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Updated Feb 21
Updated Feb 21

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l haven't given up fighting the chronic illness to come back here. Th for all the love! In meantime, I'm supporting you! Hugs❤
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sg1771 Hi Linda!! So happy to see you back! Take it slow and do what you can! Thinking of you and was missing you!! Feel good my friend!! ~Shari😊😘🌸🌺💖💗💕
Sep 22Reply
belovedsparrow @sg1771 Awe, thx Shari - felt SO good to get here! Hope to "see you" around this weekend😄and yes- pacing myself is a must I'm learning. Hugs 2 u🤗💖
Sep 22Reply
belovedsparrow @rposen Ty 4 yr kind reply 💕 my apologies, not sure I clued you in why I've been gone (see above.) It was a delight to "see you" & may all be well yr way⚘Linda
Sep 22Reply
rposen @belovedsparrow Are you feeling better? Is that why you are able to be in Posh? So sorry about your health issues!😘
Sep 22Reply
belovedsparrow @rposen Yes, I'm a disabled vet, several health issues (in GI & severe fatigue area to name a few!) colided months ago which made me stop everything. Drs found I have gastroparesis (lazy stomach muscle😝, hard to eat, nausea..) and doing tests to find fatigue causes. I have a young daughter who has high functioning autism, & an amazing husband! God's shown His love- esp. through friends like u🤗
Sep 22Reply
belovedsparrow Friends - please read above on my status - apologies 2 those I forgot to share months bk I was ill.💖 u all! LA @jennifernicoleb @warrior04 @tezza630 @dinofinder @shopmylunagrace @piccadilly_posh @brunomars90 @bustingbeauty @deege65 @mennaslove @ashjesh @poojajp @jill555 @apice_country @shiloh077 @shoplemondrop @davinandtheia @heavenlyparadise @jlotoppet @modig @kidscloths626 @gat8or @pinkflamingobtq @lhaag721
Sep 22Reply
belovedsparrow PFFs, pls read above - yr support is helping. Ur in my dsily thoughts & prayers, love you all! 💖 @kimberlie1967 @barellagirl @shopofthemoment @n2starbucks  @coffeebeansclst @tgavril @luckygirl70 @raj3 @jasmine_hart @mslydiad @jacklag  @return2inocence @vivalorena @rosestone @mkazyaka @danileeoak @heylothere @chicsarah @berryapple @retrotravelgirl @ariasfashion @rolltidestacy @creitzel @janalovebanana  @maryj1979  @superstylish14 @amber_lena25  @rciocca1661
Sep 22Reply
belovedsparrow PFFs, pls read above - yr support is helping. Ur in my dsily thoughts & prayers, love you all! 💖 @dee811dxh @midmom  @nbmoda @cait_bowenarrow @lucybrucey @ashemili @pegperfectgift @bizylady511 @myrnamox3 @tamy65 @jaydog14 @kidzcloths626 @retrocollective @fashiongal961 @earth3003 @mommynme30 @anniebug75 @modig @mysoulsgotwings @edavis25 @kaki_anna @clothedonsunday  @glasschick  @kimlee33 @retrocollective @just_too_cute @missyjo111 @charminglane @lorinaanne @smearo  @reneemichelle75
Sep 22Reply
shopofthemoment @belovedsparrow I've been thinking about you the last few days and hoping things are better with you. Missed you. So glad you tagged me!! Big big big love and of course smooches 💋
Sep 22Reply
dressinglauren So glad to hear you've got new treatment options and are back this weekend! Please let me share without return! 😘💞💞💞💐
Sep 22Reply
belovedsparrow PFFs, pls read above - yr support is helping. Ur in my daily thoughts & prayers, love you all! 💖 @ginger_nj @4luxeshoetique @kgokalga @penelope111 @emsulli @erinbickley @littlegypsy @missy3636 @noafive_apparel @summer36565 @stagliatela @shaneyhenley @jngies13 @chass811 @luvnlaughter @helga4fun @cindiz44
Sep 22Reply
belovedsparrow @shopofthemoment That means a lot coming from you & ditto! Yr an inspiration💖 I recv' as many hugs as you'll give & double'm back 🤗💋
Sep 22Reply
belovedsparrow @dressinglauren You are always so super sweet 💕 I think of you & hope you are doing ok my neighbor 🖒
Sep 22Reply
davinandtheia @belovedsparrow so happy to see you back! 💖 take it easy my friend. 😘 i missed you! 💖
Sep 22Reply
americangirl66 @belovedsparrow "Heavenly Father, watch with us over your child belovedsparrow and grant that she may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give; through Jesus Christ our Lord." Amen.
