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Updated Mar 03
Updated Mar 03

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Hello there! Thank you for visiting my closet! Some of my favorite brands are Coach (Legacy line), Fossil (Fifty-Four line), Will Leather Goods, Nars, and Urban Decay! Feel free to leave me a comment and I'll gladly share your closet! 🌷HAPPY POSHING!!🌷
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calliejwells @ashburygirl Whaddya think??
Sep 19Reply
ashburygirl @calliejwells Nnnn-iiiice! :)
Sep 19Reply
calliejwells @ashburygirl Now it's your turn :D
Sep 19Reply
bobo54 Hi, I noticed that you were following me, ( Wich is fine) Im new to this, I was, wondering if you purchase a item, how do I oay? I've ask a couple more people but there not sure. Thanks
Dec 30Reply
calliejwells @bobo54 Hey there! Firstly, welcome to Posh! It's a wonderful place to shop (and everyone, mostly, is positive and sweet!) and sell, if you're so inclined. If you see something you'd like to purchase, I'd encourage you to check with the seller to make sure the item is still available! Once you've negotiated a price (if you want), you can hit the "Buy Now" button and it will take you through the process - shipping, billing address, payment information - and shipping, which is usually a flat $4.99. For the next 2 days, if a seller drops the price by 10%, shipping is discounted! Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions or need clarification - I could talk Posh all day! :D
Dec 30Reply
bobo54 Thanks, do I pay with my credit card or debit card or money order? Sorry for all the questions, alot of really nice items!!!! Looking forward to buying and selling
Dec 30Reply
calliejwells @bobo54 No problem! You can put your credit card or checking account information in & pay that way! If you decide to sell anything, once the funds have been credited to your account, you can use them to buy on Posh! It's a great way to get rid of what you don't want and replace it with what you do!
Dec 30Reply
bobo54 Thank you so much!!! Very helpful, have a nice day!
Dec 30Reply
calliejwells @bobo54 Any time! 😄
Dec 30Reply
natty_girl Thanks for following me. Love your purses. happy new year🎉. All pandora orders are 15% off regular price for the month of January!!!!! Time to submit your orders. Free gift with purchase!!!! Please e-mail me with questions or concerns.
Jan 02Reply
pattyjune8 Nice to meet you! Your such a sweet young lady!! Great closet!!💐🌺😘
Jan 02Reply
calliejwells @pattyjune8 Hi there! It's very nice meeting you, too!! One of the best things about Posh is all the sweet people you meet! You have a lovely closet & a lovely family! Happy New Year from Arkansas! 😄❤️💐 🎉
Jan 02Reply
pattyjune8 Thank you! Happy New Year from Florida!!🎉🎊🎈🎊🎉
Jan 03Reply
pattyjune8 Did I mention my daughter & family live in AR? Over the last few days I've met several poshers from AR. One even from Ft. Smith where my daughter lives. It's a beautiful state!! The "Natural State"🌿🌾🌲🌳🌱
Jan 03Reply
calliejwells @pattyjune8 Hah! Small world, huh!? It really is a beautiful place to live :D 💕
Jan 03Reply
swirlygurl Now I see why you liked my kitty in one of my photos! :)
Mar 02Reply
calliejwells @swirlygurl Yeah, I have a real soft spot for the furbabies, as I'm sure you can tell!!😻
Mar 02Reply
lyoung2015 They are precious :))
Mar 05Reply
calliejwells @lyoung2015 Thank you so much for saying so!! I can't even imagine 17!! I'm so happy those babies have someone looking out for them❤️❤️❤️ You have some amazing karma coming your way, no doubt!
Mar 06Reply
lyoung2015 Thank you, its my calling been at it for about 35 years now,love all critters, just finally got them all fixed, and they rule the house, lol, God has blessed me for it, Thanks again Calliejwells
Mar 06Reply
babreeden Thks for FFG my closet. Happy Poshing 💕
Mar 09Reply
jtbuttercup @calliejwells I love your kitties!
Mar 24Reply
calliejwells @jtbuttercup Aww, thanks!! They're the best!!💖
Mar 24Reply
calliejwells @puccapucca Hah! You're hilarious!!😍😍😍
Mar 27Reply
ohwahine You are a master posher!! All those "SOLD!" flags!!😳😳👍🏼Best wishes if we don't see you or your closet any longer!!
May 05Reply
calliejwells @ohwahine Sweet girl! You are too kind! I'll be around, just sharing and shopping! 💖💖💖
May 05Reply
nicolestins @calliejwells 🎆🎆 Congratulations!!!🐙🎆🎆Do you have any tips for poshers who are new/fairly new?🍍
