So sweet. :) xo
Jul 18Reply

@thedazzlingdiva I definiteily will check out your closet. Thanks for popping in to say hello. Have a wonderful giggling, happy week. xo
Jul 18Reply

Hi Leann, Thank you for visiting my closet and for your recent purchase, so sweet of you. Your Cashe Coat will be processed and shipped this morning, so it should arrive soon.. Best wishes and if I can help in anyway, please just ask. Again thank you and hope you will stop by again soon.
Jul 19Reply

Hi Leann. You are with out a doubt the sweetest person I know. I love you to pieces and I wish everyone was half as kind as you... cause this world would be a better place. Have a fantastic weekend and thank you again for being YOU❤️❤️❤️
Jul 27Reply

@tamara_hartsook And here I was thinking you were the sweetest! lol Thanks so much, Tamara. You put your heart into everything you do and it shows. I have so enjoyed chatting and you deserved that rating for sure, sister! I loved your personal note and the little wee hearts you put on things. They are so cute. :)
Jul 27Reply

Love you to pieces back. You are so generous to include those adorable earrings. I don't have a pair like them and love them. Thank you for such a wonderful job. It is so appreciated.YOU are appreciated. :) xoxo
Jul 27Reply

@leann48 😘😘😘
Jul 27Reply

I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Jul 30Reply

Hi LeAnn. 🥰 If you ever decide to sell on Poshmark please let me know. I’d love to come by and share your items. Happy Poshing. 💕
Jul 30Reply

Oh my goodness! Hi beautiful yourself! I am so happy to have run across your closet! I just love what you have to say. Especially the willingness to be openminded and to remain teachable is where I am at as well. It really makes for a beautiful life to look at things this way rather than in judgement. My name is Terri. So nice to meet you! Have a beautiful rest of your week!
Jul 31Reply

@teamaddison Hi there! What a sweet, generous offer. :) Thank you! I am thinking about selling. I certainly have too many clothes. lol Thanks for stopping by to say hello. xo
Jul 31Reply

@4loveandfun hi Terri! So wonderful to meet you! Life is a journey and I have learned to enjoy it, instead of always waiting for a situation, goal, or a certain moment to do so. We often miss the goodness all around us that life offers us every single day. Staying grateful is definitely a happiness booster. :) And so is being kind to others. So many people need it, and it makes me happy too. :) Thanks so much for stopping by. Stay happy. And silly. xoxo
Jul 31Reply

@leann48 hi there - 💕I hope all is well - I am running a VIP SALE Today! I thought I would extend you an invitation- Today- Buy 3 Get One Free!! 🥰
Aug 04Reply

Hello! My name is angelina🥰 I am a posh ambassador😁I would love if you checked out my closet🌹 I am moving and my house can’t fit all my clothes. My closet is running a 3/$20 sale! I love offers! Bundle your likes for a private offer. Have a nice day and happy poshing!❤️
Aug 04Reply

Hi LeAnn! Thanks so much for the positive review. Really appreciate your business and enjoyed chatting with you on Posh. Have a good night! 😊🌸
Aug 06Reply

@trend_stir You are so welcome! Thanks for doing such a fabulous job! :) No worries. I will be back. Just have to watch my funds this month. I spent too much last month. lol Naughty LeAnn. Sigh. I enjoyed chatting with you too. You take good care of you. Thanks for everything. xo
Aug 06Reply

@kfab333 Your closet is fab! And you make a wonderful model for your clothes. lol :) I have to watch my spending this month because I have been too naughty with my spending lately. But no worries, I will be back soon to peruse Poshmark again soon. Thanks for stopping by. xo
Aug 06Reply

@angelinam1124Thank you so much, Angelina. I can't buy much at all this month. I was too naughty with my spending last month. lol But will be back once my funds get better. Thanks for letting me know and coming by. Take care of you. xo
Aug 06Reply

