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I love this idea. This is how I remember all my fav Poshers ❤️❤️❤️
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t_ms_sincerity ❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 22Reply
fab_fashionista Lol this is cute!
May 24Reply
goldenpolkadot @randikandi I will find ya!!! u cant hide from MEEEEE....Poooopsie! i don't have my phone or u know what I would do next!!! XOXO ~Olga
May 28Reply
brandigirl Thanks for all the shares😘
May 29Reply
randikandi @dramaless...hey there. I'm so,sorry. Don't know y I had u blocked...prob just put the wrong name. I hardly ever block anyone. I'm pretty drama free here. Any, please accept my apologies. 😘
May 31Reply
dramaless @randikandi Hello Randi, I'm glad to hear it was just a mistake. I've only been on here since December, and had ALL intentions of it being a "Drama Free" experience. I was fixing to start helping a woman on here, who claimed to have cancer. 😁 I was sent an email telling me she was lying and in fact did not have cancer at all. Within two-three days, her whole closet just disappeared. I thought everything was good, NOT! Come to find out, I posted an item in my closet for sell and this person had one in her closet (before she was removed) identical. Sooooo, I then became her! Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, but a lot of women just blocked me over this hear-say. It literally broke my heart. I prayed over it every single day. Finally, one of the women that had posted the original note (lucylou002) came to me and apologized. She had been praying over it too. She knew it was a terrible, viscous lie. She has since posted another announcement, but a lot of the women either haven't seen it or choose to keep me blocked. I've learned A LOT in the short time I've been on here, and if it weren't for some AMAZING women, that I now consider my PFF'S, I would have been long gone. Sorry about the book, but I want you to understand where I'm coming from. 😉😘😉
May 31Reply
randikandi @dramaless omg Liz...I totally understand & it sucks. Some gals on here say jump...& the other people say how hi. Ya know? I don't block anyone unless I have a personal problem with them. That def was not u. I'm sorry that happened to u. Now of course, the fake cancer gal I blocked. I had been scammed b4 with the same story. It's a real shame. People r pathetic & attention seekers. I am nothing if not honest. If there's a problem, it usually gets solved. So, anyway...sorry for the return Nice to meet u. If there's anything I can ever do, please just ask. 😘😘😘
May 31Reply
cody7150 @randikandi I totally LOVE my new floral top! It truly is Gorgeous --I can't wait to wear it tomorrow -thank you so much!!!😚😃😃
Jun 01Reply
randikandi @cody7150 awwwww tysm Virginia...enjoy it. Thx for being such an easy buyer also 💕💕💕
Jun 01Reply
mistielee @randikandi Hey Love, could use a check in... Thinking of you. I hope all is well. Wish I could be there with you physically. I hope you have a good support team there with you!! It's so important for success in a hard struggle. Take special care of YOU... I have to go out of town... I will return in the PM. Talk soon.🌹
Jun 19Reply
randikandi @mistielee ahhhh hi my Mistie...thx for checking in. Def baby steps...but I know what I have to do. I need to get out of my head & def out of my house. I'm isolating myself...& that's def not good. I've been seeing a therapist...only twice, but it's a start. I miss myself. I'm really a very sassy, fun gal. Where is she? Need to get her back. So that's my long story short. Check in with me when u get back tonight. Luv u so much...again...for checking in. It means the world to me. 💕💕💕💕⚓️⚓️⚓️⚓️
Jun 19Reply
goldenpolkadot @randikandi 💕👭💕 🙏🙏🙏 🌹 ~Olga
Jun 24Reply
randikandi @madisontindell2 hey Madison...Ty soooooo much. I truly appreciate the compliment. Pass the word...I need U have a great weekend also 😘😘😘
Jul 11Reply
tams @randikandi CANT FORGET ME ,BC I WONT LET YOU!!!! 🇺🇸😘😎✌️PEACE,LOVE
Jul 21Reply
dannic6 @randikandi hi ! I noticed that u bought the jens pirate booty striped pants from donna and was wondering if u ever decide to sell them would u please tag me? I have been looking everywhere for them in large but have had no luck
Jul 29Reply
randikandi @dannic6 hey Danielle...remind me which pants they r. I've been on a spree lately. Especially in Donna's closet...hate She has the best closet ever. Tag me on the original post. U never know. I def bought too much. 😘😘
Jul 29Reply
randikandi @thebrightside well, I'm finally working. Started a new job Dec. 5th. Brand new restaurant. I really like it. Grand opening soon. $$$$$$$$ hope this will b my year, since 2014 sucked. Lol. I've really missed u 2. Just haven't been social at all. Just getting back into it. Keep working & saving. This will b ur year too gf. So. Ice to hear from u. Don't b a stranger & I won't b either. ❌⭕️❌⭕️
Jan 07Reply
tams @randikandi 😘😘😳😕✌️✌️👋👋👋😎😎‼️🌺💐🌷🌸🌼🌹🌻
Mar 23Reply
gallery_of_gems @randikandi 💙I just love the way you have your listings put together! So cute!💋 Very adorable closet honey!😃😘
Apr 04Reply
randikandi @rnicu00 tysm. Nice to meet u.