May 07Reply
calliejwells @nicolestins Thanks so much!! 💖 I don't have any real tips, just take great pictures, be honest, and have fun with it! Best of luck with your closet!
May 09Reply
laskinr @calliejwells Hi Callie, I thought you had posted something recently about closing your closet 😒. Was I dreaming?? Anyway, I just looked at your closet and see that you have lots of new things and looks like you are going strong 👍👍. Did you change your mind or was I wrong about that? Glad you are still in business 👍👍
Jun 02Reply
calliejwells @laskinr Hey there!😄 No, you weren't dreaming! I did close my closet for a few weeks, but things ended up working out so that I could re-open & voila! I'm so glad to be back to this wonderful community! ❤️
Jun 02Reply
laskinr @calliejwells 👍😘👍😘👍😘
Jun 02Reply
ohwahine My phone is blowing up!! 💙💚💛💜❤️😘
Jul 30Reply
ohwahine You're the cat's ass!😉 thanks for all the shares. I've no idea how you do it so fast tho! Haha!! I still love your closet too.
Jul 30Reply
calliejwells @ohwahine Haha! You're cracking me up!! :P You're so sweet to share my closet, so I'm happy to share yours, too!! It definitely helps speed up the sharing when you do it from a real computer! It takes way too long on a phone!
Jul 30Reply
ohwahine Well I sure do appreciate it! Maybe my posh funds will grow from all that so I can snatch one of your bags I've got my eyes on! It never comes in as fast as it goes out! Lol.
Jul 30Reply
afm13 Hi @calliejwells ☺️ I'm interested in the OK cosmetic bag you have ? How much do you want for it ? Do have only 1?
Aug 24Reply
calliejwells @afm13 Hello there! The bag I have would be $50. It's new with tags and I'd considered just taking it back to Ulta for store credit, but if you want it, I can go this route! Or, if you're on M (other site), I could do $40 with $4 shipping - it'd save you $11. Just let me know if you're interested! :)
Aug 24Reply
ohwahine So glad to see your fantastical closet is back up and running!!😍😘❤️
Nov 09Reply
calliejwells @ohwahine Thanks, buddy!! I'm easing back into it, so it's nice to see friendly faces again! :D
Nov 09Reply
ohwahine 😍😘😍😘😍😘😍😘😍😘
Nov 23Reply
calliejwells @ohwahine Hey friend!! You're always so sweet to share my closet!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 23Reply
lucien_love @calliejwells what's up with this post? Is this a scam?
Nov 19Reply
calliejwells @lucien_love Hey there! I have no idea who posted this, but I have sent an email to Posh support to see what's going on. I went to the website, but it looked kinda shady, so I wouldn't put any information in until I had confirmation it's legit. I've been tagged in one on another user's listing and then this one on mine, so I'd like to know if it is a scam! 😕
Nov 19Reply
lucien_love @calliejwells yeah I think it is... I keep getting it reposted to me in my comments. Def not legit! Thanks for answering me back😀 Happy thanksgiving 🦃
Nov 20Reply
yulenka11 Hey there ! Thanks for the 5-star rating ! I’m sorry Anit the discoloration. It’s brand new and in original packaging ! I didn’t even inspect it , to leave it how it was . I also sold a few of them and didn’t have any problems .. just wanted to say sorry and thank you so much for your kindness and understanding !
Dec 29Reply
calliejwells @yulenka11 No worries at all! Best of luck with your future sales & thanks again! 💐
Dec 29Reply
anikatomlinson_ Hiiii!! I’m listing some American Eagle, Loft, and Adidas! Feel free to check out my closet and do some shopping! I love when people give me offers and bundles!
Feb 01Reply
marstoncooper2 Thank you for your purchase! This will ship Monday ❤
Aug 07Reply
lynnwright201 @calliejwells hi thank you for the five star yes it was just a special thank you for shopping my closet which I try to do for all my buyers God bless you
Nov 20Reply
calliejwells @lynnwright201 Wow, thank you so much! That’s so generous and kind of you. I wish you wonderful holidays and success with your sales!
Nov 21Reply
lynnwright201 @calliejwells Awwwwwww thank you thank you sooooo much the same to/for you
Nov 21Reply
thethriftpaige Hi! You just purchased my Spanx, I am away until Sunday but I will ship out first thing Monday
Nov 25Reply

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North Little Rock, AR
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Last Active: this hour

North Little Rock, AR
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