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💗 I love brands like Victoria’s Secret & Iron Fist. I have a slight obsession with workout pants/leggings & shoes of all styles. I love Steve Madden pumps!!! Currently crushing on Nasty Gal. I love oddities & skully things & all kind of creatures. NBC fan. Zombie fam. FX makeup noob.

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ohh my goodness 😻😻😻😻
Jul 08Reply

@jessica2_lynne1 Thursday I get the dwarf Netherland then Friday I find the kitten. Lol it's how it goes. A few months ago in picking up a puppy and find a small stray lol crazy crazy so def my calling lol thanks for stopping by 😉
Jul 08Reply

@ashcrofttt He has really a sweet disposition & unique personality. He is different with my baby than the older siblings, like he knows she's young. Thanks for commenting ☺️ I don't think finding the temporarily unfortunate creatures are by mistake. All my crossed paths with Gods creatures has been quite the multitude of blessings, from both the wild & domestic sides ✌️❤️😊
Aug 16Reply

God bless you for fighting the good fight I myself live in a wooded area with a lot of wild cats and such and started rescuing Lil critters about a year ago now I have 3 bunnies 2 cats 2 dogs a bird and Sandy my precious squirrel she barely had hair when I rescued her now she's my cuddle baby fat n fluffy
Sep 04Reply

I just can't resist nursing the Lil angels back to health n I'm getting pretty good at it too of course I release the ones that r healthy and I've rehabilitated but Sandy squirrel was too small when I got her and now thinks she's human lol but anyways I just wanted to say god bless for what you are doing
Sep 04Reply

@mzkimm30 Thank you for stopping by and for what you do too!! I'm looking at taking a wildlife rehab course so I'm certified so when I get my facility I'll be able to get a license/permit. Then onto dog training for the domestic rescue ❤️
Sep 05Reply

@mzkimm30 ... The cat & rabbit in the photos are actually friends Tigerclaw is actually my dwarf Netherland & sweet as sugar, they both are. I'm the crazy animal person swerving to miss squirrels & stopping for turtles in the road and such lol or pulling over if I think I see something like the owl I'm about to post 😉 I couldn't rehab him myself , no proper raptor care but wow coolest rescue yet!
Sep 05Reply

@bishopsma I find it very refreshing to hear of someone who is an animal lover, and willing to care for them🌹you shall be repaid with so many blessings. I want to Thank you for your care of these beauty's 🎀💐 We need more people like you. I too am an avid animal Lover.😉🐶🐾
Sep 05Reply

@ginabj Thank you SO much for stopping by & leaving a comment! I have enjoyed "meeting" people with similar animal love as myself 😊 I value your comments & appreciate them very much. 😘 I really enjoy the animals. I have human kids and non-human "kids" haha Blessings Cheers & positive vibes your way! 🐢🐷🐇🐹
Sep 05Reply

@wolfekrest Thank you for stopping by :) I fully believe where there is a will there is a way. Each day is one day closer to Little Brown Birds Animal Rescue "No animal is to big or small, wild or tame, we love them all"
Sep 06Reply

@smanship ☝️ ☺️ 🐞🐸🐢🐠🐓🐷🐇🐈🐴🐹 the critters
Sep 06Reply

Ok, gotcha! That's awesome and I love critters too! I had a similar experience with a cat I had named Lucky! Good luck and Godspeed to you!
Sep 06Reply

@smanship Thank you so much ☺️
Sep 06Reply

@mrsmeier112012 There's my dwarf, Tigerclaw per my son 😋
Sep 07Reply

One of the best causes I can think of!! All God's creatures need someone to be loved by!!
Sep 07Reply

Aww they're adorable. And I love owls. Wish I could have one.
Sep 07Reply

@omybunny Thank you :) I am bound & determined to have my rescues & my business like I've dreamed it up. Until then I do what I can or take those I can not care for to someone that can 💗
Sep 07Reply

@mrsmeier112012 Thank you. The owl was a very interesting situation. That was right at sunrise and I drive by it twice bc I couldn't tell what it was at first, like a tree stump. Sure people driving by thought I was bat 💩 running in the woods and back to my car trying to gather myself and tactic on catching this majestic taloned beauty ☺️
Sep 07Reply

Yw! And hope things work out for you, it's nice to see people helping defenseless animals. If you ever wanna host a party to raise finds let me kno, I sale Jewelscent.
Sep 07Reply