@leann48 thank you so much for reaching out! I am so sorry I was actually offline! 💕😊it was my stylist assistant’s last day! She is going back to school 😢- excited for her but sad to see her go - I hope you are having an excellent beginning of the week!! 🥰🥰
Aug 07Reply

@leann48 that is the best profile photo i have seen in ages!!! love it!
Aug 08Reply

@leann48 Hi LeAnn! Love the kitty pic. 🥰 Dropping by to say hello & Happy Poshing! Xo, Tanya May✨
Aug 09Reply

hello lovely! ✨ just wanted to stop in and say id love if you stopped by my closet to check out my listings! let me know if you have any questions beautiful! 💘🌻 happy poshing! 🖤💋
Aug 12Reply

Remind me the offer and I’ll resend it!
Aug 15Reply

If you bundle your liked items I'll send you a nice offer
Aug 18Reply

Hello ! I’ll ship out your order tomorrow , so sorry for delay . 🌹
Aug 22Reply

@vanillanoel no worries. :) Thanks for letting me know. Life happens and we all get busy. lol I was just looking at a picture of the bag and am so excited to get it. Typically I am a not a fan when brand names splash their name over their product like Coach does sometimes, but I do love a well made bag. I love handbags way too much. lol And I just love that bag! Thanks for such a wonderful deal. Take good care of you. xo
Aug 22Reply

@xoxoalyy12 thanks so much for stopping by and I will check out your closet. I love poshing, way too much. haha! Its certainly addictive. Lovely to meet you. xo
Aug 22Reply

@maysbabecave thanks for stopping by! Yes, I love that picture too. :) Love your user name...Babe Cave! Yay! If men can have a man cave, then certainly we should have a babe cave, right? lol :) Lovely to meet you. xo
Aug 22Reply

@llellie So glad my kitty pic made you smile. It does it for me too. I am a big fan of silly! lol Thanks for stopping by and wonderful to meet you. xo
Aug 22Reply

@kfab333 I do love to share my appreciation for when people do a fabulous job, and you certainly did that with your closet. :) I am sure its hard to see someone that you appreciate and depend on move on, but know you are happy to see her improve her life by going back to school. I wish you much success! Take care of you, and wonderful to meet you. xo
Aug 22Reply

@leann48 hi! Thank you so much for remembering me! 💕😊you are truly kind and I appreciate your warm heart! She will absolutely excel in anything she touches - this I know for certain! 🥰🥰 I feel Blessed to have met you! - Have a beautiful weekend
Aug 22Reply

Welcome! May you be blessed with much success.
Aug 23Reply

Hello I sent u an offer you might want to look at it it also have a discounted shipping too thank and have a great day .
Aug 23Reply

Hi Leann! I'd love for you to check out my closet. I'm open to offers. Happy Poshing!
Aug 23Reply

Hello just stopping by to invite you to check out my closet 😊
Aug 24Reply

Thank you so much for the kind words!
Aug 26Reply

@gntschnz You are so welcome. Thank you for the fashionable goodies. :) I had fun opening your package. Take good care of you. xo
Aug 27Reply

Hi LeAnn Welcome to Poshmark ☀️ I’m Sarah and it’s great to meet you! I love your kitty picture so cute!! I stopped by to say hello and invite you to visit my sweet little boutique. If you have any questions please let me know .. I’m more than happy to help.
Have a beautiful day ☀️🌷 Sarah
Aug 29Reply

@leann48 welcome to posh and thanks so much for the like on my earrings. If you see more you like create a bundle you only pay shipping once it's a great way to save here. I typically ship same day or next. Happy Poshing 😊💕❤
Sep 01Reply

Just letting you know that your item was shipped yesterday afternoon but tracking hasn't started yet and my post office is closed due to weather but hopefully we will have tracking soon!
Sep 04Reply

Dear Leann , happy poshing and enjoy the experience with the rest of the community 🥰😘Fjora
Sep 08Reply