Sep 22Reply
behindthecloth Love you, Linda! Hoping you feel better soon... 💖
Sep 22Reply
trustylegrace @belovedsparrow hi lovely lady! 💕💕💕 Sending love ♥️ & prayers 🙏 your way!!! Please take care of yourself!! 😘😘😘
Sep 22Reply
abeautifulchaos ✨🍾✨🍾So happy you're back luv!!! Will definitely keep you in my prayers 🙏🙏🙏!!! Glad you're feeling better!!! ✨🍾✨🍾
Sep 22Reply
erinbickley Glad you've been taking care of yourself, babe. We, your PFFs, are here to support you! Sending healing thoughts and energy with you in mind. 💚✨
Sep 22Reply
smearo Glad you are on the mend!!!! Sad you have been out for so long. I always appreciate everything you do for your PFF's. You were definitely missed. 🤗🤗🤗😍 keep me posted on all your good news!!!!
Sep 22Reply
smearo ((((((hugs)))))))) 😍☺️☺️☺️🤗🤗🤗🤗☺️☺️☺️☺️😍
Sep 22Reply
bizylady511 Welcome back, hope you are doing well! ❤️❤️
Sep 22Reply
thecashmerecat Glad you are working your way back! Wishing you health and joy inside and out.
Sep 22Reply
jennifernicoleb @belovedsparrow I have been thinking about you!!! So amazing to hear from you!!! Life is full of curve balls and if you take them in stride like you always do you will always come out smiling! I am so incredibly happy you are feeling better! Continued prayers from me for a happy and healthy you!!! Much love and hugs!!!! Xoxo 💙🤗😘
Sep 22Reply
teresaposhlove @belovedsparrow I'm so glad you are feeling much better. I completely understand prayers always my friend.🛐🙏🏼💗
Sep 22Reply
ajcollections @belovedsparrow Omg welcome back my sweet Linda! ❤ Sooo good to "see you". I hope you're feeling a little better PFF. We all miss you so much! 😙😙😙 Hope your family is doing well too. ~Jesh
Sep 22Reply
ginger_nj Amiga I am so happy you are doing better. Life does challenge us but God knows what he does! I hope the princess is well also! 🌹Yesenia
Sep 22Reply
janellno5 Sara sounds like I don't know what is going on with you but you know I truly know what day in day out struggles with health is! Sending you lots of love and praying for you too! I love you and catch that hug going by...don't miss it 😘😘
Sep 22Reply
snowybutterfly My dear amiga! 🤗 It's so good to have you back and to know that you're feeling better 😉 I will be getting off PM soon since my little lady should be making her grand appearance in month and a half. Take it easy, let me know if I can help you with anything 💕 Love you chica! 💖
Sep 22Reply
dee811dxh Oh Linda feel better son 💕🌷🌹🌺🌷🌹🌺🌸🌷🌺🌷
Sep 23Reply
scw123 Good to have you back! 🌺
Sep 23Reply
bustingbeauty (((HUGS!!))) sweet friend! Been sending prayers 🙏🏼 your way often! Missed your bright ray of sunshine around here! 🌈☀️🌈☀️ So very nice to hear from you!! 💚keep well, your health is always #1 😘💕🙌🏻
Sep 23Reply
stagliatela Sending nothing but love and prayers your way. ❤️❤️
Sep 23Reply
cindiz44 Hope you get to feeling better real soon LA. I'm having a hard time with my copd and breathing is pretty hard even with the oxygen.
Sep 25Reply
raj3 @belovedsparrow I've missed you! I had been without a phone for nearly 8 weeks or a little longer. Plus, my family's been sick, with me last to get this cold-flu. Also, my EDS has been very bad to me. But how are you? I hope you're feeling and doing well. Please keep me in your tag lists. I'll pray for you tonight- for strength, peace, that your symptoms will lessen and you'll feel better. 😘💓💓
Oct 18Reply
dsf58 Love you Linda. Prayers for new treatments and strength. Chronic illnesses are mean!!!
