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Updated May 31
Updated May 31

Why I posh....


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My passion remains with animal rescue and being their voice in this cruel, hard world. Please adopt! Spay! Neuter! Big hug!!! ❤️. Of course feeding our children all over the world is imperative to me. Nutrition is key to development and we can certainly teach how to do that. Please keep S. Africa schools and all of Haiti in your prayers. Thanks for stopping by!! xoxo
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jacqueray Hey @excitedcupcake , I think you should be aware of my totally off the chain repetitive habit of seeing your name and going into a place that is a heaven and all the cupcakes go there after a short life on earth. =D. I also keep asking myself just how the name came about. Haha Obviously I missed the pm name memo that would make sense for everyone to be ultra expressive about what best describes their personality and making a name for it. That's basic marketing 101. I had barely gotten the app name down much less had any other intentions to do anything but possibly offer maybe 4 remaining items left of a collection that had lost its appeal and I wanted it gone. All of that happened in my head and done with in maybe 5 days after ever hearing the name poshmark. Can you tell that I was on a serious mission or what. Lol. So there ya go my fabulous and favorite cupcake! Thanks for sharing this and I'm heading to the party with intentions of returning the favor. Enjoy the rest of your day!
Dec 31Reply
excitedcupcake you are too sweet, thank you love & happy new year !
Dec 31Reply
jacqueray @blackorchid_89 awww. Thanks! Just me being goofy and loving on the kids that make my heart beat. xxoo
Jan 04Reply
teern @jacqueray 😍 you are very special!
Jan 04Reply
jacqueray @teern nope....just so very blessed to have my s. African jewels letting me be a part of their lives. It is an honor to serve them. My animals and those kids are my joy. Thanks!
Jan 04Reply
teern @jacqueray bless your heart xo
Jan 04Reply
closet_finds Hi, its Kelly, again. I am in Love with you papillon LV bag. I know the last thing you need is more items in your closet and same here, however I have to ask, first off all, is it still available? Secondly, is there any way you would look through my closet and consider a trade? Or even a partial trade? Just look through, first, I put a lot of collector bags, all authentic, right before Xmas. they are bags, like your Prada that hold their value for resale. Let me know. I have never traded on here but I feel totally safe if you were to trade an item with me. I can honestly say I haven't met another Posher on here yet that I would trade with. If not, it's ok, Im still interested. I would be able to justify it if you were to
Jan 05Reply
closet_finds @jacqueray this above comment 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Jan 05Reply
sharapost You are so awesome!
Jan 16Reply
jacqueray @kaylen26 make me teary!!! That is so precious. I wish I could hug you right now!!!! You make my weekend brighter!!!! I'm so glad you love them especially! Keep in touch! xxoo, Jacque
Jan 18Reply
jacqueray @kaylen26 I've thought about this all day long. You really touched me. I thank you!
Jan 19Reply
jacqueray @kaylen26 awwww.. so awesome! I giggled about your hubby and son. There ya go! A man's eye caught (2 actually! lol) took a better look. See I thought they were going to be that kind of shoe also. Glad to hear that they are! =) I won't have a ton if 6.5's or I don't think anymore 7 ' s but I will re dig. Ha. If you ever have some you are looking for, I can look here but also check with my girlfriend who is a shoe fein like me and wears your size. Jeffery Campbell has some crazy wild shoes, then lots of styles toned down a little like these. I'm 48 and would wear these as far as I can see myself age wise. Super haute! Ha I'm glad you love the pomegranate scent. I do too and let me tell you another great place to put it. In your car! I keep those shear net type jewelry bags that I get from shops with pieces I've bought and pour the contents of one bag into it. Pull the side ribbons tight and those should be enough to now use as the pouches hanger. Or, I've just put them in the side pocket of the passenger side. I also have an suv that I have an add'l pouch slid into the net on the back door of the thing. I'm telling you, it will cover up any weird smell. Ppl get in my car and are so crazy about how good it smells. If you need anymore, tell me and I will send you some!! xxoo, Jacque
Jan 19Reply
curves1973 Ur a great & compassionate woman with a great closet please continue to do what u do... I wish u the best in everything. ..
Jan 20Reply
ipmsdmf Your an amazing gorgeous woman! I'm very glad to know you, and the person that you are makes my heart "smile"...💋💋
Jan 20Reply
jacqueray @curves1973 and @ipmsdmf oh my gosh. You have got me choked up with your incredibly kind words. I'm humbled. Thank you both. Thank you. xxoo
Jan 20Reply
ipmsdmf @jacqueray NO, thank you for being you... Off n on today I read your comments to me, & you had me all choked up & that's why I haven't directly replied to them.. I start tearing up every time I try. You are truly aweSome & thank you for being so kind.
Jan 20Reply
curves1973 Ur a beautiful person with a beautiful heart & personality so it wasn't hard to pay u the compliment u deserve it ur very welcome ♡♥♡♥♡
Jan 20Reply
tat2girl @jaqueray just stopping by to say Hi and tell you that I hope your Monday is awesome. Thinking about you !! XoXo
Jan 20Reply
jezebella72 Your simply amazinggggggggggggg!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Jan 21Reply
jacqueray @curves1973 I just do what I feel led to do. I've been given so much. The least I can do is give back. I'm so glad we crossed paths! @tat2girl hey gf! I'm doing great! Really busy at my office so I'm around. Been needing to text you. Sorry sweetie. I hope you are doing great! @jezebella72 you rock! Thanks so much for the kind words!!!! Congrats on your hp's!!!! Well deserved!!!! I love you all!!!!
Jan 21Reply
curves1973 Ditto hun so am I...