@mrsmeier112012 Sounds good ☺️ I'll let you know.
Sep 07Reply

@oneofakindstyle Yes doll you got it & if you ever need any help just holler 🙌
Sep 08Reply

@irish1980 Thanks for stopping by! What's the facility called & location you work with?
Sep 11Reply

@keelyarmour ☝️☺️
Sep 16Reply

@jkeenan Could you imagine the Danes w BigLucky or Tigerclaw!? What a photo if mine would allow it. ☺️
Sep 25Reply

@bishopsma That would be an awesome pic! My girls are so sweet and gentle to all who are smaller than them, which is pretty much every animal and human they meet, lol. I'll have to post a few pics of their little sister Pixie. She's a 2lb chihuahua ☺️
Sep 25Reply

@jkeenan Please do :) Thr rabbit is an adoption, the kitten I found the following day after adopting Tigerclaw he was on the side of the road maybe 10 weeks old in the pouring rain 😕 My son named him BigLucky. The weird bird the I think is a chimney swift flee in my house & scared the day lights out of me bc it was pitch dark lol the owl was a rescue last Oct I came across in NC.
Sep 25Reply

@bishopsma You (and those commenting that do the same) are wonderful. Thank you for your hard work and love for these animals.
Sep 25Reply

Long story but I guess the dog I found has owners....I'm probably crazier over animals than I should be. Sigh.
Sep 26Reply

@yugiohmom Hey sweetie! Thank you SO much for your support but this evening was crazy & now I'm emotionally drained concerning 'Sable'. I contacted GoFund me you should recv an email and the donation back in 2-5 days. I also closed the campaign :( I'm really a mess but I can explain more if you'd like on FB I'm on FB Deliah Mae (one L). You're generosity means so much to me. Thank you from the depths of my heart.
Sep 27Reply

And the Owl! Oh my fav! I had trouble finding you on FB. I'm Katy Cirimele-Caselli in San Joe. I'll try again
Sep 27Reply

@bishopsma I absolutely love what you do and your amazing energy!!! Good luck and God bless sweetie
Sep 29Reply

@lynnefiore Thank you SO much ☺️ I appreciate you checking out my closet & leaving a comment. It means a great deal to me. And thank you I'm all for being part of the "Good Vibe Tribe" Maybe that's why massage therapy is my calling-I believe in positive energy ✌️❤️😊
Sep 29Reply

"I can't save all of them" {Then why do you try} "Because, Id rather give the world to some...than rid the world of one" ...Famous quote "Nature can be cruel but we don't have to be" Be their voice 💗 wild or domestic 💗 Everyone deserves a fair chance.
Sep 29Reply

@mck_328 I don't have a picture of my two dogs but I love the animals :)
Sep 30Reply

@yugiohmom Took the pup to the vet this morning & the local rescue is going to take him from there & love him. I told her where I saw the rest & from there animal control can check the area and ask residents/look for rest of mom/litter too. It's a start ☺️ I pulled over this afternoon to check on a squirrel 😳 I AM crazy 😂
Oct 01Reply

@bishopsma glad you're having help. Oh, not crazy you just love animals
Oct 01Reply

designergirl78 very precious of you. How are things coming along? That puppy's eyes has me melting and my heart sinking. I love animals so much and think what you are doing is amazing. If I could, I definitely would! Very good job, and great to know you! ~Melissa. ❤️💕❤️
Oct 02Reply

@bishopsma I am that person as well :) I couldn't imagine not stopping!
Oct 02Reply

@designergirl78 Thank you! Once I get my own place I can at least foster & help the local rescue. My friend said he is from the vet & now going to a foster mommy whom has raised young pups ☺️ Which I'm glad I was able to at least get him we are getting hit hard with the rain now they say bad floods. I do not have local or cable TV so I'm behind on this hurricane. I live in the mountains. Thanks for stopping by dear 🌺
Oct 02Reply

@kelly_glover My only problem is not thinking about anything but the animal which can be dangerous. Car accident possibilities. So I have to keep learning to not be so rash 😣 I have found if I honk the squirrels are less likely to "dance in the street" vs clearing the road! It's made a huge difference so I'm not slamming my breaks so bad 😉
Oct 02Reply

Oh my goodness! We are getting hit so hard and flood warnings, closings, accidents, etc! I hope you weather the storm well! I'm so happy that beautiful baby was adopted and I will pray you get your own place very soon! ❤️🙏🏽❤️
Oct 02Reply