Oct 21Reply
snowybutterfly Hello my dear friend, I hope you're doing better, I miss you 💕 Praying for you to come back soon 💗 Sending many hugs and love your way 😘😘😘
Oct 24Reply
mcjayne @belovedsparrow I just wanted to check in with you, beautiful, how are you feeling???? I hope much better?!!!! I’m struggling too, seems to be getting worse too...I’m just hanging on until I have insurance again in January! 😘❤️love you honey, I Hope homeschooling is still going great!
Nov 01Reply
sg1771 Miss you!!! Hope you are feeling well my friend!!😘😘💖💖💕💕
Nov 05Reply
thecashmerecat I hope you had a most blessed Thanksgiving! Wishing you strength and recovery. Hugs!
Nov 24Reply
belovedsparrow @thecashmerecat Awe thank you!! I did thank God! Miss you & hope to be back soon🙇‍♀️❤
Nov 30Reply
belovedsparrow @sg1771 Boy, I've been meaning to msg you!! Ty ❤ I had a good thxgiving & gearing up to be bk I hope soon. Huge hugs 🤗🤗💝
Nov 30Reply
shiloh077 @belovedsparrow Hi Linda! I just got home last night from a 3 week vacay in SF. I was looking at my taglists and reminded me that it had been awhile since I’ve seen you on Posh. Just checking in to see how you’re doing/feeling 💕 I brought back so many new and exciting items but have so much to do today I’m feeling overwhelmed😩 Just need to get organized & do it. A bit jet lagged. I slept like a log last night. Hope you’re feeling better! ~Shiloh 💗😗💕💕
Dec 04Reply
piccadilly_posh Linda?!?! So glad to see you, my friend!! I swear I was just thinking about you this morning, too, wow!! How are you feeling? I sure hope you’re feeling a lot better and that you’ll be back full time again soon!! You have been missed!! 💫⭐️💫💕🌸💕😊😘
Dec 05Reply
sg1771 @belovedsparrow hi love! So happy to hear from you. Hope you are doing well and feeling a little bit better each and every day! Just know that I’m constantly thinking of you and sending lots of love and well wishes your way! Hope to hear from you soon!! Xoxox😊💕😘💖
Dec 06Reply
belovedsparrow @piccadilly_posh Awe, that’s awesome right, when you think of someone and they are also?! I miss y’all lots. how have you been? I’m loving the season! Praying for you as you spend this one I think, w/o your dear pup. May you find comfort and happy memories. 🙏🏼💕 Hugs to you❣️🤗
Dec 06Reply
belovedsparrow @shiloh077 Hi Shiloh! Ty for writing, esp. after just returning! It’s often a bit longer than I’d like to get things back going after a trip. Yet, exciting to return with new inventory ☺️can’t wait to see😍. I hadn’t been on PM - workng on new vitamins & meds, still tweaking dosages, waiting for my body to respond🙏🏼 I’ve gotten time to get new inventory, so also overwhelmed a bit😁. I hope to be bk by the new yr. Take care amiga🌸Linda
Dec 06Reply
belovedsparrow @shiloh077 PS - I know it took a bit to fit my name into your tag list, and I totally want to stay on. Yet I understand if there are others, active now that want the spot. As I mentioned, my goal is to be on by New Yr🙏🏼🙆🏻❣️
Dec 06Reply
belovedsparrow @sg1771 Miss you sooo mucho!!! How are things your way? Things are finally beginning to click a bit tons of inventory that need to be worked on. Yet the body is slower than my brain 😅 totally need to clean out things too! Hope and pray that you are well and you know how much your friendship means !!💖😘 Keep smiling sweets😁❣️ Linda
Dec 06Reply
shiloh077 @belovedsparrow You’re definitely staying on unless you ask to be removed. Talk to you so more soon. I have so much more to list sweetie 😘
Dec 06Reply
raj3 @belovedsparrow Hello my love, I've missed you. Been thinking about you a lot, as I know we both have chronic illness & pain issues. Just wanted to reconnect, say hello and that I'll be praying for you. Be blessed. 😘
Dec 08Reply
belovedsparrow @shiloh077 List girl List!!!👍 I hope to soon🙆‍♀️❤
Dec 09Reply
belovedsparrow @raj3 Hi friend!! I'm thankful for your prayers. I was formerly disconnected here but thank God hoping to be on soon. You got my prayers, sorry to hear there are still chronic illnesses. May you feel better soon. Miss ya!🌷
Dec 09Reply
51twenty Thank you so much for your Shares LA. Those made my day😁🌺🍂🍃
Dec 09Reply
belovedsparrow @51twenty Cheered me up looking at yr lovelies when I wasn’t feeling well ☺️
Dec 12Reply
51twenty HI Linda. That makes me smile😁 What else Can I Add?
