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Hi, I’m got a Burberry Short for $95. You’ve just offered $45 which is too low. However, I just pulled it out of storage and the tags come off in my hand. I’ll post a photo now. If you want it I can give it to you for $65 since the tags come off. Let me know here and I’ll make a counter offer for you. Please note I get $45 (when you buy for $65) so that’s why - thanks
Sep 24Reply

@gulliverb that’s awesome yes please post it! Thank you!
Sep 24Reply

You can let me know here if you want it
Sep 24Reply

Something weird is going on. I was trying to accept you offer for the bundle but it looks like someone has already bought the Burberry shirt now. ... but it’s confusing as I can’t see the purchase. Let me try see what’s going on
Sep 24Reply

I think I see what happened. You were going to but he short and one necklace for $100 but now you’re getting all three for $100 - well done! Don’t know how you managed that but well done and I’ll send all three.
Sep 24Reply

Typo above. “Buy the shirt” (not “but he short”) 🤦♀️😂
Sep 24Reply

I found a Chanel bag (paper) and some Chanel packaging from a watch I bought. Obv the necklaces not real Chanel but nice to have the Chanel packaging. Would you like me to include it free with the necklaces! Worn together they are the best!
Sep 24Reply

@gulliverb sure! Thank you!
Sep 24Reply

@gulliverb I love the look! 🤗
Sep 24Reply

@gulliverb I am thankful!!! 😊
Sep 25Reply

@gulliverb I love your closet. I have gained weight and the fact your tips and dresses will fit my girls and new size 😆 I just did a large bundle and sent offer! Thank you!
Sep 25Reply

@amanda_conway ok I’ve good news and bad news. The bad news is I just moved and a lot of the stuff on there is in storage at my ex’s and long story short it will be a while before I can get to some of the pieces.
Sep 25Reply

But... good news is, I’ve lots of stuff that is even nicer that’s not online. I’m going to go through my things and make some photos just for you.
But first I need to tall are you. What size?
It might be easier to whatzzzz app you. I’ll send you my # and then once we agree I can make you a bundle of your hearts desire on Poshmark and will cut you special deals as I don’t have everything you wanted.
I’m 4-1-5 88 99 598 whatzzapp
Sep 25Reply

@gulliverb no worries and will do 🤗
Sep 25Reply

I’m a size 8-10 but sometimes I’m a small. I’m big Bust. And my height is 5’8 or 5’9. I’m usually a M or L depending. So you get an idea of my clothes sizes
Sep 25Reply
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