@bishopsma great tip, TY! It never even crossed my mind to honk at the squirrels LOL! :) I've never had problems with causing an accident with the cars but I, myself, have been almost hit by a car before, I think the turtle was scared for me lol, seemed like he started moving a bit faster in the moment! I guess I always assume that the cars r gonna stop if I'm n the road but not necessarily so if its "just" an animal. :( it's so sad that I feel some people feel that way...
Oct 02Reply

@bishopsma Well, i'm so glad I came across your page, luv meeting other animal lovers! Best wishes on all your dreams coming true! :)
Oct 02Reply

@kelly_glover Yes. It's sad. I understand like a bus or 18 wheeler can't slam the brakes but seriously how does a car hit a turtle!? It didn't run out in front of the car 😂 yes I get accidents but I mean I've seen ppl not even try 😣😣 I've seen 2 bear middle of day this year run right in front of me. Their mums did not teach them looking both ways I tell ya! 😂
Oct 02Reply

I can not see these smiley faces well.... Sorry those should be sad not happy ones.
Oct 02Reply

@kelly_glover Thank you & same to you dear ☺️
Oct 02Reply

Oct 03Reply

YIPPEE! so glad thy will be finding homes!
Oct 03Reply

@gemmabel They all say Thank You ☺️ 💗
Oct 05Reply

@bishopsma oh my gosh!!!!! Those cuties :) :) :)
Oct 05Reply

@preppylovekdq Thanks for stopping by my closet!! Yes I love them all wild & domestic ☺️ Irs so rewarding to see a wild creature return home. I'm renting right now so I'm trying to do what I can outside the home with a local rescue. Then if I can't buy enough land I'll buy my own house with a yard so I can at least foster & do some rehab work 💐 Good luck & never stop dreaming 🌙
Oct 09Reply

That's awesome! Sending prayers that everything will turn out exactly as you'd like! & yes trust me I'll never ever give up on my dream. It's definitely going to happen bc I'm very serious and passionate about it! ☺️😘
Oct 09Reply

Truly awesome!👑
Oct 10Reply

Just read this and love it!!! I'm a total animal lover, you go girl!!!
Oct 13Reply

@blingylisa Thank you ☺️ My kids & the animals-they keep my life balanced & humble 😺
Oct 13Reply

@callyemeow ☝️ purrrr ❤️
Oct 25Reply

Well thank you your a little cutie yourself wish I had the money to buy you! ;) 😍
Oct 31Reply

@jeffrust I know right the cutest animals! 😉
Nov 01Reply

Right the cutest animals!
Nov 01Reply

@jeffrust Have an awesome day ☺️ Thanks for making mine! ☕️
Nov 01Reply

Wanted to show you my dog on my profile pic!
Nov 01Reply

@jeffrust The best!!! Hope the pup had a fab Halloween!! 👻
Nov 01Reply

So great what your doing! We also love animals and have a few rescues around here, 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 horses, and 1 baby lamb. Love them all!!!!
Nov 04Reply

@sugarbugar Awww that's great! A lamb how sweet! Thanks for stopping by & commenting ☺️ Thank you for loving the animals too.
Nov 04Reply

You're awesome! 💋
Nov 19Reply

@texascopywriter Thank you ☺️
Nov 19Reply

My pleasure! 💝💝💝
Nov 19Reply

@bishopsma God bless you for what you do for our voiceless friends! I'm also an advocate for animal welfare, from our wild horses' freedom to ending horse racing and rodeos, to improving factory farming to promoting a healthier plant-based diet instead of eating animals. I'm working on my certification to become a volunteer for the HSUS Animal Rescue Team. I support Animals' Angels, also. Awesome investigative team. Thank you and God bless you!
Dec 03Reply

@rcatheron Thank you. I keep working and praying and hoping to have my rescue. I found an older house but close to my mom and on some acreage. Goal is to have enough so the larger animals like horses have a place to be moved
Dec 03Reply

to...last year or so there was a situation w horses but no one removed them bc there was not a facility or place to put them. They were not being well cared for. The space or facility to care for larger animals is not as abundant as places for the canines, felines, etc. I want to work to provide a place for larger animals too.
Dec 03Reply