Dec 12Reply
dsf58 Linda dear one. I’ve had you on my mind and I’m so glad to see you are back. Try not to overdo this blessed season of Joy!! Hugs, Dianna.
Dec 17Reply
nia1113 @belovedsparrow I've been missing you, my PFF!!!! 💟 Thinking of you. I hope and pray that you are getting some answers and help, and that your health is improving? I know from my own experience with chronic illness, that it's not just as simple as "get well soon" , it's something we have to learn to cope with long term & figure out what works for our bodies. Continued love and prayers, LY!
Dec 21Reply
belovedsparrow @51twenty Merry Christmas Sweets 🥧 pray you’re well❣️ Linda
Dec 26Reply
belovedsparrow @dsf58 A blessed Christmas to you D. I have hopes to be back 😁 praying your holiday was good. 🤗
Dec 26Reply
51twenty 💋
Dec 26Reply
belovedsparrow @nia1113 my dear Nia, your words resonated w/ what I’ve been doing...learning to take time....God’s time ☺️ to heal and to live despite my illnesses....God’s heard your prayers thank you! I hope to return in the ny. Hope you and your fam are well - much luv💖L.Y
Dec 26Reply
nia1113 @belovedsparrow I'm so happy to hear from you! 😘 Filled my heart with cheer to read your message! It can be a challenge & we (as mothers especially) are not always very good at taking care of ourselves and our own needs. I'm sorry that in our case (and many others) it means dealing with doctors & certain health symptoms; however, I also have known how you are from day one~jump in full force & go go go!! ♥💪And, I can fully relate because I tend to be the same way!!
Dec 26Reply
nia1113 @belovedsparrow I'll be praying always that you are well and your daughter & hubby! I hope you had a great Christmas. 🎄🌟 Here's to a blessed, healthy, peaceful New Year full of joy and love and Poshmark sales, too if that's in God's plan for us! 🌛 Goodnight Posh Sis!! Love you!! ♥,Nia XOXOXO
Dec 26Reply
belovedsparrow @nia1113 Thx for your loving words. You take care💕Bless you too Posh sis 🌟🎉and looking forward to what comes our way 2018!
Dec 28Reply
barellagirl @belovedsparrow thinking of you miss you hope you are feeling better. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏wishing you a beautiful 2018 filled with love and happiness m beautiful friend happy new year xoxooxo❤️❤️❤️🌷🌷😘😘😘
Jan 04Reply
belovedsparrow @osofast2 so kind - ty🌻🌟
Jan 21Reply
belovedsparrow @barellagirl thanks again for this sweet message. 🌸🍃Hope Barella girl is going gr8💕 Linda
Jan 21Reply
shiloh077 @belovedsparrow Thinking about you again today sweetie. 💗 Hope things are getting better and better! I took you off my taglist temporarily until you come back as you have a very long user name. Lol we’ve talked about that before remember? Getting a lot of requests & really don’t want Taglist #4 🙈 When you’re ready,tag me & I will get you back on asap 💗💗😘xoxo 😘
Feb 03Reply
tezza630 @belovedsparrow 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Hello, LA, my sweet friend! Hoping this finds you in better health and feeling happy. You’ve been missed! I want you to know that although i left your name on my tag lists (cuz if i take you off i may never remember to replace you!!) but don’t feel any obligations at all! I love you and want you back intact and 100%! Rest well! Xxx 🐾💚 tari
Feb 04Reply
belovedsparrow @tezza630 Tari! So sweet to hear from you - how’s 2018 treating are those gorgeous felines of yours 😻 I REALLY appreciate your support for so long...I have better days than worse, yay🌟has given me motivation to slowly work on PM background 2018 goal to come back w/ a new closet❣️Much love and well wishes..keep me on yr tag list. I know it’s not easy to add, delete😆 hugs. 🤗Linda
Feb 06Reply
belovedsparrow @shiloh077 Hi darling - I’ve thought of you too 😘 I am getting more better days than worse...then small relapses...yet my 2018 goal - a new closet w/ a strong comebk😁 Hope your new yr is well🎉 Surely put an active person in my place. Some friends didn’t want to take me off (u know that name of mine😆.) Glad you reached out & on this post ( all I check off/on.) Love to chk yr page 4 inspiration. Keep smiling & driving hard 🌟🤗Linda