Hi Leann - I sent offers on several things you liked in my closet but If you wanted to bundle any you can save on shipping as long as it's under 5 pounds. Just wanted to mention it. Thanks for the interest!
Sep 08Reply

Hi @leann48 just wondering if you got my message.
Sep 10Reply

@daysixoxoa oh no! That top was the main reason I bought from you. lol I have had the worst luck with finding a top that color in that style. Everytime I find it, something happens. :(
Sep 11Reply

@daysixoxoa Whatever I put in my bundle is all I really wanted, to be honest. Don't know what to do. If you really can't find it, why don't you cancel the order and we do a new bundle?
Sep 11Reply

@leann48 aww I’m soo sorry.
Sep 11Reply

Hi LeAnn! Hope you are doing well. I carry earrings that are handmade by me and unique. I also have handpicked accessories that are unique. Please check my closet when you get a chance. Have a nice evening 😀
Sep 12Reply

@daysixoxoa no worries. It happens. lol No reason to get overly upset over something not that important. So, cheer up. I will be back when I have more funds to purchase those other items, okay? Take care of you. xo
Sep 14Reply

@daysixoxoa if you do happen to find, just give me a heads up,okay? :) But do not stress over it, please. xo
Sep 14Reply

@taxicat_ave thanks so much for the offers. Wasn't ignoring them on purpose. Just had some unexpected costs recently, so have to wait, sadly. I appreciate you reaching out to me. Will be back. Take care. xo
Sep 14Reply

@sarrah So lovely to meet you, Sarah! Thank you for stopping with your sweet, friendly message. That picture never fails to cheer me as well. :) Will check out your closet for sure. Enjoy your weekend. xo
Sep 14Reply

@leann48 don’t worry I’m find, I just thought you were still interesting in does top.😉
Sep 14Reply

@classygirl41 I appreciate you stopping by! I will take another look at your closet when I receive more funds. Hope you have a lovely weekend. :) xo
Sep 14Reply

@mw_online so sorry this is late, but so appreciate your warm message. I wish the best for you also. Love it here. Take care. xo
Sep 14Reply

@daysixoxoa oh I am, just very low on funds right now. Till the end of the month. Had some unexpected costs recently and can't afford to buy. Am on disability and that isn't much. lol But will be back, okay? :)
Sep 14Reply

@leann48 no problem. Hope I see you soon in my closet. Take care😊
Sep 14Reply

@leann48 No worries Sunshine. I always feel behind on the social media aspect of pm,...Have a wonderful week-end. ~ Happy poshing!
Sep 14Reply

@leann48 NO problem- I can relate. My muffler just fell off my car this week resulting in a whole new exhaust system. Was NOT expecting that! Take care.
Sep 14Reply

I wanted to say: I love your kitty. I used to rescue feral cats & placed cats with the humane society. If you want to counter any offer I make feel free to say what you want. I'm easy going. 🐱🐭🐹
Sep 15Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and thanks for the likes! Happy buying and selling~
Sep 17Reply

Hi! Thank you for all the likes! Bundle the things that you love and I am happy to send you a special discount! Hope you have a great weekend ahead! Happy Poshing! 🌺
Sep 20Reply

Your pic is to cute!😉
Sep 20Reply

@taxicat_ave So sorry to hear that you are having car issues. Know that feeling. Hopefully by now you have it fixed. Seems it always something, huh? lol Take good care of you. xo
Sep 21Reply

@pootsiesmom hello my sweet! I run a rescue out of my home and have been doing it for years. I saw so many strays in my neighbor and I just couldn't stand the way people treated them. I now have seven inside kitties and several outside I look after. :) Thanks for stopping by and lovely to meet you. xo
Sep 21Reply

@fabricflock hello there! Thanks for all your messages. Just have to be careful with funds right now. On disability and its so easy to get carried away on Poshmark. :) Wonderful to meet you and will be back. Take care. xo
Sep 21Reply