Apr 04Reply
gallery_of_gems @randikandi Thank you doll!😉 You too!💋
Apr 04Reply
briellereagan I am obsessed with anchors!!! I have so so many anchor things and favorite quotes. I should post some of my collected anchor jewelery😘 love seeing this!!!
Jun 11Reply
abstractdreams 👍🏽💋
Jun 16Reply
t_ms_sincerity Miss you!💛💛💛💛😘
Sep 17Reply
scarlettstained @randikandi I still love you sister been thinking of you!
May 03Reply
randikandi @scarlettstained hey stranger. So great to hear from u. I need to become more active again. Need the $$$, ya know. So how r u?
May 04Reply
scarlettstained @randikandi hi love! I truly miss you you're a happy person in my life.love u.I wish I could share here but something's to deep to post on public places.but say a prayer for me and I for you!!
May 05Reply
lyriquelle1 Bonsoir Mademoiselle, enchante' . S'il vous plait, add my 'name' to your list of intereted individuals. Your Collection ( Connection ) of various Parfums is impressive...and desireable. Merci beaucoup, Dr. S. Lyrique Chaalis Watson aka Lyriquelle1
Jun 25Reply
moon1feather Yes mam I do make the feather earrings ❤️
Sep 26Reply
mistielee @randikandi Don’t feel obligated to share back Randi💖💞🥰💕I just had a thought... didn’t you have a son that was having some difficulties when we used to share together... seems like it had to do with work. ?? My mind is mush after my breakdown... but I think I used to pray for him!!💖💞 How is he?
May 01Reply
randikandi @mistielee ahhh thx for asking. He’s good. Today is his bday. I’m getting him his favorite food from where I work. He’s actually still working. He’s the manager at r local supermarket. I’m getting unemployment. I’m super bored. Just trying to keep my sanity. Let’s keep in touch. I miss my PM friends. XOXO
May 01Reply
mistielee @randikandi Randi, I’m so glad! Well you tell him I said, “Happy Birthday!!” Yes, Lets do that! I miss you💖 I didn’t find our friends tag yet... but I shared many that I remembered, lol it was like a walk down memory lane😃 Night Sweet, Pff. Gotta run some things to dad.
May 01Reply
randikandi @mistielee I have all my old friends saved in my likes. I think today I’ll do some sharing & say hello. It’s not like I have anything else to do 😫 Have a great day my friend. Talk soon. 🥰
May 02Reply
mistielee @randikandi That sounds like a wonderful idea!!💞💖I am going to be sharing while away visiting my husband. Closing my closet for a little break though... gonna read a book! I’m only going to be away for 2weeks... of course I always see my tags!!💕Have a great day a Randi!!🥰
May 02Reply
randikandi @mistielee I’m so glad we’re back in touch. ❌⭕️❌⭕️
May 03Reply
mistielee @randikandi Me too Randi!!🥰 I have my grand baby tonight. He is a JOY. I’m gonna miss him while I’m a way. You have a good night!!❌⭕️
May 04Reply
randikandi @moon1feather hello my luv…boy, this was stressful. So u got all 3 boxes, right? And yes, you definitely r helping me float. I can’t tell u how much I appreciate it & u. Stay well ,y friend & hopefully one day I can return the favor. 🥰🥰🥰❌⭕️❌⭕️
Jan 27Reply
randikandi @moon1feather gf…u never answered me?.. Did u get 3 boxes?
Jan 28Reply
moon1feather @randikandi yes I did a d yes hun I did.
Jan 28Reply
randikandi @moon1feather 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Jan 29Reply

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