Feb 06Reply
tezza630 @belovedsparrow 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 hey my dear! Oh our boys are great! - thank you! Clawde has been sneezing a bit for a few days but doesn’t seem ill or under stress. We’re keeping an eye on him. Phantom is perfect! I see that you are not currently signed up to “like” my newest furboy post - the first one filled up (comments) so i made a new one. I can include you on the list, but please “like” it if u want to - i just changed the pix! Hope you have more ON days than OFF! Xxx 🐾💚
Feb 07Reply
belovedsparrow @tezza630 Thx friend! Poor Clawde, allergies have my hubby bad down in TX here. Thx 4 info on yr new post, like it, Are you kidding me 😍😆
Feb 07Reply
jovigraham @belovedsparrow hello there my precious friend. Just thinking of you .. sending much love, many hugs & and an abundance of prayers 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Feb 07Reply
grace4d Thinking of you! 🌻💖Dee
Feb 08Reply
belovedsparrow @jovigraham oh girl, thank you for shedding your light on me - God knew I needed some know I’m slowly getting things in order to open here and boom - if it’s not my heath, it’s some obstacle - so you better believe I’m grateful 4 the prayers friend💕how is 2018? Drop me a line if you’d like on a sold listing )&let me know here-This all I check🤗in my prayers ❣️
Feb 08Reply
belovedsparrow @grace4d Dee - my friend in Las Cruces💕how r u? Your message put a smile on my face 😁 as I lie here. I miss not being here, you all. I’m feeling off and on better...trying how can to get new stuff ready to post. Much love, God bless you & yours🌸🍃Linda
Feb 08Reply
grace4d @belovedsparrow 😃 doing ok! My boy turned 12 & is getting so tall! My health is about the same (good n bad days). We lost my step-dad recently. Hard! My mother is despondent w/o him & I miss him so much. But life does move 4ward. I'm just glad there's hope 4 more after this life! I pray u have more good days coming. Take care! 🌻🌻🌻💖
Feb 08Reply
jovigraham @belovedsparrow my sweet PFF💕Linda💕 you're so welcome. It's so good to hear from you. Things may come but I pray that God gives you the continued strength to push forward and press through for you are more than a conqueror. All is well on this end my friend just moved so getting settled, as well as went bk to school after 28 years (whew😰😰) lol, Doing ministry @ church etc ... God is good.
Feb 08Reply
goodgaudy Love you. 💜
Feb 16Reply
poshtessa Keep up your spirits as we’re thinking about you and wishing you well! 💕🌻🦋🌸🦋🌻💕
Feb 26Reply
belovedsparrow @thriftstorebol ditto - Gab and I often play w/ the goodies you sent. We'll never forget that...And you 💕
Feb 26Reply
belovedsparrow @poshtessa Awe, ty Kat!!! How are you? I think of you often too 🤗When I was set to return, health mounted a roller coaster again🎢your msg brought me comfort & hope! 🌹 God bless you🌻 Linda
Feb 26Reply
poshtessa @belovedsparrow Oh sweet thing, I so wish you were free of this pain and your health was fully back on track! But never lose hope, you'll get there, you are strong and surrounded by love! Let it shine on you and lift your spirits! Sending hugs and good vibes your way, for renewed strength and a good recovery! 💕💕🤗🤗💕💕 xoxo Kat
Feb 26Reply
poshtessa Hi sweet pea! I hope your day is a bit better today! Thinking of you! Visited your closet to see if by any chance you were up to reopening, but alas it seems you're not well enough yet - hugs to you! 🤗 And if you find you're up to reopening in time for our Dresses & Skirts party Sunday, LMK (our listings all have to be for sale) 🌹💕🌹 Have a good weekend if you can!!! 🦋🌸🦋
Mar 02Reply
belovedsparrow @poshtessa Awe, you're precious to me Kat 😘 thank you kindly for thinking of me - yes alas I am fighting my fatigue & a cold. But you've made my day telling me about your party...I'm popping over to hang out😄 hugs & blessings sweets⚘
