💕 Shop with Shari 💕
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Hey! I’m a mom of 2 girls and an undercover shopaholic that LOVES high end but also loves the rush of a good bargain.
Check out my closet and make me an offer if you’re interested in anything...I know we’ll be able to work something out! It never hurts to ask 😉💜

54 others
like this

Hi!! Are you interested in training your Dior Cardigan for a Children Burberry Dress?
Mar 13Reply

@nat_sale Hey! Thanks for the offer but for the time being I’m not open to trades...also I’ve received so many luxury prices for my baby girl and she wears them all once and outgrows them so quickly 😅 I appreciate you stopping by though! 😊
Mar 13Reply

@sharifaholivia That’s okay. I understand. Thank you 😊
Mar 14Reply

Omg she’s so cute💕💗
Mar 14Reply

@lym17 thank youuuu...my little 👼🏼
Mar 14Reply

Hi Shari! 👋 Thanks for the follow! 🤗 I hope you got a chance to browse my closet. 🛒 I add new items often! 🛍 Also, feel free to like and/or make an offer on anything in my closet! TTYL ✌️
Mar 16Reply

Happy Poshing, Shari :)
Mar 31Reply

@picsonly thanks 🥰☺️
Mar 31Reply

You have such an amazing closet! 💗
Apr 02Reply

@_kyleekerr aww thank you!!! I was just taking a glance through yours as well and loving your flat lays!! 😘
Apr 02Reply

Hello! Love your closet and your baby girl is so adorable 😍
If ever you’re interested in anything in my closet just make me an offer and I’ll gladly consider it!
Have a great night! 🎀
Kimberly~ fellow Poshmark ambassador 🤩
Apr 15Reply

@kimmmmmm01 aww thanks so much!! And same to you!! 💜💜💜
Apr 15Reply

i really dont have more sorry
Apr 26Reply

Hello how are you today and hope you're staying safe too.
Kindly see my little closet full of clean and gorgeous items for your stylish self at already good and negotiable prices.
Here to serve,let me add to your already fabulous wardrobe.
Apr 30Reply

Oops I meant to add the bathing suit too. I will include that in the offer :)
May 09Reply

hey, you shipping those pants or??
May 14Reply

@keishamatthe886 lol hey keisha...yes I packed them up immediately after you purchased them but the post office was unfortunately closed when I went 😫 going to ship them out today instead they’re already in my car waiting!
May 14Reply

Do you think the shoulder appliqué could be removed? I love the dress except the shoulder pieces.
May 14Reply

Thank you Shari for the smooth transaction! The items were everything I had hoped for, I recommend everyone to shop in your closet ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
May 14Reply

@loannenguyen83 ahhh I’m so happy!!! Thank you so much 🥰🥰🥰
May 14Reply

@pennymclaren oh sorry penny I just saw this comment! Are you referring to the Calvin Klein dress?
May 14Reply

Oops sorry, yes the Calvin Klein dress !
May 14Reply

Did you get my message about this dress appliqué?
May 15Reply

@pennymclaren ah I’m so sorry! I lost track of it on this post...I should have created a bundle with the dress 🤦🏻♀️ but no I don’t think you could remove the shoulder appliqués without ruining the underlying fabric
May 16Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate🙏🙏🥺🥺
May 20Reply

just wanted to also share that I have experienced a form of bullying through those 2 girls and also reported. What they find fun is not ok.
May 26Reply

@suburbanstyling Thank you so much for reaching out! It was actually really upsetting! It was my first negative interaction on poshmark and it caught me so off guard since everyone on here has always been so welcoming and amazing.
May 26Reply

@poshbyshari yes same here and I've been here since last year! I noticed they comment the same thing on each other's listings so they must just be young and bored. I also sent the screenshots to Poshmark instagram. online bullying of any kind upsets me big time and it scares me to think of what else they do outside the app if they find that ok :(
May 26Reply

@suburbanstyling that’s EXACTLY what I was telling my sister just now. That they look so young and if they’re doing this on Poshmark of all apps, what are they doing elsewhere. They are far too young to already be so negative and cruel. It’s really unfortunate. I have screenshots as well that I was planning on sending in tomorrow.
May 26Reply

@suburbanstyling If there is one thing I won’t stand for is bullying of any kind. Really...thank you so much for reaching out. I feel so much better already 😊🥰
May 26Reply

@poshbyshari your closets gorg you're crushing it, hopefully they didn't ruin your evening too much!
May 26Reply