Jan 21Reply
dominica88 @jacqueray wow, so admirable and inspiring! What you are doing is absolutely amazing! This is an inspiring example of the human spirit, keep up the good work 😊
Jan 22Reply
jacqueray @dominica88 how kind of you to say. I'm very blessed and it is, I believe, not only biblical, but the right thing to do. Give back to others. Very simple. It doesn't have to be in large ways. The simplest of deeds are blessed and honored by God. I only wish I gave those kids half as much as they give me. =))
Jan 22Reply
jacqueray @trendytouch The joy in my heart to see others just becoming aware of the needs and one example of how we can all be a part of a child's life half way across the world really is almost more than I my stomach can possibly take!!! Euphoria doesn't even accurately describe what I feel when just one person learns about the program much less 2 or 3 or 10. lol Your acknowledgment has made my entire day! Oh what am I talking entire week! Thank you thank you thank you for just even reading about my other passion (animal rescue and my kids in S Africa are what makes this girl keep going each and every day!!!). I'm really a very down to earth girl who was taught at a young age to love others and never forget the blessings in which I am bestowed. For they may be taken away if not built upon. So, I don't feel like it is anything hugely special of me to give back to this world. I do think it is important to spread knowledge about what little it can take to save a child or animal, so my podium will always be brought out as long as I'm given the ability to speak about it. Even in a very short paragraph. It brings awareness and awareness brings interest and interest brings action. Thank you again for looking through my closet but more importantly, taking the few minutes you did to spread this very personal passion of mine. I'm beyond humbled at your kindness. I thank you and the kids thank you!! Best, Jacque
Jan 23Reply
jacqueray @trendytouch awww shoot! I was so taken back by your precious act of kindness that I forgot to congratulate you on another hosted party!!! Rock on gf!!! I know it seems people really love doing that or being asked to here. I think that is so wonderful for you. It has to be such an honor because to think about being picked out of soooo many other poshers for the job would be overwhelming and hugely exciting! I am so proud of you and if you can write me on the list to notify of the date you are to be in that coveted position, well i will sure make it a point to be there rooting you on. You may not know this but I am an awesome happy dancer. In fact, I've almost broken a hip throwing down a time or two in here. lol. Again thanks for sharing your big news about that with me and I will really try to make sure to watch for the party, but tag me if you think about it. =) Woot and Yay you! Happy dance...... leg kick....... happy bootie shake......leg kick! (I may have pulled my groin muscle on that last kick. Oh heck! It was worthwhile!!!!) =D
Jan 23Reply
bellafiore4 @jacqueray awww u are a wonderful person bless ur heart I admire you for this
Jan 23Reply
jacqueray @bellafiore4 you are sweet. It's all about my s. African kids or the animals. My life has been deeply enriched by both. I can't imagine not being a part of either.
Jan 23Reply
mcp528 thanks for all the shares =) u are truly amazing with ur efforts to help the kids... happy poshing!
Jan 24Reply
jacqueray @mcp528 that's kind of you. They are the kids I never had. I would bring every single one home with me if it made sense. Some do have at least one parent still living. Although, I've actually been approached by more than one mother asking me to adopt their daughters just to have a better life here. Excuse me for a minute.... be back.
Jan 24Reply
jacqueray @mcp528 I apologize. I'm beyond blessed to have the people I call family in my life. I spoke with Joffe, a parishioner at the church we partner with who oversees the projects just this morning. He held up his phone so that I could hear the kids sing to me at the school I chose to fund outside of what was planned through my Nashville church. It was (always is) music like none other. No song compares to the beauty I heard this morning. I wish I could give them half as much as they give to me. Happy poshing! Thank you also @specialk104 ....I will combine my thoughts in one if you guys don't mind. Have a super night!! Jacque
Jan 24Reply
mcp528 @jacqueray that is beyond amazing =) u are definitely a blessing... thankyou for everything you do -- because (I have 3 boys of my own) if they were my kids and had ur support I'd be eversooo grateful =) <3
Jan 24Reply
jacqueray @mskfar you have brought such a big smile to my face. First, I thank you for the kind words about my S. Africa feeding programs. I prefer to not take the credit for my interest beyond what was originally committed to by the church. I give all of the credit to those kids and the handful of people that have been carefully chosen to watch over existing or new gardens that will furnish most of the meals. The money has been so carefully spent and handled thanks to these men and one woman chosen to safeguard that part of the program. When a group of us is there, naturally we buy and help plant the greenhouse on the original site plus now the other new ones. I am pretty much at the school I chose to receive my personal help because that one we planted in October. I am getting to be with the kids and watch them work so hard for meals. You don't have to beg for help. It is such a different vibe there than in America. They expect nothing but are overcome with joy when they know it is coming. So I give them all of the credit for it being continued and actually a personal goal to pick the school I personally wanted to sponsor the funds for myself. Yesterday morning was a very emotional time that made me long to see my kids. They feed my soul and nourish my spirit. I'm so incredibly lucky. Thanks for the wonderful compliment about my wardrobe highlights here on pm. It is funny because fashion wise, I am all over the board. I'm just very individualistic. Fashion to me is what you do with your appearance from head to toe. I