Mar 04Reply
lynda721 @belovedsparrow Hi Linda! I saw your name pop up the other day, and then again tonight. I’ve been thinking of you. I hope you are doing a little better; how do you feel? You know the winters are the worst season for us chronic pain sufferers. At least we had a little taste of warm weather (in between Nor’easters). Spring is on its way. Hang in there sweetie! Wishing you all the best! ~Lynda ❤️💕❤️💕❤️
Mar 07Reply
n2starbucks @belovedsparrow Hey! Praying for you as always. This cold weather has made me flare up as well. My sciatica is in full force. Feel like I want to cut off my own leg. Hope your getting lots of rest. Chat with you soon... Kimi☕️😘
Mar 17Reply
jovigraham Hello PFF. JUST THINKING OF YOU. Your're still in my prayers. Sending you much love & many hugs 🤗😘🤗😘
Mar 30Reply
ginabono @belovedsparrow Linda, I hope ur feeling much better!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 03Reply
belovedsparrow @n2starbucks Hi sweetie, just reading this. That sciatica pain is awful- mine is bad. Seems yours was off the charts. Praying that it lowers!! My stomach gastroparesis/fatigue still has me in bed. Miss you Ms Starbucks💛🤗
Apr 07Reply
belovedsparrow @jovigraham oh sweets - girl do I appreciate the prayers🤗♥️🤗 Satan knows when to attack, but praise God Jesus has won and I have amazing believers prayers like you! I'm still too sick to return. God's will be done. Please let me know how you are. Peace💛
Apr 07Reply
jovigraham @belovedsparrow gurl you doesn't he !! But he's the biggest liar & deceiver. You're always in my thoughts!!! I'm doing well .. a little busy but I'm blessed. It's really good 2 hear from you 💕💕💕💕much love & many hugs 💕💕💕💕💕
Apr 07Reply
special_stuff It is still feeling weird to click LIKE, but I like you so much, and want you to get better and come back! 💕
May 02Reply
poshtessa Hope you feel better each day, Linda! Missed you! Thank you for your sweet shares - I know your closet is closed but I shared some of yours to keep you out there ... hope you're feeling better very soon! 💕💕💕
Jul 02Reply
belovedsparrow @special_stuff see, that means SO much - I REALLY want to return & have faith I will, hopefully this year. You keep up the gr8 work & keep smiling 🤗 we need you here💜 Linda aka LA
Jul 04Reply
grace4d 🙏🙏🙏praying 4 u too🌻🌻🌻🌹
Jul 05Reply
tezza630 @belovedsparrow 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 LA! Thank you for supporting Randi in her time of need. what a terrible loss for her! 😢 I’m sorry that you are still not quite back to yourself. And I’m also sorry that i have been remiss in my Posh updates - I’ve not been on quite as often as usual. Hope that your life gets back to normal soon. Miss you always! 💚💚💚 tari
Jul 05Reply
belovedsparrow @tezza630 It really was sad, I can't imagine. Thx 4 reaching out and I hope you stay cool 😎 miss you!
Jul 05Reply
belovedsparrow Thx! Bless you & yours 🏜💕
Jul 05Reply
belovedsparrow @poshtessa Thx ! God always gives me good days each week & I know it's from prayers of friends like you 🤗 I hope things are well with you & yours.
Jul 05Reply
poshtessa Well here's to more good days, Linda! Always thinking of you and sending good thoughts and hugs! 💕💕💕
Jul 06Reply
jovigraham Hello my friend .. thinking of you ... sending love 😘
Jul 07Reply
ginger_nj Hello my love!!! Hope all is well... it has been too long!
Sep 18Reply
lynda721 @belovedsparrow Missed you Linda! Hope you are recovering well. Sending hugs and prayers! ~Lynda 🤗🙏🏻🤗🙏🏻🤗🙏🏻🤗
Sep 24Reply
51twenty Thinking of you Linda. Wanted to stop by and tell you. Sending loads of love to you. 🍃🍂🍃🌹🍃🌺🍂Carolyn
Nov 08Reply
shiloh077 @belovedsparrow Missing you sweet Pff. Wondering how you’re doing. Happy Holidays to you and your family! ❤️❤️ ~ Shiloh 😘
Dec 20Reply
snowybutterfly Hey lovely! Lmk as soon as you're ready to come back so I can spread the word Ok? I've missed you so much, my friend 💕💕❤❤
Mar 03Reply
dsf58 Hugs and love Linda!