@bishopsma Good for you, that's a huge undertaking. You're in my prayers! Just make sure you have a bankroll to start with. Don't count on donations being regular; I've seen many good rescues go under because of a lack of funds. Especially horses, with monthly trimming, semi-annual floating, vaccinations, hay, etc. Be diligent in finding a great vet, a natural barefoot trimmer, and an equine dentist that doesn't use drugs or power tools, and a reliable, affordable hay supplier.
Dec 03Reply

@rcatheron Thank you. Yes most def...starting slow but working like the turtle...steady my friend ;) for now I do what I can where. Even to move a turtle from the road ;) Hopefully as time passes I can share more w my Posh friends . Off to get ready for the kids to come home then back to work tomm 💐
Dec 03Reply

@bishopsma Get to know your sheriff's department and local SPCA. If they seize the animals, you want to be the one they call. Safe, solid stock trailer, nothing fancy, just sturdy. Shelters in the pasture from the hot sun and wind. Stalls aren't necessary or healthy unless the horse is in QT for the first two weeks, or sick or lame. Blankets/sheets aren't necessary or healthy, either, so don't waste your money. Good hay 24/7 and access to a bucket of loose salt/minerals is all they need.
Dec 03Reply

@bishopsma Oh my goodness, I'm talking to you like you don't know what you're doing. I'm so sorry! I've been involved in this for so long that it's second nature. But if you ever have questions or need help, please, please ask for help before it's a problem! That's the biggest mistake rescues make- they're too embarrassed or ashamed to admit they need help. We all need help sometimes!
I wish you the very, very best. I think you'll be awesome!! Especially if you have God in your life! ❤❤❤
Dec 03Reply

@rcatheron You're fine!! Lol I've airway contacted local law enforcement before...sad when a dog needs vet attention but to a degree there's only so much that can be done. I am in contact with a local animal shelter and she helps me a lot. If I see something going on I text her.
Dec 03Reply

That puppy in the photo I found there was mom and a ton of babies in the road..they scattered but I was able to get him. Horrible worms. Later someone found another one ;) they are together w a foster mom. God is my light. 💐
Dec 03Reply

I would love to be a part of this and help you build your rescue!! This is what I believe God put me here for!! I live in greenwood county South Carolina , perhaps there could be an incorporation of this rescue!! How wonderful you are for caring so deeply about those that cannot help themselves!!
Dec 26Reply

@babygirl01 You are basically my neighbor ;) I'm really excited! I have gotten closer now then I was just a few months ago! Sadly though I will be on Poshmark less and moving to my storenvy store since my new phone..the images upload to Poshmark horrible :( I sell accurately represent an item with such horrible photos.
Dec 26Reply

But I'll still have my closet open :) Perhaps I can get things straight and be back. Thats why I just marked everything down really low >.< But still everything counts and even on Storenvy it'll still be for the critters. SUPER excited for 2016!!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!
Dec 26Reply

Good luck you can do it! Dont wait for the right time it will never come just start putting it together and it will all fall into place. Co Founder VP Fatcat Rescue Inc. You will work your ass of but its soooo worth every stress and every heart ach. Start with your mission statement, form your plan and go for your 501c3 right away. You can do it. They need us.
Jan 03Reply

@windairbreez ♡
Jan 03Reply

Wow thanks May need yoir insight. Do you FB? My new phone camera is not good so I'm moving to a new selling platform :( so I can use my canon. FB Jaime Statham ♡ thanks so much!! @windairbreez
Jan 03Reply

@bishopsma yes please we have a page for Fatcat I'm Bri Pederson, I have my page and Kaye Olloway the my founding partner has her friend us all. I and the whole Fatcat Family would love to give you any support we can.
Jan 03Reply

@windairbreez I think I found you but couldn't friend you so I sent you a PM but might be in the others folder. I couldn't find the rescue page thou :(
Jan 03Reply

Jun 12Reply

@kingkath123 :)
Jun 12Reply

Hi! You're my 1,600th follower!! Let me know if you see anything in my closet that you like and lll give you a super discounted price :) also, thank you for everything you do for the animals in the world-I appreciate people like you ☺️
Jun 23Reply

@amcgowan19 Thank you SO much. :) I will take a peek. Cheers!
Jun 23Reply

Thank you!!!
Jun 23Reply

BRAVO TO YOU! What a beautiful person you are. Thank you!💕🐾🐾
Jan 09Reply

What a wonderful sole you have. Animals deserve so much. Animals do to survive. Humans do for greed and anger. Thank you for doing what you do for the purest soles on this Earth!🐾🐾💕✨
Jan 10Reply