think it is a expression of our personality and personal choices are never wrong, per se. No matter how we start our day once we get out of the bed, there is always the perfect outfit choice for that mood. I just love it. That's funny you have actually read the descriptions I have tossed out as I listed things. I had a pair of sunglasses I listed that pretty much explained themselves in the title and through the pictures. Well, I started to type something in the description about these sunglasses and i sat there for 10 seconds too long because I finally just wrote "if you need further explanation about any pair of sunglasses after 4 photos and a detailed but direct title for them, well sunglasses are not what you should be worried about quite frankly". =O. They are sunglasses. They protect your eyes from the sun. Got it? lol. I ended up keeping that pair thus erasing a fabulous listing. I have had some other good ones that we laughed at but I don't think any are still around. I try to keep it lookin' all fresh and popping so I edit the listings here and there. The camo thing came about when I pulled one pair out to list and suddenly I find myself with 4 pairs of the cropped pants, a short skirt, one pair of shorts, and a cap. It was ridiculous. We laughed ourselves silly over this camo stuff I was pulling out like new rabbit litters around Easter. I just added one pair a girl "liked" to her purchased box because they are not doing me any good procreating around my crib. In fact, if you ever decide you want to buy something, be prepared to get a box that has more to do with me gifting out things to get rid of the quantities faster than what the heck ever you wanted in the first place. As long as I get something for my school (s), the box is open for whatever I can legally pass along to my buyer. =D. I look forward to going right now and seeing what your style of choice is. I have met some super cool chicks here and although we probably won't ever meet, they are definitely my pm homies! I can't wait to get to know you better. My name is pronounced jackie but I had to go and make life difficult. to your crib to check it out and trust me, probably find things to buy. I suck at sharing. I start sharing and end up at the cash register. Lol. Have a great day!!! Jacque
Jan 24Reply
jacqueray @mskfar I'm in TN. From Nashville where my mom and dad still have a home and my sister and her family live there also. My business is in Knoxville though. Let me give you the best words of advice I can about giving back to people. Don't pick it from your list of ideas. Let IT pick you. I literally decided to go on my first trip to SA 2 weeks before the group was leaving. This is my sisters church in Nashville. She so happened to tell me about them going and how the church wanted her to go also paid for by them. Go figure. She is the Director of Children's Ministries there. It is a rather large church, in the middle of the most wealthy of areas and my sister is the poorest person there. Lol. But it was totally a God thing. I never dreamed how that first trip would change my life. So, just be open to tripping over the opportunity to share yourself to. It isn't necessarily going to send you some invitation or anything. You know that though I'm sure. Ask God in your prayer to first help prepare yourself for some active role in ministry. I would spend serious time praying about getting yourself ready to step into that personal offering of yourself and your time. Keep that as the focus of prayer. Then as your mind and spirit become more engaged in letting God control this desire of involvement and the place where He needs you to be, start directing your prayer to finding a ideal fit for you and your talents. You will become very impatient possibly about getting started in the place where God has chosen you to minister. Don't let that happen. Keep it in God's control. Maybe to satisfy the hunger you just volunteer temporarily in a position. I don't know the way your church operates, the size, nothing, but that doesn't really matter unless they have ongoing ministries or maybe has financial room to pick up a new one. Or is this going to be just you and God planning out your mission. I am not a real fan of organized religion. That's a whole other story but I am deeply committed to personal accountability, prayer and seeking the Will of God in my life. I'm highly inappropriate and a handful for God. That's a given. He knows that though and we deal accordingly. Lol. But it is what I know and the skills I have are formulated with that personality trait , or flaw, in mind. The same thing will be how your fit will be filled and where naturally. Too bad we can't talk about it over lunch huh? Mercy!!! I love Jacqui. Is she a jacquelyn or Jacqueline? I am thus the dropping of the last letters to make Jackie into Jacque. I'm so high maintenance. Haha. Nah, jk!!
Jan 24Reply
cboyd221 Jacque, how wonderful you are for following your passions and where God is leading you. Animals and children are the most deserving causes I know of! I plan to do more in the future. I do have a Compassion child in Indonesia, Luca. He will be 13 in June, and I have had him since he was 5. His little face spoke to me when I was looking! But it takes a special kind of person to go "into the trenches" and actually make things happen. God bless you abundantly!
Jan 24Reply
tat2girl @jacqueray I just can't say thank you enough for your kind kind kind package you sent to me.. It is full of amazing things and the AWESOME RayBans that I drooled over in your closet.. Thank you for the gifts and again your generosity -- Lots of LOVE !! <3
Jan 24Reply
nurse1908 LOve it!!!
Jan 25Reply
jacqueray @nurse1908 thank you so much nurse!!
Jan 25Reply
nurse1908 @jacqueray if there is anything I can donate, please email me I can send off as soon as possible! My husband is a physician, and he has been trying to get me to go to Africa with him... he says it is a life changing event...katarra102 at hot mail
Jan 25Reply
jacqueray My pleasure @tat2girl anything for you =)
Jan 25Reply
jacqueray Thank you @cboyd221. xxoo
Jan 25Reply
jacqueray @mskfar I'm lyn too. Love it since that is not as common.