@suburbanstyling you more than made up for it!! Thank you again 😃😃😃
May 26Reply

@poshbyshari ♥️♥️♥️♥️
May 26Reply

Thank you 💕😁
May 28Reply

@dreamingzzz absolutely! ☺️ I’ll mail out tomorrow!
May 28Reply

@poshbyshari 💕
May 28Reply

Ah your daughter is adorable!
Jul 05Reply

@rellapicassa thank you so much! And thanks for the purchase! I’ll be shipping out tomorrow ☺️
Jul 05Reply

Hi , welcome to Poshmark.
My name is Donna , I am a Poshmark Ambassador.
Thankyou for the follow .
Take a moment to check out my closet .
I am always open to reasonable offers.
Happy Poshing 🛍
Jul 08Reply

Love your closet! 😍
Aug 04Reply

Hello Shari! I wanted to reach out and personally thank you for the “Posh Love” you’ve shown with your sharing of my closet, thank you so much, it’s great appreciated! Wishing you every success...be safe, Delia. 😊💞
Aug 20Reply

💋💋💋 CONGRATS ON YOUR PARTY DEAR PFF. I would love a host pick from my Poshmark compliant closet ❣️❣️❣️📀📀📀📀🧚📀📀 🌎📀📀🧚📀📀🌎📀 📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🌎📀📀🧚📀📀🌎📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🌏📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🌍📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🌍📀
🧚Thank you so much🧚
Aug 31Reply

Congratulations on hosting! Please consider my closet for a host pick! 💜
Sep 01Reply

Hey! It would mean a lot if you checked out my closet for a potential host pick for the Together we Posh Party! Thank you so much! -Reagan
Sep 02Reply

Congrats on your Posh Party tomorrow! Would love to be considered for a host pick, if interested! Xo
Sep 02Reply

Hi! Congratulations on hosting the “Together We Posh” party! Please consider looking into my posh compliant closet @abscwa for a potential host pick! There are a variety of items 😊
Please also consider:
Sep 02Reply

Congratulations on the hosting!☺️ 🎉 Please check out my closet for a potential host pick. Thanks in advance 💛
Sep 03Reply

❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕
I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party ! ❤️ Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕
Sep 03Reply

թօՏհ Թɑɾեվ ɑӀҽɾե! 🍾@poshbyshari 🇨🇦
Together We Posh 👯♀️ Its🔛 Thu @10PM 🎟
🎤✨ @alaska42
🎤✨ @brunomars90
🎤✨ @cmlazorenk
🎤✨ @coconut_couture
🎤✨ @dearcarmen
🎤✨ @dressinglauren
🎤✨ @emangino
🎤✨ @from_us2you
🎤✨ @houndstooth
🎤✨ @itsajonesthang
🎤✨ @jadet4
🎤✨ @jlotopper
🎤✨ @jovigraham
🎤✨ @j3nnm76
🎤✨ @ladycrackerjack
🎤✨ @lhaag721
🎤✨ @lucky0718
🎤✨ @modig
🎤✨ @piccadilly_posh
🎤✨ @poshtessa
🎤✨ @sheashea93
🎤✨ @shoplunagrace
🎤✨ @soulcrusher717
🎤✨ @tgavril
🔒 private list do not copy 🔒🔑
Sep 03Reply

Congratulations on hosting! Please feel free to check out my closet. Thank you!
Sep 03Reply

Congratulations on hosting the party!!🎉🌷🎉👯We’d love if you could look at our closets! @modig @hobbswife @matana @msellems @karint @cultiverre @momoretro @mtnhiker @stylish_paige @coconut_couture @lindafinds @winsomewardrobe @tweisy @windandwillow @gator @porcelainbirdie @tchouseofstyle @daughter14 @barbiemartha @sunnybirdmarket @costumebaldor @shoplunagrace @antiqueorunique @malakea @tamaralite @pinkflamingobtq @belovedsparrow @chirocarly @tropicalmama @mamadukes2 @acelestialsoul
Sep 03Reply

@rposen @maggiesfarm @saramaxxx @kjrn1 @tezza630 @lasmada @londonsdigs @barellagirl @cancerbully @jlotopper @justpeep @jjj9_4 @twposh @shopofthemoment @dtb122 @msbeaudreaux @shop_kimibrooke @brunomars90 @chic_hawaii_tea @bustingbeauty @fire172 @warrior04 @datpiff99 @summerchance @kmctbr @ellenjannino @phoenixmam @vintage_rocks @pentandpavement @merri_graceland @gabaccia @bonniesailer @monascollection @cathyfrangos💕
Sep 03Reply

Congrats on hosting the Together We Posh party tomorrow, Shari! Looking forward to it. Would love to be considered for a host pick! I have a lot of NWT items that I think would be great for the theme✨
Sep 03Reply

