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Updated Dec 02
Updated Dec 02

♡ To Bookmark + We Will Follow You Back! ♡


$499 $1,000


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Welcome to wearenabledart® on Poshmark! We're so glad you're here! To find out more about us, see our, 'About' listing! ❤️ This Listing to Bookmark + We Will Follow You Back!!! ❤️ If you're new, use code: 'wearenabledart' to get $5 off when signing up : D God bless you! May you have a refreshing week!
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wearenabledart We ♡ offers! Send us your best, reasonable offers! : D His blessings to you!
Dec 18Reply
wearenabledart Thank you for shopping with us! We are so glad you stopped by! God loves you so much! May you enjoy His kind Love for you : D And, enjoy each moment as a gift and adventure with Him!
May 08Reply
lismiley1 Cute closet!! Need to make some sales then I’ll return to shop!
May 17Reply
wearenabledart @lismiley1 Thank you so much for writing that! You are so kind! 😊🌸 I love your closet, too! Sometimes it's hard to sell these things, huh! haha! Happy Poshing! God bless you and your shop! May you get lots of sales : D
May 17Reply
wearenabledart @lismiley1 - haha! I mean hard to sell because we like them so much! It's hard to part with them; I just want to keep everything! haha : D Ya know! : D God bless you!
May 17Reply
thebasicdarling Hi! 😊 thanks for playing my sharing game!! You have such a beautiful closet!! 🌹💕🍃🕊💖
May 24Reply
wearenabledart @briannahk Thank you so much! You are so kind!!! 👏😘🙏🏼 Yes, we ♡ your closet!!! I love your design aesthetic/ lighting and everything. It's so beautiful! We're so glad to meet you!!! You are so kind to write! Thank you! May you have a really joyful rest of your day and a refreshing weekend!!! It's almost here! haha!
May 24Reply
thebasicdarling @wearenabledart your welcome! Thanks so much! I try my best to make my closet & photos aesthetically pleasing so that compliment made my day! Nice meeting you guys too! (I'm assuming more then one person since you keep using "we"?) Have a nice night!! 🤗💕🌸💗
May 24Reply
wearenabledart @briannahk Ya, you've done such a nice job! Keep it up, friend : D It's so nice to meet you. It's such a blessing when meeting kind people on here! 👏😘🙏🏼 Yes, right now there's just a few of us friends, keeping busy with each part of it and growing the company. We may expand one day, but we're happy for now : D Busy, but happy : D haha. Have a really good weekend! Ahh! It's heeerrre! Woohoo! : D Enjoy! 😊🌸
May 25Reply
thebasicdarling @wearenabledart thanks so much!! I'm actually working on trying to make my photos prettier~ I got a white rug & I want to get some cute props such as a letter board & pink roses🌹🌸 have a great week!! 💕🕊
May 25Reply
wearenabledart @briannahk haha! : D That's so awesome!!! That will be really pretty! Have fun doing that. I know you will make it look great! It already looks so beautiful, but it's just so fun to try new ideas, huh. I love that about art, how life-giving it is and how we can learn so much from it and find such healing and therapy in the process. Enjoy creating and just relaxing as you do it!
May 25Reply
wearenabledart @briannahk Ya, let us know if you have new stuff! We'll want to check it out! :D Yes!!! Enjoy the weekend !! ! !! Woiohooo! Bless you 👏😘🙏🏼
May 25Reply
thebasicdarling @wearenabledart thanks so much!! I really appreciate the lovely compliments about my closet!! And yes, it's so fun trying new things & I feel like even if one is good at something, there's always room for improvement!! So I feel like my photos could be better/prettier🌸 yes, I'll have fun doing it!
May 25Reply
thebasicdarling @wearenabledart and I also love decorating & making things look pretty~ my favorite quote of all time that I try to live by is: "i will make everything around me beautiful ~ that will be my life"🌹 yes, I'll let u know when I get my new listings up!! Thanks so much for your interest! And your so kind~ so glad I met u!!
May 25Reply
thebasicdarling @wearenabledart have a fantastic, wonderful lovely weekend!! 😊🌸🌹
May 25Reply
wearenabledart @briannahk Thank you!!!! You are so kind!!! I'm so glad we connected! Yes! I love that quote! That is so good to remember. And, I think you are doing that just by being you :D You are making life more beautiful by your kindness and the way you interact : D O ya! 🤗 Ya, that will be so fun with the pictures!!! 💕Tell us for sure when you get them ready!!! You're making me get my creative hat on, too. I'm inspired!!! haha! Yes, may our weekends be all of the above! : D haha! 😊🌸
May 25Reply
thebasicdarling @wearenabledart you're welcome! Aww, thanks so much!! Your kind words & lovely compliments have made my night!! And yes, glad we're pffs! Which I hope we are~ lol 🤗 yes, I'll totally let u know when my new listings are up!! Yay!! So glad I inspired you~ I think inspiration, being inspired & inspiring others is such a beautiful thing!! 😊🍃🌸🌹🕊💕
May 25Reply
wearenabledart @briannahk Thank you!!! I was so encouraged to think of some new things to add here! I got my wheels turning. haha! Yes, I totally agree, inspiration is such an amazing gift. It's so life-giving. And ya! We're totally PFF's! 🤗 You're so fun. Thank you. Have a good day today!!! Plus, yes, we're super excited to see what you create!!!! Let us know!!! Enjoy the artful process! Woohoo! : D Bless you 👏😘🙏🏼
May 25Reply
thebasicdarling @wearenabledart your welcome!😊 can't wait to see what u add~ let me know! Ya I'll probably tag you in my new listings!! I'm also planning to add a men's section too so that'll be fun~ to look for cool graphic tees & such. Have a good day today!! Mine's been good so far & I hope yours is too!! Bless you! 💕
May 25Reply
wearenabledart @briannahk Thank you!!!! That would be awesome! Ya, we were thinking we'd like to add some new photos, maybe at the beach one day this summer! That would be really fun. And, we we're thinking of adding men's items, too! That would be nice. We're still saving up to do so. Many good things ahead! 🤗 I can hardly wait for the warmer weather. : D Yes, keep us posted!!! 😊🌸💕
May 26Reply

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Last Active: Mar 03

Portland, OR
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Last Active: Mar 03

Portland, OR
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