@liwang13 thank you for the sweet message. Lovely to meet you. I love it here. SO many lovely people. :) xo
Sep 21Reply

@carolinasavvy thanks so much. Having to watch my funds right now but will be back. I appreciate your kind message. Love your closet. :) xo
Sep 21Reply

@atman3 thank you so much. Never fails to make me smile. Or want to kiss those kitty lips. haha! :) xo
Sep 21Reply

Good morning and thank you for your purchase🌞I will be shipping it out to you this morning and I hope you have a terrific day!😊
Sep 25Reply

@leann48 hey leann, iv just now seen you ordered the gloria Vanderbilt jeans...strange because i;v been checking my sales daily but didn’t catch a thing....found a reminder in my, very sorry its been so late thus far. I assure you that i’ll include a very worthy gift to suffice your wait😊👍 i’ll try and get them out tomorrow eve. Thank you so much...tiff
Sep 25Reply

Leann48, i’m in need to contact you. I need to know if you also like the gloria Vaderbuilt jeans with the diamond logo brown. Size 8. GUC...but i need to know if they will work as a gift....thank you ~tiffanie&Co
Sep 26Reply

Ok leann, i’v stayed up all night looking and cannot locate your pants, yet. This has happened before as i have way to much clothing acquired. I can send you a brown pair with diamond decals...and a surprise gift pair too. And when i find the pink ones i will send them off to you as well. With added bag as extra gift....or i can cancel order. Please let me know asap. Thank you so much. `tiffanie’😁
Sep 26Reply

Hi leann! Found them! Going out right now with a very nice gift...enjoy them!
Sep 26Reply

@tiffanieandco I just sent you a message. lol Thanks for letting me know. I wear a 14petite so size 8 wouldn't work for me. No worries. lol Just glad you found them. I have been looking forward to getting these. I understand things get crazy with so much clothes about. I was just worried because I saw that it said shipped so I thought they got lost. Thanks much. xo
Sep 29Reply

Hi LeAnn, I'm so happy that you love the camo shirt! It really is unique with those muted colors. Somehow that shirt captures modern and vintage all at the same time. I hope it looks terrific on you and you enjoy it for a long time. It's a pleasure having customers like you!😊😺🎩👍😘
Sep 30Reply

Hello!😊🌷 Please feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!🌺 I accept reasonable offers and give great discounts on bundles. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Thank you & Happy Poshing!😁😘🌸 XO Aireen
Oct 05Reply

@leann48 thank you so much for the 5 star rating and for your sweet review. I am so glad you liked the earrings! I love those thank you notes too all the designs are so cute I found them on Amazon. I love meeting fellow animal lovers especially kitty lovers! 😘❤❤
Oct 05Reply

Thank you! Shipping tomorrow 💚🌻
Oct 10Reply

Hi, welcome to Poshmark thanks for visit my closet 😊
Oct 14Reply

@leann48 hey love I wanted to invite you to check out my closet for sizes 00- 12 and if your a curvy chick to check out sisters @denimmunkies she caters to our plus size we have a love for fashion especially denim!!!!!
Love the kitty pic!!!!!!
Oct 14Reply

Hi @leann48 💕 I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself - my name is Katelyn 🤗 It’s always nice to meet a fellow Posher ❤️ I’m a Posh Ambassador with a 5 ⭐️ Rating - so if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask! I hope you have fun on Poshmark! If you have some spare time - I was wondering if you could check out my closet, I have some great deals and I add new listings daily 🙏🏻🥳 Thanks so much for supporting my small business! It means the world to me!
Oct 16Reply

If only everyone had your great attitude!!! Xoxo Melissa0408
Oct 17Reply

@leann48 have a beautiful weekend 🤗
Oct 19Reply

Hope all is well! Come check out my closet for brand new beauty products. 💐✨
Oct 20Reply

Sharing some Posh love, happy poshing babe! 💋 Hi I’m Donny nice to meet you! I have lots new pieces in, come check it out! 🤗❤️
Oct 24Reply