Mar 07Reply
willowssock Hi there, I wanted to introduce myself if this message finds its way to you😉 I was glad to find others who understand the struggles of chronic health issues. I’ve been appreciating the ability to shop and sell and interact in this venue from home, at my own pace. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, SIBO (a GI issue), dizziness & headaches, two back...
Mar 15Reply
willowssock surgeries with unresolved pain are the “growth experiences” that command my daily life. Internet, U.S. mail and other delivery systems are huge blessings in my life and others who know the debilitating challenges of chronic illness. Best wishes to you and I look forward to learning much in this setting😊
Mar 15Reply
ally_marc @belovedsparrow I hope you’re doing well & having a wonderful weekend. You were one of my best supporters when I first started here... stay safe and healthy, many more blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🤗
May 23Reply
yogijennypenny @belovedsparrow sending you healing vibes, love and light. I’ve had severe Crohn’s disease since I was 11 years old so I really feel you. Rest up and self care are everything so take your time doing whatever you need to feel better. ✨🤗🌅🌼
Jul 15Reply
belovedsparrow @shiloh077 Ty 4 your shares😉 I love your closet image 💗 and miss ya. Once again, making strides to come back this year. I won't quit - and you keep on rockin' in!
Jul 17Reply
belovedsparrow @51twenty Dear Carolyn, I know it's been a minute. Know you're in my thoughts and prayers.💗 I'd love to send you an offer but don't know how. I need much updating! Again, trying to join here this year! Hugs to you🤗
Jul 17Reply
shiloh077 @belovedsparrow Thanks, miss you too sweet Pff!! Hope you come back soon!! Sending Love and Aloha! ❤️❤️❤️😘😘
Jul 17Reply
sg1771 Hi Linda!! I was so happy to see you in my newsfeed today! Ty for thinking of me and sharing my closet! I hope you and your family are doing well during these trying times!! Best regards, Shari 😊🌸🌷
Jul 17Reply
belovedsparrow @sg1771 Thx for still remembering me😄. I miss our times so much on here. We're well thank God and hope you are too. I'm itching to get back here!
Jul 17Reply
belovedsparrow @ginger_nj Hi Yesi! Hopefully you remember me 🤗Ty for your kind message here 💗 so sorry I delayed in response. I hope you're well🌞and for me to be back here soon!
Jul 17Reply
belovedsparrow @n2starbucks Hi Kimi - It's been a minute so I get it if you're like "who is this?" I hope you and yours are doing well. I'm trying again to fight my health stuff to get on here. Take care!🌞💗
Jul 17Reply
snowybutterfly Amiga!!! You have no idea how happy it made me to see your shares!!!!! 😄🤗 Are you back??? Are you??? How are you doing?
Jul 17Reply
belovedsparrow @rposen Hi Ronna, hoping you remember me. I pray you and yours are doing well. I was so delighted to go through your shop...I love your style! I'm truly anticipating my health will allow me to return this yr🌞You take care!
Jul 17Reply
rposen Hi Linda! Yes! I remember you! Ty for your sweet comment! I love your closet too! I hope you feel better soon & please keep in touch! We are fine & just being careful not to catch the dreaded COVID!🥰🥰🥰
Jul 17Reply
n2starbucks @belovedsparrow Yay! Glad your back!! I’m hanging in there too! Praying for you!!
Jul 17Reply
sg1771 Of course!! How can I forget my beloved sparrow Linda!!! Miss you and hope all is well!!! Xoxox
Jul 18Reply
ginger_nj @belovedsparrow Hello my friend. I am happy to hear from you! I pray that you are well.
Jul 18Reply
lynda721 @belovedsparrow Supporting You! I also have Chronic Health Issues. I am happy to see you taking care of you, first. My boring mantra goes… One Minute at a Time, One Hour at a Time, One Day At a Time. 💕
Nov 02Reply
sweetcamilles Sending healing thoughts to you. Enjoy the time with your family. Posh will be here when you are ready to come back. xoxo Michelle
Sep 08Reply

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