SOLD Abercrombie & Fitch Cut Off Jean Shorts
$20 $58
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These are a great pair of cut off jean shorts for spring and summer! I didn't make these myself; I bought them this way. These are a size 2 :)

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@taylermiller5 hey girly, thanks for the like! Are you interested?
Apr 10Reply

Oh no I literally just purchased these from someone else :( I'm sorry thanks so much though these are super cute shorts :)
Apr 10Reply

@taylermiller5 no problem! Thank you! I love these shorts, they just don't fit me anymore. :( I went on a cruise, and the all you can eat ice cream machines got the best of me! Lol Happy poshing! Enjoy your new shorts! :)
Apr 10Reply

@taylermiller5 no problem! Thank you! I love these shorts, they just don't fit me anymore. :( I went on a cruise, and the all you can eat ice cream machines got the best of me! Lol Happy poshing! Enjoy your new shorts! :)
Apr 10Reply

@taylermiller5 enjoy your new shorts!* for some reason it cut that last bit off!
Apr 10Reply

Thanks so much I'm sorry I couldn't purchase yours :(..but haha I know exactly how you feel I need to start working out so I can fit back in mine too lol
Apr 10Reply

@taylermiller5 oh girl I know! It's bad! Its so depressing that none of my clothes fit me anymore. Yet I go to the gym and do hardly anything, then complain about how nothing fits. Just like I'm doing right now lol. My clothes are slowly starting to fit me again. Either I really am losing the weight, or I'm just stretching them out.
Apr 10Reply

Haha that's so funny me too I've been telling myself to go to the gym for the last 2 hours and have yet to leave my house lol..I need to start getting there bc summer is just around the corner haha
Apr 10Reply

@taylermiller5 I've been slacking off so much at the gym. I used to go there and really work hard. Now when I go its just walking on the treadmill for an hour, then stretching for 30 minutes. Seriously it's pathetic haha. Summer is coming far too soon! There's no way my body will be summer ready anytime soon!
Apr 10Reply

Me too! Wow too bad we don't live in the same are so we could motivate each other haha
Apr 10Reply

@taylermiller5 I know right?! You'd think wanting a nice body and fitting into my clothes again would be more than enough motivation!
Apr 10Reply

Haha oh yah I know, but all this talk finally got me out of the house and on my way to the gym lol
Apr 10Reply

@taylermiller5 if only that could get me to the gym! I went this morning and was completely miserable. I went with my friend, and while we were walking on the treadmill I told her, "I wish I could just sit down while I did this.." Seriously, laziness at its finest!!
Apr 10Reply

Haha that's so funny don't we all wish that lol..I know I usually like to go with my friend bc it motivates me, but today she couldn't go so you or this conversation I should say lol motivated me instead ha
Apr 10Reply

@taylermiller5 I normally go with my friend as well, I can't stand going alone! I get bored so easily. Even when I'm with somebody I get bored though. Have you tried work out DVD's? They're really good if you do the exercises right. I bought one called like "full body makeover" oh girl.. It kicked my butt! I had to just turn it off mid way through! Lol
Apr 10Reply

Haha no but I want to try it, who's it by my mom might have it? She's into all that work out stuff lol like the Brazilian butt lift lol it's a great video for your abs and legs
Apr 10Reply

@taylermiller5 I have no idea who it is by. I know for sure it's a girl though lol. I'm not sure if they have Burlington Coat Factory where you are, but that's where I buy all mine from. They're so cheap there- like $4! They have tons at the Burlington by my house! I bought like five of them including the butt lift! Haven't done that one yet though!
Apr 10Reply

Omg seriously I'm so going there to get some I had no idea they sold work out videos! Thanks so much for the info I'm definitely going there tomorrow lol!
Apr 10Reply

@taylermiller5 they have the display of them toward the cash registers at mine. They are so cheap! Some of them come with multiple dvd's in them as well! I can't stand spending like $25 in work out DVDs!
Apr 10Reply

I know me either it's like why would I pay that much for a disk if I pay that every month to just go to the gym lol
Apr 10Reply

@taylermiller5 see, I buy them so ill be more motivated to work out! If I don't feel like driving to the gym, all I have to do is go in the living room and do one of the DVDs. There would really be no excuses then. That's what my intentions were when I bought all the DVDs. So far I've only done one of the DVDs once, and like I said, I didn't even get through the whole thing lol
Apr 10Reply

@alyssakk023 thanks for the like! Are you interested?
Apr 14Reply

Would you take $19?
Apr 14Reply

OMG I meant 10
Apr 14Reply

@alyssakk023 I just reduced these to $20. I hate that poshmark takes 20%, because it really makes it hard to negotiate. The best I could do is like $15.
Apr 14Reply

@crystalwickman thanks for the like! Are you interested?
Apr 15Reply

Maybe ill let you know
Apr 15Reply

@crystalwickman okay let me know! I can ship them out today :)
Apr 15Reply

@mnmscloset thanks for the like! Are you interested?
Apr 18Reply

@autumnreece thanks for the like! Are you interested?
Apr 18Reply

@dboles thank you for the like! Let me know if you have any questions :)
Apr 29Reply

Thanks! Definitely going to keep my yet on these;-)
Apr 29Reply

@dboles for sure girly :)
Apr 29Reply

@adorablelittlw thank you for the like! Let me know if you have any questions :)
Apr 30Reply

@fullofpassion thank you for the like! Let me know if you have any questions :)
Apr 30Reply

Jeans and these for 30??
May 06Reply

May 06Reply

30 for shorts and shirt ??
May 06Reply
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