Hey doll! I had sent out the mascaras for you but it didn’t scan tracking and I’m afraid it has been lost so I mailed you a new set this morning! Wanted to keep you updated :) you should receive them in a few days. Xoxo
Oct 25Reply

I do apologize and wish you wellness, I hope to hear from you again soon. Xoxo Melissa0408
Oct 27Reply

I will try to "grow a backbone " and become a "human being ", as you told me to do so, in response of my showing you pieces similar to the ones you liked. Thanks!
Oct 28Reply

@melissa0408 Melissa, I wish no ill will towards you at all. You saw my unwillingness to answer when I was so ill I could barely walk, let alone get on the internet to buy things. I have Menierie's Disease, which gives me episodes of such vertigo that I vomit constantly for three days straight. The worst of what I have. I would take pain over that. I cannot walk but have to crawl on my hands and knees.
Oct 28Reply

@melissa0408 my only hope is to get meds in me so I can knock myself out to stop the renching and vomiting. Nest, I have fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I have a cornea disease, which is causing me to go blind. I have severe spinal damage from neck to tailbone. I have a sleep disorder which makes all the pain and fatigue even worse. And thats just the tip of the icebery when it comes to my health issues.
Oct 28Reply

@melissa0408 I have taken care of my body so I cannot imagine what I would be like if I had not. Mostly I am happy, but I cannot work as a nurse anymore. Which I deeply miss. I have had some terrible times in my life. Molested as a child. Raped as an adult. Homeless when I escaped an abusive relationship. The last spinal surgery I had, the doctor handling my anesthesia wasnt paying attention.
Oct 28Reply

@melissa0408 and I woke up in the middle of my spinal surgery with them still operating on me. The pain was traumatic, to say the least.I had my first flashback of the surgery a few hours after. I remember being tied down and sobbing so hard but couldn't breathe the pain was so terrible. My hero is my husband, who has stood by me thru so much. He is strong, kind, compassionate and incredibly loyal. Loyal is not something I have much of in my life.
Oct 28Reply

@melissa0408 I still remain positive and happy most of the time despite what I have been thru. Simply because I have a choice. I can use my experiences to grow, to bring compassion, kindness and understanding to others. Or I can feel sorry for myself. I don't pity myself nor want that from others. Me telling you about it was to explain why I cannot be like "normal" people.
Oct 28Reply

@melissa0408 That when I am ill, I am completely off my feet and unable to function. At all. At times its even difficult to speak. I rarely tell anyone all of this but you need to know that not answering wasn't vindictive. Not even purposeful. But out of my own hands. I certainly didn't expect a verbal attack from not answering you. As a seller, you are probably on here everyday. As a buyer, I am on here when I feel up to it. But I am not going to feel guilty for that.
Oct 28Reply

@melissa0408 nor to feel guilty because I am ill and can't do what people want. I am done with feeling guilty for something that is not my fault. I haven't even told you half of what I have been thru in my life. I have learned to never assume about another human being. Not after all I have been thru. I wish you the best in your business. I have no funds till Weds anyways. I am on disability, which isn't much. So if I can buy, I will let you know. IThank you for reaching out. xo
Oct 28Reply

Hi Leann thank u for ur purchase! I hope u enjoy the bag?! I’m going be posting more up this week so if u see anything u like let me know and I will send u a good deal?! God Bless and I love the cat pick!!! 🐱😘😘👍🏼
Oct 29Reply

@leann48 Adorable Cover Pic 😻
Nov 07Reply

Hi Welcome to Poshmark 💓
Nov 09Reply

Hey there! This is a kindly message.
I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items, so I think some of my listings will meet your style.
There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me!
Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like.
All the best for you. :)
Dec 04Reply

