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Updated 23 hours ago
Updated 23 hours ago

Welcome to my Closet



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Hi Everyone, Thanks a bunch for checking out my closet, your likes, and shares 😊 Feeling blessed by all of you. Please feel free to ask any questions, make an offer or chat away. God bless 🙏🏻
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aphid You have a beautiful closet!
Dec 09Reply
mrslizzyg @aphid thank you 😊 so do you 💕
Dec 09Reply
roro7791 @mrslizzyg lizzy i just wanted to thank you again and I see you are a sister in Christ! God Bless!!!
Feb 03Reply
mrslizzyg @roro7791 omg!!! Yes thank you glad to see you are too 👏🏻💕🙏🏻. If ever in need of prayer please reach out or anything at all ... I’m here for you 🤗💕 God bless to you too
Feb 04Reply
roro7791 @mrslizzyg thank you...I’ll keep you in my prayers!...
Feb 04Reply
mrslizzyg @lindsbrock17 Hi Lindsay welcome to Poshmark 👏🏻👏🏻. This community is amazing and you can find lots of great stuff. If you ever have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out anytime. Happy Poshing and have a great day 😊💕
Feb 05Reply
msmillicent AWESOME closet
Apr 23Reply
mrslizzyg @msmillicent hi... thank you and yours is fabulous 🤗💕
Apr 24Reply
msmillicent 😍😍😍
Apr 24Reply
mrslizzyg @catiepatterson Hi Catie, Welcome to Poshmark, hope you enjoy this great community as much as I do. If you ever have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out anytime 🌷
May 16Reply
mikaela0709 Can I get the coach hat for 20 but 4.99 shipping?
Jun 09Reply
mikaela0709 I just want to give it as a birthday present
Jun 09Reply
mrslizzyg @sunrisebuys hi so glad you reached out. If you ever have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out anytime!! Thanks for the compliment I needed that 😊I love this community although you will find people that will give you a dose of their opinion if they are not happy with their purchase but God always follows through with words of encouragement.. like you did for me 🤗🙏🏻.
Aug 19Reply
mrslizzyg @sunrisebuys 💕beautiful speedy by the way. You are right I think I might have to go back and add more description to some items I have. It’s still a learning process for me and I’ve been on for a while.. lol I started taking pics myself but then saw everyone posting pics from online and I got lazy and started doing the same thing.. 😳. Technically that’s a no no .. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Aug 19Reply
mrslizzyg @sunrisebuys I have a few dresses that just looked horrible on the hanger and couldn’t find pics so I had to bite the bullet and have hubby take the pic of me wearing.. lol 😝 but I agree with you 👍🏻.. no modeling for me either
Aug 19Reply
mmadonna40 Love the saying!💕 Hope you are enjoying Poshmark! Come play The Secret Posher Game @freddiesfind with us to gain hundreds of followers daily! To increase your sales share your closet items to the Poshmark parties. Visit my other closets @mmadonna40 and @nikkimadonna :) Best of luck & have fun! 💕😘
Sep 18Reply
cviolette I’m very sorry about that!!
Sep 25Reply
mrslizzyg @cviolette oh it’s totally ok, I just wanted to make sure the girl you were reaching out got your message. Have a blessed day 😊💕
Sep 25Reply
magic20 Coat $275
Jan 11Reply
mrslizzyg @magic20 hi not sure if this was meant for me?
Jan 11Reply
kbrennan1960 Hi 💕 Liszt , Yes about the coat , Thanks , Kelly
Jan 24Reply
kbrennan1960 Lizzy , Sorry Typo lol
Jan 24Reply
lssoblessed Congrats on hosting a shoe party!!🤩🤩 Plz check out my closet if you get a chance. Thx!🤗🤗🌺🌺
Jan 28Reply
cheekychic77 Omg I’m so glad I stumbled across your closet and just happen to want EVERYTHING 🤦🏻‍♀️ just beautiful items!! And book of Proverbs quote I love 🙏
Jan 29Reply
flowergallm Love your closet! Beautiful classics and also boho vibe 🌾
Jan 29Reply
kundora Congratulations on your Poshmark status. We are a large online retailer and have several things listed on here at amazing steals as we are also Poshmark ambassadors. Please check out our items to promote as they really are the best deals online. We are doing this as amazing giveaway price.
Jan 29Reply
gigi11155 Congratulations on HOSTING!!🎉🎉. Please try and check out my PC FOR HOST PICK AND MY :Sales!! I’ll be sharing your items while you’re looking for HOST PICKS!! Thank you very much!!🎉🎉❤️😊😊@gigi11155
Jan 29Reply
rainydayparade Thanks for sharing those scriptures 😊🙏🤗
Jan 29Reply
cloboutique Hi, I am new to Poshmark and I have a few items in my closet to start but I would like some guidance on how to best posh. Please have a look at my closet to see if my items are fitting for Host Pick or if I need to revamp. Thanks!