Jan 25Reply
robinj It's nice to meet you! I love your pics! 💞
Jan 28Reply
jacqueray @robinj awww thanks! You as well. I enjoyed going through your closet so much!!!! Beautiful! xxoo
Jan 28Reply
jodi4him4 @jacqueray this is one of my DREAM MISSION TRIPS! I truly do dream of the possibilities of me going to serve there some day soon! May The Lord Bless you for ur kindness and extended love for so many angels over there! Life changing....I'm sure....right??? OMG! Every trip I've taken to serve others in ANY PLACE is a life changing opportunity! And just when u think ur gonna go to bless others...?....they by far have blessed me tremendously more than I could ever have fathomed!!! Thank u for all u do for these families in Africa. I'm praying ur life will tremendously be blessed beyond ur expectations! And may u experience a new-found love for others that only God can provide for u! Ur sista friend in CA! Prolly think I'm kinda crazy or nuts huh? Sorry, just being openly honest w u and others that may be reading this! Ur closet is amazing as well! No lies! 😻
Feb 10Reply
jacqueray @jodi4him4 awwwwwwsome! And very sweet. We go in Sept or the first part of Oct at the latest as the planting season is about to end the first week of October. We provide the school the church sponsors the seed each year. Just go help replant the garden and do as many other necessary projects that seem urgent for us to handle.ourselves. one year, well the year I was there in the top pic, we received a n urgent call from the church liason there asking if we had booked our time pretty full yet. We had. A young 17 girl had just recently lost her only living g adult relative (Mom) and was the Sile caregiver to now the kids all still living (the 6th month old had just died before the mother) and this teenage cousin who wouldn't leave the house. Oh and there are 6 other living kids besides her. Abokway was 2 and the youngest. She was having to leave them during the day to finish high school and there were signs of inappropriate fondling of the 2 year old. And by who else other than the mooching, not in school 16 year old cousin. We had to get that house livable and little Abokway in a safe place during the day so she (sister) could finish school without worrying about the youngest siblings especially at this point A's. Im proud to say that the house got completely renovated and liveable again, all of their clothes laundered and sorted by child (I took them to a laundromat to have done because there were too many for us to take the time to do. Thought I was going to be sick from the smell of them as we drove over.) Sister got a new uniform for school and we got the little kids a place secured for free at a daycare that is in the home of a church parishioner where they are fed every day while she was in school and safe from the probable molester. Today she has a wonderful job and the kids are thriving. The cousin is gone finally and since 2009 the house has just become more and more a safe home again. It is always kept up and the best part is that little Abokway couldn't be happier and more social after the horror he faced each day some of which we will never fully know all of the details. He is a young little man now and always comes running for us yelling to the kids around " I told you they would be back I told you that didn't I and they are here" He started that the second day we went to the house. He had such faith in our return as a 2 year old and 5 years later he is still yelling what I had someone interpret his words that Second day of our meeting because he was just so exuberant running around screaming these unknown things and kids and adults were responding to the yells of happiness by coming outside and looking at us. So it all made more sense to know what he was yelling out to everyone because apparently no one thought we would return to the situation that was so dire and in need of specifically handled matters in a very exact way and with certain guidelines for her and each older child. Including the cousin. That's why he moved along. He wasn't getting his way anymore and the church monitored it closely. God is good and we are still coming back! Not even just that next day back in 2009. In 2014 they are going to be visited and helped get any needs handled while we are there. We never knew how we were going to fit our initial meeting with them in. I will never forget the rush and urgency the situation called for. God provides. Just one story of hundreds I could share. Thanks for.ypur interest and God bless you and your desires to serve. Peace to you. Jacque
Feb 11Reply
jacqueray Oh and I don't think you are nuts or crazy at all. I think your heart is talking to your brain and my hope is that the main focus of each day is going to God in prayer for the calling you feel to come to fruition. You will remain in prayers. Please help keep me posted on your work @jodi4him4 please please please do that for me okay? =)
Feb 11Reply
jodi4him4 @jacqueray OMG!!! This is an amazing testimony to what God can do in one's life. Also, what he can do THROUGH a life as well! I love these stories! I do realize it's just one of several amazing stories that u can share as well as so many others. OMG!!! I'm so very happy to hear of Gods amazing grace and His faithfulness in that one story! It's uplifting to know how much we are ALL LOVED no matter where on earth we r located! He hears our prayers, and the cries of our hearts...and provides just what we need to get through those types of difficulties and strengthens our faith while Doing it. Awesome! And I will keep u posted!
Feb 11Reply
mica_craft Wonderful thing to do🙋🎀
Feb 15Reply
jacqueray @mica_craft thank you mica. I'm trying to get your hilarious comments responded to asap. I laugh out loud seriously especially that we last couple of sentences. My face almost got a frozen muscle through and across it. Let me tell you how ppl know I'm around. Lots of laughter (u love just making people laugh. Especially people who are not ever seen laughing) and a lot of highly inappropriate humor. My mother had to call me down at Christmas. I said something with a curse and she said my full name. =O. I'm freaking 48 years old being called down by my 78 year old mother. My dad totally avoids public social events we m I guy both be at. I grab my mother and say stuff while she's chatting that gets her tickled. Dad just moves on when he sees me coming. He will turn around with the look. I back off but that's si boring. He scares me this day. Ha. We are very combative. He expects a great bit. I will never feel like I lived up to expectations and that's fine. We'll not really. He is an incredible man. Lived very poorly and when he graduated Hs, he said he was going to college. They laughed at him and said no one had been able to try much less make it and then the whole money/cost issue. When he left home to go pursue this ambitious goal. It was many times clad by class but he eventually graduated with a 4 year degree from the same college I did much later. He had already made a professional name for himself. His goal was still to be the first graduate of college in his family and he was. All three of us kids finished too. Some were more gift red that another *cough cough and went on to an mba program or high honors at graduation, not me, but hell I hated everything about college. Especially the studying part. It was a miracle o graduated. I was scared not to funny enough. The rest is history bit my crazy moron goofball self is my mom's fault. She was teaching us bad humor timing. The foul language I discovered through my own personal studies. Ha ha. I try to not be a family member embarrassment but I am funny and they are all haters I'd they say I'm not. My brother and sister knos in the favorite. Get over it guys. They adore me lol. Spoken just like the spoiled youngest child. Woot! So please, do ms a favor and enjoy humor. All you want or need to in my closet. This is not where pressure or hard selling happens. It is where we laugh and have fun. And