@lori9192 Thank you. I dont have a place to foster yet but I still try to do what I can. About a month ago I rescued two kittens at the dump..eyes still blue. Not able to eat solid food yet I think 5 weeks old maybe. Got them eating better and litter trained and found them a home ❤ two lil orange males. Hard to not keep them all.
Jan 10Reply

You will soon I am sure! My baby, Piper is the only one that helps my anxiety and depression. No judgment. Just pure, unselfish love. And believe me, it goes both ways. She is my sanity.
Jan 10Reply

Congrats on passing your exams, both Cna and cmt. Good luck with your further educational pursuits! I was a Cna before an RN. Tough work for a big heart. Congrats! Love your work with animals. There are never enough volunteers 👏🏻❤️🐈🐇🐶
Jan 10Reply

@k31kozumi Thank you so much!! Im very excited to see where 2017 takes this ride 😁 @lori9192 Yes these critters are very therapeutic. One day Id like to take my bunny buddy to visit my residents. He is a good bunny w therapy in his blood. (Mom is a therapy bun!) 💐🌹☺😍
Jan 14Reply

Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Feb 15Reply

Apr 21Reply

Hello! :) Adorable pets!
I saw wondering, do you consider offers, or are prices firm?
May 27Reply

@romanash I'm open to offers within reason. Like I can't take 3.00 for a 5.00 shirt bc after fees from a 3.00 sell I get a nickel :p
May 28Reply

@bishopsma Yes, I absolutely know I also sell on Posh. If you don't profit at least $10 from a purchase it's not even worth selling IMO.
Honestly, your prices are very ... very reasonable. It's the shipping that I can't stand! And it's stinks bcz then the buyer offers less money, so the seller gets less money and Posh takes 20% 😡 ....LOL Thanks for the reply 💐💞
May 28Reply

@romanash yes ma am you know very much so. Typically I'd ship first class to save on cost there but as much as a label emailed is nice I can't change the shipping here but I do like the platform I've met some wonderful people here so it's a blessing in that sense. Ty for stopping by my closet. It is very much appreciated.
May 28Reply

@bishopsma Likewise. I don't make money on Posh because I buy waaaay more than I sell. But I've also met people who've been outstanding to chat with.
By the way, thank you for what you do for our animals. They are God's creatures and they need love just like any other would.
May 28Reply

WERE MOVING !!!! SALE!!! 🌺❤️☺️💐
Jun 02Reply

@romanash I love the animals. Came very close to being part of a rescue for a fox that was rescued but has become used to ppl...but he is in good hands I just wasn't part of the circle in the end. I'm going to have a rescue one day. It's taking longer than I ever wanted it to but every day is a step closer
Jun 02Reply

Hello. Just stopping by to ask how the little ones are and wishing you a great weekend.
Jun 09Reply

@romanash hi :) we are doing great i hope you are too! I am getting a kitten from NC that was found in a coke machine! The goal is to go down this week. Ill foster it. We are also moving to nc soon. For at least 3 years so i can get my pta degree then move back here to va :)))
Jun 09Reply

@bishopsma Oh my gosh a coke machine. That's terrible! Do you think she wondered in there herself? I know cats get themselves into the oddest situations sometimes. Especially when they're young.
What is the pta degree about?
Jun 10Reply

@romanash I have no idea! Cars do but ppl are not always the best either. I hope to find out more when I get there. PTA physical therapy assistant. I'm a massage therapist & CNA so I want to go the next step :)
Jun 11Reply

@bishopsma That's great!! Congrats. And yes, unfortunately there are people who abuse helpless creatures. I was afraid to think someone did that intentionally. I'm so happy someone discovered she was in there before it was too late.
Do u have a YouTube channel about the animals you've rescued? If u dont I think u should. It might inspire others to be better to animals.
Jun 11Reply

@romanash 😊 You know I kinda was thinking about it since I discovered The Kitten Lady on FB. Ultimately in 3 years after i graduate I plan to move back to VA and buy a place in the country bc I have for years now wanted a huge rehab & rescue org. for domestic & wildlife.
Jun 12Reply

@romanash I want to become a legal rehabilitator and do events or go to schools to teach people about abimals how to help our envirinment etc. Its a dream ill never give up on. I told my gdaddy b4 he passed i was naming it after him and my other gdad. Little Brown Bird Rescue (brown and bird are there last names) and go by the name Mother Snow White bc some friends call me that ❤ Ty for talking to me. You are a dear 💐
Jun 12Reply