Congratulations on hosting your upcoming together we posh party! I would be so honored to be considered as a host pic for your party. I have everything trendy to the classics. I have just recently reopened my closet after a peripheral nerve implant in my back and could certainly use the exposure! Thank you so much for your consideration I would be very grateful.
Sep 03Reply

🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Together We Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck tomorrow. Looking forward to the event. ♥️
Sep 03Reply

Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Together We Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Stay strong & healthy during this time. Thank you & Happy Poshing 💚🌸💚
Sep 03Reply

Welcome and enjoy today party 👍😀
Sep 03Reply

Congratulations on the party hosting tonight! 🥳🎉 Hope you have fun!
Sep 03Reply

Hey!! Congrats on hosting a party!! I would love for you to check out some of my items for a potential host pick !! I have a lot of items to sell! Thank you
Sep 03Reply

Hi! I see that you are hosting a party today! I was wondering if you would have a look in my closet for a HOST PICK?🙃❤
Things have been very slow for me right now and I could use a hand....👋
Sep 03Reply

Congrats on hosting! Your closet is GOALS. If you need HPs, check out my closet :)
Sep 03Reply

Congrats on hosting, have a great time 😊💕🌸
Sep 04Reply

Okay I am obsessed with your closet 😍😍
Sep 04Reply

Congrats on hosting!! Please stop by my closet to say hiiiiiiii, give some tips or consider a Host Pick 🦦 See ya sooooon! PS your baby is TOOOOOOO cuteeeee
Sep 04Reply

@poshbyshari Congrats on hosting! I would love a host pick. Happy hosting!!!
Sep 04Reply

Congrats on hosting! 🎉🎉 Would love to be considered for a HP! ✨✨
Sep 04Reply

Sep 04Reply

My name is Savannah and I joined posh to help pay for school and 3 months ago my dad lost his job due to covid19 so if it's possible I’d love it if you looked in my closet for an hp!!
Thanks for hosting!
Have a great day and stay safe!!
Sep 04Reply

Congrats on hosting the Together we Posh party!
With 1.5 hours left, I would really appreciate it if you checked out my closet and considered something for a host pick. Thank you! :)
Sep 04Reply

Congrats on hosting a posh party! Please check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks!
Sep 04Reply

Hi sweetheart, both you are beautiful, please stay safe, God bless,❤️
Sep 04Reply

@poshbyshari Hey welcome to poshmark are you interested in makeup than check out my closet maybe you might find something you like and feel free to make any offer on any item in my closet and have a wonderful day 😊😊😊
Sep 14Reply

Thanks for the follow and shares 😍 I’m still building my closet and have many more great items to post so I hope you’ll pop in again soon. In the meantime, take care and Happy Poshing! ~Jessica
Sep 28Reply

I liked a few things in your closet, would you give me a deal on the bundle?
Dec 08Reply

I LOVE your closet. All the Levi’s are making me so happy. If you ever want to trade for anything in my closet let me know. I’m slowly posting new things everyday. Or if you could bundle and give me an amazing deal!!!
Jan 02Reply

@poshbyshari - Thank you for sharing my closet. I am new to Poshmark and I am absolutely loving the community.
You just made it even better.
Be well and stay safe 💜🙏✌️🛍
Feb 06Reply

Congratulations on your prize!🤗🌺
Mar 17Reply

absolutely amazing closet!!!!!
Apr 21Reply

Hi Shari, I just wanted to write you a quick note to say you have a fabulous closet. I love your style :-)
Apr 23Reply

@waywardthoughts aw thanks! That’s so sweet!! Love your closet as well 😍
Apr 23Reply

Congratulations on your prize!🤗🌷
May 13Reply

Hi there! I wanted to invite you to visit my closet for unique vintage items and modern styles as well.
Have a wonderful evening!
Jan 18Reply

Congratulations on your prize!
May 26Reply

Hi Shari, I appreciate the offer on the Zara flower jumpsuit. No rush at all but if you could send the measurements I'm truly interested in buying it. cheers.
Feb 10Reply

@1315vlc oh shoot I completely forgot! I’ll have them tomorrow 100%!!
Feb 10Reply

@poshbyshari thank you for the measurements. Do you mind me asking what would be the best offer...incase the green doesn't come out (that totally sucks..lol). Thank you.
Feb 11Reply

what is the waist and hip measurement of the zara pink pants size8
Feb 23Reply

I won the black jumpsuit on your last show it will be paid tomorrow please and I want to bundle
Mar 08Reply

can you bundle my black jumpsuit my ribbed crop top maroon and I was wondering if you can get another black ruched dress the 2 pieces like you had tonight in large and small I want one please
Mar 08Reply