shop if you want here in my stuff. If not that's fine too. Just giggle and loosen up here and everything is good. I only have the LV 's that are listed here in which I'm willing to part with. This has been a process which started with one status comment about my interest in getting most likely rid of the majority of a collection that began long ago and ended up in major burnout with the replicas that are do tacky. It became unappealing to me all together. Well through the one mention about a year ago now, I sold all but what has sold or is still available here. It was crazy people emailing or texting me or their sisters mil Lou Lou ego had always wanted a bag like that but did date spend the money on a new one. Even still, my head was spinning and it felt so good to leave them at the ups pick up for someone else. I knew also that I was highly trusted and my word was solid those few weeks. I was sent checks immediately and I sent LV's immediately without question. We knew it mattered that I sad trusted. That part was what I spent all my energy for many days to do. Just what came naturally to me. It is the ugliest part of a site selling them all. Only once was I asked if I could take less money than what I asked. I didn't know this lady and was very clear off the rip that I will not sell to people I didn't know because I was not interested in being quizzed to death about my bag. Or i dared to get a receipt request. My friends never thought to ask for that stuff. They wanted to know what was available. I still. Hold them all within my heart as valuable, earned friends. We e joy and honor each other. Not undermine the goodness of our relationship. I stop that stuff way early when I see it coming. To this day I still see it heading towards the trusted long time friends. Really? I can't imagine being at the same level nor would I ask the relationship to be that advanced to expect such a bond. Never died that happen. It's been fun here but I do miss that all hell breaking loose feeling of the FB status. Handbags were flying all over. I sold 2 did different wallets I had. I sold things u really didn't intend to. I was asked about the item and I'd have it but could never say no. In hindsight, I lived and they all have great homes. I miss very little about a LV. Except the vintage dog carrier that was stolen by movers in October. I was heart broken. It had been in my family. The one man suspected got Terminated. He admitted things that were simply done and I was asked about. I just wanted my dog carrier. They just didn't want him to about going around them to hire him for more things unfinished. Makes sense of them. So you will find something you love here. Just keep your eyes open. Watch for replicas. Don't ever be caught buying or holding a fake! You do no one and look incredibly goofy trying to convince anyone fashion is your love. LV replicas and fashion forward don't have the ability to be logical said together. It's a joke. Just enjoy little bits at a time if that's what it means. You see much more attractive don't you think? What else. Well I hope you feel better soon. Cone calling anytime. And for heaven sake don't let don't me not hear about missing out on the funny stuff. If so just St least tell me what you can or remember about it. I'm never ceased to be amazed anymore. King of sad in many levels Be in touch and you tell me what you think you ever want. I will hold it. Have a great night! Jacque
Feb 16Reply
anoliver Oh my gosh! I think I found my posh soulmate- I had heard of this phenomenon but didn't 'think it would happen to me:) I spent last August in Kenya and FELL IN LOVE! I worked in an orphanage one of my good friends started there- it was such an amazing experience, it opens your eyes to the world and I have never felt more loved in my life:) I want to go back and take my daughter (she's only 3) so it may have to wait but I am raising money for all the kids there too:) God Bless you and sooo glad to have met you here-I will be praying for all your endeavors!!!
Feb 18Reply
jacqueray @anoliver hey there soulmate! I love you have gone and found the passion that it lays upon your heart. You are always welcome to go with me!!
Feb 19Reply
punkyprincess82 Do you accept donations to sell on posh babes? I'll stuff your box full with anything I can to help. Is there a donation page for the children? I can see the happiness on your face and the love in your eyes being with them, and the smiles they share are more than words could ever explain. Your such a highly motivated dedicated individual, I look up to you and pray for strength to have such a positive impact and influence on the lives of others as you do one day. Your beautiful inside and out.
Feb 19Reply
jacqueray @punkyprincess82 I haven't thought about it but can. What sells is like anything I have of mine, all proceeds will go to the feeding program. 2 do not bring clothes in mass quantities as Africa is very strict about used clothing coming into the country. These kids wear a uniform to school and often have a decent quantity of play clothes because it seems countries like ours just Swamp places like this with old clothes. The one house we helped in 2010 had so many clothes piled up. I washed them all and sorted them per child. Actually passed around lots they didn't need for organization sake. She was much happier. What we need to get them are adult diapers. Lots of my money buys those as they are hard to get down there. I take parachute bags and they are filed with diapers or things for the church. I stuff my clothes around theirs. We have a great system for taking to them what is needed, and buying things in the street markets while in Cape Town and selling them for the school feeding program fund. It is a well tuned system. Anyway, sure, I will gladly try to sell anything donated for the program. I have many disks of pictures. I will make listings showing us further if that is necessary. Unfortunately still photos are not as helpful as the disk playing with their music and voices of happiness. I love africa! Africa gives me more than I ever seem to give it.
Feb 19Reply
punkyprincess82 Ok call me crazy call me what you will. Lol you already know me and my want to help ppl too. I will e-mail you tomorrow with the info. But I want to help as much as I can. =) Making any kind of difference is always a dent!!
Feb 19Reply
anoliver Lol- hope I didn't 't freak u out with the soulmate thing- just so cool to meet a like-minded gal! It would be so cool to end up going back to Africa with you, and I wouldn't put it past The Lord:) He has brought some amazing women into my life that has led to things I would have never thought possible. One of my friends just got back from Zambia so I'm excited to hear all about that.... Anyway, I just wanted to say it is so great to have found ya and continue to rock your world:) If everyone did what you do, this world would be a much, much better place:) Love and prayers to you, doll!
Feb 19Reply
anoliver Girl, I just saw the post to JoJo- thank you so much! That was so sweet and thoughtful- what a doll:) I am loving your closet, will be sharing often! Xoxo
Feb 19Reply
jacqueray @anoliver didn't freak out in the least. I'm not ever too busy or reading into another person's interest in the project enough to be freaked out. Other things freak me out. haha Africa chat, never. I'm walking out the door for about an hour, but I will be back to finish my comment. I love the things you say. You are enriching the kingdom of God with your desire to share your experience. I go further south so it isn't as rough maybe as staying where you go. I've been to Kenya but that wasn't on a project like our church partnership. Much different arrangements for sleeping and eating probably than my trip there. And j burg isn't too bad as we stay with church parishioners. The worst days are spent in shanties or visiting those men and women on the edge of deaths door. I could cry thinking about those who have died since I last left. Okay, will be back shortly. You are a doll!