Jan 29Reply
mrslizzyg @chrisbouzaar so glad you reached out!! You did a GREAT job!!! Beautiful shoes. I will pick them right now as my HP 💕. Welcome to Poshmark btw.. if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out anytime 🙏🏻😉
Jan 29Reply
mrslizzyg @chrisbouzaar as soon as this party is over and I’m done hosting I will give you tips
Jan 29Reply
cloboutique @mrslizzyg Omg!! I am so ecstatic!! Thank you for the compliment and the pick!! 😆💃🏽🥳
Jan 29Reply
cloboutique @mrslizzyg Yes, thank you!! I’ll look out for your tips. Thanks again Lizzy! 🤗
Jan 29Reply
modestdepot Amen pff!!! 💖
May 08Reply
demonhunters Congratulation on co-hosting the upcoming posh party. I have been working extremely hard on creating a beautiful closet and posh complaint, for dreaming of starting up a small business here on Poshmark. I am seriously praying for a possible pick to gain some exposure and new followers. I am not on a long PFF'S list. Have lots of fun, wishing you many sales and a wonderful blessed weekend. Good Luck!
May 18Reply
mrslizzyg @808classysassy thank you for reaching out. I will add some items to the party tomorrow night 🤗. Anything to help out my fellow Poshmark community 🙏🏻. Hope you get some sales. Blessings ❤️
May 18Reply
demonhunters Thank you very much for your kind message, it is very uplifting. Have a wonderful day!
May 18Reply
vogue_vice Hi! Congrats on hosting tomorrow! Pls let me know if you’d like me to share your closet to the party while you host (It seems so overwhelming lol 😹) Also - if your looking for some new closets check out @tpaz17 @oliviaahamilton and @llubeley - I’m sure they’d LOVE a HP. 😻
May 18Reply
kristina11616 Congrats on co-hosting today!! 🍾🥂🎉 If you get a chance, I'd love & appreciate if you could take a look at my closet for a possible HP! Good luck and have fun! I’ll be there celebrating, supporting and sharing!! 🛍❤️
May 19Reply
stephintexas 🙋‍♂️ Ellzabeth, Good moring from Dallas, Texas! I'm so excited that you're hosting the INSTA CHIC party and I'm doing the HAPPY DANCE. Wishing you MAD success and HUGE sales. Look forward to participating and celebrating with you! 😘 🎀 💜 🥂 💋 🌸 ⭐️ Sending (((TEXAS-SIZE HUGS))) Your new PFF, Steph (in Texas)
May 19Reply
savvynycshopper Your taste is exquisite and your closet is out of control gorgeous!
May 19Reply
victoriaj84 Congratulations on your party! Love this theme!! I would absolutely honored to be one of your host picks, I have a closet filled with lots of unique options for women. Really hope you get a chance to check it out :) Congrats again!!
May 19Reply
mrslizzyg @egpolkes thank you so much!! Your closet is absolutely beautiful as well!!🤗
May 19Reply
monascollection @mrslizzyg 🎉🍷Congratulations for hosting the upcoming Party. I would be honored if you considered any items in my closet or those of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊 I’ll be sharing no matter what. @merri_graceland @modig @cathyfrangos @pietta @lndc62 @sfish33 @lillylife @myvintagelady @giniva93 @bohochicbowteek @terri_lynns @wildcaresalot @michjprieto @fashiondiva411 @acelestialsoul
May 19Reply
monascollection @mrslizzyg 🎉🍷Congratulations for hosting the upcoming Party. I would be honored if you considered any items in my closet or those of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊 I’ll be sharing no matter what. @anamaral @bonniesailer @legalbeagle922 @flippintickled @ms_penny_posher @mimi447 @heidizme @808classysassy @erincavezza @sluvscats @poshcloset173 @funkyhulagirl @romualdo1 @flghtmedc1907
May 19Reply
casadaly ❤️Congratulations on co-hosting the Insta Chic PaRtY! ❤️ Can't wait to share and join in the fun! 🎉🎈😊
May 19Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
May 19Reply
acelestialsoul 💐🏵🌹🌼Yay! The Insta Chic party...I'll be there! 💕 I've gorgeous things my POSH COMPLIANT closet. Will you take a sec and check it for Host Picks? 🌸Thanks!🌸 I’m a 🦋Social Butterfly🦋 & POWER SHARE on Poshmark, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler & Pinterest.💕💕See you at the party. ~Tricia, Poshmark Ambassador💐🏵🌹🌼
May 20Reply
proverbs2323 🎉Congrats 🎉on hosting tonight’s party and I’m looking forward to attending as well! Fun Fabulous Fashion Finds make for a fantastic trendy Instachic gal! Blessings to you! And I love your Bible verse too!😊🌷🌹❤️❤️❤️
May 20Reply
reace28 Good evening I just shared a few of your items please return the favor happy poshhhing ps a host pick couldn’t hurt
May 20Reply
reace28 Good evening I just shared a few of your items please return the favor happy poshhhing ps a host pick couldn’t hurt
May 20Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
May 20Reply
cocosverobeach Hi Elizabeth! My name is Ronda and I’ve been following you for awhile now and was hoping that you would be kind enough to honor me with a Host Pick this evening? I’ll be hosting again shortly and surely will return the gesture. Either way I’ll be there at your party 🎉 sharing my buns off! I appreciate your consideration! @cocosverobeach
May 20Reply
lifewithlisag Hi. Thanks for hosting tonight’s “Insta Chic” Party! If you have a minute, please check out my closet as I have some ideal items for host picks. 🤗🛍
May 20Reply
preppypumpkin Thanks for hosting this evening! It would be such a compliment if you would take a look at The Preppy Pumpkin's children's line for a host pick. Happy Poshing!