Thank you! Can’t wait to receive it :) u we’re my first person I purchased from I just joined:)! Thank you
Jan 20Reply

@robertska86 Thank you so great to make another Posher friend if you need any help tag me and I'll get back to you asap 🦋
Jan 20Reply

@bishopsma I appreciate it:)
Jan 20Reply

Hey girl, I am gonna browse, so I can let you know when I am done and ready to check out. In case you do Bundle offers. 🤘
Jan 30Reply

@yummyhandful thank you :) I sure do offers!! 🌸🦄😁 I appreciate you taking time to view my closet! I really do!
Jan 30Reply

What a great "bird's eye view" of your big heart! Loved reading about your saves.❣️ I've been a lifelong supporter of ASPCA since I realized I could be. We don't have a local chapter in our small town, so I send the check to ASPCA & volunteer at our local shelter.
Business_wise... I sent an offer on the cream Coach bag. Keep up the great work you are doing! 🐾💕🐾
May 14Reply

@stpw thank you :) I love doing stuff for the animals wild & domestic. I appreciate the offer but I can't go much lower. I have a male cat right now I can get fixed with distemper & rabies for 45.00 which is through a local rescue place. I've had him in the house but goal is to get him fixed soon...he's coming into that age & I don't want him marking his spots 😩 But I don't want him out making babies either lol And ty so much for checking out my closet 🌸Have a beautiful day!!
May 14Reply

@aranelaqua The first photo is that teenage kitty I was telling you about :)
May 20Reply

@vintageroom The first photo is Craven, that orange male I was telling you about :)
Jul 24Reply

@bishopsma Awwwe! They are all so cute. I had a ginger colored when I was younger and he passed 😪. Miss him! Love them they all look so happy and having fun lol
Jul 24Reply

Hi, welcome to Poshmark thanks for visit my closet 🙂
Oct 15Reply

@brrayan207 ☺️ thank you
Oct 15Reply

@bishopsma welcome 😊 thanks for your comments, like your closet too, the precious children’s, and your pets are love 🐈 💕 😊
Oct 15Reply

Hi, there. I'm Amber. I feel had bothering you, but I just came across your profile and noticed that I have listed a lot of items you mentioned liking. I have a few workout pants (more to follow), Victoria's Secret items, a bunch of shoes (more of those to follow, too), as well as a skull tee. If you have any interest, please stop by my closet. Also, your pictures are so cute! Do you run a rescue place for animals?
Nov 11Reply

@sh0rtydu0p I’ll check out your closet. Thank you. And I’ve always wanted to but having my own rescue has not materialized yet I still help where I can and if I can’t (I don’t have the ability to provide medical care on my own) I do take them to rescue facilities. I’m back in school again and once that’s done I’d like to start school for wildlife rehabilitation. Not sure yet what state I want to settle in 🤗 I do miss Va a lot thou! Thanks for stopping by ☺️
Nov 12Reply

Omgoodness!!!!! Look at your beautiful family!!! Including the furry ones!!! I have cat toys if you'd like a few added!!! 😽 I'm so happy that you shared this with me. Thx Jaime. Now I want to add even more.
Dec 06Reply

@robbinhood420 I wrote you a note in the box :) we are critter people. Thank you but the boys are grown and won’t play with anything unless it’s real 😂 Black and White I found as a kitten on the side of the road, light orange/blonde I found at trailer park I lived at...story was he was left inside a trailer when ppl moved the place is a dump so I was blessed and moved into a rental house better area and the dark orange is family.
Dec 07Reply

@robbinhood420 had him as a kitten split from ex so my aunt took him in (4 years ago) but now w her health so he is with us again. :)
Dec 07Reply

@bishopsma Awe!! So most are rescues!! They are the best!!! We have three rescues at our house.... They are so sweet... our youngest is Vito Corlene and he will go under the covers at the foot of the bed and climbs up and snuggles like a dog... They are on my Posh Account. I need to add a picture of my daughter.
Dec 07Reply

Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a nice day!
Dec 20Reply

@spreadlove ☺️ Hi and thank you for stopping by! I will check yours out and follow back.
Dec 21Reply

hey you!! I have a new phone but not your number!! Please text me!! Same number.
Nov 13Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Feb 29Reply

Dec 04Reply

@bishopsma Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 05Reply
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