What an adorable picture 🥰
Dec 10Reply

Thanks! You made me smile🐾
Dec 24Reply

Hi there ✨ I wanted to share with you that I have a brand new Pretty Filter Waterful Glow Cream by touch in Sol for sale in my closet if you’re ever interested 🤗🤗 it’s soooo amazing for the skin!
Feb 08Reply

Hello Le Ann, would love if you would check out my closet 🙏♥️🌹Have a wonderful day.
Mar 05Reply

Hi 👋 I would like to invite you to visit my unique boutique closet.Super Fast Shipping. Don’t forget to press the FOLLOW button for updates 😁🙏Thank You
Mar 16Reply

🤗Welcome to my closet, if you like the merchandise, I accept reasonable offer thanks for taking the time to read this message.
Aug 25Reply

Hello. Thank you for visiting my closet and liking the Express top. You can bundle and save even more. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Have a wonderful weekend. 😀
Aug 29Reply

Make a bundle and I will send you an offer that you cannot refuse😜
Aug 31Reply

thank you for checking out my closet. feel free to bundle up and save on your favorites <3
Aug 31Reply

Hi, Happy poshing!🥰 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! I have a large selection of quality items (jewelry,clothes,home deco...)in my closet. Have a great day🥳🥳
Sep 08Reply

No worries dear! I’m glad all fit! Welcome back again :)
Sep 14Reply

Oct 18Reply

So glad you liked them. Hope you are feeling better. stay safe. I have diabetes so I understand.
Nov 14Reply

Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty!
Happy Poshing, Have a Great Day!😃♥️
Jan 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark
Mar 17Reply

Hi LeAnn! Happy Monday! I hope you had an amazing weekend filled with all the things you love. Please check out my closet if you would like. I am moving soon so I need to get rid of as many items as possible. Thank you! ❤️❤️
Apr 20Reply

So so cute🐾
Apr 20Reply

Hello fellow Posher😊😊😊😊Thank you for the follow. Wishing you are successful and enjoyable experience. Feel comfortable browsing my closet for some super cool deals. Have a great day ❤❤❤❤ Sincerely KhristianLopez Closet 💄💄💄💄👄👄👄👄👠👠👠👠👠🩱🩱🩱🩱🩱👗👗👗👗👗👗👗💃💃💃🥻🥻🥻🥻🥻👚👚👚👚👚👚
May 11Reply

Hi! Hope you’re enjoying the Poshmark community. I sure am 😊 I would love for you to check out my closet 💕
May 31Reply

@leann48 🌺Hope you are having a nice day , please come and visit my closet and I will give you free gift 🎁if you buy $50 or more & if you bundle more than one peice I will give you a discount &the more you add to your bundle the more discount I can offer you 🤗 🌺💐
Jun 12Reply

Just LIKE 3 items from my closet and a $25 offer will be sent to you! YES - It really is that easy!
Aug 30Reply

Hi! How are you? I just want to say hi and let you know that I sell high end beauty products and skincare. If you like an item but you don't like the price..just send me your best offer. I always accept reasonable offers.
I sell mystery boxes as well.
Thank you.
Sep 24Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jun 23Reply

Hellooooo. You have one cooooool cat in a hat. Cheers.
Sep 11Reply

Thank you for stopping by 🌸 ☀️
Oct 07Reply

🙋🏻♀️ & WELCOME to Poshmark (Posh). I’ve been here some 2016 and am an Ambassador. Feel free to ask questions, I'd be happy to help navigate. If you want to stop by my Closet, I carry:
- Exquisite REAL GEM Rings
- Huge selection of Men & Women’s Plus Sizes
- Purses
- Shoes
- Skin Care & Make Up
- Electronics
- Home goods
Happy Poshing!🙏🏻💐🌻🇺🇸
Oct 19Reply

Haha, adorable kitty 💎
🙋♀️Hi. ⭐️ It’s nice to meet you ⭐️ 🛍 I hope you find everything you love 💕 on Poshmark🛍 Please 🛑 stop by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫 Wishing you the best of luck ☘️
Dec 08Reply
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