May 20Reply
nessasrack Congrats on hosting a party!! 💖🛍🎉👠💖
May 20Reply
seaclass Whoa. . .just found your GREAT closet through your hosting! THNKS for doing the extra work to help us with sales! Following n sharing. . .hope you follow back!
May 20Reply
poshmel888 @mrslizzyg Yaaay! \😄/ HOW EXCITING you’re hosting a party! Thank you for taking the time to do all you’re doing.. I know you’re incredibly busy :/ but? If you have one moment? could you please pop by my closet and take a quick peek for a possible host pick? Thank you!!! Sending you ALL THE POSHPARTYLUCK I CAN MUSTER!! Rock. The. House ~~~ 🎋🍀🦄🌈💘💕🌸💵💵💵💵🙏💫❤️🕺🏽💃🏽⚡️🍀🎋💵💵✨
May 20Reply
demonhunters I would like to thank you very much for your extreme kindness tonight, it is greatly appreciated. I have gotten many new followers and sold some dresses too. I am one person, whenever i get a host pick and someone shares my items, I share each on back with more than one share. I feel giving back, brings luck. I wish many sales for your closet. Again, thank you....
May 20Reply
mrslizzyg @808classysassy that is awesome!!!! Your welcome and thank you for sharing such a beautiful closet ❤️
May 21Reply
miafedeli66 Hi there I sent you an offer for the Urban Outfitters Coat! I totally need this as a addition to my shag coat collection lol. I hope you accept my offer have a wonderful rest of your evening! 😊 ❤
Dec 02Reply
mrslizzyg @miafedeli66 Hi… thank you so much for your offer. This really is an amazing coat!! I live it but it’s to much for my hubby.. lol I’m trying to get what I paid for so I wasn’t able to meet your offer. I’m so sorry but I hope the counter offer works for you.. you won’t be disappointed if you end up getting it ❤️🙏🏻
Dec 02Reply
miafedeli66 @mrslizzyg Thank you I would have countered but I like the coat. Lots of love thanks again!
Dec 02Reply
mrslizzyg @miafedeli66 ahhhh.. 🥰 thank you so much!! I dropped it off today at the PO !!
Dec 02Reply
miafedeli66 Thanks so very much for the update! 😘😍
Dec 03Reply
mcbellwms Hello, I would like to accept you offer for $240. Are there any signs of wear and are they a size 8.5?
Mar 20Reply
mrslizzyg @mcbellwms hi yes they are brand new in its box and a true size 8 1/2 ❤️
Mar 20Reply
kiddiesnme Hi! You bought a hat from me. Can you msg me on my fä👩🏻é bò📓k Sarah M Hanson?
Jun 27Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa! Please check out my closet too if you're in the mood to shop! 🙋 🫶
Sep 18Reply
bkrome Hey girly, I love your style! I’ve got deals on some clothing items that you might love. Tons of denim, that’s my favorite :) My prices are great; bundles receive an extra discount and a special gift ❤️
Sep 27Reply
cutehosiery @mrslizzyg Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 16Reply
alyciasking You have a beautiful closet, very nice!!!!💜💜💜💜💜
Nov 27Reply
mrslizzyg @alyciasking thank you so much. I had my first live show yesterday. I hope to go live again this week. Some of my items in my closet I will auction off. I can let you know ❤️
Nov 27Reply
alohasunnybeach 🌺💕💕💕🙌
Nov 28Reply
mrslizzyg @tolitas hola.. oh my goodness what happened in Hopes show? I accidentally got out and when I got back in her and Mini where fighting live 🤦🏻‍♀️
Jan 02Reply
tolitas @mrslizzyg q onda?my God I thought they were joking or something😨… I still can’t believe her friend decided to confront her like this, I feel bad for her
Jan 03Reply
mrslizzyg @tolitas I know me too. It’s so sad to see how women behave. No filter.. women can be so vicious. It’s so sad that two people can’t just behave, speak with dignity and respect and handle your affairs in private. Lots of prayers for our world 🙏🏻❤️
Jan 03Reply
lovenarf Hi Elizabeth. I would love to invite you to visit my closet. I may carry some of the makes that you like… new and vintage. Thanks for taking a few minutes to stop by and have a lovely day.
Mar 10Reply

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