Feb 19Reply
tribalsister are an angel who has already earned her wings!❤️
Feb 19Reply
anoliver Your spirit is so beautiful and inspiring<3 I was wondering why God led me to Posh, I knew it wasn't to add to my closet! (Though somehow I have:/) Now I'm convinced it's for meeting women like you- what an awesome God we serve!!! You have already etched a place in my heart, I can feel from here how loved and cherished you are by The Lord.... I will keep you and your endeavors in my prayers:) And oh how I know what you meant about all the suffering you see in Africa, I saw little babies eating dirt, trying to fill their starving tummies.... Mother's tears as they watched their children dying, the old and disabled discarded like trash, the deformities and disease... it was almost more than I could stand:( But it showed me one of the reasons God put me on this earth, to be His hands and feet. So we backpacked out into the bush everyday with food, clothes, medicine and money, trying to ease the suffering a bit but mostly just to let them know they matter. The love that they gave back brought me to tears ( I did a lot of crying there- lol) they thought they had nothing to give but what I from them was priceless:) I was changed for the better and I pray I keep on growing! Man, talking to you is making me want to be there!!! Sorry to take so much of your time- I can get carried away:) Hope you have a wonderful and blessed day, my friend!
Feb 19Reply
jacqueray @tribalsister not really. Thanks for the kids d words though. It began from my sisy we r causally mentioning she was going and I immediately responded "I want to go" They prefer just a handful of people on these from obvious reasons when you're over there but they were short q couple of bodies th I s trip so they were very excited I was wanting to go. And at the last minute to boot. 2 weeks layer I was in j burg, s Africa stating a life altering experience. I thank God every day for directing me to this city and to the people. They are my family. I give God all of the glory for the work we ca. Do there that repeats itself yearly because of their own dedication.
Feb 19Reply
jacqueray @anoliver okay Shereitta said she would be glad to help ans tagged you right then. Now do me a favor. The people (besides me!) Who share your xloset, share back. Some may have hundreds of listings, but just so a fair amount. Share until your fingers feel like they are going to drop off. Especially 73v3n, Jojo any of those hosts we've been tagged in the information listing where they've been chosen to host. Shereitta (73v3n) is very big into sharing which I agree, we all should be.....but she is is a freaking pro at it. Just go share hers no matter what. Do about 20. I will keep my ears open for party themes too. I'd love for you to get get a few host picks. I think there are bigger things, but people will get to know your name. I just want enough followers to be a decent # of shoppers seriously able to buy in my closet. I need about 20 k or so. You need a good amount too. Right now just share share share. Okay? We are going to get you some if it kills me =)
Feb 20Reply
anoliver @jacqueray wow! You are amazing- thank you so much!! I totally LOVE to share, spend about half my time on here doing that:) There are a lot of beautiful items... I appreciate your help so much, like I said, pretty new at this and had no idea about how all the parties, hosts, host picks worked, so am very grateful for the Posh101:) Have a wonderful night!
Feb 20Reply
jacqueray Share Cody7150. She is a host on the 5th. I had no clue how people were getting host picks. Didn't ever go to partie before. I was about as clueless as you are. You will learn quick. If you haven't shared your closet to the party going on mow, make sure to before it ends. The puck about 5 of the host picks and share their listing to your followers. I will help you if you need me to. Like share your closet to the party while you do other shares. You will dream about shares before it's over with. Hq
Feb 20Reply
anoliver Hello my fave Posher! Just checking in to see how you're doing and to share some pieces:) Hope all is well and have been praying for you, dear friend!
Feb 24Reply
jacqueray @anoliver you are a dill and I'm a big old moron seat hung through the listings now because I'm not sure how I've missed the last months comments si frequently but I was more flighty than I thought or they did get under t of blended into another one by me. I don't know why a better way to get them isn't thought up for us. I will work on relearning the best method ofreading each one and I definitely need to go from earliest to latest so I must be diligent this weekend on finishing up and becoming current each day or two. Okay I'm putting the checks under the door mat and have that amount written down for myself now. Thanks beautiful and I definitely needed the laugh at you! WILD THANK @anoliver please visit the closetanytime you can just stop in for a bike a hug. I always thought that was better than lots of my oohing lined up rack after rack still I'm. Getting through it all slowly but surely and sporting new fashion every single day. Woot! Happy spring @anoliver !!!!!!
Mar 14Reply
anoliver Lol- no worries! I just figured you were really busy;) You 're still my favorite posher;) Miss your face on here, glad to hear from you!!<3
Mar 14Reply
incognito13 @jacqueray OK One more comment and I won't bother you anymore! You are beautiful inside and out! are an amazing inspiration!
Mar 17Reply
jacqueray @liv1966 oh wow my friend. What an amazing blessing to read what things you wrote me. I hope you aren't feeling obligation to find time for such kind and inspirational comments to me as you were replying. I sincerely was touched by the way you expressed your pleasure an love in Anna ' s closet and felt compelled to say that. I wasn't even thinking about you replying much less digging for an ego stroke. I have a hunch that you know that because I do have a decent amount of intuition when it comes to real and honest intentions. That's why I knew I had to acknowledge the note because it was immediately recognized for the sincerity it was soaked with. Awesome inspiration. I'm getting in the car to head back home to Knoxville but I'm just in Nashville do my trip won't be too long. I will write you later. Thanks again a and have a great night! Jacque
Mar 18Reply
carebear888 @jacqueray I wanted to stop by and say I enjoyed reading your "Why I posh" I think this is awesome what you do. I will be sure to share items in your closet everyday to help raise more money. You are a angel!