@a_duczminski absolutely!! I’ll start a bundle for you right now so we can chat there 😉🥰
Mar 08Reply

@poshbyshari thankyou will be paying soon been sick sorry for this but want my stuff thanks will be at your show tomorrow too
Mar 09Reply

I'm confused so far I've purchased the black body suit the ribbed maroon top last show and 2 body suits this show can you let me know my total and it will be paid in 2 days just waiting on my cheque and if you get the black ruched dress in large let me know want to pay one shipping if possible thankyou but watch all your shows your awesome thankyou
Mar 10Reply

hi sharifa it's andrea so sorry was sick for over 3 weeks feeling better now tho I was wondering if you still have the black jumpsuit
Apr 05Reply

Hi Sheri I’m the one that bought the blue dress my mistake please cancel it I don’t know of you cancelled please or if you remembered to cancel it last night it was a mistake thank you
Kim 💕💃💕
Apr 12Reply

@kberly10 hey it’s canceled!! No worries it happens!!
Apr 12Reply

@poshbyshari thank you so much love your shows
Apr 12Reply

Hi...please cancel the "like" order. 😭
Apr 26Reply

@sliceoflife5 don’t worry it never went through!!! I just got an email!!
Apr 26Reply

@sliceoflife5 I can’t send you a screen shot on here…but if you add me on I g same username as here I can send you as proof!
Apr 26Reply

@sliceoflife5 email says unable to process buyers payment and it said you should have gotten a notification as well 😊
Apr 26Reply

@poshbyshari giiiirl, where were you last night? Missed your show!
May 03Reply

Absolutely loved 🥰 your live show today you and the team are so much fun!
May 31Reply

Hi @poshbyshari .PM had glitches tonight I believe I needed to uninstall and reinstall the app. And a lot experienced same. Hope you can still continue with your live tonight 💗😅✌️ 💗💗💗
Jun 07Reply

@armyellie hey girl!! Poshmark crashed for everyone so I ended my live!! I might have a make up show tonight but if not I’ll have my regular Thursday night show!
Jun 07Reply

hi Shari. I was at your show I think yesterday and was thinking about the 2 bikini sets you were offering for 12 each. yellow and clouds. can you tell me if they're lined and the brand and would you take $20 for both? thanks!
Jul 06Reply

Hey, its Jessi and I hope you are having a TGIF Friday! Tonight is my MEGA BAG SALE (SHOW) at 4 pm PDT and I have TONS OF DESIGNER BAGS GOING AT AMAZING PRICES. ALSO, AS A THANK YOU TO MY BUYERS...I HAVE 2 x $5 STARTS TONIGHT (ONE IS A JACQUES LEMANS WATCH NWOT AND A BEAUTIFUL SWAROVSKI NECKLACE). PS - I look forward to seeing you, Your Posh Friend, jessi_nc
Aug 18Reply

Hello! I was wondering when your next posh show is? Thank you!!!
Oct 08Reply

@orhay26 hey!!! I was supposed to have one on Friday but then me and my 2 daughters all got sick 😩. I'm hoping to have a show tomorrow!!
Oct 08Reply

@poshbyshari No worries!!! I hope you all feel better🙏❤️🙏
Oct 08Reply

Thank you ♥️🎄
Dec 16Reply

Hey Shari! Thanks again for the lovely tops I purchased from your last show. Do you know when you are going live again? Take care, Jocqueline xo
Feb 18Reply

@luvmystuff372 hey!! I am so sorry I missed this!! I'm hoping to have a show either tonight or Thursday night. I'm sorry we just keep getting sick over and over in my house otherwise I'd be on twice weekly 😫
Feb 20Reply

@poshbyshari So sorry to heart that. Being sick is so not fun. Take care😘💝❤️🩹
Feb 20Reply

It’s all about helping each other .. it becomes circular! That’s my two cents for the day lol .. from a mom also
Mar 09Reply

Thanks for sharing my "Meet the Posher" picture/ listing ✨ If you and your folowers want to 🦄 sell together and 🦄WIN or have 🦄Giveways together, please 🎉 send me a msg (in bundles) or 🎉comment on a ✨listing, or my ✨ "Meet the Posher" picture/listing. Help each other sell for faster sales and better 🏷deals 🏷 It's a WIN WIN ✨🎁
Mar 17Reply

Hey Shari!!! How are you! When is your next show? Miss seeing you.
Jun 12Reply
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