Sep 06Reply
carebear888 @jacqueray omg and I just notice we wear the same size shoes and both have a boxer lol you will have to check out my Rumi dog. I named him after the mystical poet Rumi :)
Sep 06Reply
jacqueray @carebear888 are precious. Just precious! Thanks for the kind words and all of your time sharing. I'm in awe. I'm also cracking up at us an our mini feet. It is rare it seems. I've got to get to your closet asap it appears. Happy dance with a bootie shake solo lol. Give me a minute to try to take this in and check out your sweet words. I'm so very happy we crossed paths. XXOO
Sep 06Reply
jacqueray @carebear888. I'm in love with your Rumi. Great name too. What a doll!
Sep 06Reply
nrockets82 Hi friend, you met my BFF @adamjr1 - Mary.. We go WAY back! I saw your awesomely kind comment, isn't she the best!!!
Oct 09Reply
jacqueray @nrockets82 @adamjr1 hey hey hey what's poppin????? Lol. This morning has been crazy busy but I wanted to say hi Mary's pff/bff lol and yes, I was instantly in awe of that chickie. How refreshing it was to open her package. =) I'm just home from Home Depot and that friggin nightmare but I wanted to say hello real quick and let you know that I appreciate your note (it made me smile a big huge smile) and I will write more after the day has wound down. I'm excited to chat with you and check out your closet for sure. Thanks for the note and have a super super day!!!!!!!
Oct 09Reply
nrockets82 Lol, she is my pff too. I turned her on to posh about a year ago. We met here in FL about 15-20 yrs ago, wow how time flies. We now a kids the same age, well my 3rd, her first. 😊 I'm glad she's being a good posher. I don't have too much in my closet, recently donated a lot. It's so good to see some positive attitude on here, it seems so negative lately. I have been scammed my fair share but the world works in mysterious ways. Can't let these peeps bring ya down. Have a great day dear. ☀️🌸
Oct 09Reply
lmpasternack @jacqueray I haven't visited your closet in a while, wow, this is amazing! You are simply one incredible woman!!!! It makes it even that more infuriating that the woman you trusted stole that beautiful bag of yours. Ugh. You are a giver, and so amazing. I am beyond impressed!!!! God bless you! 🙏😘 you are an angel on earth! 👼
Dec 12Reply
jacqueray @jujumama5 ahhhhhh.....thanks Julie. I've go so far to go with myself but I try. You are precious to say something. Brightened my day! xoxo
Dec 18Reply
shugahs @jacqueray Awww, this touched me! Your display of compassion towards others is truly refreshing 💖 I pray you are blessed immensely and that He continues to provide you with strength to press on. I loooove your closet🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Jan 13Reply
divaheaven You are such a Gem.
Mar 02Reply
jacqueray Oh @divaheaven !!!!! Thank you for such kind words. It's such an honor to be given this life and share with others. God is so faithful. Thanks again ! Swing back by anytime!
Mar 02Reply
grace4d An amazing woman and giver/helper. I wish I could do what you can. But.. I can support you whenever I can so I've bookmarked you and a few items to start sharing and will add more as I go. I'll try to do this every week. If not it will be at least every other week. Right now spring fashions seem to be the rage as everyone tires of cold weather so maybe bring those items up top? I'm not good at this but I find it hard to find things on my cell. It's warm here in NM, my fruit trees are budding so it's time to get to work. I'll start sharing tomorrow again, okay? Though I loved that lace trimmed blue top... I also love HATS!!! Any kind. I'm a gardener, when I can, so dress clothes aren't always for me. Thank you. God bless you for the good & loving things you are teaching these special children. Dee
Mar 17Reply
warrior04 @jacqueray God Bless you, you have a gift, thank you for all you do with your ministry!😘
Jan 16Reply
britgirl2 Hi luv, just checking your closet out😍what a great person you are to give back like you do👏🏻👏🏻 love it and love chatting with you, thanks for shopping in my closet💓
Jan 16Reply
fifig23 Wow you are such an inspiration. I admire what you do so much and your pictures are just perfect. This world needs more people like you! Angie sweetheart, you have to see this.... @anoliver
Jan 24Reply
abstractdreams 👍🏽💕
Jan 27Reply
auchieau48 What a beautiful mission and an enormous heart you have!! I'm always wishing I can do more and I'm so glad there are people like you! I'll be here to support you along the way 💕💕💕
Feb 03Reply
jacqueray Oh @auchieau48 you made my night! Thank you for your kind and heartfelt blessings. It is my passion. Africa and animal rescue. I'm heading to Haiti in June so that will be a new adventure. My parents are not wanting me to go and I told them that it's where I need to go and help with a feeding program there since they desperately need something. Cont....
Feb 03Reply
jacqueray @auchieau48 people often ask me how they can contribute or help. My request is prayer for my travels and specific work needing to be done. It's free. Just pray. The Haiti orphanage is still needing some kids to have sponsors. You can see that project by going to www dot secondchancehaiti dot com. Cont....
Feb 03Reply
jacqueray @auchieau48 .....Again, prayer is my request. Sponsorship is great but I don't come here asking for that. Just pray that God will direct my efforts to be food on children's plates. Thank you again for such a kind comment!! ❤️
Feb 03Reply
auchieau48 @jacqueray That is so amazing of you, best wishes for your trip! I'll look up the website! I am also passionate about animals, the reason I Posh is so I can raise funds to donate to animal shelters and give our furry friends a little bit of a better chance for a better life full of love and happiness.
Feb 03Reply
jacqueray @auchieau48 oh I love it!!!! Animal people are my favorite people. Well, most lol. In December I rescued my 76th animal. I rescue and keep. I am not able to foster....I'd keep them. I can't even transport. Lol. I've kept 2 I was transporting to Nashville. Haha. So, I'm a rescue for life. Cont.....
Feb 03Reply
jacqueray @auchieau48 ......When Sam goes (and oh my I can't think about losing him), I'm going to only take seniors, bonded duos and problematic dogs. Those are my favorite and been my most successful transformations. Thanks for the shares. I haven't had dinner but I'm about to and then I'm hitting your closet !!! xoxo
Feb 03Reply
auchieau48 Hahah re: transport. I live in too small of a place but I could imagine it would be too difficult to foster and let go. Dogs are the best friends to have. Wow you do so much! Of course, have a great night! 😘😘😘
Feb 03Reply
blingnthings You are incredible!!! Thank you for all that you do, I will certainly be back to shop your closet once I earn some credits :) Have a great weekend!
Feb 13Reply
jacqueray @blingnthings wow!!! 🙏❤️🙏. I'm humbled by your kind words. I'm only following my heart and it's become my passion. I assure you that I receive far more than I give. It's amazing how you immediately feel almost guilty as the plane takes off. I almost want to say "stop!!!!" Let me off. I didn't enough. Same with animals. Enjoy your coooold weekend. Maybe you're in a great warm state. 🎯❤️🐾🐾🐾
Feb 13Reply
fourwildhorses Wow! What a wonderful program! I wish I could be involved with something like this😊❤️🌎
Sep 16Reply
jacqueray @michelle4boys oh how I'd love you to travel with me and I would be honored to show you this beautiful country made even more beautiful people. You're welcome anytime! I'd love to have you as my guest. One word of warning won't want to come back!! I love my children and the adults of course as well. God is doing great things in their lives. Have a wonderful weekend!! xoxo
Sep 16Reply
fourwildhorses @jacqueray Oh how I would LOVE to❤️🌎❤️
Sep 17Reply
fourwildhorses @jacqueray I am sharing the love❤️ I'm going to tag you in my 100 shares giveaway post. Please like it so I may share you! Feel free to tag anyone you wish ❤️ It closes at midnight tonight (eastern time)
Sep 17Reply
jacqueray @michelle4boys you're cracking me up and I'm trying to follow it all and uh ended last night Lololol. Funny stuff. I've been quite consumed if you will and not giving pm 100%. I'm heading out the door and driving to SC for a visually impaired dog. My animals are always keeping me running but I'm doing some new business things. How's that lol. I've got to be on the DL for a bit but that's typical business junk. Cont....
Sep 17Reply
jacqueray @michelle4boys .....I hope your day is wonderful and maybe I'll show my new girl to everyone later 😘🐾. Thanks for trying with me. (Moron!) haha! xoxo
Sep 17Reply
fourwildhorses @jacqueray I have decided we MUST be friends. Therefore we are now friends😆 You're amazing I'm amazing sometimes. I think we will get along perfectly. 😆🦄😜
Sep 17Reply
jacqueray @michelle4boys I'm driving, trying to buy clothing, talking on the phone and texting. Now I'm messaging you since if we are friends now? Would you please come get this *curse* phone???? I beg you!!!!! Okay bye gonna forget I'm driving!! Hurry and get this phone quick!! 😂😂😂😂💃💃
Sep 17Reply
fourwildhorses @jacqueray I have proved useless this time. Not really stepping up am I 😆 ?!?! I have been running around like a crazy lady today. I even look the part with my thrown together, get my clothes in the dark look. I will help you faster next time! Guaranteed!!! I've gotta start doing these 100 shares for all these people AND try to list my own things. Gonna be quite the week.
Sep 17Reply
dlittlefield68 My goodness, you have great taste!
Oct 08Reply
jacqueray Well thank you so much for that compliment @dlittlefield68 ! I've loved apparel and the industry has intrigued me since Ive been potty trained. In 24 hours I went from diapers to red frilly panties and it was game on!! I love to challenge myself and the beautiful women around me to take each day's attire and bump it up one notch, making our very own twist in the current rage in fashion.
Oct 11Reply
jacqueray @dlittlefield68 My best advice to the other slaves to their clothing? Whatever you're seen wearing? No matter what.....own it!!! ❤️❤️ Have a wonderful day and thanks again for the kind words and most of all, coming by to visit and peek around in this never ending closet of bliss! 😂😂 😘
Oct 11Reply
dlittlefield68 You have such a special spirit and soul. You're so motovational! I absolutely adore you. Keep doing what you do, you're priceless! !!!
Oct 11Reply
jacqueray @dlittlefield68 thanks again! So sweet. ❤️❤️
Oct 21Reply
ses54 ❤️👆👆🐶🐶
Dec 04Reply
bellanblue Oh wow! That's so awesome for you to share your story. 🙌🏻
Jan 21Reply
styledbuyv You are incredible! God bless you! ❤️🙏
Mar 10Reply
sassypants652 @jacqueray so what is this great pomegranate scent and where can I get it? 💞
Mar 14Reply
northoceanblvd @jacqueray So glad I found you beautiful soul!
May 07Reply
blooming_cactus Love your boxer babes!! 💕🐶
May 12Reply
janetstreasures It is so wonderful to read about your conpassionate heart! I have just begun looking at your wonderful closet and love what I am seeing so far. I too am an animal lover and two years ago moved from the lights of Las Vegas to a Hobby Farm in WI. Now my family includes, horses, goats, chickens, outdoor cats and a live in Golden Doodle! I've also served children in India and those memories will remain with me forever. Love Posh and the women I meet on here!
Nov 02Reply
pamthomas1960 @jacqueray, Just stumbled upon your closet and then got lost in your comments! I try to be a good person everyday and show random acts of kindness, though sometimes small because I'm definitely not rich! You though my dear, have humbled me and make me want to do even better. We are all pebbles in the pond of life and our ripples touch so many. You are truly what we mean when we say "Someone is beautiful, INSIDE AND OUT.❤️ Blessed are those who know you.🙏❤️🙏
Sep 16Reply

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Last Active: Feb 16

Knoxville, TN
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Last Active: Feb 16

Knoxville, TN
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